The Outlaw Takes A Bride: A Historical Western Romance (Bernstein Sisters Historical Cowboy Romance Series Book 5)

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The Outlaw Takes A Bride: A Historical Western Romance (Bernstein Sisters Historical Cowboy Romance Series Book 5) Page 54

by Amy Field

  “I think at some point we are going to have start thinking about the future,” he said breaking into her train of thought.

  Her insides twisted, and she breathed, “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t want to keep stringing you along you know. I am just not that type of guy.”

  She processed his words, but there was a hint of something other than morbid depression in his tone. She could almost hear him smile and she turned on her side, tucking her hands under her cheek.

  “I don’t mind the strings,” she said softly.

  “Strings can snap at any time, I want to give you a stable home, a stable relationship. This slapdash dating scene is just not good enough for you.”

  She hesitated, not being sure what he was saying, but to any normal person this sounded very much like an unplanned marriage proposal, yet, she didn’t want to make her own assumptions.

  “I’m happy with what we have now, I don’t need anything else.”

  “Well I’m not,” Dustin said bluntly. “I want a family, and I want it with you. You are the only person for me, Bonnie.”

  “Dustin…” she whispered.

  This time Dustin pulled her into his arms and Bonnie rested her head on his chest. She never pressed for him to get married, and after the first few years of living together, she settled into the fact that this was how things would always be. It had been hard for her to pin him down as the picket-fence family man, but laying here in his arms she had to do everything in her power to contain her excitement just a little.

  “I’ll go see Dr Stevenson tomorrow and after that, we can talk about getting married,” he murmured against her hair.

  “That will be nice,” she responded and kissed his chest.

  “Do you have anything else planned for tomorrow?”

  “I have a meeting with a new client,” she said, “But I can reschedule.”

  “A new client?” he asked curiously.

  “Yeah, but I’ll fix the meeting for the morning while you are at Dr Stevenson.”

  “That will work, and then when you are done we can spend the day together.”

  “Sounds perfect,” she said softly.

  Dustin hugged her closer, and a few minutes later, she heard his even breathing. He had gone back to sleep. Bonnie snuggled closer and smiled. She really was lucky to have him and she was going to make sure she reminded herself of that fact every day of her life.

  Chapter Two

  Coffee was and an absolute must for Bonnie. But because Dustin disliked the smell of coffee, she never made herself any while at home. But even so, they had their routine down to perfection, and she would eventually get her caffeine fix once she got to work. Every morning they would wake up and get ready for the day, and like gears, in a clock, they would work around each other with nothing standing in their way. They would take turns to cook and there was never a question about whom, what or when. Dustin usually went for the whole continental breakfast that included eggs, toast, and bacon and while he preferred fresh orange juice, she usually settled for a glass of water.

  Today, however, she was on cloud nine. Practically engaged to be married to the only man she ever loved. While she waited for him to see her out, she couldn't help but smile. She was pretty sure that people who won the Lottery felt much like she did.

  Dustin appeared next to her and spontaneously pressed a kiss in the nape of her neck and inhaled, “You smell good, any chance that you can call in sick?”

  She slapped his arm and laughed, “Focus mister, we have a lot to get done today.”

  He chuckled and wrapped his arm around her waist, “You just hurry on back here then.”

  "I'll be back soon, I promise," she said pressing a single kiss on his lips and briskly made her way down the stairs to the sidewalk. She didn't own a car, unlike Dustin who had his pet van that he was so protective over, so as usual, she took a leisurely stroll to the office only a few blocks away while soaking up the morning sun.

  She took a shortcut through one of the public gardens and as she walked along the winding path, past the yellow and pink flower beds she couldn't help but smile. It reminded her of the day she bumped into Dustin. It was the day she graduated, at a celebration party hosted for the graduates. She had one too many drinks that night and was stumbling around like a baby giraffe trying to find her balance when she crashed into a solid block of warm flesh. Only to discover that it was her high school crush and that the so-called crush was still very much present. It had been like a simmering coal waiting for a gust of wind to breathe life back into it and light it up into a magnificent flame. Sparks had flown instantly, and what caught her off guard that night was his casual Hello Bonnie, he had actually known her name all that time. It was one of the fondest memories she had of him and it just took off from there.

  She let out a soft sigh as she reached the pedestrian crossing. Her local caffeine dealer was up ahead, and she couldn’t wait for her fix. It was a quaint coffee shop on the corner of the street, which she discovered just after they had moved into the neighborhood, and she had been a faithful customer since. As usual, Pedro had her coffee ready, black with one sugar, another routine she had grown accustomed to, but one she would like to keep until the day she died. She took an eager sip of the brown liquid and the woodsy aroma of roasted coffee beans filled her nostrils and extended into her mouth. Now her day could officially start, she thought and headed around the corner to her office.

  She reached her office fifteen minutes early and was greeted by the receptionist with a wide smile. Bonnie was well liked around the office, and she had tried hard to make sure that she was in everyone’s good graces, and it was an easy task. Her considerate nature always attracted people, and she liked knowing that there wasn’t anyone talking ill of her behind her back. She believed in positive energy as well as Karma and she did her very best to keep Karma far away.

