Billionaire's Protest: A Complete Romance Series

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Billionaire's Protest: A Complete Romance Series Page 3

by Kira Blakely

  Water trickled somewhere, and I turned to find an elaborate pond in the corner. A slow-trickling fountain supplied water to it, and when I stepped closer, I found delicate koi fish swimming around.

  None of this was threatening, I wasn’t scared for my life, but I was definitely confused. Who was Casper? What had he ordered that security guard to do?

  I found the door to the bathroom easily, and I stepped in to quickly wash my face. The bathroom was as elaborate and sparklingly decorated as the rest of the building. A full-length mirror faced me, and I splashed water on my face from the sink, wiping the caked blood streaks away from my cheeks with a clean white towel.

  I stared at my face in the mirror for a few moments longer. My curls were as unruly as ever, forming a thick halo around my head. My eyes looked tired and larger than usual and had turned a deep blue. My lips, which I now realized I had been chewing incessantly, looked thick and pouty. I dragged myself away from the mirror and stepped out of the bathroom.

  Casper was standing in the middle of the room with his hands thrust into the pockets of his pants.

  “What am I doing here?” I asked.

  He looked more natural in these surroundings. He appeared just as clean and neat as the decor of the room, his hair carefully styled and brushed away from his face. None of the action outside had moved a single hair on his head out of place. His skin looked darker as well, and it glistened smoothly in the dim lighting. He didn’t come closer to me, and I stayed away from him, too.

  “Why do you think you’re here?” he asked, and this time there was no humor in his voice. A chill ran down my spine. My body was caving in again. I had an incredible urge to run my fingers down his chest, to feel his skin on my fingertips. I felt like I was losing my mind. His voice was strong and effective. I gulped in response.

  “Who are you?” I asked him instead of answering the question. From the way he was looking at me, I started to get a feeling that I was here for reasons aside from the picketing going on outside.

  “My name is Casper Argent,” he said flatly, like he expected no reaction from me.

  My body shook when he told me his name. His last name. He wasn’t just a mere employee in the company; his family owned it.

  “Argent? Are you serious?” I thundered, a crazed laugh escaping my mouth. It almost sounded too fantastical to be true.

  “I’m as serious about my name as I am about how easy it will be for me to fuck you,” he said. Very seriously.

  I couldn’t believe my ears. Had he actually just used those words? I straightened my back and raised my chin up at him.

  “You’re highly mistaken, Mr. Argent. You’ve pegged me for the wrong kind of girl,” I said, dropping my arms to my side. His eyes were on me – not on my face anymore, but on my body. He was trying to guess what I might look like with my clothes off, and his gaze was awakening goose bumps on my skin. As hard as I was trying to remain mad at him, I didn’t want him to stop looking at me.

  “Yes, I know who you think you are, Lily. A conservationist, here to protest the construction of our wind farms, etcetera,” he said, crossing his arms across his chest. His muscles bulged beneath his t-shirt, and I could see his body clearly through the fabric of his clothes. I pressed my thighs tightly together as I felt myself growing embarrassingly wet. He wasn’t even anywhere near me, and I could feel my stomach reeling, my skin desperate for his touch.

  “You’re also a girl who can’t stop picturing me naked,” Casper said, a soft smirk forming on the side of his lips. I gulped again. He had seen it in my eyes. He had caught me staring. I looked away from him.

  “I know you’re wondering how it might feel to have my mouth on the hollow of your neck, and don’t get me wrong, Lily, I would like that very much, too,” he continued.

  I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t even protest. I was wet and breathless, embarrassed, and turned on all at the same time. I wanted to scream at him, I wanted him to stop saying all this, but I couldn’t get a single sound out of my throat. He had some sort of magical grip on me, even though he was standing several feet away from me.

  “Which is why I have an offer to make to you,” he added.

  No offer he could possibly make to me now could be good news. No offer that he made could be something that I, in my right mind, should even consider.

