Catching Fire: Educating Ellie (Billionaire Romance Series Book 1)

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Catching Fire: Educating Ellie (Billionaire Romance Series Book 1) Page 13

by T. N. King

  The whole night went well. Ellie spoke very little but everyone gravitated to her and insisted they be introduced.

  Then finally, Chance made his suave way over.

  Her it comes. Morgan thought wryly.

  “Morgan.” Chance nodded at him.

  “Chance,” Morgan replied.

  Chance shook his head as he smiled and focused his sole attention on Ellie.

  Yes, it was one of his best and most dazzling too. Morgan recognized it. The killer smile. Next, would be the charm.

  As if on cue, Chance reached out and grasped Ellie’s hand then bent low over it and kissed it sweetly.

  Ellie’s eyes rounded and she stared.

  “I’m Chance Givens,” he stated proudly.

  Ellie’s expression looked blank. “Are you one of Morgan’s employees?” she asked innocently and pulled her hand from his grasp.

  Chances eyes widened as his gaze shot over to Morgan. “Is that what you told her?”

  Morgan shrugged. “I didn’t tell her anything.”

  Chance smiled at her. “I am on the board of Hunter Industries. I am also…” he paused and glared at Morgan. “…Morgan’s best friend.”

  Her eyes widened. “Oh. I am sorry. I thought you were the doorman.”

  Morgan could not help it, he bent over with laughter.

  Chance couldn’t help it either, as he chuckled. “Well, if you ever need a door opened and held for you. Just call me.”

  Morgan’s laughter slowed. There it was. The line. He knew Chance would bring one.

  Ellie just stared at him and no, she did not get the innuendo apparently. “Umm, well. I am not used to all of this anyway and I am used to opening my own doors.”

  There! He swiveled his gaze over to Chance. No go, buddy!

  Chance looked stunned for a second. Then he glanced over to Morgan. He tilted his head at him in puzzlement. Then he took a really good look at Ellie. He seemed to see something all the sudden. He then turned to Morgan. “I have to congratulate you, Morgan. You found it.” He bowed, turned then walked away.

  Morgan felt stunned. This was the last reaction he’d expected out of this man.

  “Congratulations for what? You found what?” Ellie asked from beside him.

  Morgan turned toward her. “For finding you. The woman made for me.” He grasped her face and kissed her. He delved his tongue into her sweet warm mouth.

  Her body instantly melted against his.

  She belonged to him, with him and he intended to make sure it stayed that way.



  The night had gone so well. Everyone had been so nice and no one treated her with any kind of rudeness. Maybe they thought it would be a bad idea since she was on Morgan’s arm the entire time. The strange introduction to his best friend did leave her feeling confused as she felt something else was going on that she just didn’t know about. She had shrugged it off as Morgan seemed happy and it didn’t seem to bother him.

  A man stood up on a stage as the music slowed in the ball room. “Good evening ladies and gentleman and welcome to the Tri Star Charity Ball.”

  Applause went up for a few minutes as everyone clapped.

  The man leaned into the mike. “We will be starting our auctions. And we have had a special placement for the Feed- The-Children charity.” The man looked around. “Yes, Hunt Industries have a special donation, especially for this evening’s functions.”

  More applause and Morgan gently grasped her arm as he led her toward the man on the stage. “That’s our cue,” he whispered to her cheek.”

  Ellie looked around at all the faces they passed. “O-our cue?”

  “Yes, sweetness, the dress, remember?”

  No, she didn’t have any idea of what he was talking about.

  Then he led her to the steps of the stage. He made a sweeping bow for her to walk up them.

  It suddenly dawned on her.

  The man on the stage above them spoke again, “The starting auction involves something utterly beautiful…”

  Ellie’s eyes widened. “You mean I have to go up there and stand in front of everyone?” Her voice came out as a scared squeak.

  Morgan’s smile dropped. “Why yes, Ellie. They have to see the dress in order to start the bidding.”

