School Time for Death: Resurection (Death Dealer Saga Book 5)

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School Time for Death: Resurection (Death Dealer Saga Book 5) Page 14

by Jessie Wolf

  However that thought went the way of the Ricky bird with the Black Roses first words. “I fear I must report the loss of our agents on Hades Prime, Cardinal.”

  “How is this possible?!” Richelieu demanded with all the control he possessed.

  “As far as we can tell your Holiness they were ambushed upon entering the Nakatoma Family Temple. We have no clue as to the size of the force that attacked them, but it would have to have been at least a company sized or larger team of men.” The arrogance of the man was beyond parallel. The fact that the actual size and number of attackers was reported he refused to believe them. There was no way five little girls and a single woman could have stopped a crack team of Black Rose Ghost’s. They were recruited from the finest military intelligence and counter intelligence agencies there are. Nothing but the best became Ghost’s. No one had a better Infiltration Unit, not even the Death Dealers.

  “What could have gone wrong to expose your Ghosts to such an ambush?”

  “We have not been able to get anyone into the compound to investigate this, Holiness. Until such a time we are operating in the dark. They could very well have a new type of sensor or unmanned patrols, the possibilities are endless, your Holiness. We need to get someone on the inside to find out.” The Knight was starting to get worried; the last man to piss off the Cardinal in this manner disappeared without a trace.

  Cardinal Richelieu was fighting to keep his temper in check. As much as he would have loved to send this retard to one of the outer rim planets in chains he still needed the man. “Commander, you’re to return to your barracks and begin to retrain your men. The fact that they could be so easily ambushed speaks to a shortfall in their training. You are to correct this and make sure it never happens again. As for the intelligence on the Nakatoma compound, leave that to me. Now, get out of my sight.” Turning his back on the knight he moved so he could look out the window to the courtyard of the Temple complex. He heard the hurried steps of the knight leaving his office to be followed by the opening and closing of the door.

  Still looking out into the courtyard he asked the abbess. “Do you want to tell me what the report really said Helen?”

  He heard the clicking away of the key pad before her computers voice spoke. “Except for the size of the unit that ambushed the Ghosts it was almost word for word correct. As for the size of the ambushing unit I too would discount it. There is no way the soft women of the Nakatoma Family could have bested our troops. It is as the Commander stated, it had to be a unit of at least a hundred well trained men.”

  Without looking back at her, Richelieu gave her, her orders. “Get me the information I need to remove this thorn in my side, Abbess. Find out what happened in that compound, without delay. I will deal with the Temple Elders in conclave. I will get what I need to shut down that Temple once and for all. Go and carry out your orders Abbess. Do not fail me; if you do you shall find being mute a blessing to what will happen to you and those of your order.”

  The chill that ran down the Abbess spine was one of real fear. She knew for a fact that the Cardinal would carry out his none too subtle threat to her and her order. She also knew that he would have his Holy War against the Nakatoma Family and the Temple of Ida-ten that they’re so desperately trying to revive. She knew that the only hope for the members of her order and herself was to do as he commanded.

  Once alone Cardinal Richelieu pondered over how years of planning could so easily become undone by one little girl. One that until just a short time ago no one had even known existed. She came out of nowhere and in a matter of days overturns two decades worth of work by exposing those idiots Light, Daniels, and Moore. The three of them are no longer a threat to the Emperor true, them and their followers, but how had she been able to take them down so easily. He read the reports of the battle, he pay special attention to how this Maiha Nakatoma had lead from the front line. How she had planned the battle strategy. How she placed her forces to not only be able to support each other, but to deliver a devastating barrage of fire into the enemy troops. How she had maneuvered the rebels into attacking her when and where she wants them to. No matter how he looked at this girl, she defied every conventional behavior.

