Billionaire's Protest: A Complete Romance Series

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Billionaire's Protest: A Complete Romance Series Page 42

by Kira Blakely

  “Take hold of the headboard.” She followed his command and he started to thrust in and out of her. There was nothing tender or gentle about it this time – just pure animalistic need. Alexa was overwhelmed with the sensations that were coursing through her body, and as Dawson fucked her from behind, she met every thrust with one of her own, pushing back onto him as they both grunted and groaned in pleasure.

  When Alexa’s orgasm hit, it took complete control over her. Her pussy ached, throbbing sweetly with her climax as Dawson increased the tempo and slammed into her so hard that the breath was knocked out of her body. She clung to the headboard and screamed into the back of her hand as waves of pleasure so intense that they left her incapable of rational thought cascaded through her.

  Then, with a sound that could only be described as a roar, Dawson came too, pumping streams of hot, molten liquid deep inside her and triggering another trembling climax from her ravaged body. Her pussy milked him, clenching and pulsating around him as they both gasped for breath. Their bodies shook in the aftermath of what had been the most intense pleasure either of them had ever experienced, both on a mental and physical level.

  She could hardly breathe, but she didn’t care. Dawson was still wrapped around her, his arms holding her tightly even as he softened inside her. If she had thought that she was frigid before, he had proven otherwise, and she reveled in the knowledge. He groaned and reluctantly pulled out of her, rolling over and pulling her with him to nestle her in the crook of his arm with her head on his chest.

  They were both completely exhausted, and even though Alexa tried her hardest to stay awake, her eyelids were just too heavy. They fluttered closed as she started to drift off to sleep. She wasn’t sure if she was dreaming, but just before she lapsed into slumber, she thought she heard him say something.

  “My idea of heaven would be to spend all night, every night here with you like this.”


  WHEN ALEXA WOKE UP the following morning, it took her a moment to remember where she was. And then the memories of the previous night flooded in and she wanted to pull the covers up over her head and hide in embarrassment. She wasn’t ashamed at what they’d done, but she did feel a little appalled that she’d gotten so drunk during the gala.

  What on earth must Dawson think of me, she thought, feeling absolutely mortified by her behavior. Not only had she thrown accusations at him at the start of the night, she’d then proceeded to get drunk in front of some of his business partners and competitors.

  She peeked over at the other side of the bed and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that he wasn’t there. He’s probably halfway back home by now, trying to get as far away from you as quickly as possible. She knew that he would never actually abandon her like that, no matter how much he might think about it, but she wouldn’t have blamed him if he had left.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” The bedroom door opened and in walked the man in question. He gave her a smile that could only be classed as beaming and she found herself smiling shyly back at him. “I wasn’t sure what you like to eat for breakfast, so I ordered a little bit of everything. I figured that after last night’s exertions, you’d be ravenous.”

  Alexa gave a moan of embarrassment and dragged the covers up over her head to hide the fact that she was blushing, much to the amusement of Dawson. “A gentleman wouldn’t have reminded me of that.” She felt the bed shake as Dawson started to laugh, and she grabbed the pillow beside her and threw it at him playfully.

  “Wait. Did you say breakfast? Did you really bring me breakfast in bed? That’s another first for me.”

  “That’s a crying shame. You deserve breakfast in bed every day, as far as I’m concerned.” She could hear the sincerity in his voice and was touched by it.

  They shared the contents of the breakfast tray, making small talk about nothing in particular as they ate. Then, Alexa remembered what she thought she’d heard him say as she drifted off to sleep the night before.

  “Can I ask you something, Dawson?”

  “Of course. You can always ask me anything you want.”

  She wasn’t quite sure how to broach the subject, so she just came out with it. “Just before I fell asleep last night, I thought I heard you say that your idea of heaven would be to spend every night with me like we did last night. What did you mean, exactly?” She sounded obtuse, even to her own mind, but she really wanted to know so that they didn’t get their wires crossed again.

  It was Dawson’s turn to blush, and that was a sight that she’d never thought she’d see. But he didn’t try to change the subject or avoid answering the question. “I meant exactly what I said, even though you weren’t really supposed to hear me. You’re making me see the world through different eyes and in a different light, Alexa. You always show compassion to people, even people you don’t know, and you’re making me want to see more of the good in people, too.” He held her gaze as he spoke and she could see that he really meant what he was saying. “Ralph always told me that I should never try to judge them and that I should always try to see things from other people’s perspective, and that’s something that I think I’ve lost sight of a little. In the car yesterday, you cried for a little boy you’d never met and for the man that he would become. I watched as you gave money to a homeless man, and I know that it was money you could ill afford to give away, but you did it anyway, because his need was greater than yours.” His voice was filled with an emotion that she couldn’t quite put her finger on. “I find myself wanting to be a better person because of you, even though I don’t think I’m necessarily a bad man.”

  “You’re a good man, Dawson – no matter who may have told you differently in the past.”

  He smiled and leaned over her to give her a kiss that left her breathless. “I have no idea where our relationship is going to go, but I would like a chance to see where it might take us. That’s if it’s what you want to as well.”

  “I’d like that, Dawson. I’d like that very much.”

