Play Me

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Play Me Page 15

by Kelly Elliott

  “You’re welcome. Amber handled most of it, though.” I tried to relax, but I was still humming with irritation. I had purposely kept my eyes averted from Hunter. He might worry more if he saw how worried I was, but there hadn’t been time to tell him what was going on.

  “How was your trip to headquarters?” Mac asked.

  He was engaging—it was progress. It also gave me the proper segue to the matter at hand. I took a deep breath. “It wasn’t good.” Both men cocked their head. And I glanced at Hunter. He leaned forward.

  Here goes nothing.

  “I want to create transparency between us.”

  Mac waited. Humility was going to be the best way to begin that route. “Let’s face it, I don’t have the first clue about coaching. And maybe you know how to run a team, I’m not sure, but I would like to think your expertise is the former and mine the latter.”

  Hunter had been the one who’d taught me this when we’d been stranded. I waited as Mac was silent for a second. From the corner of my eye, I saw Hunter smiling.

  “You’re right, Ms. Wales. I know shit about managing a team, but I can coach.”

  I chuckled at his bluntness. “Kendall, please.”

  “Okay, Kendall.”

  I took out the latest email he’d sent and motioned to it. “I read over the summary you sent, and I’m impressed with what has been accomplished. It looks like you and Mr. Owens are making great strides toward having a successful season.”

  “That’s the plan.”

  So far so good. I was shooting from the hip considering this hadn’t been my initial plan this morning. “I’m not sure if you have the full history yet. Before I got the team, it was operating in the red. Through cutbacks and readjustments, we are now operating in the black, but just barely. In meetings back in North Carolina, members of the board are questioning my judgement in taking over the team.”

  “Really?” Mac sounded surprised. Or maybe it was just doubt due to who my father was.

  It was best to shoot straight. “Yes, my last name doesn’t get me any favors. It probably makes things harder.”

  He nodded. “I can understand that.”

  I glanced over at Hunter, and he gave an encouraging nod.

  I continued on. “While I was there, I convinced the board to give us one full season to get things turned around. It’s not that we must win, although that would be nice, but the negative press has to stop. The PR mess has started to blow back on Wales Enterprises. And they aren’t pleased. My father is not pleased.”

  I hadn’t mentioned this to Hunter over the weekend. There just hadn’t been time, and I’d wanted to leave all the work stuff behind and focus on us. But as I talked to Mac about it, it occurred to me that maybe I should have said something.

  “I see,” Mac said. “After talking with Hunter, I think we have policies and procedures in place to keep the boys in line.”

  I turned over the two pieces of paper and slid them their way. “This just popped into my inbox as I was about to come in here. It appears the team drove to Nashville over the weekend. They made the press again—and in a negative light. It appears they thought it would be funny to unroll all the toilet paper in the bathrooms at a club and then trash a hotel room. The article also referenced a slew of women entering that hotel room.”

  Mac and Hunter leaned forward with similar looks of surprises. They hadn’t seen it yet. That made me feel better. I knew Hunter would have told me, but I wasn’t sure about Mac since we hadn’t really worked together yet.

  “I’m assuming from the looks on your faces that neither of you knew about this. I have to talk to the board in an hour and somehow save this team. But it’s going to take all of us working toward the same end goal to get there.”

  Mac slammed his fist on the table. “Those little bastards.”

  “My sentiments exactly. I’m two seconds from finding Hunter’s bat and using it on them instead of the locker.”

  “Me, too,” he spat.

  I loved how Hunter was letting Mac take the lead. But I could see the irritation brewing in the tense set of his shoulders.

  I continued. “Between the condoms and the fountain and now this, I don’t know what’s going to happen. Wales Enterprises is getting demands for compensation for damages. One individual has contacted them saying they slipped on the bubbles created by the fountain. A mother contacted corporate saying her kid was inspired by the team, sniffed a condom up his nose, and ended up in the ER. And while, yes, Wales Enterprises gets frivolous claims all the time, they are not in the mood to deal with this from the Mustangs. Buying the team wasn’t something they were in favor of in the first place, so it’s making my job more complicated as these roadblocks appear.”

