Alpha & Omega: The Complete Collection

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Alpha & Omega: The Complete Collection Page 13

by Belinda Burke


  “Are you going to come for me again, Niketas?”

  “Sir. Can’t—Sir–wanna but I—fuck I can’t, I can’t!”

  The rough warmth of Stelios’ palm cupping his balls jerked a moan out of him. He clenched around Stelios’ cock and was rewarded by a groan and a growl that lasted.

  “I think you can, Niketas. I think you can come for me one more time.”

  He lifted up, and Niketas almost fell backward until Stelios wrapped his hands around his back and held him against his chest as he sat up and let Niketas’ legs sprawl open against his thighs.

  Then he pushed him back, pressed Niketas down against the furs and started to fuck him again. Harder. Faster and deeper than Niketas had been fucking himself. Stelios braced himself on one hand and wrapped the other around Niketas cock, and that was it. The rough heat of his fist was so much better than Niketas’ own.

  “So good, hurts, hurts so good I—I knew you were gonna—fuck gonna do this to me. So good, Sir, coming—Sir!”

  He groaned, deep and guttural, didn’t have enough breath to cry out as his cock pulsed in Stelios’ fist. When Stelios pulled almost all the way out of him, bent over his cock and started to suck on the tip, Niketas bucked up into his mouth and whimpered.

  The omega felt it—God did he feel it—when Stelios started fucking him again instead, long, deep strokes that rocked his whole body. It only lasted a minute before Stelios swore, buried his cock in Niketas’ ass and spent himself.

  It was faintly and from far away that he felt Stelios’ hands moving through his hair, over his cheeks and onto his chest. When the Alpha settled beside him, Niketas turned with an effort, his whole body heavy as lead, and lay panting, limp and sprawled across Stelios’ chest. He only sighed when Stelios wrapped both arms around his back, suspended in afterglow.

  He wasn’t sure how much time passed, but it was a while before Stelios shifted a little and spoke.

  “Niketas…I want to say some things, but I want you to listen to all of them before you say anything back, understand?”

  The words came soft by his ear, and Niketas hummed faintly in agreement. He would have listened to anything, wrapped up like this in Stelios’ arms, so sated he could barely bring himself to move.

  “Ever since you said it, I’ve been thinking, and got it bad isn’t good enough. Not for you. I love you, Niketas.”

  Niketas almost stopped breathing.

  “I love you, and I want you for my mate. To be only mine. So I’m...going to send you home when we get back to Greece. Tomorrow, if you’d rather, but not longer than that. I want you to do that thinking we talked about. I want you to do it with your pack around you, and your mountain. If I mate you, you don’t need to break your pack bonds, but you’ll be living with me in the city. If I mate you, I’ll want you with me…but you know my life, you spent most of last month with me. I’m hardly ever home during the day, and you—”

  “Sir…Stelios. If you’re trying to convince me not to want you, not to love you—it’s not gonna work.”

  “I’m trying to make you think. You’ve never even had another man than me, not really, and I’m not doubting your feelings but—Niketas. You’ve said yourself you aren’t sure if you like this life. Fucking you like that, I could probably make you agree to anything I wanted after. That’s not the reason I want you to—”

  Niketas startled himself with the growl that escaped him, but he wasn’t surprised when Stelios reacted and pulled him up his body enough to get teeth on his throat. He didn’t fight it, but he didn’t submit, either—not this time.

  “No, Sir. I wouldn’t agree to anything. I love when you fuck me but I love you, too, and that’s something different. Don’t confuse them. Ah!”

  Stelios bit him a little harder, and Niketas felt warm fingers curling against his hips, digging in, hurting and arousing him both. He didn’t say anything else, just stayed as he was and let his eyes drift closed. Stelios’ growls subsided gradually, and when he let go of Niketas’ throat, Niketas took the opportunity and kissed him.

  “I love you. I’ll—if it’s what you want I’ll go home tomorrow but I really don’t want to. I don’t. I’ll just be missing you. Thinking about you? Yeah. But mostly missing you and wanting you. By the time you call me again I bet I’ll be crazy.”

  “Crazy, hmm? What about me, you think it will be easier for me? I already told you, I never say anything I don’t mean—and I want to keep you. I love you. Do you think, if I was really trying to get rid of you, I’d have told you that first? But you, omega mine…you need to think about what you’re giving up.”

  Niketas kissed him again, and again. Stelios slid his mouth down along his neck to his shoulder, hands already on his ass again, holding him open for his cock. He thrust inside, one smooth, hard motion of his hips, and Niketas let out a broken moan. He couldn’t take it, but he wanted it—and then there was a loud ting, and Stelios swore.

  “Fucking timing. Off, Niketas.”

  “Wh…no you can’t stop now!”

  “If I don’t we’ll end up plastered to the front wall, the plane’s landing. Off, now. Get your pants on, I’ll finish with you once we’re back.”


  “Now, Niketas.”

  Grumbling under his breath, he obeyed, but fuck if it wasn’t all but impossible to get his cock in his Goddamned jeans.

  The Other Mate

  Chapter One

  It was early on a Friday morning, only a few days before the full moon, when the sound of a car and the scent of his brother both came together, surprising Luka equally. Then he considered, and looked over at Niketas. The omega was on his feet already, nostrils flared, scenting the air, eyes bright…he’d been waiting, then.

