Bad Boys Over Easy

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Bad Boys Over Easy Page 18

by Jen Nicholas; Jordan Summers Erin McCarthy

  “Keep licking those lips and I’m going to put something there to really wrap your mouth around.”

  She grinned and arched a brow. “Is that a promise?”

  His eyes flashed in warning. “Oh yeah.”

  “Prove it,” she dared.

  Derek didn’t move where she thought he would. Instead, he dropped to his knees and gently picked up her legs one at a time, dropping them over his shoulders until her knees rested by his ears. He leaned forward and blew air over her bare skin, cooling and heating her at the same time.

  Amanda’s skin prickled and her breath caught in anticipation. His tongue snaked out of his mouth and he ran it along her hairless seam, pausing at the sensitive bundle of nerves hidden in the folds. Her back arched as he pressed deeper, spearing her, lapping at her hungry flesh.

  Blindly she clawed at the covers, anchoring herself in the satiny sheets as he sucked and flicked, continuing to devour her. A steady throb started at her center, building with such intensity that she feared it would wipe away her existence.

  Derek tilted her hips then plunged deeper, seeking out her core with his mouth, teeth, and tongue. One last swirl and sanity slipped away. Amanda came on a whimpering cry, while her body stretched taut like a web caught in a breeze.

  She couldn’t see and the only thing she could hear was the pounding of her heart ricocheting inside her chest. Her breath sawed in and out of her lungs as her body trembled with the last remnants of desire before reaching satiation.

  She didn’t feel Derek move. One minute her vision returned and she’d seen the ceiling, the next he was staring down at her, a wicked grin covering his face. He wiped her moisture from his chin, then kissed her soundly. Amanda could taste her essence on his tongue, but she didn’t care.

  Her body was boneless and sinking deeper into the covers as she melted away. The sound of foil ripping reached her ears a second before his shaft pressed into her entrance. The head stretched her, despite the fact she was slick and wet. He slowed, his breath panting in her ear.

  “I’m going to try to take my time, but you’re so tight and hot and wet that I’m afraid I may not make it.”

  She grinned then wiggled, causing him to slip another inch inside of her. She gasped as he moved his hips back and forth.

  “We’ve got a long way to go.” He winked.

  “I’m game if you are.” Who had taken over her mouth and body?

  Derek withdrew, then surged forward, impaling her to the hilt with his impressive length. Amanda cried out as her body stretched to accommodate him. One thrust and he’d put an end to her two years of self-imposed celibacy. Not that she was about to tell Derek that.

  When her breathing returned to normal, he started to move. His thrusts were slow at first, lazy motions to reawaken her body. As the tension inside her returned, Amanda latched onto his shoulders, her fingers skimming over the sinewy muscles in his broad back.

  She reached lower, grasping his bottom as he drove into her, rotating his hips for deeper penetration. She matched his rhythm as if they’d been doing this together for a lifetime. Senses rippling, their movements turned fevered, while his kisses turned fierce, delirious.

  Amanda clung as the sensations became too much. She sunk her nails into his skin as a cry of release was ripped from her lungs.

  Her body milking him ignited primal urges. Derek grunted as his thrusts turned possessive. He wanted this woman. Needed to mean more than a quick fuck to her. He wanted to brand her, mark her somehow, so that there was no mistaking what they’d done. Instead, she’d marked him. Amanda sunk her nails into his flesh like an animal unleashed. He’d have welts if she kept at it, and he’d wear each one proudly.

  He bucked under her grip, as the warmth of her body enwrapped him in pulsing contractions. Steel muscles met soft flesh as he fucked her hard. The blood rushed to his ears, creating a dull roar as Derek bellowed out his release, following her into the land of satiation.

  Several minutes later, they revived enough to separate. Derek disposed of the condom in the bathroom, and then walked back into the bedroom in time to see Amanda slipping under the covers.

  “Would you like some company?” he asked, ready to beg. He’d known it when he walked into the bathroom, but when he returned to see her face it was confirmed. This had been the best sex of his life and he feared it was only the beginning of something better, something deeper that he refused to linger on right now.