  No matter what he did the girl just would not do as she should. It was like he was fighting a person with almost seven times her experience. She just defied all logic. No matter she will bow down to my will, if it is the last thing she ever does. Either that or she’ll find her home in ruins and her family in chains. Turning away from the window the Cardinal went to his desk and began to organize what he needed to do if he was going to war with one of the High Family Houses.

  On the far side of the Empire at the Family Temple of the Nakatoma’s……

  “Maiha” I heard mamas voice calling me, but I really didn’t want to wake up. “Maiha, wake up child. Maiha, it’s time for you to get up child.” As I heard her voice cut through the fog of sleep, I knew that it was time to face a new day.

  Looking down at her daughter with a small smile on her face Dai Etsu Nakatoma could only envy her ability to sleep sitting up. Then again, her daughter had learned this particular skill from her time in the Death Dealers. Dai Etsu wanted to give her adopted daughter, and former brother-in-law; the peace she had so richly earned. For fifty seven years James Owens had dedicated his life to the service of the Empire. The man known throughout the Empire as Death was both feared and respected. All who would serve under him would find him to be fair, but uncompromising in his beliefs. His troops knew that no matter what he would be the first in and the last out. He never left anyone behind and on more than one occasion forced his superiors to send in more troops to recover their fallen brothers.

  It is hard to believe that this young girl was at one time one of the most powerful men in the known universe. Then again this same young girl was just as powerful. Over the past few months Dai Etsu had overheard more than one Death Dealer general ask why she would not take the Imperial Throne for her family. She had earned more than the respect of the men and women of the Family House Military. Even her own bodyguard unit, the Mountain Wolves; have said they would follow her into the very Gates of Hell and back out. That fact that she did not demand this loyalty, but had earned it was not lost on Dai Etsu. Even now as they wait on the newest members of the Temple of Ida-ten to emerge from their cocoons she could see a time when her daughter would be forced to face her own mortality.

  The reasons for her emotional thoughts would need to be discussed with her oldest daughter soon. Ever since Maiha had reset her biological clock she knew that this could happen. The fact that it had happened so soon after marrying her husband was a surprise. Then again like they said ‘It only takes one time to get pregnant.’ She wondered how she was going to tell Maiha and the rest that they would soon have a baby sibling. The fact that she was in truth almost seventy years old was not lost on her, then again she did have the body of a twenty five year old woman now. Maybe it won’t be as hard as she thought. She was definitely not going to have an abortion. This was her first true child, a miracle bestowed on her by this remarkable young girl.

  “Hey mom is Maiha awake yet?” coming up behind her Alice smiled at the woman she had come to love like her own mother. Looking at Dai Etsu there was something about her that just didn’t seem right. “Mom, are you feeling alright?”

  Taken back by her daughter-in-laws question Dai Etsu didn’t think to lie. “Oh, I’m fine Allison. No need to worry about me, it is nothing more than what women have been dealing with since the dawn of time, when pregnant.” The moment it was out of her mouth Dai Etsu knew it was too late. The next thing she knew Allison had her arms around her in a hug.

  “Oh mama, I’m so happy for you. Does Top know yet?” the young woman was a bouncing ball of excitement and questions. “When did you find out? Do you know if it’s a boy or girl? Have you decided on names?”

  “Allison please calm down child. My word you would think that you have never seen a pregnant woman befo

  All of the noise had woken Maiha up from her slumber. Looking up at Alice and her mama she asked. “Who’s pregnant?”

  Alice looking down at her smiles and practically shouts. “Mama, you dummy. She is with child.”

  It took a few seconds for what Alice said to register with Maiha’s brain, but when it did Maiha was off the floor, and wrapping her adopted mother in the biggest hug she could. “Oh, Mama, I’m so happy for you. When do we get to tell Fuyuko and the twins?”

  “Tell us what sissy?” of course the terrible threesome would take that moment in time to show up.

  Looking Dai Etsu in the eyes Maiha asks. “Well, mama are you going to tell them or should I?”