  The End

  We hope you enjoyed book one. Click below to get the complete Billionaire Bad Boys series!

  Hot In Vegas

  Book 1 from the Vegas Bad Boys Series


  Closing deals in Vegas is just what I do. But this one is deal I can’t seem to close. I needed a girlfriend to impress this company at a function. So, I bought one. Shawna Peterson. Anyone would have done the same. I didn’t realize how long it’d been since I’d had a woman like her around: for-fucking-ever. She’s wary of my playboy reputation. I can’t blame her. But one look at that heart-shaped ass and I know I can’t turn back. I’m willing to change. Is She?

  Chapter One

  Oh hell, not again. Shawna Peterson pushed her auburn curls off her shoulders, straightened her back and balanced the silver tray in her left hand before pasting a smile on her face and heading to the Blackjack table. She took the long route to avoid the unwanted visitor sitting at the opposite end of the bar, her steps slow and deliberate. One foot in front of the other, girl. Pretend he isn’t even here. Easier said than done, though.

  Pearce Worthington had shown up during her shift every day for the past two weeks. To harass her. To badger her into getting back together with him. And when none of those worked, to threaten her if she continued to deny him the one thing he wanted right now—her sensual curves, the way her waist nipped in to exaggerate her hourglass figure. He wasn’t the first guy to take in her burlesque curves and get the wrong idea, but this was getting ridiculous.

  His behavior had moved past annoying and into the realm of stalkerish. Which made no sense at all, given how their relationship of just over a month had ended. She’d shown up at his apartment, finally using the key he’d given her much too early on, deciding it was time to take things to the next level. She’d meant to surprise him, and she certainly had. She’d caught him fucking not one, but two sluts. She’d simply turned and walked away, completely over it.

  She released a g
roan when he made his way to where she stood waiting for the bartender to get her drinks. “Don’t even bother, Pearce. I’m not in the mood for your shit today.”

  The bastard chuckled, brushing his honey-blond hair across his forehead. How did I ever find that attractive? But she knew how. She was sick and tired of pretending her battery-operated boyfriend was her super sexy boss, Gage Steele, and Pearce had been the first seemingly nice guy to approach her. His silver-green eyes had raked over her body, clad in the casino’s mandated figure-hugging uniform that did more than hug. That sucker clung to her breasts, which she’d always thought were too big for her height, drawing attention to their movement with every step and her ass, which had always made finding jeans a problem.

  Men didn’t seem to mind, but every day, she stepped onto the casino floor and felt like she was completely exposed in her uniform. Uncomfortable. But the tips kept her just this side of the Ramen noodle diet. The Revolution Hotel & Casino stuck to the Revolutionary War theme, requiring cocktail waitresses to wear white booty shorts and a patriot “jacket” that was actually a bustier in the custom red, white and blue.

  “Just give me what I want and I’ll be gone,” Pearce wheedled.

  Fat chance. She snorted while rearranging the drinks on her tray. “Go back to those skanky girls you had no problem cheating on me with.” She couldn’t stop the bile from rising as she thought of all the things he’d done with two complete strangers. She couldn’t unsee him lying prone with a woman riding his face and another riding his cock like some really bad porn. And his unprotected erection had made sure she would never, ever reconsider their relationship status. The only thing that stopped the situation from being completely humiliating was the she hadn’t yet slept with the unfaithful jackass.

  “Come on, babe. Those girls meant nothing to me other than a quick fuck. I can’t get the image of you in that sexy lingerie out of my head.” His gaze crawled down the length of her body before traveling back up as he trailed a finger down her arm in a move she guessed was meant to be sexy.

  Instead, she shuddered and stepped away. She wished he’d showed her this side of himself before she’d agreed to that first date. And the second. He’d seemed so nice at the beginning, but now she was starting to see that it had all been an act.

  “Then that image is all you’ll ever get from me, Pearce. Back. Off.” She really needed this job because she liked things like a warm bed, electricity and food, but also because it allowed her to pay for her education. She was only one semester into graduate school, and she needed this job to get her through business school. To a new life in a city that wasn’t Las Vegas.

  With the drinks settled on the tray, she grabbed it and turned away, a surprised gasp escaping when Pearce grabbed her arm. “Let. Me. Go.” Her voice was low and lethal. Who in the hell did he think he was?

  “You think you can walk away from me, bitch? I wonder if you’d be so disagreeable if you no longer had a place to live, or a place in the business program.”

  Shawna yanked her arm again, unable to break free of his tight grip. This wasn’t the sometimes arrogant but mostly likeable guy who’d taken her miniature golfing. This guy was… unhinged. “I still wouldn’t want you, and I wonder if you’d be such a tough guy if my hands weren’t full.” Her green eyes shot fire at him, as she wished like hell she could actually incinerate him with her gaze.

  He let her go at those words, but her relief was short-lived since he was still leaning against the bar when she returned from the blackjack tables with her empty tray.

  “Ready to handle me now?” He slid closer with a greasy smirk, grabbing her arm again, only much tighter. To everyone else, he just looked like another lecherous gambler, but his grip was tight enough that she knew her fair skin would bruise.

