The Commanders

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The Commanders Page 42

by Bob Woodward

  military caution of, 165

  in Panama invasion decision, 162–67, 169, 179–80

  Persian Gulf War reluctance of, 314

  Powell’s transformation of, 41

  unpreparedness of, 208

  on Weinberger’s criteria for use of military force, 117

  Joint Readiness Exercise, 145

  Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), 88, 92, 101, 134, 182

  Joint Task Force, 86, 101, 103, 143–44

  Jones, David C., 332

  Jordan, Vernon, 236

  J-STARS (Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System), 369

  JUST CAUSE, see Panama invasion

  Justice Department, U.S., 147

  on enforcing U.S. laws abroad, 115, 139–40

  “Ill Wind” Defense Department investigation by, 62, 64

  Noriega indicted by, 84

  KC-10 aerial refueling tankers, 227

  KC-135 aerial refueling tankers, 210, 213, 216

  Kelley, P. X., 112

  Kelly, Thomas W., 126, 133, 145, 304, 305, 330

  Desert Shield planning cell set up by, 326

  on Iraq’s military strength, 286

  on Iraq’s pre-invasion buildup, 207, 221

  in Kuwait invasion response, 222, 224, 232–33, 234

  as media daily briefing officer, 367

  in Panama invasion, 180–81, 183, 187, 192

  in Panama invasion buildup, 99–100, 102, 103–4, 134, 139

  in Panama invasion decision, 156, 157, 160, 162, 163, 165, 167–168, 169, 171, 173, 176–77

  PDF coup attempt and, 120–21, 122

  on Persian Gulf land war, 232

  on Powell as planner and decision maker, 368–69

  in U.S. troop deployment to Saudi Arabia, 273

  Kelso, Frank B., II, 239, 340

  Kennebunkport, Maine, Bush in, 112, 282, 283

  Kent, Arthur, 314–15

  Kerr, Richard, 215, 218, 224

  Khalifa, Sheikh Isa bin Sulman al, Emir of Bahrain, 287

  Kimmitt, Robert, 215, 224, 225, 228, 365

  Kings of the Hill (Cheney and Cheney), 63

  Kissinger, Henry A., 50, 109, 274, 342

  Kissinger Associates, 50


  Korean War, 356, 357

  Kranowitz, Alan, 66, 67

  Kristol, William, 147, 152–53

  Kurds, 249

  Kuwait, 202

  Arab contempt for, 214, 253, 262

  assets frozen, 223, 224, 225

  Desert Storm liberation of, 376

  Iraqi human rights violations in, 343–44

  Iraq’s systematic dismantling of, 297

  oil production quotas exceeded by, 206

  oil profits of, 226

  oil reserves of, 209, 226

  oil tankers escorted by U.S. Navy, 85, 118, 227

  Persian Gulf islands of, 252

  political independence of, 206

  U.S. embassy in, 222–23, 318

  U.S. help not wanted by, 216, 240–41, 245–46

  U.S. hostages in, 315, 316, 317–318, 346

  Kuwaiti Air Force, 248

  Kuwait invasion, 36, 199–289

  air war plans in response to, 249–251, 290–93

  Bush administration’s immediate response to, 222–31

  Camp David meeting on, 247–54

  first U.S. troop deployment after, 273

  intelligence reports on buildup prior to, 205–7, 210, 216–19, 222, 229

  international response to, 255

  Iraqi troop levels in, 206–7, 247, 282, 284, 297, 309, 331, 360

  Iraq’s preliminary troop movements in, 205–8, 210, 212, 216–21

  Kuwait City sacked in, 222–23

  media coverage of, 222, 224–25, 273, 277–78

  World War II analogies to, 276–277, 317, 344

  see also Desert Shield; Desert Storm

  Laboa, Sebastian, 191–92

  Lang, Walter P., Jr. (Pat), 256

  on Iraqi military strength, 207, 278, 360–61

  on Iraqi withdrawal, 351

  Kuwait invasion intelligence reports of, 205–6, 210, 216–219, 242, 278

  Lee, Robert E., 375

  Lehman, John F., 62, 64

  Libya, 90

  U.S. bombing of, 85, 118

  Life, 310

  Lincoln, Robert, 95

  Lindsay, James J., 172, 173

  Lopez, Joe, 157, 173, 293

  Los Angeles Times, 153, 293

  Luck, Gary, 134–35, 136, 137, 138–39

  Lugar, Richard G., 326, 339

  McCurdy, Dave, 127

  McFarlane, Robert, 117

  Macho de Monte forces, 140

  McPeak, Merrill (Tony):

