Play Me

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Play Me Page 17

by Kelly Elliott

  His tongue traced up my slit, and I nearly came undone as he worked me up into a feverish frenzy. When I was on the cusp of coming, he withdrew.

  I groaned in frustration. “Hunter...”

  The weight of his body was on me and I felt the tip of his dick tease my entrance. Hunter moved the cups of my bra, freeing them, and hoisted them up. His hands intertwined with mine while teeth teased my nipples. I arched in response and begged, “Please.”

  The tip of his dick entered a little deeper, and he sucked harder on my breast. That was going to leave a mark for sure. I nearly came on the spot, knowing he’d marked me. My legs wrapped around his waist, urging him to enter me. Of course, he only teased me more while he moved to my other breast, sucking to the point of pain. When his mouth captured mine, he thrust inside of me. It was deep, raw, and beautiful.

  We raced to the finish.

  Sweet euphoria claimed me as we kissed and swallowed each other’s moans. The pace slowed as we rode out our orgasms. Sweat was beaded all over my skin and our kisses slowed.

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  “I love you more.”

  We were sprawled on my desk, kissing sweetly. “So what happens when you get lucky first?”

  “I still take my girl to dinner and hope to get lucky again.”

  “Oh, I can guarantee you will.”

  “That’s good to know.”

  Hunter eased out of me and cleaned himself up. I walked over to a decorative mirror that hung on the wall and saw the marks he’d left on my skin. He stepped up behind me and traced them with his thumbs. The image was incredibly erotic. “You’re mine.”

  “Always. I like seeing your mark on me.”

  His thumbs were working me up all over again. Hunter kissed the side of my neck. “Maybe I could get lucky twice before dinner. And this time, I want you to watch while I take you from behind.”

  “I think that can be arranged.”

  “I’ve got this.” I took a deep breath, double-checking my calendar as I readied myself for the coming days. We were three days before the first game of the season. Our parents were coming in for the first game. Apparently, it was customary for the parents to meet. I knew this, but it all seemed archaic. Things were going smoothly—too smoothly—and I waited for the other shoe to drop.

  Maybe it won’t.

  Hunter and I were growing closer every day, and he had been true to his word. He was supportive of me and my career. I was so in love with him. And I hadn’t stopped my quest to find a work-life balance. Because of that, I was ready to take Mom’s advice and talk to Dad about my concerns. I hadn’t mentioned it to Hunter because I wasn’t sure where it would go. I wasn’t sure what the options were. It felt like it was all or nothing, but maybe that wasn’t the case.

  Dad and Mom were making a pit stop in Bowling Green so I could talk to him before they went on to Los Angeles for an event. I was nervous and excited all at the same time.

  Hunter came out of the shower, water still beading on his chest and the tattoos in stark relief against his skin. Behind him Nala slept peacefully on the hamper. He ran a towel through his hair before securing it around his waist. Just moments before, I’d been against the shower wall with Hunter buried deep inside me.

  He is mine. And I am his.

  Hunter ran a comb through his hair. Casually, he said, “What would you say to us coming out as a couple after the first game?”

  I froze, my mascara wand halfway to my face. That had come out of left field. “I... uh...”

  He paused for a second. “We’ve been together for nearly a month.”

  Setting down my mascara, I turned his way. “I know, but it’s just that I don’t know what the right thing to do is. I didn’t think we would go public this quick. Things are just settling. I figured we would let it ride and see how the season goes.”

  Hurt flashed across his face, and I hated that I had put it there. “You weren’t planning to wait until my contract ended, were you?”

  I had actually planned on exactly that, but from the look of Hunter’s face, we weren’t on the same page... at all. Standing, I tried to center myself. “We’ve got so much on the line. A scandal wouldn’t help anything.”

  He reared back as if I’d slapped him. “A scandal? Loving you isn’t a fucking scandal. It’s not a crime. I want people to know you’re mine. I want people to know I love you.”

