Miss Wayne and the Queens of DC (The Cartel Publications Presents)

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Miss Wayne and the Queens of DC (The Cartel Publications Presents) Page 21

by Styles, T.

  “I know I shouldn’t be askin’ you, but this is serious. I really need your help or we all may be in trouble.”

  Wayne turns to look at her and says, “We all will be in trouble? Why do I get the impression that whenever you say we, you really mean you?”

  “Wayne, I don’t got time for all this shit…all I know is that I need to borrow five thousand dollars. You got me or what?”

  Wayne laughs so hard his stomach aches. Placing his hand on her back he says, “I can tell you right now that that’s not even happenin’, and I know you know that.”

  Pissed, and not sure what to do next, He storms away.

  “Tyrone…come back.” Wayne says. “I’ll make a deal with you.”

  Tyrone walks back and says, “Anyway you can help me will be greatly appreciated.”

  “Entertain the last customer over there, and I’ll give you twenty percent of tonight’s cut. The rest of the girls are beat and he’s the only one left.”

  “20 percent?” he repeats. “Are you serious?”

  “You heard me right.”

  Tyrone looks at the thug trade sitting on the sofa and says, “Make me a drink and I’ll do it.”

  Immediately Tyrone knew something was different about the last trade. Although he was a thug, his eyebrows were slightly arched and he could tell he got his nails done on regular. Wearing a pair of Rock and Republic jeans, a white t-shirt and white Louis Vuitton shoes, Tyrone smelled nothin’ but money.

  Walking over to the trade Tyrone says, “I’m Sweet Ty, please come with me.”

  When they get to his bedroom door, Adrian walks out with the whip he asked to borrow in his hand. “Thanks, Ty. I’ll bring it back when I’m done.”

  When Adrian leaves, they walk inside Tyrone’s room and he nonchalantly asks, “So what are you lookin’ for tonight? Are you a top or bottom?”

  “Right now I just want some conversation and we’ll see where the night leads us.”

  This irritated Tyrone because he wasn’t feeling the romance scenario. He wanted to fuck this nigga and come up on twenty percent of Wayne’s profits, nothing more, nothing less. Now he was realizing he’d have to put in more work than he planned.

  “So what do you want to talk about?” Tyrone sighs.

  “I’m not sure. I mean, it depends.”

  The more Tyrone looked into his face, the more he believed he seemed out of place. He could easily see him dressing in drag. Not only that, he didn’t look like he was from anywhere near D.C.

  “What does it depend on?”

  “On how versed you are.”

  Tyrone rolls his eyes and says, “Look, are we fuckin’ or not? I’m not tryin’ to hear all that college talk and shit.”

  “I already told you what I want…conversation. And if you can’t give it to me, then maybe somebody else will. I will tell you this though, I had plans to tip real good.”

  Realizing he was about to lose his cut of the profits and a tip he says, “If you ask, me there isn’t a whole lot to say. You like men and I am one. You want to have fun and I want to please you.”

  “Here’s your drink, Ty,” Adrian says walking into the room.


  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt but Wayne told me you asked for a drink earlier. So here it is.”

  “Oh…yeah…thanks.” Tyrone downs the tall glass of his favorite poison, Vodka and OJ mixed, and says, “So let’s speed this up a little. I have some other things going on tonight.”

  “Fine…so let me start then,” the stranger smiles. “I finally figured out what I want to talk about.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “I want to talk about how I’ve been waiting for you all night.” He says smiling into his eyes. “And that I asked for you by name.”

  “Oh really? And why is that?”

  “Because somebody out there is playing matchmaker. They happen to believe that you’re a perfect fit for me. What do you think about that?”

  Tyrone yawns and says, “We won’t know unless we get this over with.”

  “I’m serious…they think you and I deserve each other.”

  “You must really be confused now.” Tyrone swallows the rest of the liquor in the glass. “Because ain’t nobody out there looking out for me or you.”

  “Then you don’t know your friends very well. Anytime Wayne brings me all the way from LA, to put in work for him, I take it that the offense is warranted.”

