Billionaire's Protest: A Complete Romance Series

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Billionaire's Protest: A Complete Romance Series Page 17

by Kira Blakely

  Nash’s face didn’t change. It remained rigid and expressionless, which always drove me nuts. I could never guess what he was thinking.

  “Yes, she did. When I was in my teens,” he said and my stomach dropped.

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know all those years in college,” I said, clasping my hands together on my lap. He was making it so hard for me to be mad at him. When we were alone, it was easy for me to forget what circumstances we were meeting under now.

  “There were a lot of things you didn’t know about me in college, Bonnie.” Nash turned his gray eyes on me, and I looked away. I couldn’t face him. I needed a few moments to catch my breath and recuperate. His nearness was having a strange effect on me.

  “And I’m sure there were a lot of things I didn’t know about you,” he added, and I managed to turn to him again. Despite what we were talking about, and even though I knew it was very inappropriate, I wanted to grab that shirt and rip it off his body. I wanted to feel his mouth on mine again, his hands on my breasts.

  “We weren’t exactly friends in college,” I said.

  “You could say that again.” He smiled, looking calm and natural, while I felt like I was floating away inside.

  “I’m glad you agreed to join me. I wanted to show you my gratitude for giving up your company,” he said and placed his hand on my knee. The heat of his hand made me tingle from head to toe. That same hand had touched my breast. I didn’t move my leg. I wanted him, and besides, I was frozen to the spot.

  “I didn’t have a choice. You had a look at our finances,” I said, gulping.

  Nash’s hand remained on my knee, casually. And then he gave it a tender sympathizing squeeze. “I hope you’re not beating yourself up about it. It’s just business. It happens,” he said, staring right into my eyes. I was convinced he knew what I was thinking. That he was too close for comfort. That I wanted him to rip my clothes off. But he looked unaffected.

  “I still have my brain, can’t buy that,” I said, stupidly.

  Nash smiled, and I blushed. It had only been a few minutes, and I had already embarrassed myself.

  “It’s your brain I’m after. Which is why I want you to come work with me,” he said, moving his hand away. I felt my nipples harden; I was growing wet just looking at him. I couldn’t stop my brain from imagining what he could do to me.

  I couldn’t find my voice to answer him. His proposition was ridiculous. I could never work for him; it would be humiliating. But the thought of remaining in contact with him, seeing him every day… I had to admit it intrigued me.

  The car zoomed through the city, and we had reached our destination before I could formulate any sort of answer.

  Nash was quick to step out of the car, and I waited anxiously for him to come around and hold the door open.

  I could barely move my limbs when I saw him with his hand extended to me, waiting for me to take it. It was sublime, like a dream; this couldn’t be happening.

  Bright camera flashes blinded me the moment I stepped out. I almost stumbled in my heels, but Nash caught a hold of my hand.

  “Sorry about the cameras. The event is heavily covered by paparazzi,” he said in my ear as he held me close. I clung to him, in need of support while also swaying under the dizzying effects of being so close to him. Nash’s scent was all around me; his arm felt rock solid and strong where I held him. He was leading me down a red carpet to the entrance of a grand hall.

  I had never attended anything like this before. The red carpet we were walking down was lined with cameras, paparazzi and reporters on either side. Nash was a natural beside me, smiling and waving at everyone. I lingered beside him, still clinging to his arm like I was ready to fall flat on the ground. My heart was racing. I was worried about how I looked and if I was going to manage in those heels. Most of all, I couldn’t believe that I was with Nash Preston.

  We walked into the ballroom, an elaborate colonial-styled room with a plush interior and crystal chandeliers. Smartly dressed men and women walked around in circles, talking in whispers in groups, while uniformed wait staff served them hors d’oeuvres from silver trays.

  “Oh, my God, is that Mary Celeste?” I asked, shocked. I was like a starry-eyed school girl, looking around in awe upon being invited to a party for adults.

  “It is indeed,” Nash said beside me, raising his hand to wave at the award-winning film star. I was ready to give up and call it quits. I was nervous and shy in these surroundings. So, this was the world that Nash Preston belonged to. How marvelous. We were worlds apart.

