Wyn Security

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Wyn Security Page 48

by Dana Volney

  This was happening. In broad daylight on a stakeout. Reality gave way to a buzzing in her ears and every inch of her skin crying out loudly for his touch. His palm cupped her ass as the other braced her back, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close. Only a few more articles of clothing to shed and she’d be one satisfied woman.

  His laptop started beeping and didn’t let up, taking away his full attention. She pulled back, looking into his eyes that burned with heat for her.

  “What is that?” she whispered and nipped at the side of his lip.

  He pushed himself up from the backseat, letting out a breath as he came back down nose to nose with her, then kissed her on the forehead. “Our cue to get back to work.”

  A whine escaped her lips, and he chuckled. “Oh I’m greatly disappointed too, Starburst.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Hannah sat up and caught her breath, her vision still a little hazy from the constantly building need. A stolen car might be her new favorite place to have sex. In the near future, she’d know for sure. Or anywhere with Eddie would do. Eddie was key.

  She tilted her head and kissed his neck. “That was a nice ... pre-show.”

  “Tonight will make up for work getting in the way of our pleasure.”

  “Promises, promises.” Her smile couldn’t help but break through.

  Someone slammed a car door shut up the street; Eddie looked behind them as she closed the last button on her white shirt.

  “Shit.” Eddie ducked and took her down with him. “Redburn just showed.”

  A churning stomach instantly replaced her arousal. They’d been too busy fooling around to hear that Redburn was on his way. Unless the men hadn’t mentioned it because it was a surprise—or the plan all along.

  Eddie picked up his polo from the floorboard, making sure there were no witnesses before sitting up straight. He leaned forward and grabbed the laptop he’d thrown on the passenger seat, turning the volume back up.

  “Give it to me.” Redburn was in a mood. Losing men and money would do that.

  “Here ya go, boss.”

  “Get me the magnifying glass.” He spoke in clipped words.

  There was silence, and she and Eddie took that opportunity to crawl over the console to the front seats.

  “There is nothing in this worthless money.” There were clashes and clanks from an unhappy Redburn.

  More silence then vibrations were coming from inside the vehicle.

  “He’s calling us.” Eddie silenced his laptop and put the call on speaker.

  “Mr. Huntington. You did not give me what we’d agreed on.”

  “The terms have changed.” Eddie glanced at her and shrugged.

  Dammit. The whole mission was going to get blown because they hadn’t known what they were doing in the first place. Not having all the information sucked. She needed to slow down and figure out their next step. Too bad Redburn wasn’t going to get the memo to give her a minute.

  Redburn let out a noticeable breath, and the silence gave her goose bumps. “What are these new terms?”

  “You saw what our device can do. I’m sure your buyer will appreciate the display of action.”

  “You killed my people on purpose.” It was not a question. Redburn almost sounded impressed.

  “Casualty of the sale, I’m afraid. Feel free to escalate your price to your buyer. The sky’s the limit to what our tech can do.” Eddie was not looking at anything in particular; he was so still she could barely tell he was breathing. Wait, the side of his jaw flexed. Still, his concentration chiseled his face more, if that was possible.

  “Helping me out, are you?”

  “We are full service. And now we want double.”

  Eddie negotiated hard. She added that to the growing list of things he was good at. And how much of a turn on it was to watch.

  “Double? You’re out of your mind.”

  “Then this is where we part ways, and you can give your buyer our number.”

  Silence loomed. She was on the verge of grabbing her gun and running into the warehouse to start shooting if he didn’t agree to the terms soon.

  “I’ll get you what you want.” Redburn was back. “I want all of these gadgets though. Every single one.”

  “Deal. Where do you want to meet?”

  “Five p.m. I have a warehouse in Ballard. Don’t be late. My buyer needs them tonight.” Redburn rattled off the address they were currently parked a block from.

  The phone line went dead. Eddie turned the volume back up on his laptop as they both hunched down in their seats.