  Tyrone eyes widen and he tries to move…but suddenly his arms and legs feel limp and he knows immediately that he’d been drugged. He was familiar because of all those times his uncle would drug him to use his body for sexual pleasures.

  “What are you going to do to me?” Tyrone tries to move again but it doesn’t work.

  Without answering, the stranger cocks back and steals Tyrone in the face so hard he passes out cold.

  An Hour Later

  When Tyrone awakens, he is hog tied to the bed, lying on his stomach, naked from the waist down. When he looks around, he’s able to see a table full of items that scare the hell out of him. On top of the table were five dildos as long as the length of a forearm and a box of saltine crackers.

  “Can…can you please tell me why you’re doing this?” Tyrone moans.

  “Great! You’re up! I need you awake for what I have planned for you. I was thinkin’ to myself, SELF, there is no way on earth we’re going to allow him to sleep through the party.” He says, his voice more feminine than before. Tyrone knew immediately that he was a queen.

  “Wayne!!!! Adrian!!!!!! Help me!!!!” Tyrone screams.

  He waits for a second and no one comes to the rescue.

  “Awe come on…you’re being ungrateful and I didn’t even start yet. Relax because we’re going to be together for a while. And trust me when I say, even if someone was here, they wouldn’t come to your rescue.”

  “What is this about?”

  “Well, for starters you raped our house mother, Wayne. Didn’t you, Tyrone?”

  How could he know that shit? Tyrone thought. He never told anybody about that night and he felt if Wayne remembered, that he would have said something to him a long time ago.

  “What are you talkin’ about? I didn’t rape anybody.”

  “Let me tell you how this is going to go down…you can be honest and take two of these up the ass ten times each or I can put all five in your ass until I get tired. Your call.”

  “Please,” Tyrone sobs. “Don’t do this to me. I didn’t do anything to Wayne!”

  “I’m going to ask you one last time, and you better think carefully, did you rape my house mother, Wayne?” This time he picked up one of the dildos and shook it a little…he wanted him to see that it barely moved.

  “Can you call Wayne first? Maybe we can talk about this and clear things up.”

  “Bitch, I’m done playin’ games with you! Now you’re wastin’ fuckin’ time and I hate my time wasted! Answer my question!”

  Tyrone knows now that everything that happened earlier that night was a set up. From Wayne saying that one trade was left, to Adrian coming into his room to borrow a whip.

  “So Wayne put somethin’ in my drink?”

  “What do you think?” the stranger laughs. “Let’s just say that it’s the same shit you’ve put in everybody else’s drink. Adrian’s included.” He smiles. “What kind of man are you? To rape mothafuckas?”

  She knew then that there was nothing else he could do but come clean about everything.

  “I…I did it, rape Wayne.” He says with optimism. “But I thought he wanted it at first. I didn’t know he was too high to remember.”

  “You are the worse human being I’ve ever met in my life,” the stranger says, “next to me.”

  When the stranger walks up to him, and stuffs five saltine crackers in his mouth, he waits for him to chew them all. After he’s done, he stuff five more down his throat.”

  “P…Please, can I have some water.”

  The stranger laughs and says, “People in hell want water, but they don’t always get what they want do they? I wonder how many people wanted you not rape them? Yet you did anyway.” Then he takes a dildo off the table and puts it in Tyrone’s hand. “Touch this. I want you to see that this shit ain’t hardly rubber.”

  He touches it and says, “Why does it feel gritty and hard?”

  “Because it’s gonna rip your ass in two. Unless,” he pauses, “we have some KY Jelly over here on this table.” He scans his table. “That way it’ll go in smoother because I know you would like that wouldn’t you?”

  Tyrone looks at the table and cries harder. “But you ain’t got nothin’ over there do you?”

  “Awe damn,” he jokes, “I sure don’t. But you know what, we can use spit. Every little bit helps.”

  “But my mouth is dry because of the crackers you made me eat.”

  “All I can say is, the wetter it is, the less damage to your ass hole. You make the call.”