  Mac stood. “Kendall, I would like to cut this meeting short if you’re okay with that. I have some asses to kick. Josh McEvans is not going to play the first game. We might lose, but he needs to understand that no one fucks with my team or my job.”

  I held out my hand as I stood. “Thank you, Mac. I look forward to working with you. I will let you know how the call with the board goes. We cannot have any more incidents. I am meeting with the accounting team and reviewing all budgets to see where we can make more cuts. The more profitable I can make the team, the better at this point. Before I do any budget cuts, I will get your input as I don’t want to hinder your job, either, and put us at cross-purposes.”

  “I appreciate it. We have a scrimmage game this week. It’ll help me assess the team better before opening day. The Bears coach, Stan, just confirmed with me this morning.”

  “Great idea.”

  They made their way to the door, but Mac turned around. “I’ve asked Hunter, and he didn’t know, but have you figured out why the previous coach allowed them to behave like this? It’s doesn’t make a damn bit of sense.”

  “I have no idea. I have wondered the same thing myself, but I haven’t found an answer... yet. My first goal was to get the team operating within the budget, which is done. Now, I’m just trying to make sure we have a team to start the season. I am working to figuring it out, though, so if you hear anything that would help, I would appreciate you sharing it with me. I will do the same.”

  “Will do.”

  We shook hands, and they left. I returned to my office, satisfied that meeting had gone well. Then came time for the call with the board. It was brutal. They had run assessments on what the team was worth if they sold off the assets. At this point, they might break even. My chances were gone, and they had recommended to my dad to dismantle the team. I wanted to cry.

  Dad had stepped in and said we would not be selling the team, which further drove a wedge between me and the board. I was accomplishing the exact opposite of what I had intended to do.

  If I hadn’t disappeared for the weekend, I could have been able to get ahead of this. But I couldn’t doubt my feelings for Hunter or ever wish the weekend had gone differently.

  Amber’s voice came over the intercom. “Mr. Owens has requested an appointment at noon. I had you blocked out for lunch.”

  I needed to see him. “You can accept it.”

  “Will do. I’m about to head out for lunch. Do you need anything?”

  “No, I’m good. Thank you, Amber.” I heard the tiredness in my voice. It had only been a few hours and I already felt my world crumbling around me. About an hour later there was a knock.

  Amber peeked in. “I’m back from lunch. Mr. Owens is here. I mentioned I was giving him your lunch spot, and it looks like he brought lunch for you.”

  “Oh, that was nice. Thank you, Amber.”

  Hunter came in, and the sight of him about took my breath away. I was able to stop and fully appreciate him for the first time since I left him that morning at his ranch. I loved his tattoos. They gave him such an edge.

  He stopped and watched me. “You look exhausted.”

  “I am.” I stood and walked around my desk. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about what happened while
I was away. And there just wasn’t time this morning. I literally got the email right before the meeting.”

  He set lunch down and came over to me. “How are you doing?”

  I leaned my head on his chest and just tried to be in the moment. His masculine scent was like a soothing balm. I felt like Hunter really cared about me and not all this other stuff. He was concerned about me. “I don’t know. I feel like I’m failing and don’t deserve this company.”

  It felt good to voice one of my deep-rooted fears.

  “Kendall—” He put a little bit of distance between us and lifted my chin to meet his eyes. His dark eyes were calm and full of love. “Breathe, baby. Just breathe.”

  “I might need your voice on a recording reminding me of that. I’m trying. The board can’t know I’m in a relationship until things calm down. They’ll think my focus is split.”

  His eyes tightened ever so slightly. “They don’t own you.”

  “No, they don’t. I know it is ultimately my father’s choice, but it will make it much easier if they have faith in their future leader. Their approval is important to me for when I take over at corporate headquarters.”