  Redburn gave a couple more orders to his men about not screwing anything up.

  They watched Redburn get into his black town car and leave in the opposite direction from where they were parked. More good news. They had time to regroup, plant more bugs, and refocus on nailing the sonuvabitch tonight. This couldn’t go any further.

  • • •

  Eddie felt like he was carrying around fifty extra pounds. Low energy reserves did that for you. He wasn’t sure how much sleep they’d actually gotten in the truck last night, but it for sure hadn’t been a deep, healing sleep. Still, his body woke right up as Hannah slipped off her boots and crept over to the curtains to open them. He marched straight for Hannah, his legs no longer listening to his mind. He wrapped both of his palms around her cheeks, encasing her face, and let his eyes roam over her deep blue stare that sucked him in every time; her long nose, rounded at the tip; and her plump, light pink lips he couldn’t get enough of.

  She was stunning, had been since the moment they’d met. His attraction to Hannah was easy; the part that didn’t sit well was being drawn to someone he didn’t trust. That was a first for him. But he was tired of living for the future. All they had was now. And he wasn’t going to waste it.

  He pressed his lips to hers, softly, seductively, moving them over her top lip then bottom, coaxing her mouth open. When their tongues touched, a heat in his lower gut took over. His fingertips lined her collarbone, feeling the outline all the way to her shoulder. She sighed into him as her hands wrapped around his waist, pulling them closer together. But not close enough.

  He wanted her.

  He wanted to be inside of her, to be the reason she moaned and then lost her breath. He wanted to push her to the edge, then over with a rush of excitement, and feel her muscles contract over him.

  He wanted to help her get back to the bright side of life and release her guilt.

  He reached for his shirt, pulling it over his head in one swift motion, then, grabbing the bottom of her shirt, helped her do the same. A small groan escaped his lips when his gaze fell on the black lace bra keeping her breasts from him. He shouldn’t want her as much as he did: She’d lied to his face. He couldn’t believe her. But his body didn’t give a shit; Hannah Malone commanded every part of him. He covered her left breast with his palm and massaged her nipple through the lace with his thumb. Exploring her body was all he wanted to do, to be the reason she experienced pleasure. She arched into him, her exposed neck, kicking up his heart rate and the pull deep in his gut. He ducked his head and trailed kisses down the length of her neck, then sucked on her skin in the corner just above her collarbone.

  He reached behind her with his free hand and undid the clasp keep him from seeing her bare breasts, letting his fingertips dance tug at her skin as he moved them down her back. Her pants were next ... why the hell did they still have any clothes on at all?

  He separated their bodies for only a moment to remove the sheer fabric, then captured her nipple in his mouth, sucking lightly then harder before circling the area with his tongue. Oh, her purrs ... God, he was rock hard and busting at the seams.

  He stood straight, grabbing her ass and pulling her up as she swung her legs around him. That was better. Except for the pants situation. Frenzy consumed his mind, his body going off of instinct. There’d never been a time before that he ached to touch a woman. But Hannah Malone was no ordinar
y woman. Complicated beyond belief, certainly not dull, and now challenging the connection between his mind and body.

  Her hair fell forward, and her mouth parted as she gazed at him, lust drooping her eyelids. She crashed her mouth to his, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him fiercely. He knelt on the bed, holding her to him with one arm hooked behind her back, not letting their bodies separate until absolutely possible. He had to get her pants off. And his.

  He took in a deep breath, and her scent washed over him—the intoxicating sweetness sending shivers down his chest. His lips connected with the softness of her neck, and he trailed kisses down, slowly, circling his tongue on her skin and sucking for a moment when he reached her nipple. This was only the start of everything he wanted to do to her, with her. Maybe he was more screwed up in the head than he originally thought for still wanting her after everything she’d done.

  Her fingers ran though his hair and over his arms in needy caresses, and he blanked on why he was considering anything other than her mouth, her skin, and being entwined with her. He pressed his lips into the slight cave of her belly and smirked when her body lifted to press into him more.