  Looking at her two eldest children Dai Etsu could see that they would drop the bomb if she didn’t. “Girls, in about eight and a half months you will have a baby sibling.” She stood there waiting for the three of them to start crying or to become mad at her. What she was not expecting was the excitement from the young ones of her family.

  They grabbed each other and screamed in excitement. “We’re going to have a baby sister!” they started dancing around in joy and excitement.

  “What if it is a boy?” Maiha asked the three of them. The fact that they might have a little brother never occurred to them.

  After a few minutes the three of them went into a huddle. They stood there whispering between themselves for another few minutes. Then they slapped hands and shouted “Break”. Went they turned and looked and their older sisters and mama it was Fuyuko who spook for them all. “If that’s the case we’ll love him just like we would a little sister. Then when he gets old enough he can decide to join the correct sex we’ll give him the nanites to change his sex.” At the shocked looks on their mama’s and older sister’s face they broke out laughing. Then as one they shouted “GOTCHA!”

  Turning to her mother and her wife, Maiha said one thing. “Get them!” and it was on. They chased the three youngsters around the inside of the Temple having some good clean fun for once. It was the perfect way to start their day. Their fun was stopped however when one of the cocoons suddenly started to beep to be followed by other, until there was a total of thirteen cocoons beeping as one. They all stopped where they were and turned to look for where the beeping was coming from. It takes them a moment before they soon figured out that it was coming from the thirteen cocoons holding the former Silent Sisters. Maiha had Dee De pull up a readout on the cocoons fearing that there was something wrong.

  Maiha, relax it’s only the warning signal to let you know that they will soon be emerging. (Dee De)

  “What are they done already?”

  Maiha it’s been just under ten hours since they entered their cocoons. In less than nine minutes there will be thirteen new Death Dealers in the world. (Dee De)

  “Wrong, Dee De, there will be the first of the new Sisters of the Nightingale. The first of a new order of Healers for the Temple of Ida-ten.”

  Commander I must congratulate you on your decision in bring back that most august order of Ladies. (Charlie)

  “Thank you Charlie, I would love to take credit for the idea, but that would be wrong of me. I got the idea from the Headmaster of Jacob Salomon Boys School. The man is a true visionary; I had no idea of the history behind the Knights of the old Republic and the Temple of Ida-ten.”

  So are you going to bring them all back? (Dee De)

  “At first I wasn’t, but as I thought about what he said and the tales he told of the Knights of the Ida-ten Temple I had second thoughts. It would only be fitting if the orders that founded the Temple of Ida-ten should be the ones to bring it back. They were the original Peacekeepers of the Empire; they should be the ones to return to that place.”

  Once again, Maiha, you have managed to surprise me. I have been your AI for over seventy years and every time I think I have you figured out; you go and do something like this. (Dee De)

  “Oh piss off you tin plated pain in the ass.”

  There’s the cantankerous old bastard that I know and love. (Giggle (Dee De)

  Looking over at her family Maiha smiles then steps over to where the cocoons are beeping. “Mama, Alice, and baby sisters, in just a few moments these cocoons will give birth to our newest members of the Nightingale Sisters. Soon these young ladies will join us in our fight to bring justice to our Empire.”

  “Maiha, who are these Nightingale Sisters?” Alice was the first one to ask about the name.

  “Are they some kind of offshoot of the Sisters of the Healing Cross?” leave it to Fuyuko to ask about one of the oldest Sisterhoods of Healers.

  “Yes, my daughter, just who are these Nightingale Sisters? I have never heard of this order. Are they from the time of the old Republic, child?” mama got right to the heart of the matter.

  Taking a deep breath Maiha recalled the conversation she had with Headmaster Jake Chalkier. She quickly explained the history of the four military orders of the Temple of Ida-ten and how they were the long arm of the Emperor. She even went on to tell them about the famous Healers of the Temple, the Sisterhood of Saint Nightingale. Before she could go into further detail the cocoons stopped beeping. Then as one the lids cracked open letting out a fine mist roll out cross the floor of the Temple. Stepping back over with her family she watched as the occupants pushed open the lids to their cocoons.