  Amanda stretched languidly, her blue gaze skimming over his flesh like a caress. Her pert nipples pressed against the sheets reminding him of his earlier fantasy, except this was better. He responded instinctually. He couldn’t do otherwise. His shaft twitched and started to grow, rising again like the Phoenix from ashes.

  Amanda’s eyes widened as her gaze locked on his sex in what looked to be a cross between fascination and horror. Guilt swept him. He had been more than a little rough on her. He was about to make his excuses and go to the other room when she threw the covers back and beckoned him to join her.

  They made love throughout the night, sometimes with their mouths, sometimes with their hands. When the early morning sun peeked into the window, bathing their faces, their bodies were still joined.

  Amanda awoke gradually from what felt like a delicious dream. Her body ached in places where she didn’t even know she had muscles. She tried to move, but she was pinned in place by something. Her eyes flew open as last night’s events erupted in her head. Panic swelled inside her, along with a healthy dose of shame.

  She’d taken advantage of a helpless man. He didn’t feel helpless. “Oh shut up,” she mumbled to herself.

  “Did you say something?” Derek’s voice held a hint of gravel as he kissed her naked shoulder. His arm wrapped around her, squeezing her to his body, as he snuggled deeper.

  Tingles of desire swept through Amanda. This wasn’t good. And it certainly wasn’t sane. “I need to take a shower.”

  “Care for some company?”

  “I, uh, maybe next time,” she blurted, then scrambled from his grasp. She had to think. She needed to call Wendy. She’d know what to do.


  On second thought, that probably wasn’t a good idea. Wendy wouldn’t see anything wrong with what happened last night and she’d darn well never let Amanda live it down.

  Amanda jumped into the shower after locking the bathroom door. She scrubbed and scrubbed, but couldn’t wash away the enjoyment she felt last night while lying in Derek’s strong arms. Her body thrummed, sensitive in places it hadn’t been for a very long time. Derek had single-handedly given her the best sexual experience of her life.

  How was she supposed to top that? And with whom? All good questions she didn’t have the answers to.

  Under different circumstances, she’d gladly enter into a relationship with this man. He was handsome and charming. He cooked and didn’t mind cleaning up. Heck, he was the perfect guy. She frowned, allowing the spray to soak her head.

  But given the current situation, she’d be lucky if he didn’t have her arrested. Goodness knows she’d probably broken several laws. She wasn’t sure which ones, but there had to be several. Amanda groaned.

  She needed to get Derek back to his home—back to his life. Four days had passed since the show and nothing had changed. Except your feelings for the guy. Amanda cursed. She couldn’t have him hanging around her apartment much longer. She was falling for him in a big way.

  You already have, her traitorous mind added, stating the obvious.

  Maybe he had relatives in the city. If he did, she could take him to their home and it would jog his memory and snap him out of the trance. At least now, she had a sane plan.

  Her mind jumped immediately from her new plan to reviewing the events of last night in slow, slow motion.

  Amanda’s nipples prickled and her breath deepened. She ran her hand along her arm and over her breasts, before descending between her legs to her slick folds, as she recalled his masterful touch.
  She circled her greedy flesh twice feeling it kernel beneath her fingertips. Her body shuddered. It wouldn’t take much for her to reach orgasm. Since when had she become a sex fiend?

  Since last night, when you slept with Derek Armstrong.

  Amanda plucked her swollen nub and then reached for the faucet handle, turning the water to cold. This was insane. She had to be insane. Amanda shivered under the chill until her body cooled off. Too bad the icy spray couldn’t reach her heart.

  Derek didn’t know for sure what Amanda Dillon was doing in the bathroom, but he’d heard muttered curses which gave him a pretty good idea he wasn’t going to like it. Damn! What had he done wrong?

  He hadn’t expected them to make love last night, but they had. He wasn’t stupid enough to fool himself into thinking it had been just sex. He’d had sex before—and that wasn’t it. He didn’t know what to do now. The lines between professional and personal blurred before him.

