Club Immortality: Lay Me Down

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by Taige Crenshaw

  A Total-e-bound Publication

  Club Immortality: Lay Me Down

  ISBN #978-1-906328-46-7

  ©Copyright Taige Crenshaw 2007

  Cover Art by Anne Cain ©Copyright October 2007

  Edited by Michele Paulin

  Total-e-bound books

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

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  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork

  Published in 2007 by Total-e-bound eBooks 1 The Corner, Faldingworth Road

  , Spridlington, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 2DE, UK.


  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated Total-e-burning.

  Club Immortality


  Taige Crenshaw


  To my mother who has always been my number one fan although you are no longer with me I know you are smiling down at my getting published.

  To Marilyn my sister and second mother who has always believed in me.

  To my lunch buddies who listen to me ramble on about my writing ideas.

  Welcome to Club Immortality…

  Here all your desires will be fulfilled. Nothing is taboo and privacy is a guarantee. We have been in existence for many centuries. Hidden from those who are sensually unaware. Now with the permission of some of our patrons we are about to bring you into the most exclusive club. With our tales we hope you will become enlightened.

  I’m Syn, and this is my mate Micah. Before we can introduce you to our tales from Club Immortality we’ll have to tell you about ourselves first. Sit back, be tantalised, titillated and most of all let go your inhibitions.

  Syn and Micah

  Chapter One

  Determination filled Syn Ash. She would get the mirror if it was the last thing she did. Swearing softly she reached further. Her fingertips barely brushed it.

  “What ya doing?” a languid voice asked from behind her.

  Screaming, Syn levitated off the floor and flung out her hands. The dresser she’d been reaching behind blew up, raining debris all over the room.

  “Fuck!”” In dismay, she watched the falling pieces before turning in mid-air to confront the person who’d frightened her. “Look what you made me do.”

  Jian Weiss laughed. “This has nothing to do with me. What were you doing? Why are you so jumpy?” As she spoke Jian waved her hand and the debris stilled in the air. She pushed her palm straight outward and the dresser slowly took shape, becoming whole again. Jian turned and regarded her with a raised eyebrow.

  “I was trying to get the mirror from behind the dresser,” Syn explained reluctantly.

  Jian immediately went to the dresser. Effortlessly she picked it up with one hand and lifted it out of the way, then still holding up the dresser, she bent and got the mirror. She put down the dresser with a thump. She turned and taped the mirror against her palm. Watching her, Syn shook her head.

  Jian’s appearance was deceptive. She was very curvaceous, six feet tall and drop-dead gorgeous. Many men approached her trying to score, but Jian would have nothing to do with them. Jian raised a delicate honey-toned hand and pushed the end of her long ponytail over her shoulder to rest where it belonged.

  “Why didn’t you do that yourself instead of fighting to reach behind it?” she questioned.

  Syn shrugged. “I wanted to do it without using any powers.”

  Jian sighed then crossed her arms under her full breast making her shirt stretch dangerously as it tried to contain them. “Why do you insist on acting human when you know you’re not?”

  “I’m not acting human. I just like doing things without my powers,” Syn protested.

  Jian look of disbelief clearly portrayed how she felt about that.

  Syn glared at her. “Not all of us can be comfortable as you are.”

  Jian laughed bitterly. “Comfortable. There is no such thing for me. I’ve just learned to accept who I am.” She took a breath then continued in a softer voice. “I thought we both had accepted we’re different.”

  Syn winced. “I’m sorry, Jian.”

  Jian waved her off. “Forget it, miel. Are you going to stop hovering and come down anytime soon?”

  Sheepishly, Syn floated back to the ground. “Sorry I didn’t realise I was still in the air.”

  Jian shook her head. “Now is that a human thing to do? Levitate? So again I ask you, why are trying to act human?”

  Syn lowered her head and shrugged, unwilling to admit the reasons. Jian walked up to her and grabbed her face. She looked at her intently. Syn tried to keep her expression blank.

  Jian swore viciously. Her voice dropped to a deep growl. “Why are you letting that little fucker make you feel unworthy? I should have broken him when I had the chance.”

  Afraid of what would happen if Jian changed, Syn grabbed her and hugged her tight. Rubbing Jian’s back, she felt her skin rippling as her beast fought to get out. She knew if Jian turned now while she was angry, she’d have one mission. To find and kill Jackson Adams.

  At the thought of his name, Syn was filled with pain. She’d believed Jackson loved her. When she’d finally admitted the truth about her being a Ryian. He’d acted like he understood. A few hours later, she’d realised he hadn’t. She was almost killed. Thank God for her quick reflexes and Jian’s help. She’d never imagined he’d react like that. To want her dead for being who she was. His screams of her being an abomination to humanity still rang in her ears as the Sentinels had dragged him away. She’d been staying with Jian ever since. Jackson’s duplicity had affected Syn although she tried not to let Jian see it, still it had been almost two years and she still couldn’t get close to anyone.