  Her secretary was already at the office too and stood up as she approached her office.

  "Good morning, Mark," she said with a bright smile.

  “Morning, Miss Trigson.” Mark smiled and handed her two message notes.

  He was a handsome youth, much younger than her with wavy dark hair and friendly brown eyes. He had joined the company a year before as a clerk but his organizational skills and attention to detail were impeccable and soon enough Bonne hired him as her secretary instead. They worked well together since Mark always made sure she had a cup of coffee on her desk, but even more than that, he anticipated her every need at work, always being a step ahead.

  “Have you confirmed my appointments?” Bonnie asked, pushing open the door of her office.

  Her office was spacious with a large mahogany desk and her accolades hanging on the wall. She'd richly decorated her office with art, tasteful furniture, and Afghan rugs; this was, after all, her home away from home. When Dustin used to go on tour she had spent most of her nights working till late, since she hated going to an empty house.

  She settled down behind her desk as Mark came to stand beside her.

  “Here’s your schedule for the day,” Mark said and cleared his throat. “You have your first meeting at 10 AM and then you have another meeting at 12 PM.”

  “When’s the meeting with Woodrow?” she interrupted.

  “He’ll be coming by at two. The boss has instructed me to tell you that you’ll be meeting him in the conference room.”

  “Why not here?” she asked curiously.

  “I haven’t a clue Miss Trigson, he didn’t say,” Mark replied, looking around the neat office.

  Bonnie shrugged and then she ushered him away, instructing him to bring by the files on Brenton. They were a cosmetic company she was supposed to present their concept to during her morning meeting. She’d spent considerable time preparing – reciting the presentation to herself in the mirror and making sure she memorized the important points. Being confident had always been a challenge for her since high school, but over the years, her experience in dealin
g with customers on all levels had provided her the tools she needed to come across as self-assured. After all, no executive cowered in the corner of a boardroom. She repeated the key points to herself mentally and smiled. This was going to be a breeze, she decided.

  Bonnie checked up on the other accounts and then sat back, thinking about Dustin. He had seemed very cheerful this morning, more than usual, but she knew that he was still troubled. He hadn't shown it to her, but she could see it in his eyes and she knew that although he may be happy about them finally considering the next step in their relationship, he was only wearing a mask to please her. It hurt, and she wished he would talk to her about it, but she was frightened about her own reaction if he did open up to her. It was insecurity that Bonnie hated admitting to herself. She didn’t understand why Dustin felt so strong about his duty to the military and his country. In her mind, he had done more than enough and that had almost cost his life. That, for her, was enough, but why didn’t he get that? She hated that this put such strain on them.

  She shook her head and shifted the thoughts aside. It didn’t matter, it wasn’t important. He was there with her now, wasn’t he? She should be thankful for that instead of complaining to herself about it. They had so much going for them and now there was a wedding to plan.

  A while later, Bonnie still couldn't get the troubling thought out of her head as she tried to focus on work. At 10 PM sharp, Mark announced the arrival of her clients. She gave herself a once over in her vanity mirror and a few minutes later she joined them in the boardroom. Although they looked intimidating, with their stoic expressions, she managed to run through the pitch and present the proposal with flair and confidence. And by the look on their faces, she was sure that they were impressed by the end of it. After the meeting she escorted them out, confident that she had the ball through the hoop. She avoided doing a fist pump but couldn't stop a broad grin from forming on her face.

  “Success?” Mark asked, popping into her office.

  Bonnie nodded, and he smiled. He gave her a thumbs-up and left the room. Bonnie took a few moments to relax. Brenton had been the easy one because she had been well-prepared, but her next meeting was with Nate Woodrow and this one would be more like swimming up against a riptide.

  She couldn’t help but wonder what Woodrow would expect. It was her first time working with an oil company executive, and she didn’t know much about him, other than what she heard from other investors. Usually, Bonnie researched her new clients, but Nate Woodrow was an enigma. His company was new, but it was flourishing and highly profitable, but that was the only information she had, beyond that, nothing. Well, not much other a few photos of a dashing man dressed in designer suits and escorted by a girl who looked like a front-page model. It made her curious about the man she was about to meet. She was simply going to have to wing it. She would try her best to glean some information from him during their meeting.

  She barely had time to finish her coffee and a small bran muffin she had packed as a snack when Mark buzzed her to let her know Woodrow was here. She got up, wiped away the crumbs, and smoothed her skirt down. She reached into her desk drawer, taking out a mirror and checking her reflection yet again. Her eyes sparkled like sapphires, but her cheeks were a bit pale. Bonnie frowned and tapped them lightly to get some color in them. Her hair was perfect and she applied a coat of her favorite coral lipstick. There, now she was ready to talk to and get to know the new client, Nate Woodrow.