  “Just a quick warning everyone. Do not rush them. They will be slightly disoriented and may not remember where they are. Let them make the first move. They may not have the weapons that we do, but they will have a wealth of knowledge of the human body and the strength to cause a great deal of harm. Just relax and be as non-threatening as possible.”

  “Sissy, how do you know all this?” Nanami asked with all sincerity.

  Looking over at her younger sister Maiha realized that she had never talked about her own time in the second configuration cocoon with her family. “That is what I went through when I went through the process. I remember everything I went through in that cocoon. When it first opened up I was a little disoriented, and ready for a fire fight. I was all set to fight my way out of wherever I was. If it was not for Dee De keeping me calm and telling me what was going on around me I would have royally freaked out. They will not have had the experience of dealing with a Death Dealer AI. Until we can teach them how to operate with their AIs they’ll need a whole lot of help. Remember what they have already been through, and let them take their time adjusting.”

  As one my family said they understood. “Yes Guardian Sister Maiha.”

  The first one to sit up in her cocoon was the youngest of them, the young girl who was the orphan. She looked as if someone had wiped away the years of abuse and poor diet. She had the beginnings of womanhood just settling upon her. In truth she was very cute.

  “Excuse me Sister, but may I know your name? The reason I ask is that I don’t remember who you are?”

  The young woman started to giggle. The fact that she could giggle now shocked her. Then she smiled at Maiha and said her first words in a very long time. “Thank you Guardian Sister Maiha for everything you have done for me. You have given me back my voice, my dignity, and most import of all my belief in myself worth.” The young woman started giggling again this time she didn’t hold back. “This is the first time I have talked or laughed in seven years. I never realized what I had given up when I took the vow of silence as an initiate of the Silent Sisters. You have given back more than what any of us will ever be able to repay.”

  “Stop, Sister, you do not owe me or my family anything. The only person you owe something to is yourself. You have been given the chance to become one of the first in a long time Nightingale Sisters. Take it and do your best with it. That is all I ask. Well that and what is your name.”

  The woman blushed then smiled at this very unusual girl. She looked to be no more than fifteen years old, but her eyes were the eyes of an old, old soul. One that has seen more pain, misery, and death than anyone should. There w
as something about this young Head of House that just made you want to do your best for her. It was as if the Goddess had bestowed the knowledge of ages upon this child, and set her on the path of leadership. Everyone knew what she had done in the war of rebellion a few months ago. How she had lead not only the Nakatoma House Military herself, but all of the mercenary, and Death Dealer Units as if she had been doing it for decades. This girl had earned the respect of thousands of men and women by placing herself in the center of the battlefield at the head of their formations. She took the deadliest position in every fight when she did not have to.

  She was brave beyond words. She let her actions speak for her. She did not just spout pointless and meaningless words or phrases. She lived them. All she asked was for people to live up to their potential. The young woman smiled and said. “My name was Taylor Ann Smith. I took the name of Marry Kelly when I joined the Silent Sisters. You can call me either one.”

  “Which one would you prefer?” Maiha asked her.

  “You know I never liked either one. Can I have a new name to go with this second chance?” the young girl had a look of hope that Maiha could not resist.

  “If you want a new name that badly, then you’ll have it. You just have to think it up.”

  “Then I would like to be named after the Sisterhood that raised me, but I don’t know how to combine the two so that it sounds right. Can you help me?”

  Maiha turned to her mother and called out. “Mama, I need a hand here.” When Dai Etsu heard her oldest call out to her and hurried over. Once there she asked.

  “Yes, Maiha what do you need?”

  “Our Sister has need of a new name; however she wishes to make it a tribute to the order that raised her. The problem is how do we take that orders name and make it sound right, do you have any idea?”


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