  “Somebody help me!!!!”

  “You tried screaming already.” He laughs. “Now do you wanna lick this…or are you gonna be hard and take the tough route?”

  “Fuck you!”

  “That’s what I’m about to do,” he says parting his ass cheeks before ramming the extra large dildo in his ass with extreme force.

  Tyrone felt all kinds of cramps in his lower stomach and he didn’t know how much longer he’d be able to take the pain.

  “Ahhhhh!!!!” The roughness of it going in and out of his anus causes it to bleed heavily. “Please…please stop.”

  “We have a long way to go before we even get to stop, buddy,” he tells him. “You’re in for the long haul. I want you to remember this, in case you decide to rape anybody else in the near future.”

  Over and over the stranger raped and tortured Tyrone until he got tired. By the end of the night, he had caused so much damage that his anus was ripped three inches wider. After awhile, Tyrone didn’t feel the pain anymore. And a little after that, he passed out cold.

  Hospital Break

  jmiss wayneL

  Miss Tyrone was lying in a hospital bed suffering from severe anal fissures and incontinence.

  As I look at her, with her ass up in the air, as she’s lying face down in some type of gurney due to the stitches in her rear end, I wonder why I don’t feel remorse. A machine linked to her body catches every heartbeat, and I can’t help but feel pleased. He’s an awful person and awful people deserve to be dealt with violently. Plain and simple.

  So why did I call the ambulance when I came home and saw the work Romeo, my daughter from the House of Dreams in LA, put in? Because I didn’t want him bleeding to death in my house. Two deaths were plenty.

  When his eyes open slowly, he look confused when he sees me there, wiggling my black Christian louboutins pumps while eating a fresh apple.

  “What are you doin’ here?” he says so low I can barely hear him.

  “Well let’s see, you’ve already met the ghosts of evils past and present. And I represent the ghost of evils yet to come.” I laugh.

  “What are you talkin’ about?” He coughs.

  “All the shit you’ve done has caught up with your ass…literally.”

  “I can’t believe you did somethin’ like this to me, Wayne. We were supposed to be friends.”

  “Really? Is that what you call it? Because what I remember is an event in which my fake ass friend raped me after puttin’ some shit in my drink.”

  He laughs and says, “You know what, I’m through lyin’, so I wouldn’t take a mothafuckin’ thing back I did to you. Your ass was nice, soft and wet, just like Adrian’s.”

  “Were you really raped as a child? Because it’s obvious that somethin’ fucked up happened to your sick ass.”

  “And what about you, Wayne? You don’t think this shit you did to me qualifies as sick? You gonna get everything you deserve too…watch. You and me are the same, ‘cept you like to hide behind the word hero. But I’m not gonna let you. You’re just as fucked up as me.”

  “I did the world a favor! You’re sick, Tyrone.”

  “Maybe. But maybe not.” He smiles. “Let’s think about it for a moment, I take what I want like the people around me have always done to me. Does that make me really wrong?”

  “Worse than wrong, rapist!”

  “All I know is, when I get out of here, I’m comin’ after you, Adrian and whoever that was who did this shit me. Oh…and your precious little Parade is on my list too,” he laughs. “You’ll wish you never fucked with me after I get through with her.”

  “Number one you ain’t goin’ nowhere and number two you ain’t doin’ shit even if you could.”

  “And why is that?”

  “Because I know about the murders, Tyrone. Notice there’s an S at the end of the word.”

  “Who are you talking about? That stupid ass kid who died in your house? Because if it’s that, I might as well tell you that I called Garisha and told him to let a detective know that you were the one who killed that boy not me. You’re a day late and a dollar short if you think about snitchin’,” he laughs.

  “You are so stupid! Garisha sold you out for her own ugly freedom. She’s gonna testify under oath that you and you alone did them procedures in my house, without my knowing and that you even did her face recently causing her disfigurement.”

  “Bullshit! Garisha is my friend.”

  “Tyrone, how can you expect loyalty when you’ve never given it?”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “Well it’s true…and as far as being short or late…never. Especially after the five thousand dollars you gave me.”