  He kissed above the button of her jeans, unhooked it, and stood back to pull her jeans off. She raised her hips to aid him, and the motion of her pelvis flexing up toward him, a thin layer of the same black lace fabric being all that separated them, made him groan.

  He unbuttoned his pants and kicked them off, rushing back on top of her, naked body to naked body, glorious soft skin to his. She hooked a leg around him by his ass, and he ran his palm down her body and caressed her leg. She had impossibly long legs, and when she wrapped them around his hips, his entire body sparked as if she’d flipped a switch.

  How they’d gotten to this point he didn’t know. He’d not seen it coming when they’d first met. But now she was all he saw. All he wanted. And he was going to have to find a way to deal with that.

  “Condom,” her raspy voice cut through life details that were threatening to ruin the mood.

  “Um.” The “m” stayed on his tongue as he willed himself to focus. Did he have another condom? His bag. Maybe. He kissed her again, not wanting to leave her warmth for long, a moment was even too long, and found his bag on the chair next to the window. He rifled around in the inside pockets. Bingo.

  He flicked the foil between his fingers and smiled when he turned around. She’d moved up on the bed and had undone the covers, although, thankfully, her soft edges and curves were still on display. What a perfect vision she was, lying there naked, ready for him.

  To connect with him, of all people.

  There was a grin on her lips, but something else in her stare. He slid into the bed next to her, not unwrapping the condom just yet. He pressed his lips against hers, caressing them, taking his time with tender kisses.

  Their faces nearly touching, he searched her gaze for an explanation. Not finding one, he resorted to telepathy. It didn’t work.

  “What is it?” He couldn’t go further unless he knew everything was absolutely A-Okay. Even if it might break his heart a little to hear that it wasn’t.

  She started to say something but closed her mouth and shook the words away. “Nothing.” She nipped at his lower lip, and her fingertips then palm rested on his pec.

  “Tell me.” He kissed her cheek by her nose.

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Tell me.” He kissed the other side of her face in the same area, not moving any other part of him. Because if he did and his hands were touching her creamy skin and their lips were locked, he might not be able to stop himself, and he needed to know what was bothering her before they continued.

  “I don’t usually do this sort of thing.”

  “Have sex?” Good, he didn’t want her to have sex with anyone else. Ever.

  “Sort of—two-afternoon stands.”

  His body froze at her quiet words as she placed a kiss by his ear.

  Is that all she thought this was?

  He closed his eyes at her continued kisses. Of course she wouldn’t think this was serious. They’d only just met. They barely liked each other. So, fine, if this was all she was willing to give, if she wanted him to be an experiment, he could oblige and have a good time. Probably he was overacting anyway, and once they went their separate ways, he wouldn’t feel the way he felt right now.

  • • •

  Hannah ran her hand over Eddie’s chest and kissed his lips. She needed the affection back. She needed him trying to breathe her in again, like they couldn’t be close enough. The tingly sensation from him wanting her was euphoric, captivating her body and mind. She craved it. She craved him.

  She straddled him, taking the foil wrapper out of his grasp; waiting any longer to feel him inside of her wasn’t an option. His hands wrapped around her hips and his fingers dug into her soft flesh.

  Wait—what was she doing? How had this started again? Was this a bad idea, or should she come completely clean with him? Dammit, she wasn’t going to let my sort of commonsense questions ruin this for her. She was naked, on top of Eddie. Why the fuck was anything else on her mind? She bent down, capturing his lips with hers, and licked into his mouth, hard. Yeah, nothing else mattered.

  She sat back, a little dizzied by the frenzied kiss, and opened the packet, tossed the wrapper off the side of the bed, and took him in her hands, rolling the sheath all the way down his long length.

  She lifted her hips and guided him inside of her, so achingly slow. A low-throat groan came from Eddie, and she opened her eyes; the heat in his gaze consumed her. Holy mother of all things holy in this world. Unfettered pleasure zinged up her spine and squeezed her throat.