  Hunter was quiet for a second. When my stint ended here in Bowling Green, I wondered how that would affect our relationship. Maybe he was thinking the same thing, too. I wasn’t sure. But I refused to voice my concern, afraid it might end things prematurely.

  His lips touched mine. “Don’t ever doubt yourself.”

  I smiled at him. “Thank you.”

  Part of me wanted to tell him to not doubt himself, either, but after our picnic in the pasture, I didn’t think it was a good time.

  He gave me the sweetest of kisses again. “This is harder than I thought it was going to be.”

  “Which part?” I asked.

  “Hiding us.”

  I swallowed hard. “I know.”

  “At some point, we won’t have to, baby.” It sounded almost like a question, and Hunter waited for my response.

  I kissed him. “Thank you for being patient.”

  But for how long is Hunter willing to keep us concealed? That wasn’t a question I wanted to discuss right now. Hopefully, we could wait until his contract was done.

  That seemed like forever away.

  It was almost midnight when I pulled up to the apartment complex. Dad and I had had a long talk that day, just the two of us. He let me know the board wanted to take a vote on selling the team, and I’d agreed to present a case and hear the board out. Somehow, I had managed to smooth-talk my way with the board, explaining that the event had happened before I was able to get back in the office and get a handle on things from being in Atlanta at Wales Enterprises.

  They blamed Hunter and Mac and their inability to manage the team.

  That irritated me, but I had to remain neutral in order to be effective. I explained the three of us were out of town, and additional measures to keep the team in line were being taken as of today. My father had remained neutral on the matter at my request, and I explained as much. That seemed to help earn me some respect.

  Sometimes I wondered why I punished myself with the board. Was it worth it?

  Of course, Kendall. This is what you’ve always wanted.

  But was it?

  My head was spinning as these thoughts were becoming more prevalent. Hunter had had to run back to the ranch early that afternoon but would be back by morning. The well pump had busted. Though the new foreman had assured Hunter he could handle it, I knew Hunter felt better making sure everything was okay.

  Without the well pump, things could get critical at the ranch.

  I closed my car door, exhausted from the day. When I turned, Josh McEvans was standing there next to my car. I yelped and took a step back. His presence in my parking lot so late at night was odd, to put it lightly. I kept my keys, which had a small container of Mace, in my hand.

  He gave me a cocky smile that had me squaring my shoulders when he spoke. “You can’t bench me during the scrimmage game.”

  Wait, he was here about being benched? Who the hell does he think he is? Enough was enough. I’d had my fill of shit for the day. “First off, this is not an appropriate venue to speak with me. Second, you will have to take that up with Coach White and Mr. Owens. It’s their call.”

  He took a step forward, and I readied my Mace. My heartbeat quickened; I did not like this situation in the slightest. Josh had never struck me as a dangerous individual, but I wasn’t going to discredit my gut reaction at the moment, either.

  “No, I’m going to take that up with you. And you’re going to fix it.”

  There was something aggressive about his demeanor that I didn’t appreciate. Before either of us said anything else, headlights shone in the parking lot, and I sagged with relief at the sound of Hunter’s truck.

  The truck pulled up haphazardly in front of us, and Hunter got out of the truck and slammed his door, clearly agitated. He looked at me first, silently asking if I was okay. I gave a quick nod. His whole demeanor grew rigid when he turned to face Josh.

  “What the fuck are you doing here, McEvans? It’s a little late to be out taking a stroll.”

  “I was here talking to Kendall.” He gave another one of his cocky smiles and folded his arms over his chest in challenge.

  Hunter seemed to grow in height and breadth as he mimicked Josh in a much more intimidating way.

  “You mean Ms. Wales.”

  “Whatever. It’s between me and her.”

  I took a step forward, completely done with the situation. “Mr. Owens, Mr. McEvans would like to talk to you about playing in the scrimmage game. He’s not pleased with the decision to pull him from the game and found it appropriate to approach me late at night in front of my residence. I would like that noted in his file. And if this happens again, Mr. McEvans, I will ask Coach White to dismiss you immediately from your contract. Goodnight to you both.”