  “What you talkin’ about, Wayne?”

  “Why do you think I asked you how much money you made from those injections?”


  “Because I was plottin’ on how much to take. And when you thought you were giving Miss Rick a security deposit, it was really going straight to me. And to make sure you were broke and busted, I sent a fake ass uncle to check you about the nephew you murdered. After splitting the money in half with everybody involved, I’m still up about five thousand. Thanks, Ty.”

  The look on his face was priceless.

  “So what bitch…you actually makin’ me feel better now.”

  “And how is that?”

  “Because now I don’t have to worry about lookin’ over my shoulders wonderin’ if his uncle will snitch on me or not. In my opinion, the ten thousand dollars I gave ya’ll to leave me the fuck alone was worth it.”

  “Oh I’m sorry…I forgot to tell you about the signed confessions you gave me.”

  “I didn’t confess to shit.”

  “Tyrone, you not smarter than me and you could never be. I set shit up to perfection. When you signed them papers Miss Rick gave you, they weren’t for a lease, you were signing two confessions to murders.”

  “Wayne, stop playin’, ‘Cause for real, I’m payin’ you no mind. Plus Miss Adrian ain’t say shit when I asked her if the paperwork was good.”

  “Bitch I know you know by now that Aid and Day are in on all this shit with me. That little fight we had in the living room was all staged. Think about last night. Who gave you the liquor?” I laugh. “And as far as the murders, let’s see. For starters you murdered that kid you injected with that bullshit. Oh…and then there are the keys I found under your bed.”

  “What keys?”

  “The keys that must’ve fallen out of his pocket when he died. I remember when I walked into the bedroom and saw them on the floor, I knew they would come in handy later and I was right. So I kicked them under your bed and came back later to get them.”

  “So what you have the keys.”

  “Tyrone, we wiped my fingerprints off those keys and gave them to you the day you signed the lease. I know you remember asking Miss Rick to pass them over in a napkin, since you hate snot so much.” I laugh. “Now the only prints on them keys are
yours. I took them out of your room right before I called the ambulance for you last night.”


  “Wow, Tyrone, I haven’t heard you this quiet in a minute. So let me continue to burst your bubble. Ryan followed you the night of the murder and took pictures of you disposing the body in a park in Baltimore. What was it? Druid Hill Park? I gotta give it to you though…you and Garisha went pretty far to hide your shit.

  “So let’s see…I have the boy’s keys with your prints on them, pictures of you disposing of a body and two signed confessions. You know what, Miss Tyrone…you’re federally fucked. ”

  Tears were streaming down his face and I could care less. He wipes them away and says, “Why do you keep saying two signed confessions?”

  “Because I know, Tyrone. I know about the man you burned alive in the alley when you were younger too. And how you did it just to have fun.”

  “That wasn’t me, bitch! That was Miss Dayshawn! You ain’t ‘bout to pin none of that shit on me!”

  “Yes the fuck I am too! One of the two confessions you signed admitted to all that shit. And it’s our word against a sneaky murderer, who hid the body of a child as if he were trash. Who do you think they gonna believe?”

  “Wayne,” he pauses, “please don’t do this to me. I’ll do anything you want. I’ll move out and you’ll never see me again. Please, Wayne.”

  “All that’s too late,” I say, “But I did forget one last thing…Big Boody Brandy wrote me a letter before she died.” I dig in my purse and pull it out. “Now I also know about the football player you and Garisha were last seen with before he got missing. And if you don’t cop to them other murders, and let shit ride, I’ll add this to the rest of your problems too,” I say, “You hung yourself fuckin’ wit’ me. So tell me again Tyrone, was my ass really worth it?” I say getting up.

  “Wayne please.”

  “You’re through…Tyrone. It’s over for you. I’m not hatin’, I’m just statin’.”

  As I’m leaving, an officer walks in to formally read him his rights and Ryan calls for the third time that day. But now I’m feeling good and for some reason I accept his offer for lunch and agree to a cup of coffee. After all, he has earned it.


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