  Shawna let the tray fall against the bar and used her free hand to grab a handful of his blond hair. “Let. Me. Go.”

  “Everything all right over here, honey?”

  She knew that deep voice. Knew it well, since it was the voice that urged her to do incredibly naughty things in her dirtiest fantasies. Gage Steele was the tall tanned Viking who owned the casino she worked in, along with who knew how many others around the world. She’d been seriously turned on by him since the moment they’d met, and he’d seemed to reciprocate, immediately flirting and asking her out. But she knew that the sexy billionaire only wanted a one-night stand. And she didn’t want to be just another of his many women.

  Slowly, her head swiveled and, yep, sure enough, it was him. Wait, did he just call me honey? “Uh, no, actually, sweetie.”


  Gage would have laughed at the flash of bewilderment in Shawna’s eyes if he hadn’t also seen her relief at his interruption. For most women, just the sight of him, hotel and casino owner and billionaire playboy would be enough to produce swoons, dilated pupils and offerings of wild kinky sex. When they found out he was also a former underwear model, they couldn’t get on their backs fast enough.

  But seeing that heated look in Shawna’s eyes surprised him. About damn time. The woman was as stubborn as she was gorgeous, her pale skin dotted with freckles just begging to be touched and kissed, fiery auburn hair shot through with gold and big almond-shaped green eyes that brought out his protective instinct.

  He’d been attracted to her at first glance, and then increasingly intrigued by her when she’d turned him down not just once but on multiple occasions. That never happened.

  “What’s going on?” His gaze slid from her to the creep holding her too tight.

  She yanked free of the asshole and sidled up close to Gage. “This is the ex I told you about the other night,” she said uncomfortably, drawing a smirk from him, “and he just wanted me to know that he could have me kicked out of my apartment and grad school unless I go back to his cheating ass.”

  Gage’s brows rose angrily, and his chest puffed out as he held her tighter, standing protectively in front of her. “Is that so?” It wasn’t really a question, but a threat. “Sick of spending Daddy’s money, Pearce?”

  He’d recognize Walter Worthington’s son anywhere. His business rival acted as though his worthless son was his pride and joy, but as far as Gage could tell, Pearce had been getting a degree for years.

  Pearce gave a greasy smile and stood a little taller, which wasn’t noticeable next to Gage’s six-three frame. His nostrils flared, and he doubled down on the slimy smile, shaking his hair from his eyes and glancing at Shawna. Real men get haircuts, asshole.

  “This is just a lover’s spat, Steele. Shawna’s just being unreasonable; you know how women are.”

  She stepped in front of Gage to stare down her ex. “We are over, Pearce. I have no desire to suffer your company or risk STDs, and as you can see, I’ve moved on.”

  One of her hands went to Gage’s chest as she reluctantly accepted the lifesaver he was offering. One hand stroked slowly up and down in a hypnotic motion that sent most of his blood rushing straight to his cock. He knew it wasn’t real, that it was all a put on to discourage Pearce, but his body didn’t give a damn.

  Pearce snarled at her while also managing to shoot a wary gaze up at Gage. “This isn’t over, Shawna. When he’s done with you, I might be willing to take his sloppy seconds.”

  Gage saw the way his gaze heated when his eyes landed on Shawna’s cleavage. The little twerp wanted her more now that she’d walked away from him. Typical spoiled rich prick, just like all the kids Gage had gone to school with. Thought their shit didn’t stink because Daddy was rich. He watched the scrawny bastard slink off to lick his wounds, but a little shit like that wouldn’t take this rejection lightly.

  He glanced down at Shawna, who was now trying to extricate her sweet curves from his embrace. She glared up at him when his grip tightened. “You sure know how to pick ‘em, Red.”

  “Thanks for your help, Gage, but I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”

  Her green eyes glittered angrily, but he didn’t miss the
flare of desire. “Because you were doing such a good job of it just then?”

  She growled low and turned on him. “I was trying to get rid of him and not cause a scene. Not all of us have buckets of money, Mr. Steele. Smacking a man with my tray isn’t the best way to keep good tips rolling in.”

  He understood her point, but he would never tell her that. “So, you thought it was best to stand there and let him manhandle you? A bruise is already forming.”

  She glanced at her arm, earlier bravado gone as all color drained from her face, which sent his anger boiling and close to spilling over. Was it too late to hunt Pearce down and manhandle him? “He held on so tight. I didn’t even think he had the strength to do that. I am so tired of this. He’s really starting to frighten me.” Her words were quiet and watery like she was trying to hold back tears, but he knew that couldn’t be true because the Shawna he knew was a shit kicker. She’d given him more grief than anyone over the years she’d worked for him and turned down his advances. Just as quickly as it appeared, the vulnerability was gone and balls of steel Shawna was back. “I need this job, so I was handling it the best way I could.”

  Gage smiled at the defiant tilt of her head, that cute chin jutting out like she was a tough chick. He’d had tough chicks before and Shawna might be a little rough around the edges, but she was nowhere near tough. Damn, he wanted her bad and the fact that she wouldn’t agree to a date with him only made him want her more. “I think the words you’re looking for are thank you.”


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