  Her heart pounded in her ears and the room’s sounds went in and out of her hearing. Oh god! She was supposed to stand up and look like a model? NO—no! She wasn’t one of them. They would see that as soon as she stepped under the lights.

  Morgan seemed to realize what was happening as he stared at her face. “Ellie. Sweetness, look at me.”

  Her eyes had been roaming the room and her panic grew to heights she’d never felt before. At his voice, her panicked gaze swung over to him.

  “That’s right. Just look into my eyes,” he purred.

  Her body stilled and her focus tapped right onto his face.

  Those magnificent steel toned eyes looked at her with a loving warmth. “You are the most stunning woman here. You are better than all the women here. With a huge heart and a strength that they do not have. I know you can do this. And think of all the poor that will be taken care of, just with what you are wearing. This is your chance.”

  My chance. She fought her panic and heard the announcer saying this was a Desaunt gown worn by Ellie White. She swallowed heavily and kept her focus locked onto his eyes. “Okay…” She let out a breath and turned to the short stairs. You can do this. Make Morgan proud. Miss Petra’s parting words came back to her, “It was an honor to help you as your beauty is the kind makeup cannot do any justice to.”

  She squared her shoulders and took the stairs one slow graceful step at a time. She fought to slow her breathing and keep calm. You are just walking out to a table to get someone’s order. She almost laughed in giddy nervousness. A half a million dollar order. Then she was there—under the lights.

  Ellie set her brightest smile on her face and carefully strode across the stage.


  He watched her with a steady but disturbing awe. He’d forgotten that she wasn’t used to this kind of attention. He should have thought about it first before he arranged this. He just put her up to all the scrutiny of his world. Dammit, he was a fool. How could he have done this to her? Morgan now felt truly awful that she had no warning. But then when she looked into his eyes, she seemed to come right under his immediate influence and she calmed. Yes, the perfect submissive and perfectly in tune with him. Then she just walked right up there as if she did this every day. Pride swelled through him as he watched her walk over to the mike and the announcer.

  The lights glared down on her and glinted off the diamonds. Her face glowed just from the diamond light. Her porcelain skin looked ethereal. She then took a slow, graceful walk around the MC as he spoke of the dress, about the 24-24 karats she wore and she stopped then slowly turned to show the back of the dress.

  His chest tightened at the pure luster of her smooth unblemished skin. Like the silk she wore, her skin looked the same only white and against the cobalt, it looked creamy and lovely. The dress dipped all the way down to the dimple above those lovely ass cheeks he remembered squeezing and adoring as she rode him to heaven. Morgan found his throat was swollen shut, his cock rock hard and his chest felt too tight as if his heart wanted to stop or leap out and it couldn’t make up its mind which to do first.

  My god, I love this woman!

  This realization hit him full force. With a sledge hammer accuracy. I am not just falling in love with her. I LOVE HER!

  Now, the crowd ooohed, and ahhed and were completely entranced by Little Miss Ellie White in her ball gown of diamonds. They only reflected the sudden and overwhelming feeling that one Morgan Hunt was enduring.

  The bidding started and Morgan barely heard any of the proceedings, all he could do was stare. Stare at the little slip of a girl he’d pulled from a fire. One who owned that stage once she stepped on it. She owned the crowd t
oo. Even the MC stood and stared in a stunned awe. The man almost forgot to acknowledge a final bid of—what did just he say? Morgan tried to hear over the gasps in the crowd.

  “One million dollars!” the MC announced with a gasping sound in his voice. “Going Once, Going twice…Gone, to the man in the far corner.”

  Morgan’s stunned gaze swung around the room to land on the one and only, Chance Givens.

  Chance smiled at him. Then mouthed, “I at least got the dress.”

  Morgan glared at him for a moment then he smiled as he thought, and I got the woman inside the dress. And she is worth more than a million.

  Suddenly, Ellie was stepping down the steps toward him. He instantly jumped to attention and met her halfway to help her down.