  Desert Shield predictions of, 340–341

  early Persian Gulf air offensive sought by, 313–14, 364–65

  Marcos, Ferdinand, 147

  Marine Corps, U.S., 175, 184, 220–221, 364, 375

  Army’s competition with, 163–164, 209

  in Desert Shield war plan, 348

  MPS ships of, 215–16, 221

  in Persian Gulf preliminary offensive plan, 305

  Marsh, Jack, 93, 94, 95, 96

  Mayaguez, U.S.S., 175

  Meals Ready to Eat (MRE), 286

  Mecca, 251

  Medellin drug cartel, 114, 142, 143

  media, 171

  Desert Shield coverage by, 314–315, 324

  Desert Storm rules for, 368, 370, 375

  Glaspie on, 211–12

  Kuwait invasion coverage by, 222, 224–25, 273, 277–78

  Panama invasion coverage by, 180, 187, 190, 194

  Powell on, 129, 152, 155, 180, 190, 192, 194, 277–78, 292, 314–15, 325

  Medina, 251

  “Meet the Press,” 280

  Mexico, 170

  Michel, Bob, 61, 63

  Midgetman missile, 75

  Mirage jets, 203


  ballistic, proposed elimination of, 40, 51

  HAWK, 314

  Hellfire, 141, 376

  ICBM, 75–77

  Midgetman, 75

  MX, 75

  Patriot, 363

  SCUD, 211, 264, 268, 285, 308, 331, 363

  Tomahawk, 235, 370–71

  Mitchell, George, 317, 338, 356

  M-1A1 tanks, 369

  Morocco, 271, 276

  Moynihan, Daniel P., 287–88, 324

  Mubarak, Hosni, 257, 268, 275–276, 287, 339, 341, 360

  on Iraq’s pre-invasion buildup, 212, 213, 215, 222

  in Kuwait invasion response, 232, 234

  Mulroney, Brian, 255

  Murtha, John P., 318

  Muse, Kurt, rescue of, 91, 135, 136–37, 138, 139, 145, 170, 182, 183, 184, 185

  MX missile, 75

  Nahayan, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan al, 287–88

  National Guard, U.S., 48, 105, 109

  National Intelligence Estimate, 207 National Security Agency (NSA), 328

  National Security Council (NSC), 37, 38, 40, 111, 128

  in Kuwait invasion response, 224–29, 235, 236–38, 261

  National Security Directive drafted by, 353, 354

  Philippines coup attempt and, 147

  political nature of, 81

  Powell’s disenchantment with, 301–2

  National Security Directive (NSD), 353, 354, 366–67

  National Training Center, 154–55, 250

  Naval Investigative Service, 158, 173

  Navy, U.S., 164, 210, 248, 283, 364

  Herbits’s memo on, 73–74

  Kuwaiti oil tankers escorted by, 85, 118, 227

  SEAL teams of, 88, 90, 91, 136, 138, 165, 168, 174, 182, 186

  NBC, 180, 280, 312

  Nightly News, 314–15

  Newsweek, 195

  Newton, David G., 256–57, 258

  New York Times, 50, 53, 106, 288, 303, 321

  Nicaragua, 67, 107, 164, 189


  night-time military operations and technology, 114, 139, 140, 141, 142, 168, 180, 186

  NIMROD DANCER, 90–91, 135

  Nixon, Richard M., 109

  non-permissive NEOs, 85

  Noriega, Manuel Antonio, 114, 116, 174

  asylum and surrender of, 191–93

  Bush’s call for overthrow of, 92

  CIA ties of, 83

  confrontation with U.S. avoided by, 92, 100

  Justice Department’s indictment of, 84

  “maximum leader” appointment of, 159, 208

  nickname of, 84

  in Panama invasion, 181, 183, 184–85, 188, 190–93

  Panamanian election nullified by, 84, 86

  PDF coup attempt against, 119–125, 126, 127–30, 140, 141

  potential for PDF coup against, 104

  pre-invasion incidents and, 158–159, 161, 163, 166

  U.S. plan for bombing hangout of, 140–41

  U.S. plan for capture of, 89, 90, 91, 93, 115, 135, 138, 159, 160, 170, 172

  North, Oliver, 126, 238, 328

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 106

  NSC, see National Security Council

  NSD, see National Security Directive

  nuclear weapons:

  Iraq’s potential acquisition of, 211, 337

  U.S. overkill in, 329

  Nunn, Sam, 118, 127, 231, 337

  on Desert Shield troop buildup, 322–23, 325

  sanctions against Iraq favored by, 338, 342

  as Senate Armed Services Committee chairman, 36, 69, 70, 117, 118, 341

  Tower nomination rejection and, 57, 58, 59

  offset bombing, 177

  OH-58 scout helicopters, 141

  oil, Kuwait invasion and, 223, 237, 252, 345

  oil prices, post-Kuwait invasion, 226

  oil reserves, 209, 226

  Oman, 283

  101st Airborne Division, 189, 350

  Operation Desert Shield, see Desert Shield

  Operations Plan 90–1002: 220–21, 228, 242, 243, 247–48, 249, 255, 260, 261, 262, 264, 279

  Organization of American States, 170

  Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 206

  Owens, William A., 69, 70, 71, 160, 179, 221, 234–35, 238

  Ozal, Turgut, 236, 255

  Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), 203

  Palestinians, 323, 359


  bomb threats in, 142–44

  CIA activities in, 84, 91, 119–20, 122, 128, 133, 140

  Endara sworn in as president of, 182

  harassment of U.S. citizens reported in, 84, 86, 100, 157, 158–59

  Noriega’s nullification of election in, 84, 86

  PDF coup attempt in, 119–25, 126, 127–30, 140, 141

  pre-invasion incidents in, 156–59, 161, 162, 165, 168

  state of war with U.S. declared by, 159, 184

  U.S. dependents in, 83, 85, 91, 130, 142

  U.S. goals in, 85, 90, 128, 170, 184

  U.S. military exercises in, 92, 99, 100, 104, 132, 135, 138, 145

  Panama Canal, 83, 85, 87, 166, 170, 184, 188, 189–90

  Panama invasion, 83–104, 113–45, 156–96, 264, 277, 285, 327, 367, 373

  as anti-PDF operation, 86, 93, 159–60, 163, 169

  BLUE SPOON as original code name for, 86

  decision for execution of, 159–71

  events of, 181–86, 189–94, 195

  international reaction to, 190

  JCS on execution of, 162–67, 169

  JUST CAUSE as new code name for, 173

  media coverage of, 178, 180, 187, 190, 194

  Muse’s rescue included in, 139, 170, 181

  Nicaraguan ambassador’s residence entered during, 192–193

  Noriega’s attempted capture in, 181, 183, 184–85, 188, 190–191

  Noriega’s capture in plans of, 89, 159–60, 170, 172

  operational security precautions for, 171–73, 177–78

  Panamanian casualties in, 195

  Panamanian support for, 194

  Powell’s press conference on, 187–89

  reworking of contingency plans for, 114, 133–35, 138–39, 142

  U.S. casualties in, 186, 188, 195

  U.S. hostages in, 190

  U.S. troop levels in, 164

  Panamanian Defense Forces (PDF), 91, 100, 327

  corruption of, 133

  coup attempt by, 119–25, 126, 127–30, 140, 141

  in Panama invasion, 182, 183, 185–86, 188, 190

  potential for coup by, 104

  in pre-invasion incidents, 157–59, 161, 162, 165, 168

  size of, 164

  in U.S. military contingency plans, 86, 87, 92, 93, 114, 132, 133, 135, 139, 163

  Pan Am Flight 103: 90

  Papal Nuncio, see Laboa, Sebastian

  PARCAE, 327–28

  Patriot missiles, 363

  Paz, Robert, 157, 159, 161, 162, 165, 168

  Pentagon, see Defense Department, U.S.

  perestroika, 54

  Persian Gulf, 85

  Bush administration’s goals in, 234, 236–37, 239, 259–62, 281–82

  Carter Doctrine on, 230

  Kuwaiti-controlled islands in, 252

  Persian Gulf War, see Desert Shield; Desert Storm; Kuwait invasion

  Philippines, 146–53, 166

  U.S. response to coup attempt in, 146–53

  Pickering, Thomas, 226, 229

  Platt, Nicholas, 148

  POLE TAX, 144

  Posse Comitatus Act, 140


  Powell, Alma, 48, 111, 156, 180, 189, 236

  Powell, Colin L., 105–14, 199, 205, 323, 327, 328, 352–53, 358, 359, 364

  airpower distrusted by, 148, 341–342

  on Bandar, 213–14, 255

  “base force” concept of, 231

  on Panama bomb threats, 144

  Bush and Reagan compared by, 225

  Bush’s job offers to, 45–47, 49

  Bush’s Persian Gulf goals and, 234, 239, 241–42, 259–61, 281–82, 298–302, 309–11, 344–45