  “And there’s Pat Comway,” Nash said, and waved to a man at the other end of the room. Pat Comway, Nash knew the playwright! My father would be so delighted to hear that I saw Pat Comway in person. I was giggling to myself, not quite believing my luck.

  Chapter 12


  I stood a few steps behind Nash as he spoke to an older gentleman in a tuxedo. From the low undertones of their conversation, I could tell that they were talking business. I looked around the room instead, trying to keep my brain occupied so that it wouldn’t explode.

  The gala was grand beyond words. Star-studded, celebrity-filled and more elaborate than anything I had even seen on TV. I was definitely underdressed for the occasion.

  “Come with me,” Nash said suddenly and placed a hand on the small of my back. I was on alert again. His face was very close to mine as he started leading me, taking small steps, smiling around him. Everyone in the room seemed to know him. They all wanted to speak to him, but Nash was visibly keeping his distance. Trying to avoid as many conversations as he could. He tried to wave, smile and shake hands and then walk away. Could he be behaving this way for my sake? So that I didn’t feel left out? I hadn’t known Nash Preston to have a sympathetic bone in his body.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, almost laughing from my giddiness. The multitude of champagne I’d been served could possibly be going to my head. I was strangely happy. As much as I had detested this world in college, I was enjoying myself now. I had forgotten I didn’t belong here. I was happy just having my arm entwined with Nash’s.

  “My best friends. I see them there,” Nash said, gesturing ahead of us. Two handsome men in equally polished tuxedos were standing in the corner of the room, sipping whiskies and laughing together.

  “Best friends?” I asked, turning a confused look at Nash. I hadn’t seen these guys before.

  “Do you not remember them? Casper and Vince were my frat brothers,” he said, leading me a little quicker now. Realization dawned on me. Best friends. Frat brothers. No, of course I didn’t recognize them.

  The two men turned as we approached them.

  “Nash!” the one with the sandy blond hair and blue eyes cried.

  “Casper! How are you, man?” Nash said, embracing the guy in a bear hug.

  I slunk up behind them, aware of the other man’s eyes on me. This one had dark hair like Nash’s, but his was graying at the temples. He seemed like the most serious one of the bunch.

  “And who might this be?” he said, interrupting Nash and Casper’s hug.

  “Vince!” Nash said and hugged him, too. “This is Bonnie.”

  Vince and Casper exchanged looks, and my eyebrow arched in suspicion. No way that these frat guys recognized me when I didn’t recognize them.

  “Bonnie Calhoun,” Casper said and extended his hand to me. Shocked, I shook his hand robotically.

  “Do I know you?” I asked, and Vince laughed loudly.

  “You were the ace engineer. Everyone knew you,” he said and stuck his hand out at me, too. I shook Vince’s hand with more suspicion mounting inside me. Neither of these two were in any of my classes, and I had never been introduced to anyone from Nash’s fraternity. I threw Nash a look of confusion, and he shrugged at me innocently.

  “What? Did you think you were well hidden and out of view in your classroom?” Casper asked, and all three men laughed.

  “I wasn’t hiding. I was
studying. You know, fulfilling the whole purpose of college,” I replied, a smirk forming. In college, I would have been too nervous to speak to guys like these. Now look where I was!

  “And what did you think we were doing?” Vince asked, a look of mockery taking over his dark features.

  “Playing beer pong and trying to fuck anything in skirts,” I said, arching an eyebrow and crossing my arms over my breasts.

  The three of them laughed in unison. Vince threw back his head, and Casper clutched his stomach. For some reason, these boys thought I was funny.

  “This one has a potty mouth,” Casper said to Nash.

  When Nash turned to look at me, it was my turn to shrug.

  “So, what are you doing here?” Vince asked me, in all seriousness, taking a long sip of his whiskey.

  “Paying for my sins,” I smirked and they laughed again. It was like they couldn’t get enough.