  “I love you, too, but...”

  “That sentence should never end in a but, Kendall.”

  I remained silent, unsure what I to say. I was making a mess out of everything. We stared at each other. I was so scared to put our relationship out there and what it would mean to everything I’d worked for. I just needed time to talk to my dad and see my options.

  I cleared my throat. “Hunter, work is important to me, you know this. I don’t understand where this is coming from.”

  He took a step back. “I need a few days to think, Kendall.”

  Now I felt like I had been slapped. “About what? I don’t understand.”

  “Everything. I don’t know if I can play second to your career.”

  “Okay,” I said numbly, my shoulders sagging. Even more hurt flashed across his face. I was spiraling out of control, unsure why I couldn’t get it right. “Are you breaking up with me?”

  “No, but we need to take a few days and think about what we want.”

  “I know. I do love you, Hunter. I am committed to you.”

  He touched my face. “Think about it. We’ll talk in a few days.”

  I nodded, trying to hold back the tears. He went into the closet and came out dressed. He gave me a nod before he walked off without a kiss goodbye. When I heard the door close, I sank to the floor and sobbed.

  What have I done? Did I lose the only man I’ve ever loved?

  My leg bounced as I waited for my dad to arrive. Hunter and I hadn’t talked since the day before in my bathroom. His family was due to arrive the next day. And the day before had gone to shit. When I’d arrived at the office, Dad had told me there was a delay and he would be there the next day. Somehow, I had managed to hide how miserable I was.

  There was an awkward, painful weight on my chest. That morning, I’d caught Hunter running from out my window. I thought he’d seen me, but he’d pushed himself harder as he passed by my window. Inside, I felt like a piece of me was gone.

  Amber’s voice came over the intercom, jolting me. “Your dad is here.”

  “Thanks, Amber.”

  I poured two cups of coffee and set them on the table. A couple of seconds later, Dad walked in. Immediately, there was concern on his face. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

  “Oh, Dad.” I started crying. “Things with Hunter are complicated.”

  Dad enveloped me in his arms, offering me the comfort I’d missed being so far away from home. “Come here. Tell me what happened.”

  I filled Dad in on everything, and he listened without much expression. When I finished, he was quiet for a second, absorbing it all.

  “What do you want, Kendall? What do you really want?”

  “I want to be a wife, mother, and have a career. But I know what the job entails, and I can’t have all three.”

  Dad smiled at me. “Kendall, we are in a position to make the job whatever you want it to be. You’d have the power to delegate, which is how you’d be able to do it all. You can choose to run the company or not run the company. What matters to your mother and me is that you’re happy. That’s all that has ever mattered to us.”

  “It can’t be that easy. There’s so much responsibility. And I haven’t proven myself.”

  “It is that easy. You delegated the coaching to Mac, and it’s been successful. You aren’t trying to do both jobs. Same goes with other aspects. You just have to hire competent people, teach them to do the job to your expectations, and then trust those people.”

  “But you do it all. And you’ve earned the respect. It’s your company.”

/>   Dad led me over to the couch. “No, I have a team that does it all, and I manage it from above. I respect your need to prove yourself to the board, but you don’t have to. Your name alone gives you that right. And if they can’t accept that, they have no place at my board table. I wouldn’t let you take it on if I didn’t fully believe you were ready for the job.”

  Everything was all so confusing. “But you let me work for their trust.”

  “Yes, I did. It’s a life lesson, Kendall. One thing your mother and I have also believed is not micromanaging our children. If you think I haven’t had the same conversation with your brother, you’re wrong. He’s trying to find himself, too. But you don’t truly learn until you fall and have to pick yourself up.”

  I scratched my head. “So this was all for nothing?”

  “What do you think?”

  I thought for a second. “No, it wasn’t. Because I’ve realized what I can do. And I’ve learned how to manage the board when they don’t agree with me. They were ready for you to pull the plug, but I convinced them to give me time.”