  Trembling a bit, she gave him the brightest smile he may have ever seen on her face and she said breathlessly, “I don’t have to take the dress off yet, do I?” Her wide blue eyes sparkling and full of innocent wonder.

  He halted at this when they got down to the bottom step, and grabbed her up to swing her body down. Then he leaned in and whispered, “Not until I take it off of you.”

  Her eyes rounded and her trembling stopped as she looped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

  Morgan allowed her to lead the kiss.

  With all her exhilaration, joy, and sexuality, Ellie kissed him.

  To Morgan, it was the sexiest, most sensual kiss that he had probably ever received from a woman, as Ellie now owned the kiss she gave him.

  Breaking the kiss, she still held his face in her hands. Gazing into his eyes she whispered, “Thank you for this, Morgan. It was the most perfect night of my life.”

  Morgan was breathless from her kiss and her humbling words as he gazed into those pools of sparkling blue, mesmerized by all that was Ellie, and all he could do was nod. For once, he had nothing to say, as it was the most perfect of nights.


  Her giddiness didn’t end. When she walked through the ballroom, applause rose up as her and Morgan passed. Stunned, could not even describe the feeling she had. All while she’d worried about fitting in, being good enough. Then this is the way it turned out? Her cheeks burned from all the adulation.

  Morgan leaned in close, “I think this is our cue to exit while we are on top.” He chuckled while people clapped him on the back as they strode by.

  Ellie nodded her agreement and as they neared the double glass doors, she spotted a man in a tux. Is that…?

  Chance had waved the doormen aside and opened the glass doors, bowing in reverence.

  Ellie gasped and stared at him.

  Beside her, Morgan slowed his confident stride as he stared at his best friend.

  Chance raised his head up and gave then a green eyed wink. “Well done, Miss Ellie White. Well done.”

  She giggled as Morgan guided her through the doors and they left the brilliant lights, the opulence, and the sophisticated people behind. Then in the middle of him escorting her to the limo where the driver waited at the open door, Ellie let go of Morgan’s hand.

  He stopped walking and stared over at her.

  Ellie took a deep breath and lifted the dress with one hand, revealing a creamy thigh.

  Morgan’s gaze dropped down to her thigh and then to her sparking blue diamond shoe and then back up to her face. He gave her that dazzling Morgan smile.

  Ellie bit at her lip, then jumped up in her diamond heels as she pumped her fist in the air and let out a WHOOP!

  Morgan stared at her for a second, then tilted his head back to laugh.

  Ellie felt like—Oh, wow. She felt like—A MILLION BUCKS! Her whole body shook, as she seemed to suddenly realize the momentous thing that had just happened to her. Someone had paid a million dollars for the dress she still wore, while HER body had been it! Now, that same body seemed to give into the adrenaline and the sheer shock of it all. The whole world spun around her and she couldn’t catch her breath. She fell forward as her knees simply gave out.

  Morgan’s smile slipped and he a caught her.

  “Oh…” Her breath whooshed out of her.

  Morgan swung her up into her arms. “Well, that is enough of that.” He strode along the walk while carrying her and slid her weakened body into the limo.

  With her eyelashes fluttering, she slumped over in the seat.

  “Ellie? Sweetness?” Morgan pulled her up and into his lap.

  “Ohhh,” was all she could utter.

  “Shhh,” he soothed as he tightened his arms around her.

  Now, she felt grounded. His embrace his scent, his soothing presence instantly calmed her. She cuddled tighter into his arms and let out a long calming sigh.

  “That’s it. You’re okay, now,” his low voice whispered into her ear.

  She now felt like she was sitting on a cloud with her angel man. Yes, this was where she belonged.

  “You are so precious,” he whispered to her hair.

  Her eye widened. Precious? No one had ever used that word to her before. She tightened her grip around his neck.

  They rode in silence and finally, they heard, “We have arrived, Sir.”

  Morgan nodded and patted her back.

  Ellie went to slide off his lap in order to get out of the car.

  “No,” he ordered.

  She stopped moving.