  “You should have attended those beer pong parties you were talking about. Nash, you should have brought her.” Casper thumped Nash’s back.

  “What makes you think that he could have brought me? We barely knew each other in college,” I was quick to correct him. I wasn’t sure why I had said that, but a sudden urge had made me blurt it out.

  “That’s right. We didn’t. In fact, we still don’t. I bumped into Bonnie yesterday and invited her,” Nash explained, keeping calm. He didn’t break a sweat as he spoke.

  “I see,” Vince said in an even voice. He seemed to have detected the undercurrents between us.

  “Well, we need to catch up with some people over there. See you kids around,” Vince said, thumping Casper’s back as a subtle indication to take their leave.

  “On for next Saturday?” Casper asked over his shoulder, as the two of them began to walk away.

  “Bring the beers this time, Casper,” Nash said, shaking his head and breaking into a laugh.

  When he turned to me, he caught me staring at him.

  “What?” he asked, shrugging his shoulders.

  “Bumped into me yesterday?” I said, widening my eyes.

  “Did you want me to tell them about our merger?” he asked, tilting his head like I had been a naughty child.

  “What exactly have you told them about me?” I asked.

  Nash grinned and caught my hand suddenly, pulling me away in a different direction.

  Chapter 13


  I led Bonnie through the groups of guests at the gala. I wanted us to be alone again, and now her small hand in mine made me feel like I would do anything to just have her in my arms.

  “Where are we going now?” she asked behind me.

  I didn’t turn to look at her or reply. I wasn’t sure I wanted her to see my face. I didn’t want her to see how much I wanted her. How turned on I was. She hadn’t done anything to turn me on. But then Bonnie Calhoun always had that effect on me.

  The minute she had stepped out of her house, I’d felt myself go hard. Her skin was soft and pale, almost the color of a peach. Her burgundy dress was beautiful in its simplicity, and her bare shoulders looked delicate and delicious enough to eat. Her shining hair was tightly bound at the back of her head, and her eyes were large and blue. I could very easily get lost in them.

  I led her outside, to the balcony at the back of the ballroom, which overlooked the elaborate country club grounds. When we were outside, I shut the door and locked it.

  She seemed to be out of breath. It could be because she was nervous, or because we had been walking fast. I had never known Bonnie to be nervous; she plunged into everything head on. Nothing scared her.

  When I turned to look at her, she was standing a few feet away from me. The moon was clear and bright in the sky, casting a silvery shadow on everything.

  “This is beautiful,” she said softly, walking over to the edge of the balcony and leaning over. The view of the gardens seemed to amaze her. Even in the dark, we could see where the summer flowers had bloomed in geometrical beds. I could see the fine golden hairs at the back of her neck and I wanted to touch my tongue to them.

  That old familiar feeling of wanting her, but pushing her away was returning. She was too precious to touch.

  “So, what’s going on?” she asked suddenly, looking up at me with a wide smile on her face. She had her hands on the banister, still leaning slightly forward. As tightly as she had tied her hair in a bun, some naughty blond locks had escaped and were now falling in front of her face. I wanted to wrap them around my fingers and yank her face up to look at me, so I could kiss her.

  “I just wanted to catch a breath. There is too much politeness in that room,” I said with a laugh, pushing my hands into the pockets of my pants.

  Bonnie smiled at me. “So, tell me, how do Casper and Vince recognize me from college? I don’t ever recall meeting them.” Her eyes were a clear blue in the silvery light that surrounded us. I wondered how they might darken if she took my cock in her hands. I wanted her to touch me. I wanted her to take me in her mouth.

  “I don’t know what you thought of yourself back then, but you were pretty vocal. And everyone knew you. I haven’t said anything to them in private, Bonnie,” I told her, watching as she now moved away from the railing and over to my side.

  Every time she took a step, a slit in her dress revealed her long pale leg. It glistened in the moonlight, and all I could think about was what it would taste like if I ran my tongue over it. Bonnie was silent for a while, contemplating what I had just said.