  Dad smiled. “Yes, you did that even though it wasn’t necessary. They know this. At the end of the day, the board holds no decision-making power in my company, but they are wise, so I listen to them.”

  That made sense. I changed topics. “Hunter is upset.”

  “And so are you.”

  “Yes, but he wants a break. I’m worried. We might be over.” I’d opened my messages about a million times the night before to send him a note but had stopped myself.

  Dad took a sip of his coffee. “Every relationship has its challenges. When your mother and I met, I messed up several times; I was overbearing and very controlling. It was through her love I found what a real relationship meant. And through her patience, I found the balance we have now.”

  “You make it sound so simple.” My parents had never seemed stressed balancing it all.

  Dad took another sip as he thought for a second. “Relationships are anything but simple. But that man loves you. You are both going to make mistakes. Hunter has his equal share in this. I would have never been this patient—just ask your mother. But if he’s your match, Kendall, you need to fight like hell for him and he for you. Love is the best thing you could ever fight for.”

  I gave voice to what I’d been scared to say before. “I want the balance, Dad. I want to be a wife, someday a mother, and still have a career.”

  “Then you’ll get it. This team is a good way for you to learn to delegate and prepare for the bigger roles. I’ll help you.”

  There was something else Hunter and I hadn’t discussed, but I knew he wanted to stay at his ranch. “Would we have to move to North Carolina or Atlanta?”

  “Not full time, but you would have to be there some. One thing about love is there is always a compromise. You just have to find a middle ground.”

  I hugged my dad. “I love you so much. Thank you.”

  He squeezed me tighter. “I love you, too. More than words can ever say. Even though you’re all grown up, you will always be my little girl.”


  I felt lighter after talking to my dad. He hadn’t been concerned about the press or anyone else’s reaction to our relationship. In fact, that hadn’t even come up in the conversation. Nor did he care what the board thought.

  Have I been wrong about it all along?

  The board had been some scary, all-powerful entity in my mind that now seemed more manageable. This was my life. They worked for me. And if I wanted to date someone, I could damn well date them.

  After Dad left, I had a desperate need to find Hunter. I needed him to know how I felt. I went to the locker room. “Hey, Mac. Have you seen Hunter?”

  Mac looked up, his glasses perched on his nose as he read something. “No, he left a little bit ago to work on his plays. Everything okay?”

  “Yes.” I needed to deflect; I wasn’t ready to discuss anything with Mac. “Do you need anything for the game?”

  “No, I think we’re all set. I’m hoping for a win.”

  I winked. “Me, too.”

  I left the stadium and headed to the apartment complex. I looked in the gym at the back of the complex, then went to his apartment door. His truck was there, but there was no sign of Hunter. I needed to see him. Back outside, I typed out a message.

  Me: Where are you?

  Hunter: On the trail. Just got done with my run.

  Me: Can we talk?

  Hunter: Of course. Am I going to like this talk?

  Me: I think so. I hope so.

  Hunter: Thank fuck. I miss you.

  Me: I miss you, too. I’m so sorry.

  Hunter: I’m sorry, too. I’ll be to your place in five minutes.

  Me: Perfect.

  I turned and ran straight into the chest of Josh McEvans.

  “Ms. Wales.”

  Squaring my shoulders, I narrowed my eyes. “Mr. McEvans. Why are you here when I have advised you otherwise?”

  “You’re going to talk to your boyfriend and make sure I play in Saturday’s game.”

  I stood my ground. “We have been through this; that’s not my call.”

  He handed me an envelope with a nasty smirk. I wanted to slap him. “These are just copies. I knew I just had to bide my time, just like with the other coach. He found it was easier to do as I asked than have his wife find out about his cheating.”

  Cautiously, I took the envelope and opened it. Inside were pictures of me and Hunter in the parking lot of our apartment complex. Surprisingly enough, they were innocent. There was one where he was cupping my face and another where he was giving me a kiss. That one had to be from a couple of days earlier when Hunter and I had kissed before getting into our cars to go to work. We had been so careful otherwise.

