Deacon (Starkis Family #1)

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Deacon (Starkis Family #1) Page 18

by Cheryl Douglas

  “Mmmm hmmm.” Deacon let my silky waves slide through his fingers. “He partnered with a man who knew the industry, and they built a successful business together. Dad sold his share, mainly because he wanted to call his own shots, and he was out of commission for a year because he’d signed a non-compete contract. So he went back to Greece to marry my mother and formulate a new plan. I was also born that year, in the old country.”

  “When did he come back to America?”

  “He traveled back and forth for ten years.”

  I was surprised. “You mean your family didn’t live together while you were growing up?”

  “No, we didn’t move to the States full-time until I was thirteen.”

  “Wow.” I couldn’t imagine not living under the same roof as my father. While he’d been difficult at times, he was still my father, and I loved that my parents had had the perseverance to survive the bad times together. “So you were all born there?”

  “We were.” He kissed the top of my head. “Damon and Tiana are drawn back to Greece. They still see the village as their home. They were younger than I was when we left, but it seems that is where their hearts are.”

  “But you feel differently?” I wondered whether he would ever have the desire to move back home.

  “This is my home now. It is where I want to be, especially now that I’ve found you.”

  I smiled, kissing the arm he had wrapped around my neck. “You were telling me about Blake, the reasons your family doesn’t care for him.”

  “Ah, yes.” He brought the bottle of water he’d opened when we’d gotten into the limo to my lips before taking a sip himself. “Like I said, Blake comes from very old money. His family made it big in oil generations ago. In Texas.” He laughed. “It’s true what they say: everything is bigger in Texas, and in Blake’s case, that goes for his ego too.”

  I smiled at the jibe. I had no doubt they enjoyed ribbing each other, and judging by what little I knew of Blake, he was probably one of the few who could match wits with my man. “How did you two meet?”

  “In college. We were both studying business at Harvard.”

  “Ivy League men,” I said, grinning. “Why am I not surprised?”

  “We became fast friends, which is surprising given how different our upbringings were. But Blake encouraged me to start Alabaster’s with private funding, instead of using my family’s money. I owe him a huge debt of gratitude for that. Making my own way, building something with my own two hands, changed me.”

  “Blake owns part of the company, doesn’t he?”

  “Twenty-five percent. He was one of my initial investors.” Deacon laughed. “I bought out all the others, but that stubborn bastard refused to sell. I think he enjoys being a pain in my ass. But honestly, I couldn’t imagine doing this without him. He’s smart as hell, creative, innovative, daring…” He seemed to search for the words to help me see his best friend the way he did. “But most importantly, he would take a bullet for me. That’s the mark of a great partner.”

  I smiled, infinitely grateful my man had someone he could rely on the way I’d come to rely on Eleni. She was someone who would always have my back. “Yet you don’t like the idea of him and your sister as a couple? Why?”

  “As a friend and partner, I couldn’t ask for anyone better. As a brother-in-law, I couldn’t ask for anyone worse.”

  “What do you mean?” I twisted to face him.

  “The guy’s a pig!”

  I covered my mouth and burst out laughing. After Deacon’s praise, the insult came as a shock. Though with Deacon, nothing should have surprised me. He was delightfully unpredictable, and he always kept me guessing about what he would say or do next.

  “Aren’t you exaggerating?”

  “No!” He shook his head. “Everything you heard about me… let’s just say Blake manages to keep his private life private, but the women in his life quickly learn the deal.”

  I gaped at him, dying to know more. Was he hoping to get Tiana to take a walk on the wild side with him? Was that why Deacon was so opposed to their relationship? “Does Tiana know this?”

  Color rose in Deacon’s cheeks. “No! What the hell am I supposed to say to her? ‘My best friend is a player who wants to corrupt you and steal your innocence. That’s why I want you to stay the hell away from him’?”

  I tried to hide my amusement. Clearly he’d spent countless hours considering his options and had decided the only thing he could do was warn Blake to keep his distance. But judging by the way Tiana and Blake had been dancing, sharing intimate glances and touches, I guessed Blake wasn’t heeding his warning. My poor psycho. He was so used to dominating his world and everyone in it, and now everything was spiraling out of his control. How would he cope?

  Chapter Sixteen


  Sharing so much of my life story with Mia in the limo made me feel even closer to her. She hadn’t handed down judgment over my family or best friend. She’d just listened, making me feel as though my family wasn’t quite as messed up as I’d always assumed.

  She was an innocent preacher’s daughter from a small town. Her brother was a decorated hero who fought for his country. A part of me had feared how she would react when she found out the truth about the people who made up my inner circle. Would she be appalled? Would she think less of me? But it hadn’t fazed her, and that was what I had been looking for: unconditional love and acceptance from a woman who saw the real me and loved me in spite of my obvious flaws.

  We were sharing a shower. My hands glided over her smooth skin before grabbing the shampoo bottle to wash the styling products from her hair. As much as I loved seeing her all done up, I liked her au natural even better, the bared and unmasked version few got to see.