  “I suppose you have a point. I didn’t think very highly of myself in college,” she said in a gentle whisper. Like she was speaking more to herself than to me. I took in a deep breath and followed her with my eyes. She was walking around in dreamy circles, like she was a princess in her own rose garden. It brought a smile to my face.

  “Nobody does. But I’m surprised you didn’t. You always seemed so sure of yourself,” I told her. Our eyes locked, and this time she didn’t pull her gaze away from me.

  “I thought I was a nerd. And I’m equally surprised that you’re saying this. I wouldn’t have thought you had any insecurities,” she said, entwining her hands together in front of her.

  I laughed and shook my head. “Are you kidding me? I had so many expectations to live up to. Family, friends, myself…” My voice was drowned by the lump that was rising in my throat. I couldn’t believe I was saying all this. To Bonnie, of all people. How had this happened?

  “Is that why you took over your father’s company? I remember you used to tell everyone that you wanted to start your own thing. That you wanted to be an engineer, travel the world,” she said and our eyes met again. Hers softened, the softest I had ever seen them. I hadn’t expected to find that much comfort in Bonnie’s eyes. I never thought she would understand.

  “I did. But I have a responsibility and a duty to my family business. So, that’s what I’m doing,” I replied, shrugging my shoulders. There was no way that anyone was going to see an ounce of weakness in me.

  Chapter 14


  Nash looked self-assured as he spoke. His eyes were gray and harsh as he focused his gaze on my face. He had his hands thrust into his pockets and stood in front of me with his shoulders squared and his feet spread wide apart.

  Yeah, he looked like he was sure of himself and what he was saying. That he didn’t mind taking over his father’s company.

  “So, did you get to travel much? Do you miss being an engineer?” I asked, hoping that he might reveal himself a little more.

  I couldn’t pull my gaze away from him. He looked devastatingly handsome standing there, looking at me. Everything that I had dreamed about was coming true. Except that Nash Preston didn’t actually have feelings for me. If he did want me, he wanted me for sex.

  “I do. But it’s my duty—” he began to say.

  “To inherit your business,” I completed the sentence for him, not wanting to hear him lie again.

  Nash took a step toward me, and my bo
dy responded. “You think you have me figured out, don’t you, Bonnie Calhoun?” he said in a deep husky voice, as he drew closer. He was mocking me. He had a smile on his face. I craned my neck to look up at him. Our bodies were only inches apart. I could reach up and touch his face if I wanted to, but I was holding back. My fingers were trembling, and I hoped he couldn’t see them.

  “No, I never said that. I just wanted to know if you’re happy in your current situation,” I managed to say, remembering at the last minute what he had asked me.

  Nash’s smile widened, and he kept his eyes trained on me. You’re right,” he said softly and raised a finger. He used that to touch the tip of my nose gently. My heart had begun to pound, what was he doing? Was this just old-pal-friendly interaction for him again? My mind was racing with wild ideas, while my body was reacting to his touch.

  “It was a sacrifice. To give up my engineering career. To give up traveling the world,” he continued and now his finger was trailing down. From my nose, to my upper lip, to my lips, down to my chin. I couldn’t keep staring at him anymore. I had to shut my eyes. I gulped as my skin trembled beneath his touch. My lips parted of their own accord.

  “But it was all worth it,” he whispered, bringing his lips close to my ear. I gulped again, completely lost in the sensations. I had no idea what he was talking about anymore. None of it mattered. His finger on my face, that was all that mattered.

  “Like I said, it’s just business.” His voice was like a lullaby in my head. He was putting me into a trance. My body had begun to sway, my nipples were erect and yearning for his touch. So many years. I had waited for this moment for so many years. I didn’t even think this could happen.

  Nash’s finger moved up again, from my chin toward my lips. And this time it stayed there. He was stroking my parted lips with his finger. My face was turned up to him, inviting him, telling him more than I wanted him to know.

  Then his finger slid into my mouth. I tasted the salty course texture of his skin as he slid it to touch my tongue. I moaned softly, imagining instantly what it might be like to have his cock there instead. He pulled his finger out, and my eyes flew open.


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