  Derek got out of bed and dressed. He slipped from the bedroom and went into the kitchen. Amanda had enough eggs in her refrigerator to make a couple of omelets. After checking the expiration date on the carton, he found a pan and went to work.

  By the time Amanda entered the room, wearing a soft baby blue sweater with deep navy pants, breakfast was served. Her eyes widened in what appeared to be surprise, when she saw the plates. He’d found bread so they had toast and butter to go along with the eggs.

  “Have a seat.” He pulled the chair out for her.

  She sat.

  “I thought you might be hungry. I’m famished.” He grinned, rounding the table to his chair.

  “I made you some tea, but I couldn’t recall if you took anything in it.”

  Amanda opened her mouth as if to say something, but appeared to change her mind. “I drink my tea plain. This”—she gestured to the table—“is lovely. Thank you, Derek. You really didn’t need to go to all this trouble.”

  “It was no trouble. Now, eat up, before the eggs get cold,” he urged, raising his cup of tea to his lips.

  Amanda took a few bites of the food. Her eyes closed for a second, savoring each bite as she chewed. “Hmm…”

  Her lovely blue eyes had closed in much the same way when he’d entered her last night. In his mind, Derek could still feel her hot, moist sheath gripping him. Her nails scoring his back and the soft moans she made when she’d climaxed.

  “This is delicious.” She licked her lips, before smiling at him. “Where did you learn how to cook?”

  Her question brought him back to reality. “Thanks. My grandmother taught me everything she knows about cooking.”

  Her eyes flew open. “Really?” Amanda took another bite, before chasing it with a sip of tea. “Does she live in the area?”

  “As a matter of fact, she does.”

  Amanda smiled. “Wonderful. We’ll go there for a visit. Won’t that be nice?”

  Derek almost choked on his bite of eggs. Going to see his grandmother was a horrible idea. She’d bust his cover the second he walked in her front door.

  “Why do you want to visit my grandmother?” he asked, dabbing his mouth with the napkin.

  “I thought maybe seeing her would bring back pleasant memories.”

  So that was her plan. Amanda thought she’d take him to his grandmother’s house and he’d wake up. Trouble was, Derek wasn’t ready to “wake up.” He was enjoying his time with Amanda too much. He’d play along, because someone under trance wouldn’t resist.

  “That would be great,” he added. Maybe he’d have time to phone Nana Joan beforehand to coach her. Derek snorted silently. Like that was going to happen. She wouldn’t lie for him. He’d be lucky if she didn’t scold him in front of Amanda for lying.

  Amanda grinned. “As soon as we finish here, we’ll go.”

  “Great.” He might as well line up in front of the firing squad now.

  Amanda dug into her food in earnest, while Derek picked at his, absently moving the eggs around the plate. He’d suddenly lost his appetite.


  Derek washed the dishes while Amanda changed her clothes. The phone rang in three quick bursts. The bedroom door remained closed.

  “Amanda, phone.”

  It rang again. He wasn’t sure if he should pick it up or not. He wiped his hands on a nearby dish towel and walked the short distance to the cordless.

  The phone rang again. Derek looked around for an answering machine, but didn’t see one. He glanced over his shoulder one last time at Amanda’s door. Still closed, he reached for the phone.

  “Hello, Amanda Dillon’s residence. May I help you?” Derek asked, his voice raspy.

  “Wow! You’re still there. I can’t believe it,” the excited voice on the other end of the line exclaimed.

  “What are you doing?”

  Derek’s head snapped around at the sound of Amanda’s chilly voice. “I-I tried to call you, but you didn’t answer. The phone was ringing.”

  Amanda glowered. “Give it to me.” She held out her hand.

  Derek placed the handset into her palm and then returned to the kitchen to finish the dishes.

  Heat rushed to Amanda’s face as she placed the receiver to her ear and heard her assistant Wendy talking. She closed her eyes, willing her heart to slow down. She hadn’t done anything wrong.