  She moaned softly as my hands worked the lather through her long tresses, gently rubbing her scalp. No way could I be in a hot, misty, confined space with her all slick and slippery and not be hard as stone. After last night, I needed to feel close to her.

  We stroked each other’s bodies, kissing passionately. She was primed and ready for sex, but I wanted every experience with me to be more incredible than the last, and that meant drawing it out until neither of us could stand it another second.

  “You have to let go,” I whispered, feeling the sudden tension in her body as she tried to find her footing on the slippery floor. “You have to trust that I will make this good for you. For both of us.”

  She moaned, reaching back to encircle my neck with her arm. “I want you.”

  Knowing she trusted me with her body and her heart meant everything to me. No other accomplishment, no matter the financial reward attached to it, had ever felt better. “I will make you feel things you’ve never felt before, take you places you’ve never dreamed of going.” I understood the sexual heights one could reach, but I knew it would be different with Mia. She would make me feel things I’d never thought I could feel.


  I recognized her soft exhalation as an act of surrender. Closing my eyes, I slipped my finger through her wet folds. When she moaned restlessly and rolled her hips, I gave her more of what she wanted.

  “Brace your hands on the wall,” I instructed.

  Parting her legs slightly, she did as she was told, rocking back and forth on her toes as she arched her back.

  “Oh God, yes…” She groaned, a baleful sound from deep within. “More. I need more, Deacon.”

  “Are you ready?” I was. God, I was so ready.

  “Yes. Please. Now.”

  I positioned myself behind her. Gripping her waist, I encouraged her to bend slightly and arch her back as she placed her hands on the shower bench in front of her. She was spread wide, her body glistening from the water. She was as turned on as I’d ever seen her, practically crawling out of her skin.

  “We’re going to take this nice and slow,” I said, though I wasn’t sure if I was saying it to reassure her or to remind myself that was how it had to be. I wanted
to make up for last night, to make her feel cherished, to appreciate her body the way I should have the first time we’d made love.

  Calling on every ounce of self-control I possessed, I inched in. A demon was still buried inside me, screaming at me to take her hard and fast, but I willfully ignored it. The pace was grueling for me. I was impatient, used to hedonistic gratification, but our joining was an important lesson in mutual gratification, something I would have to master to keep Mia happy.

  I remained still inside her, throbbing mercilessly as I waited for her to adjust. “How does that feel?”


  The very word I would have chosen. “I want to take it slow. Just relax.” I flattened my palm across her stomach, kissing her neck as I gently thrust in and out.

  “Oh, that…” Her fists clenched on the bench as she stood on her toes. “It’s so… good.”

  I smiled at her broken declaration. I knew how hard it was to find words while being a slave to the sensations ricocheting through your body, demanding all your focus and attention. My climax built quickly as she subconsciously milked me, making it impossible for me to suppress the rush threatening to overtake me.

  I closed my eyes as I manipulated the pearl of nerves with short, fast strokes. “Now!” I didn’t know how much longer I could hold on, and I was determined to bring her to climax before I surrendered to my own.

  “Yeeessss….” she cried, flattening her hands on the bench. “Oh God, Deacon.”

  I pulled out quickly and watched the eruption. She was mine, and seeing the evidence of it in such a carnal display made me wish I could take her all over again. I moaned as the water rinsed her clean. “You are so hot.”

  She gave me a saucy grin over her shoulder. “You’re pretty hot yourself, boss.”


  I was uneasy on the drive to my parents’ house, mainly because I knew my father took pleasure in making people uncomfortable. He believed others should be intimidated by him and wasn’t satisfied unless they were.

  When Mia and I arrived, we got the introductions out of the way, and the family gathered in the living room for cocktails.

  My father began his inquisition. “Tell me about yourself, Mia.”

  He’d barely taken his eyes off her cleavage since she’d walked in the door. As soon as I got him alone, I’d let him know how I felt about him ogling my girlfriend, but I wouldn’t embarrass Mia or my mother by doing it publicly.

  “Well,” she said before sipping her chardonnay, “as you probably already know, I work for your son as a model.”

  “I did know that.”

  Demetrius eyed me critically. He’d always warned me against getting mixed up with the women whose paychecks I signed, and I always told him to mind his own business, that I was perfectly capable of managing my own affairs.

  “How long have you been modeling?” He crossed his legs as he eased back in his armchair.

  Mia smiled politely. “Since I was sixteen. My best friend, Eleni, and I did some modeling in our hometown. We enjoyed it, so we pleaded with our parents to bring us to the city. We were lucky enough to get signed with a top agency and have both been working steadily ever since.”

  My mother clucked her tongue in disapproval. “So young to be working. You were just a baby.”

  Before Mia could defend her decision, Damon cut in. “I had no idea you and Eleni had known each other so long, Mia. I’m sure you could tell me some stories about—”

  Demetrius waved, cutting Damon off mid-sentence. That was the way it was in my family. Everyone always talked over each other or cut each other off when they believed they had something more important to add to the conversation.

  “How long have you been working for Alabaster’s?” Demetrius asked.

  “Less than six months,” I said, sitting on the arm of Mia’s chair and gliding my hand down her back. She was wearing a black sundress that fell to the ground in soft waves and flat gold sandals with her hair up to show off the gold-and-diamond earrings I had given her. “But it feels like I’ve known her forever.”