  “What offer?” I finally managed to squeak in a small, weak voice. My temper had all but disappeared. I was ashamed. Despite my fury, my attack on him, Casper Argent had seen right through me, and he knew exactly what I thought of him. I’d wanted him inside me from the first second I laid eyes on him.

  “The position of Conservation Consultant at my company,” he said, finally taking a few steps in my direction.

  I stepped away from him, aware that I was getting closer to the koi pond in the corner. A few steps in the wrong direction, and I might tumble into the water and further embarrass myself.

  “And why would I be interested in that?” I asked him, my mind whizzing with contradictory thoughts. Of course, I needed a job. I needed the money, but an offer from Casper Argent, in the middle of all this, didn’t exactly seem like a good idea. What did he even mean by that title?

  “Because you can’t stop thinking about what it’ll be like when I finally make you come with my tongue,” he said, and this time, his face broke into a full, wide smile. He was enjoying watching me squirm and writhe. I breathed in deeply to steady myself. I needed to get a grip on my mind.

  “And you think that is a good reason to take on a job at your company?” I said, licking my lips, hoping I was managing to sound prideful. He stepped in my direction again, and this time I didn’t step away. I didn’t want to fall into the koi pond, and also, honestly, my body wouldn’t let me move away from him. Subconsciously, I wanted him to come closer. I wanted to get a whiff of his scent again.

  “I haven’t explained yet what your responsibilities are going to be; you’ll see the reason in it when we’ve talked about it at length,” he said self-assuredly.

  My breathing quickened as he moved closer to me, my heart beating out of my chest. My nipples hardened again; this was the closest I had ever gotten to passing out from a sexual experience. And he hadn’t even touched me, not yet.

  And if I could help it, I wasn’t going to let him touch me, because then I might explode.

  Chapter 6

  Casper Argent was looking at me like he could read my thoughts. He practically had me cornered, and like a fool, I made no attempt to escape. He had me hypnotized with his burning gaze. My own burning desire was searing through my body, through my skin. I was desperate for his touch.

  He lunged at me, and this time I had no strength or desire to push him away. I kind of fell into him, he caught me with both hands, and our lips met in one crazy motion. It was like he had anticipated what I was going to do, and he was ready and waiting for it. Like I was a puppet and he made me fall into his arms.

  Casper’s lips were on my mouth, and I was kissing him back. It was a ferocious kiss, a hungry kiss, like we had been waiting for decades to finally have our bodies meet. The reality was that I’d met him less than an hour ago, but our bodies had done all the talking.

  He used his tongue to part my lips, and I let him in. The way he thrust it inside my mouth gave me a preview of what it might feel like to have his cock slide inside me. He was kissing me, exploring my mouth with his. I bit down on his lower lip, and he didn’t even wince.

  He was holding my face with both his hands as we kissed. It lasted forever, and when I finally pulled away, I was breathless. But thirsty for more.

  He could see it in my eyes, a glazed-over look that told him that I wasn’t ready to run away yet. His hands flew from my face and down my arms, gently tracing the skin with his fingertips. While he kept his eyes on me, I couldn’t tear my gaze away from his glistening lips.

  “I can see you’re ready,” he said breathily in a soft murmur, moving his face near my left ear, like he was telling me
a secret, even though there was nobody else in the room. When he pulled away, I slowly nodded. This was no time for pretense; no use in pretending. I was ready from the first moment I saw him.

  The knots in my belly grew tighter, my wetness throbbing. Just his words would make me come if he said them again. I pressed myself to him as his fingers lingered on my arms. My hips centered against his so that our groins were touching now. I could feel his erection, that bulge that I had been admiring, that had barely grazed my face earlier. Now it was thrust between my thighs. Through the fabric of my long skirt, and through his jeans, I could feel his throbbing cock. He was right; it would be very easy for him to simply part my legs and slide in.

  “Lily.” He said my name hoarsely, like he was trying to teach me a lesson. Like I should be really paying attention now. His voice echoed in my soul, and my body shook. Now he could feel the goose bumps on my skin with his fingers, and he looked at them and smiled. He was enjoying this, enjoying the reaction each of his movements, his words, had on me.