  “I’m okay,” Jian’s said, drawing Syn back from her thoughts.

  Jian stepped back and Syn saw from the slump in her shoulders. Her friend looked tired but at least, the killing rage had left her. Still, the pain in her face took Syn’s breath away.

  Jian paced back and forth. “We may be from different species, Syn, but I understand what you’re going through. You think it’s easy not knowing which being you are? Having magic one minute, then trying to shift in another, sprouting fangs or all the other shit I can do? There’s no comfort for me, but I accept what I am. Don’t let Jackson take away the confidence that drew me to you.

  “When I met you I never imagined we’d become such good friends. I envied you being so accepting of who you are. I wished I could have half of your confidence. A scrap of your fearlessness. These last couple of years, seeing you withdraw into yourself has been painful for me to watch, but I have. I’ve stood by you but, no more Syn. Letting you hide has only hurt you.” Jian turned to her, a fierce look on her face. “No more. It stops now. I came in here to convince you to go to a club with me—”

  “You in a club. Do you think that’s a good idea?” Syn interrupted. Disaster followed whenever
Jian went to clubs.

  Jian waved her hand. “This club is different, but that doesn’t matter. I need to go to the club.” She narrowed her eyes. “It’s up to you. Come with me or stay here as locked up as you’ve been since Jackson betrayed you.” She stalked back to the door, stopping just inside. Without turning around, she gave her parting shot. “If you keep hiding, he’s won by making you a shell of your former self.”

  She opened the door and slammed it hard behind her.

  Shaking, Syn made her way to the bed and collapsed against it. Raising a trembling hand to her mouth, she stifled a cry. Jian was right. Looking around the lushly decorated massive space, she took in the area to her left, which was her workspace. With her job as a computer programmer, she could go into the office or work from home. Since she was one of the best in her job, they’d accommodated her request and set-up her access to work from home.

  Continuing to the right, she looked through the doorway leading to the kitchen she’d put in when she moved in. Further along were the media room, bathroom and sitting lounge.

  It was a cage.

  She’d created a cage for herself so she didn’t have to face the world. Her tears dried as anger welled up inside of her. Standing, she purposefully strode across the room. She was through being this pathetic excuse of a woman. It was time to let out the old Syn.

  Rotating her hips, Syn let the music sweep her away. Raising her hands over her head, she grooved by herself, people a little distance away. When she had arrived at the club, she had been taken aback by some of the people in costume. Until Jian had reminded her it was Halloween, she’d forgotten what day it was. Some of the costumes were elaborate. Syn was in awe at the detailing of some of the costumes. She watched as the Boogie Man twirled the Faery he was holding.

  Across the room, Jian danced against some guy dressed as a Weretiger. The man was breathing hard and having a difficult time keeping up. Other men elbowed each other, trying to get close to her. Jian ignored them and continued to dance with the partner she’d chosen. Shaking her head, Syn reinforced her stay-away spell. Suddenly, she stopped arrested by the man across the room.

  From where Syn stood she scanned his long locks. He’d pulled them into a ponytail that fell down his back. His sun-kissed features were chiselled masculine perfection. He wasn’t in costume. His slim muscular frame was covered in a dark purple almost black shirt and tight slacks made her mouth water for a bite. It wasn’t his face or body that caught her. It was his eyes.

  With her keen sight she saw they were rich lavender offset by curling lashes. They should have made him seem feminine but they only enhanced his maleness as he leaned against the wall. He continued to stare, his intense gaze never wavering.

  Intrigued, Syn started to dance again. Rolling her hips gently, she watched his eyes. They remained locked to hers. He smiled, a seductive twist of his luscious lips. Syn felt a delicious tightening of her body she hadn’t felt in a long time. Continuing to watch him she moved seductively waiting to see what he would do.

  I knew she’d come.

  Micah had been restless earlier and come to the main floor of the club. After checking with the managers, he had circulated among the diners, making sure they were having a good time. Everything was going well. Normally, he would have returned to his office. Instead, he’d continued to the dancing area in the back.

  When he’d opened the door he’d been blasted by the music blaring through the open doors leading into the soundproofed area. He’d stopped, pleased at the turn out to Club Immortality’s annual Halloween Party, then gone inside to check around. He’d spoken with Zayne, the club’s manager, who’d assured Micah everything was under control. Micah had a lot of work to do, but still he lingered, helping out behind the bar.

  He’d sensed her as soon as she came in, although he hadn’t seen her. She’d swept over his consciousness with a heated touch of fire. Leaving the bar, he’d gone to the far side of the room and waited for her to appear. Bodies swayed on the floor in time with the throbbing music provided by the live band. It had taken a while before she was revealed. Thankfully, he was a patient man. When he finally saw her, she’d taken his breath away.