  at Camp David meeting on Kuwait invasion, 247–54

  career of, 48, 102, 108

  characteristics of, 35, 37, 45, 108, 126–27, 213

  as Cheney’s link to military, 127, 179

  on Cold War’s end, 106

  on congressional support for war, 356

  Crowe and, 35–40, 111–12, 332

  Desert Shield planning cell established by, 326

  Desert Shield troops visited by, 311, 349–50

  in Dugan’s firing, 290–92, 293, 294, 295

  epigrams on desk of, 153, 195–196, 326, 374

  execute order signed by, 367

  and first day of Desert Storm, 373–76

  on first Desert Shield deployment, 273–74, 278, 279, 283

  as Forces Command chief, 48, 49, 105, 109

  on hostage situations, 136

  installation ceremony of, 125–26

  Iraq target list developed by, 330–331, 364, 365, 368

  on JCS, 48–49, 208

  JCS as used by, 369

  JCS Chairman promotion of, 106–12

  Joint staff transformed by, 41

  on Iraq’s pre-invasion buildup, 207–208, 209, 210, 212–14, 215–16, 218, 219–21

  in Kuwait invasion response, 222, 224–25, 227, 229, 230, 231, 233–34, 235–36, 238, 241, 243–45, 261–62

  on media, 129, 152, 155, 180, 190, 192, 194, 277–78, 292, 314–15, 325

  on night-time warfare, 186

  on Noriega’s capture, 188, 190–192

  NSC as seen by, 301–2

  Owens rebuked by, 238

  in Panama invasion, 182, 183, 185–87, 190

  Panama invasion decision and, 161–74

  Panama invasion plans overseen by, 113–14, 131, 134, 135, 139, 141, 176–77

  on Panama invasion’s results, 194

  Panama pre-invasion fe
ars of, 174, 175, 176

  Panama pre-invasion incidents and, 156–61

  on PDF corruption, 133

  PDF coup attempt and, 121–25, 128, 129, 130

  Persian Gulf option paper and, 308–9

  Philippines coup attempt response

  handled by, 146–53

  on political nature of Defense Department, 155

  political prospects of, 39

  on post-Vietnam rebuilding of Army, 154–55

  pragmatic politics played by, 38, 41, 42, 318–19

  preliminary Persian Gulf offensive plan and, 303–4, 305

  on promotion process, 107

  at Reagan-Bush-Gorbachev meeting, 52, 53, 54, 55

  as Reagan’s national security adviser, 36–37, 45, 49, 108, 225, 236

  on Saddam’s Kuwait invasion goals, 274

  sanctions against Iraq supported by, 38, 42, 299–302

  Schwarzkopf’s warning order from, 352–53, 367

  Schwarzkopf’s war plan examined by, 345–49

  Senate confirmation as JCS Chairman, 113, 117–18

  Senate Desert Shield testimony of, 341–43

  on Thurman’s activation of Joint Task Force, 143

  on troop motivation, 311

  on use of military force, 153, 238–39, 307

  on Weinberger’s military force criteria, 117–18

  PRAYER BOOK, 85, 87, 103, 104, 114, 189


  chain of command and, 76, 143, 176

  war powers and, 356–57

  psychological operations, 135

  public opinion polls:

  Bush’s support in, 36, 312

  on Desert Shield, 36, 279, 316, 325

  on proposed Baker-Saddam meeting, 337

  on U.S.-Soviet relations, 54

  Puenta Paitilla Airport, 182, 186

  “purple,” in Pentagon usage, 79

  Qaddafi, Muammar, 85, 276

  Quayle, J. Danforth (Dan), 168, 247, 253, 337, 353, 366, 376

  Philippines coup attempt and, 147, 148, 150–53

  Tower nomination and, 58–59

  Rabel, Ed, 180

  radar “fire finders,” 349

  Ramos, Fidel, 146, 152

  Rangers, U.S. Army, 164, 174, 184, 185

  Rather, Dan, 180

  Reagan, Nancy, 52

  Reagan, Ronald, 82, 108, 200, 300

  Gorbachev’s New York meeting with Bush and, 52–55

  responsibilities delegated by, 49, 225

  Reagan administration, 39, 265

  hostage incidents feared by, 85–86

  Iran arms sales of, 151, 213

  Scowcroft on foreign and military policy of, 50–51

  Reagan-Gorbachev Reykjavik summit, 40, 51

  Republican Guard:

  as Desert Shield target, 304, 331, 376

  in Kuwait invasion, 206, 248, 359–60

  Republican party, 325–26

  as House minority party, 61, 63

  right wing of, 66

  Reserves, U.S. Army, 48, 105, 109

  in Desert Shield, 248, 283–84


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