  Bonnie exited her office and Mark adorably gave her another thumbs-up to wish her luck for the meeting. Bonnie smiled back. She was glad to have the support; it eased some of the tension she felt. She knew just how important nailing this contract was for her. Despite the lack of information, oil companies brought in a lot of money and she wasn’t going to be labeled as the one who let go of such a big fish.

  When she reached the conference room, he was seated at the far end of the boardroom desk with his back was turned to her, but she couldn’t help but admire his broad shoulders. He was, as expected, dressed immaculately, just like in the photographs she saw of him. It looked like he worked out a lot.

  She took a deep breath and entered. The sound of her entering made the man turn around and it was good that Bonnie was a classy woman or else she would have gasped out loud. It wasn’t like she had never seen attractive man – she was used to self-assured executives - but Woodrow was someone who seemed to have a different edge. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but maybe it was the look in his eyes, that look of appraisal he gave her as he studied her from head to toe. She did her best not to blush.

  His hair was dark, midnight black, and his face had the cut of an arrogant but very handsome man. He smirked slightly as she approached him, and she felt her mouth become as dry as cotton. He was definitely handsome, but Bonnie couldn’t explain why she was feeling so nervous out of nowhere. It was nothing. He was just a very handsome man, and she didn’t have any reason to feel uneasy near him.

  "Nate Woodrow," he introduced and extended his hand, his gray eyes meeting hers in a solid gaze.

  Bonnie shoved her nervousness into the deepest recesses of her mind and shook his hand. But the touch sent a shiver of something unknown through her and she pulled her hand away far too quickly. She didn't like the warmth that had traveled up her arm at the slight, innocuous touch. And by the smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth, she knew that he felt it too.

  “Good morning Mr Woodrow, I’m Bonnie Trigson. I’ll be the person handling your account,” she said, gathering all the professional grace she had.

  “So I heard. There are some really good reviews about you, so I am hoping that you live up to it,” he said with a light-hearted laugh.

  She offered him a stiff smile and swallowed, “So do I. So what are your expectations and how can I help you?” she asked as they sat down.

  “I am putting my company’s image in your beautiful hands; I trust that you’ll be able to take the reins on this one. A beautiful woman like you would surely be able to advise me on the most profitable route to follow?”

  He held her gaze and smiled, and Bonnie’s heart flipped rampantly in her chest.

  He was so obviously flirting with her, hardly two minutes into the meeting and Bonnie was taken aback to realize that she quite liked it. But she quickly pushed those allowed thoughts and feelings aside and focused on her task at hand. She talked about the ideas she had in marketing the company with global advertising campaigns and mobile marketing and was glad to see that he was actually paying attention. She was halfway through her presentation when he interrupted her.

  You are pretty good at your work. Do you mix work and pleasure?”

  Shocked, she tilted her head to the side and regarded him, “No. I don’t.”

  He smiled at her discomfort, but it wasn’t a normal smile it was predatory. Bonnie could feel the temperature in the room rising, and she knew she had to end it quickly before it got out of hand.

  She gathered her file and some of the documents he provided her and stood up, "I think that's all I need if there's anything else I'll get my PA to e-mail you," she said in a slightly cold tone.

  “We could always go out for lunch and discuss it some more?” he said.

  “I’ve already had breakfast Mr Woodrow,” she declined.

  “What about some coffee then?”

  “No thank you, but you are welcome to set up another meeting with my PA if you think of anything else you would like to discuss pertaining to the campaign.”

  She committed herself to remain professional and not allow his charm to side-track her.

  As she moved to pick up the file he wrapped his hand around her wrist and she froze. The way he looked at her, caused a tingling sensation of expectation and excitement to shoot through her veins, scorching her insides. This was not how it was supposed to go! She tugged his hand away and leveled a glare at him. She wasn't some floozy to be scooped up and dragged away to some batman cave. She wouldn't dare even if he
was Bruce Wayne! He smirked and tilted his head forward.

  “I will be in touch Bonnie,” he said calling her by her first name, which she found slightly alarming.

  It was only in her office that she realized that this contract was balancing dangerously on the line and that her reaction to him may have just pushed it over the edge. She potentially let the big fish slip. Even so, she didn’t regret it. Nate Woodrow was trouble and she should stay away from him.

  Chapter Three

  After the altercation with Woodrow, Bonnie was sure that she was the stupidest person alive and she was sure that he would be turning them down. She didn't regret her reaction, but she felt guilty and frustrated having deprived the firm of a good client. Not that it was her fault. No man dared treated her as if she was some object. The gall of it! He'd acted unprofessionally, but no matter how many times she thought about it, she couldn't help but feel the same rush of heat that she had felt at that moment.

  Bonnie couldn’t talk about it with anyone at work. But when Mark saw her face, he had known something was wrong and he subtly tried to enquire, but she simply shrugged and Mark had let it go for the time being. She didn’t know how to deal with this and tried to make up for it by immersing herself in work. It didn’t help, and all throughout the rest of the day, she was stuck trying to erase the whole thing from her mind. Was she being stupid or had she done the wrong thing? Was this character a serial womanizer or had she overreacted?


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