  She sat on him, her legs spread with him gripping her hips, and watched him dig his head into the bed and slide his hands around to her ass then down her thighs as she began to rock, up and down, up and down, splaying her hands on his abs. Her head hung back as she let the ripples of pleasure roll down her back and pool as heat in her belly. One of his hands smoothed over her hip to cup her ass as the other went up to her breast, his thumb rubbing over her taut nipple.

  More. She needed to feel his body completely around hers. She moved down until they were face-to-face and pressed her lips onto his, coaxing his mouth open. He kissed her with want and fervor and need, and she couldn’t get enough. She broke their lip-lock, trailed kisses across his strong jawline, and bit his ear as she kept the steady rhythm that increased her need for release. She sucked on his earlobe and smiled at the groan she could feel reverberating in his throat. Both of his hands were on her ass now and a smile turned up the sides of her lips as she pressed them to his cheek then claimed his kisses again. He slapped her ass, and she bit at his neck, increasing their tempo. Being skin to skin with someone was long overdue.

  His hand moved up her back, and sweaty chills covered her forearm and gripped the back of her neck.

  They crashed into each other until she couldn’t take it anymore. She moaned into his neck and his head dug back into the pillow.

  Her shudder started right before his, and her entire body relaxed. His grip tightened on her ass and neck as he pressed his head into one side of her chest as his body quaked with his release.

  She kissed his cheeks and lay down on his chest.

  Fuck. Yes.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Hannah ran her fingers over Eddie’s chest, swirling them randomly and leaving goose bumps in her path. In a perfect world, he’d stay like this all night. And the night after. But, it had been a while since he’d checked in with Alex and his brother, and he wanted to tell them the good news that their time of being sequestered might be over tonight. Not that he had any evidence that would clear Leo’s name.

  He would work on that after the call and before the meet with Redburn tonight. There had to be a morsel, a video, something that would prove Leo was innocent. If he couldn’t find it, he’d get him the best defense attorney and they’d fight the charge. Together. He
wouldn’t leave Leo. Not again.

  Eddie closed his eyes as he kissed the top of Hannah’s head and breathed in her scent. She’d see through him soon. He had a past, present failures, and demons he still wrestled. She was about to conquer hers. She didn’t need him dragging her down while he dealt with his issues—actually dealt with them, not pushed them down deep and tried to forget about them.

  He had a lot of making up to do—to Amelia, to Leo. Shit, he really had to get his life together on so many different levels. Not starting a real relationship with Hannah was probably a good idea.

  He slid out of bed and pulled on his jeans. Hannah rustled behind him as he made sure the security settings on his phone and office were on and strong before he dialed Alex’s number.

  “Tell me you are calling because I can remand your brother to your custody.” Alex answered on the first ring.

  “That annoying, huh?”

  “He’s beat me at Call of Duty for two days now.”

  “I’ll get revenge for you. He’s yet to beat me.” Video games had been one of the few things they’d agreed on as kids.

  “Where are you on the case?”

  “We have a meet tonight that should get Redburn on the hook.”

  “Good. We’re running out of food. Are you going to get the bastard on something he’ll actually do time for?”

  “Oh yeah, terrorism should do just fine.”

  “Graduated to the big stuff.”

  “That he did. Your department will get partial credit. I’m sure we can finagle that.” He glanced to Hannah, who nodded her head. This wasn’t a career collar for her, but he owed Alex another bump in his. At this rate, Wyn Security was going to make Alex mayor come the next election cycle. “I appreciate you looking after Leo.”

  “How about his case?”

  “Is he there?” Eddie opened his laptop and tapped into the FBI database. Hannah hadn’t told him anything her agents had found yet; there had to be some news.

  “Bathroom.” Alex’s voice was lowered.

  Eddie let out a sigh. “Nothing concrete.”


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