  Now, he looked across the room at woman dancing so enticingly. She was a tall sensual goddess.

  Her honey-toned skin glistened with a light sheen of sweat while her high sculptured cheeks beckoned him to cross the room and take a nibble. Her luscious lips tantalised him to get a taste. His mouth watered as he took in the way her bountiful breasts rose in her snug, black T-shirt. Her lush, jean-clad hips hypnotized him. Micah wet his suddenly dry lips and looked at her long legs, imagining how they’d feel wrapped around him as he drove deep within her hot, wet canal.

  He’d enjoyed watching her dance. With his connection to the club it gave him a better ability to view all she or any of his patrons did. When she’d turned and looked at him he had been captured by her amber gaze. She’d stilled when she saw him before dancing in a way that enticed him.

  Her confidence intoxicated him.

  Her sensuality was an aphrodisiac.

  Though she didn’t know it yet, she belonged to him. Their meeting had been preordained yet he hadn’t known when she would come. Moving from the wall, he walked purposefully across the floor. He ignored everything around him. He had one goal—her. Her chest rose and fell as he drew closer. Finally standing before her, he raised his hands and met hers with his, twining their fingers together.

  He undulated his hips in time with hers and let her feel his hardened shaft. They hissed simultaneously at the first touch. Bringing up her arms and placing them around his neck, he put his face close to her neck and inhaled her scent. She smelled like sin and sex. The scent of her arousal gripped him. His cock hardened and lengthened even more. Running his hands along her forearms, then down her sides, he felt her quiver. He continued the path to her waist and cupped her lush hips.

  She sighed and moved her body closer. Squeezing her firm butt, he dragged her against his raging erection. A growl echoed from her making her breasts rub against his chest. Her nipples beaded against his chest, feeling wonderful. In her low heeled boots she perfectly matched his height of six-four. Taking another deep breath, he drew back his head and looked into her compelling amber gaze.

  She smiled.

  The heat in her gaze made his cock pulse. He wanted to bury it deep inside of her. Keeping his gaze locked with hers, he leaned in and kissed her.

  Soft and slow.



  Then a third time.

  She blinked then her arms tightened around his neck and she dragged him to her. She suckled his lips and their tongues clashed. Micah murmured and drew her closer, letting her hunger sweep him away

  Syn knew that she was acting out of character but was powerless to stop it. Something about him drew her on a primal level. Turning her head, she sucked his tongue into her mouth. Mating their mouths in a sensual tango caused her body to clench then cream in reaction. She wanted him with an intensity she’d never experienced. Moving closer, she hitched her leg up and around his waist. His hand shifted as he held her weight. His cock pressed against her aching slit as she ground against him.

  It wasn’t enough and urgency filled her.

  I’m going to lay him down and fuck him right here.

  Chapter Two

  Syn snapped back to her senses at her thought.

  His hand tightened on her ass, refusing to let her go, as she tried to jerk from him. His heated lavender gaze burned into her and suddenly, absolute silence surrounded them. Turning her head, she watched in shock as everyone froze in place. They were caught mid-motion in various poses of dance, laughing and clinches. Even the air stilled. Looking further, she met Jian’s gaze. She was the only one who could still move. She headed right for them at a seemingly fast pace but each time she was close enough to touch them, Jian ended up back across the room. Frustration, anger and fear filled her face.

rning, Syn looked at the man who held her. “Who are you?”

  “Micah, your destiny,” he replied in a deeply sensual voice.

  Syn jerked, trying again to move from him. He held her gently, but she couldn’t get away.

  Angrily she asked, “What are you?”

  “An Oracle.” His quiet words made her still.

  Reaching out with her senses, she frowned. “But you’re human.”


  Confused she stared at him. It wasn’t possible. Oracles were as old as time. There was no adequate definition of the abilities they had or what they could do. They were revered for their knowledge and envied for the power they wielded. Oracles were the gateway to the dimensions. They existed before the world came into being. They were considered omniscient beings.

  She had never heard of one being human.

  “You lie.”

  “I speak truth and you, Syn, are my destiny.”

  “No… What? I…”

  He sighed. The rise and fall of his chest abrading her nipples, and Syn couldn’t stifle her groan. She still wanted him.

  Micah smiled, the knowledge in his eyes. “Are you shielding?”

  Confused at his question, she answered, “Yes.”

  His quiet statement made her heart stop. “Drop your shields.”

  Syn shook her head and tried to pull away. He held her immobile, her leg still wrapped around his waist. Syn knew she could not afford to ever let her guard down. It was dangerous. Even before Jackson’s betrayal she was always cautious of ever letting down her shields. She cursed in his face. Unfazed, he watched her silently.

  Frustrated, she screamed. “I’m a Ryian”

  “I know,” he said in that same calm tone.


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