  Then he grasped the small of my back and ground me against him. I thought he was going to kiss me, but he grabbed my earlobe with his mouth and started sucking on it.

  It was a weird feeling, my earlobe in his mouth, the tug of his teeth… My eyes shut of their own accord, and my lips parted. Then his mouth was on mine again. His hands left the space on my back and were slowly finding their way up my blouse. He slipped them in under the fabric so that his hands were on my bare torso now.

  “Casper, don’t. You’re torturing me,” I said in a voice much louder than his. It was torture the way his fingers slowly grazed up my skin. My wetness was growing, and my thighs drew apart subconsciously. I could imagine him slipping deep inside me.

  His grasped my breasts, pinching my nipples in the same motion. I winced again, desperate for his mouth on them. I wanted him to suck on my nipples the way he was sucking on my earlobe. But he didn’t. He kept me hanging, and when I opened my eyes, I saw the devilish smile on his face. He was happy I’d said that. He was glad he was torturing me.

  “What if I do this?” he murmured, and lowered his head to my body. My back instinctually arched to accommodate him. He lifted my blouse up to my neck and started licking my cleavage. The feel of his velvety tongue on my skin, slowly tracing down… it was too much. I was going to scream if he didn’t stop.

  I straightened myself and quickly lifted his shirt before he could do anything else. I pulled it over his head and threw it on the floor. If he wasn’t going to go faster than this, I was going to torture him, too.

  His torso was ripped. Chiseled and shining, his chest was smooth and bulged with the muscles I had predicted he was hiding. His waist was narrow, and a slim line of hair dropped down from his navel and disappeared into his jeans. His jeans. I had to have his jeans!

  I started unbuckling his belt, and as I did, I noticed the smile on his face. Like he knew something that I didn’t. The belt came off, and his jeans went down his legs.

  I thought I was prepared, but I wasn’t. His cock was big – bigger than any other I had seen. He wasn’t wearing any underwear and it sprang out at me, his erection hard and growing with every passing second.

  With his raging erection, I couldn’t understand how Casper was in the mood to laugh. My body registered the presence of that enormous cock and reacted accordingly. I was dripping wet, afraid now that my juices might start sliding down the insides of my thighs. I wanted him badly. I wanted him more than I’d ever wanted anything.

  Before I could do anything, he grabbed his cock, slowly stroking it while he watched me.

  “You have to be patient, Lily,” he said hoarsely. The laughter had disappeared from his voice.

  I licked my lips and breathed in, watching him stroke himself.

  “You do it, too. Stroke yourself, Lily. I want to watch you touch yourself,” he said, keeping his eyes on my breasts. I felt dazed, like I was under a spell, and I did exactly as I was told. None of my friends would believe it. Lily doing exactly what she was told! Imagine that.

  I slipped my blouse over my head, displaying my sexy red lace bra. Then the skirt came off, bunching in a heap on the floor. My panties matched my bra, and I parted my legs.

  Casper was standing in front of me, continuing to stroke himself, while I stood facing him, my legs parted and my fingers afraid to go anywhere close to my wetness. I wasn’t sure how my body would react to that. How would I be able to have any shred of control over myself once I went there? Once he saw me go there?

  “Now,” he said, a little sternly, and I parted my lips in anticipation. My fingers were quivering as I slid my hand down, finding the wet, slippery center of myself. I tried my forefinger first, slowly sliding it inside me, watching him watch me.

  “Don’t cheat, Lily. Do it,” he said, a smile forming on his face. I slid my finger in farther. A moan rose up my throat. It was too much to bear. I was too weak. The stroking motion made my body shake, and he was stroking himself faster. I bit down on my lip, increasing the thrust of my finger, grinding it on my clit. I groaned again, this time a little too loudly. Then he laughed again.

  Casper was laughing at me while he stroked himself. His shoulders jutted out. His naked body was the most delicious thing I had ever seen. His steely blue eyes were looking at me, his hair perfect. And yet, he was laughing.