  I turned to walk away, but then stopped and faced them again. “And for your information, Mr. McEvans, I support the choices of your coaches. You are a disgrace to the game the way you’re throwing away your talent. I hope you get your head out of your ass. At this point, you are more of a liability than you’re worth. It’s because of your coaches’ belief in your talent that you still have a job. If it was up to me, you’d be fired and unemployable. Your previous teammates haven’t been able to sign with a team. If you don’t want the same fate, I would advise you to not approach me again. Coach White and Mr. Owens coach the team; I run the day-to-day operations. If you have a complaint that your rights have been violated, please contact human resources.”

  Josh swore as I turned on my heel and stalked to my apartment. The guy had so much talent, but he insisted on acting like a child and throwing it away. His parents had to be disappointed, considering he was an all-star player and had won a championship.

  Why he hadn’t been fired yet, I wasn’t sure. But I sensed Hunter wanted to help Josh. Maybe in some ways, he would be Hunter’s redemption. For the time being, I was going to trust Mac and Hunter’s decision not to dismiss him from the team.

  I massaged my temples. From then on, I planned to contact the security office at the complex when I was going to be coming home that late again.


  I bent down to pick up Nala, who was rubbing against my legs. “Hey, sweet girl. Sorry I was gone so long.”

  Before Hunter left for the ranch, he’d come by to check on her. Nothing in the apartment seemed torn up. Of course, there wasn’t much to tear up, considering my apartment was still mostly boxes. I changed my clothes and curled up on the couch as I waited for Hunter to come inside. I knew he would come here once he was done with Josh. That morning I had given him a key.

  It wasn’t long before I fell asleep with Nala curled up on my lap.

  I woke to the sound of the door opening and checked at the time. It was nearly two in the morning. “Hunter?”

  “Yeah, baby, it’s me. You didn’t go t
o bed?”

  “No, I wanted to wait up for you.” Nala was fast asleep on my lap.

  Hunter closed the door behind him. His face was still set in angry lines, and his shoulders were taut. “What happened?”

  “I ran his ass. Then ran it some more. Then, for good measure, I ran the bastard a little more.”

  Hunter came to sit on the couch and pulled me and Nala into his lap. “You okay?”

  “Yes, it unnerved me, but I’m okay. He was two seconds from getting Mace in the face.”

  Hugging me closer, Hunter laid his chin on my shoulder. “I nearly lost it with that asshole. It was either choke the life out of him or make him run.”

  “I’m glad you did the latter. I wouldn’t want to visit my boyfriend in prison.” He gave a ghost of a smile. “I’m okay. Promise.”

  Leaning back, Hunter looked at the ceiling. “I don’t know what it’s going to take to get through to him. I thought I had before, but there’s something else going on.”

  So maybe my hunch that Hunter wanted to save him wasn’t that far off.

  He dragged his free hand through his hair. “Mac told me at the fieldhouse that he’s decided to take him out of the first game of the season.”

  “Oh. How’d Josh take it.”

  “He was visibly pissed, but he said nothing.” He shook his head. “Damn it. That kid has so much talent, and he’s throwing it all away.”

  I ran my hand up his arm, and he looked at me, concern clear on his face. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yes, I promise.” I leaned in a little to give him a kiss. “I missed you. It seems like forever since we were at your ranch.”

  He grabbed me tighter, upsetting Nala, who jumped off to move to the chair across the room. “I missed you, too. I think it’s time I got reacquainted with your body.”

  “Yes.” My voice was breathy as Hunter captured my mouth.

  For the first time in my life, I realized I was living, and it was all because of Hunter.

  In the week that passed after the incident with McEvans, he stayed the course and hadn’t stepped out of line. I was hopeful it remained that way. The first scrimmage had gone better than any of us anticipated. We’d only lost by one field goal. One. The team seemed energized from their performance and actually seemed to be functioning as a team. Our third string quarterback had done a good job. He had a lot of potential. From the notes Mac had given me, there was a chance he would become second string soon.


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