  “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be a model,” Tiana said, smiling at Mia. “It must be fun, getting to dress up in fabulous clothes and have your hair and makeup done by some of the best makeup artists in the business.”

  Demetrius rolled his eyes. “How is that different from your life, Tiana?”

  Tiana frowned. “Mia does something she enjoys, something she’s proud of, and she’s rewarded for it, both financially and…”

  I could tell my sister was choosing her words carefully, which meant I probably wouldn’t like them.

  She stole a quick glance at me. “People admire her beauty and appreciate her… assets.”

  Demetrius folded his arms over his broad chest after setting his glass down beside him. “If you’re implying you would like to objectify yourself by posing half-naked in your brother’s catalogue, you can forget it. That will never happen.”

  It wasn’t the first time Tiana had proposed the idea of modeling for Alabaster’s. Had she been a stranger to me, I would have gladly put her on the cover wearing something provocative, but she was my sister. In this one instance, I agreed with my father. Accepting the images of my girlfriend in sultry poses wearing seductive clothes was difficult enough. No way would I condone my sister doing that.

  “Unfortunately, I have to agree with Demi on this one, sis,” I said, eliciting a scowl from Tiana. “Stick to what you know best—art.”

  “Modeling is a form of artistic expression,” Tiana said, pouting. “Tell them, Mia.”

  Mia looked at me, appearing disturbed I had agreed with my father. “I had no idea you had so little regard for models, Deacon. We’re a big part of the reason for your success, in case you’ve forgotten.”

  For the first time in as long as I could remember, my family fell silent. They were probably in shock that a woman had the gall to openly challenge me in front of them.

  “Alabaster’s is a success because of our entire team,” I said, hedging. “Everyone from design to production. Of course, models are a part of that equation.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Without the right models, your clothes are lifeless. They have no appeal. Women want to see other women wearing the clothes, to see how great they can look in them. We sell your clothes. Make no mistake about that.”

  I was about to respond when my father said, “You seem to have a distorted view of your own importance, young lady. Models are interchangeable. A successful business model will withstand the test of time.”

  Mia closed her hand around her glass as she leaned forward, looking Demi in the eye. “With all due respect, sir, there’s a reason the public connects with certain models. There are millions of beautiful women in the world, but very few have what it takes to grace the pages of major magazines and sell the products people want to buy. It’s a cutthroat business, and to make it, you have to work hard and believe in yourself.”

  His lips quirked as he regarded Mia carefully. I saw something in his eyes that was rare, especially when he looked at a woman: respect.

  “You may be right,” Demi said, inclining his head. “I understand it is a very competitive business, and you must have thick skin to survive. That is something we have in common, Mia. Determination. Tenacity.”

  I shared a look with my brother. He was flattering her because he was hoping to get into her pants. Not a chance in hell.

  “Do you apply that same determination to everything in your life, Mia?” my mother asked, throwing a not-so-subtle glance in my direction. “Is that how you and my son met? Your sheer will?”

  Mia faked a smile. “Actually, Mrs. Starkis, your son reached out to me. He was pleased with the print work I’d done for the catalogue and emailed me to praise my efforts.”

  “Smooth,” Damon said, coughing behind his hand.

  “Is that so?” My mother raised an eyebrow at me. “I didn’t realize you worked so closely with the models, son.

  “Oh, yeah.” Damon grinned at me before he turned his attention to our mother. “He’s got his hand in just about every… thing that goes on there.”

  I knew he’d let it hang on purpose to make me question whether he’d have the nerve to say everyone. If he’d been that crass, I would have had to kill him.

  “Mia, I would love to show you the grounds before dinner.” Demi stood and crooked his arm, offering it to Mia. “Shall we?”

  Seeming flattered by the attention, she said, “I’d love to, Mr. Starkis. Thank you.”

  “Ah, but you must call me Demi,” he said, patting her hand. “All my friends do.”

  I wanted to remind him that Mia would never be his friend. She would be his daughter-in-law, the mother of his grandchildren, a part of his family—but never his friend. I was tempted to tell Demi that I would show Mia the grounds, but that would have made me seem jealous of my own father. That would have been preposterous, if not for the fact I knew he would make a play for her. I was certain she would put him in his place as effortlessly as she had when he’d questioned her about her career though.

  Once they left the room, my mother stood. “If you will excuse me, I am going to check on dinner.” She consulted her diamond watch. “I asked them to serve it promptly at seven o’clock. I’d like to make sure things are on schedule.”

  Tiana waited until Mother left the room before she said, “I really like Mia, Deacon.” Her dark eyes glittered with amusement. “Did you see the way she stood up to Daddy?”

  “Hmmm, he loved every minute of it,” Damon said. “If she had been a guy, instead of a gorgeous woman, challenging him that way, he would have cut her down to size.”

  Damon was right. I hated to think we were both like Demetrius in that regard, but any bystander would have likely noted the similarities between the Starkis men.

  “I’m not worried. Mia can handle herself with the old man.”


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