  He smiled to her neck. “This trip is on me, remember?” He then slid out of the car while carrying her.

  Ellie gasped. He was going to carry her all the way through that lobby? She flinched at the thought.

  “Stay Ellie,” he whispered to her.

  She relaxed her body and just held onto his neck.

  The driver stepped in front of the doormen and swung the doors open.

  Their faces registered concern and shock.

  Neither Morgan nor the driver gave them any explanation as Morgan strode through the immense lobby and people stared.

  Ellie shut her eyes. What must they think? She then relaxed and found that she suddenly did not care. She just took a whiff of his fabulous scent as she buried her face into his neck.

  The elevator dinged and she realized they were already at the top. How long had she been submerged in Morgan land?

  He chuckled as he took her down the long hall to the suite door. He then leaned across with one hand and punched in the code.

  Ellie remained hugged to his neck. She would not change her position until he said so. Why would she? This was the real heaven, here in his arms. Though now, she did feel interested. Was he going to take her to his bed? She was certainly more than ready.

  Morgan remained silent and kept walking.

  Ellie squeezed her eyes shut and just waited.

  He stooped at another door and tapped in a code.

  Oh, it is to my room! Still, he could plan to take her here. Her hope and anticipation grew, as did her trembling.

  Going through the hall and to her door, he kicked it open, then strode over toward her bed.

  YES! Right to her canopy bed.

  He then carefully set her down.

  Her arms hung onto his neck.

  Chuckling again, he spoke, “You can let go now, Sweetness.”

  Her arms and hands relaxed as she slid to the floor.

  Morgan then took a step back.

  Her body nearly slumped sideways.

  He laughed and leapt back to her to straighten her. He held her arms and stared at her face.

  Ellie looked into that mesmerizing gaze of his. She was his, all his. She knew it now. None of what happened before mattered now. Not his leaving her after that first night, none of it made a bit of difference. She wanted to be his in every way. It was the way she felt down to her marrow.

  He took a step back and dropped his gaze to her diamond accented feet, then up along her legs, next his intense gaze rose to her very pert breasts and her heaving chest. Then along her sleek neck to her face. His eyes met hers.

  Her body nearly jolted at the look in his eyes. It was f
ull of lust and a flickering of something she’d never seen before. What it was she couldn’t figure out. Her body shuddered. Here it is and I am ready.

  He stepped forward and reached out to gently lower the dress over her arms.

  Ellie fought to control her shaking, but she couldn’t. Just the flickering of his warm fingertips made her weak.

  He lowered the dress down and over her hips. The material breathed along her body in a slow sensual swish of silk. He then stared at her bare skin. All she wore was matching blue silk panties, as the dress did not allow a bra.

  Silk puddled at her feet.

  Now he again, took a step back and gave her the same perusal as before.

  Her skin tingled and she got goose bumps from his staring.

  Then he did something surprising, he knelt at her feet.

  Ellie’s gaze dropped down and she stared at the top of his dark head.

  He held her ankle and eased her diamond heels from one foot.

  At his strong grasp, she took a deep breath in. Imagining those fingers, those hands all over her skin.

  He then did, her other foot.

  Ellie stepped down to the carpet, now 3 inches lower, without the heels. She let out a shaky breath. She was so wet, the silk underwear was ruined for sure.

  He then took one foot and raised it up to kiss her toes.

  With rounded eyes, she stared as her body flushed at the feel of his hot mouth on her feet of all things. The man was kissing her feet?

  He then did the same to the other foot.

  Amazed, Ellie could not believe this. Morgan Hunt, billionaire, CEO was kissing her feet? She in this moment, felt adored like never in her life.

  He then stood up and lowered her panties. Slowly, he peeled then down over her hips then her trembling legs.

  Holding her breath, she gingerly stepped out of them.

  He then stood back up holding her damp silken underwear. He raised the silk lingerie to his nose and took a deep whiff.

  Swallowing heavily, Ellie stood in shock and stared. Oh, my god! That is sooo sexy.

  He then let out a low growl.


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