  Ha! Nothing wrong! You slept with an audience member—who was still under.

  “Hello.” She pushed the guilt aside and forced her voice to work.

  “Well, well, well…what happened last night? Derek sounds a little worse for wear.”

  Amanda cleared her throat. “It wasn’t like that.” Yes, it was.

  “Really? Then tell me what it was like.”

  She blew out a frustrated breath. Amanda wasn’t about to discuss her sex life with Wendy. Wow, after two years, she actually had a sex life to discuss. The thought momentarily cheered Amanda up until Wendy asked her next question.

  “Did he ever come out of the trance?”

  The pit of Amanda’s stomach plummeted. She’d taken advantage of a helpless man. She did the only thing she could think of—she fibbed, sort of. “He’s a little more coherent.” That was an understatement. The man was an animal.

  “That’s terrific. Are you going to see him after he’s back to normal?”

  “Why would you ask that?”

  Amanda heard papers shuffling and water running in the background. All typical stalling tactics while Wendy formulated her answer.

  “I just thought maybe you were attracted to this guy.”

  Amanda glanced over her shoulder at Derek. What she saw captivated her. He was placing cups in the cupboard. The muscles under his shirt rippled, giving her a fascinating view of his chest as he shut the cupboard door. His bicep flexed as he picked up a pot. Her gaze went to his hands, where his long fingers gripped the handle. Amanda’s mouth practically watered as she recalled the feel of those strong hands gliding over her body.

  She turned her back to him, before answering. “I am attracted to him, but he’s not a stray puppy. I can’t keep him just because I think he’s cute.”

  “Suit yourself, but if I were you, I think I’d figure out a way to try.”

  Amanda could almost see Wendy rolling her eyes and shrugging her shoulders. “I have to go. But before I do, I need you to do me a favor.”

  Wendy perked up. “What? Anything!”

  “I need you to cancel the shows for the next couple of days.”

  Silence met the request. The seconds ticked by.


  “You’ve never cancelled a show. Not even when you had walking pneumonia. Are you sure?”

  Amanda sighed. “I’m positive. I am going to take Derek to his grandmother’s house. I hope that seeing her will snap him out of the trance. If that doesn’t work, I’m not sure what I’ll do.”

  “He must be some kind of guy.”

  He is…

  “I’ll talk to you later. Bye.” Amanda clicked
the off button without waiting for Wendy to respond. It was a rare day when she left her assistant speechless. But Wendy was right, she’d never cancelled a show—ever. This was a first and it made her decidedly uneasy.

  How could four days spent with a stranger change her life so much? She brushed the thought aside as she returned the phone to its cradle.

  “I’m sorry I snapped at you. I’m just not myself lately. Are you ready to go?” Amanda asked, looking up into Derek’s stormy eyes.

  “Just give me a minute.” Derek slipped into her bedroom. She heard the faucet running a moment later.

  Last night’s events flooded her memory. It had truly been the best sex of her life, but more than that, she’d actually connected with this man. He was considerate and kind, thinking of her needs along with his own. He was a giving lover. Oh my goodness, was he a giving lover.

  She recalled his face buried between her thighs and then his shaft stretching and filling her. Amanda whimpered as her body responded to the memories. She grabbed the back of the sofa as an anchor to keep from marching into the bedroom and demanding they do it all again.

  Derek appeared a few minutes later, shaven and washed. He looked so handsome standing there in his wrinkled clothes.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I used your razor and a bit of your toothpaste.”

  Amanda shook her head. If he was any other man, she’d be outraged. “Nope, that’s fine.” She smiled. “Ready to go?”

  “As I’m ever going to be.”

  Thirty minutes and four detours later, they arrived at the home of Joan Lansing, Derek’s grandmother. She was a pleasant looking woman with silvery white hair. She had the same piercing gray eyes as her grandson, telling Amanda without words that nothing got past her. Her body held the padding from many years of fine cooking. She opened the screen door with a wide smile and beckoned them in.


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