  I slipped my finger out of myself and bent to pick my skirt up.

  “Hey, no, what’s the matter?” Casper asked, trying to control his laughter. But his face was still enveloped in a broad grin, like he was happy that he’d achieved his mission to watch one of the protestors filled with sexual longing for him.

  “I have to go,” I said, ignoring him. I turned myself away from him and started putting my blouse back on. When I turned around, I saw that he had pulled up his jeans, too. That was quick!

  “Hey, Lily, maybe we should sit and talk first?” he said, in his usual calm voice. He didn’t care that he was shirtless. He wanted me to see him shirtless, remember him shirtless. He had me exactly where he wanted me, and now, finally, I had my senses back in order and I was onto him.

  “You’ve gotta be kidding me. I have to go,” I said, running my hands quickly through my curls in a flourish.

  Casper smirked at me and dug his hands into his pockets again. “That’s a shame. But if you change your mind, you know where to find me,” he said, still completely sure of himself.

  I brushed past him, trying to ignore the desperate longing I was still feeling for him in the pit of my stomach. I couldn’t deny my desire for him, but thankfully my brain had kicked into action at the right time.

  I ignored him entirely as I rushed out of the room toward the elevator outside. The door to the office closed behind me, and I couldn’t hear anything else. Casper could have still been laughing his ass off for all I knew.

  I pressed the button for the elevator repeatedly until it finally pinged and the doors opened. I jumped in.

  The whole way down, I couldn’t think of anything other than the absurdity of what had just taken place. How did he manage to put me in that situation? How had I been incapable of resisting him? One moment, I had been knocked down in a crowd of unruly protestors, and in the next instant, I was stripping down and touching myself for the benefit of a stranger.

  Well, maybe not for his benefit entirely… but nonetheless! I had never done something like this before. This was completely out of character. I didn’t know whether to feel ashamed of myself or angry.

  I walked out of the office building to face a mob of angry fellow conservationists.

  “Where on Earth have you been? Were you in there talking to them?” The woman who had spoken to me before caught my attention. Most of them saw me coming out through the office doors.

  “Yes, yes, we were talking,” I said distractedly to her, before scurrying away. I needed to get out of here.

  Chapter 7

  Zoe pushed her food around on her plate with a fork.

  “I can see you doing that. Just eat them, Zoe. You know you have to,” I said, looking at her plate over the open pages of my book. Marla was working a night shift again, which meant that Zoe was going to spend the night with me.

  I had tons of material to get through before my class on Monday. My dissertation was nowhere close to being complete, and a dull ache pounded at the back of my head just from thinking about it.

  “I hate boiled carrots.” Zoe turned her lips up and made a snooty face.

  I furrowed my brows and tried to give her a sour look. It didn’t work because she knew that I couldn’t really ever be mad at her.

  “Just eat your dinner, Zoe. Aunty Lily needs to study,” I said exasperatedly.

  Secretly, I was glad for the distraction, because ever since I had gotten back to the house, I couldn’t stop thinking about this morning, about what had happened and what I had done. I don’t know if I was embarrassed as much as I was in shock. What was it about Casper Argent that had made me behave in the way I did? How could I have lost myself so completely?

  Zoe grabbed the plastic cup of water beside her on the table with both her hands, and in an instant, the cup slipped out of her hands and fell to the floor. I stood up in a jerk, my face twisted up in a frown. I slammed my book down on the table. I wasn’t really annoyed with Zoe. I was just mad at myself.

  “I’m sorry, Aunty Lily. I didn’t mean it,” Zoe whimpered, her face turning red.

  She didn’t expect that reaction from me, and I was shocked by it as well. I was the fun person in her life. Marla was a strict mother who made sure Zoe was in bed by eight and ate no candy after five in the evening. But she was the apple of my eye, my godchild, the sweetest girl I had ever met who I was also helping to raise. And in my eyes, Zoe could never do any wrong.


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