  I called his bluff. “It’s not a crime to date someone.”

  “No, it’s not. It won’t take much to spin this into something. How will Daddy feel about that?” Josh folded his arms over his chest. “Pull some strings and get me back on first string, or those will be sent to every media outlet with some story. Have a good evening, Kendall.”

  Josh turned and walked away with a swagger through the front lobby door.

  Hunter walked in. “Kendall, what happened?”

  The asshole. The fucking asshole was trying to cause a shitstorm. “I want McEvans fired.”

  Hunter took the envelope. “He gave you these?”

  I was mad as hell. “He said if I don’t get him back on first string, he’s going public with them with some made-up story to cause problems for me. It’s how he got away with everything from the previous coach. The guy was having an affair and he was blackmailing him.” I squared my shoulders. “I want him off the team, and if he causes problems I will have him arrested.”

  Hunter was immediately fierce and angry. It was raw and protective. He fisted the photographs, the pages crinkling in his hands. “Let me talk to him, Kendall.”

  “I am tired of this. He needs to be gone.”

  “Let me go find him. Will you please trust me and let me handle it?”

  I took a deep, calming breath. “Okay.”

  He turned, but I grabbed his arm. It was imperative I told him before he went anywhere. “I need you to know that I choose you. No matter what happens, I choose you. I want to balance everything where you are first in my life. I don’t want to hide our relationship. I love you, Hunter.”

  He searched my eyes and then kissed me fiercely. All too soon, he pulled back. “Let me go sort this out. These pictures are not going to make it public. I’m sorry about how I reacted. It wasn’t fair. I choose you, too. I love you, Kendall.”

  “I love you, too.”

  I pulled out my phone and sent McEvans a text as I tried to calm my racing heart. It was partly due to McEvans and the bullshit stunt he was pulling, but mostly due to Kendall telling me she loved me. I’d never in my life loved anyone like I loved Kendall, and I would do anything to protect her and s
how her how much I loved her. Anyone who stood in my way would have to deal directly with me. Anger started to build up as I thought about that idiot trying to blackmail Kendall.

  My hands were shaking as I sent off the text.

  Me: Meet me in my office. Now.

  McEvans: Sorry boss, got other plans.

  I stared at his text, feeling my blood boil. Who the hell does this asshole think he’s dealing with?

  Me: You have ten minutes or you can start packing your bags.

  By the time I got to my office, Josh was standing outside my door. I wanted to punch the smirk off his damn face. Instead, I brushed past him, unlocked the door, and motioned for him to go in.

  The moment I shut the door, I grabbed him by his shirt, spun him around, and slammed him against the door.

  “I could kick your ass right now I’m so goddamned pissed at you.”

  “What the fuck?” Josh bit out. “What is wrong with you?”

  I stared him down, furious. His smug attitude quickly dissolved, and he looked away. The bastard couldn’t even look me in the eye.

  “You want to tell me why you threatened Ms. Wales?”

  He had the nerve to laugh as he looked back at me. “You mean your girlfriend?”

  Pushing him harder against the door, I got into his face. “No, I mean Ms. Wales. Our relationship is none of your fucking business, McEvans.”

  “Yeah, well I’m about to make it my business. I’ll go to the press and turn this into the biggest scandal Wales Enterprises has ever seen.”

  I shook my head and gave him a good push before letting him go. He nearly dropped to the floor. He stumbled and tried to right himself, but for the briefest moment, I saw his vulnerability. I saw the scared lost kid he really was. A part of me wanted to shake the sense into him, the other part of me wanted to punch it into him. Neither idea was the right one. Taking in a deep breath, I shook my head in disbelief. “You just don’t get it, do you?”

  Josh stood there with a confused expression on his face. “What do you mean? I get it. The coach is sleeping with the team owner. That can’t be good publicity.”


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