  He’d been waiting ever since he came back, with something that was equally troubled and bright in his eyes—and he’d come back after only two days. Two days and a single night away. Luka had been tempted to ask if something had happened—if his brother had been too aggravated about October’s full moon to keep Niketas with him. But Niketas had still seemed happy, and Luka hadn’t wanted to bring up unpleasant subjects.

  He’d spent his first few days back with them rolling around like a damn pup, driving Dmitri crazy, but since then…

  Their omega had kept to himself, had spent days and even nights out alone on the mountain, away from the den and the rest of the pack. Now Stelios was here, and Niketas was staring after the scent of him as he came closer, like the omega might leap off the side of the mountain after him.

  It had been years since Stelios had come to see Luka, and even in the days when he’d visited somewhat regularly, he had never come without calling first. Was he that eager? Had it just not occurred to him to mention that he was coming when he’d called Wednesday? He’d been short-tempered and surly and hadn’t said a word about Niketas the last three weeks…but…

  “Niketas, my brother’s driving up my mountain. Why is he driving up my mountain?”

  “I don’t know, I wasn’t expecting him, how would I…”

  “You keep running off, how was I supposed to know you weren’t going to the city, huh?”

  Niketas shrugged, turned his attention to the noise of a car engine as it stopped—and then to the sound of a single set of footsteps. He seemed to ignore the muttering behind him, Leon and Alexandre coming out of the den to stand with the rest of them and greet their unexpected guest.

  Luka stepped forward to meet his brother, and was it just him, or was there something sharper than usual in Stelios’ eyes? His gaze slid right past Luka and fixed on Niketas. The omega was still, staring, until Stelios summoned him down from his place in front of the den.

  “Niketas, what are you waiting for? Come here.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Luka saw surprise all around and felt it himself. Their Niketas, actually obedient, answering that way? Even Luka was surprised, despite his own expectations and how much he’d thought Stel
ios would be good for him. But he knew he’d been right by the look in his brother’s eyes, the look in Niketas’ as he leapt down.

  The two of them had something, something good. And Niketas had said just sex—right.

  Luka watched Niketas lift his mouth as he came to Stelios’ side, barely a suggestion of pleading in the motion. Luka knew it because he’d seen it before for other things, and maybe, now that he thought about it, the same thing, even though he hadn’t noticed at the time.

  Stelios leaned forward and sealed his mouth to Niketas’ lips without a word. Luka watched with a critical eye as Niketas molded himself to his brother’s body and let out a nearly inaudible whine.

  Luka had had years to learn the omega’s little signals, but Stelios seemed to know them all already. And that kiss—he had to look away after a second. It wasn’t just a kiss, it was hello and thank you and want you and why are you here all rolled into one embrace.

  When Stelios finally pulled away—and it was Stelios who pulled away—and ended the kiss, he kept Niketas in his arms anyway. Niketas let out a little moan, disappointed-content, leaned forward and rested his head on Stelios’ shoulder.

  “Why’d you come?” Well, fuck. Niketas’ voice had gone soft and rough, full of feelings Luka could smell on him as they intensified. “You didn’t call, and I wasn’t expecting you-”

  “No? But you should have been. Your month is almost over, and I had time free—and there’s no point in calling, since Luka can’t be bothered to join the modern age. He doesn’t leave his phone on, except Wednesdays, and I didn’t know then I’d have today off.”

  “You know it’d just die anyway, even if he did leave it on.”

  “Hm…not necessarily. We could get some solar units out here—oh but see? I can feel Luka’s scowl from here.”

  Luka was already striding forward, shaking his head, and almost grinned at the way Niketas straightened up. It put inches between him and Stelios, but otherwise he stayed just where he was, right against Stelios’ side, almost defiantly.

  “Yeah, I’m scowling. Because I don’t want any of that shit cluttering up my mountain.”

  His brother lifted his eyebrows. “Technically it’s my—”

  “Shut up. What are you here for, just Niketas?”

  Stelios pulled Niketas a little closer, apparently annoyed at any distance between them. “What else? Not like I need to see you. Idiot.” Then he lifted his gaze sharply and sought out Leon with his eyes. “On the other hand…there was one more thing.”


  “The next time you get Niketas on his knees for one of your pack just so he can fuck some woman, there will be.”


  “You heard me. Especially the son of a bitch who wouldn’t listen when Niketas told him to pull out.” He glared over Luka’s shoulder at Leon, and Luka turned to see that the blond at least had the grace to drop his gaze.


  But Stelios cut the omega off without missing a beat. “Not now, Niketas. I know what you said, and I don’t care. I told you, didn’t I? That I was going to make it clear you weren’t for anyone but me. In fact…” He strode forward and stood in front of Leon until the blond lifted his eyes. “You. Apologize.”

  “To you? A city wolf. I don’t think so.”

  Luka sighed. Such an idiot. He gave Stelios a look that demanded there be something left of Leon when he was through, but his brother only growled.

  ~ ~ * * ~ ~

  Stelios lifted an eyebrow as Leon smirked. Did the blond think that would hide his fear? The curling odor of it was sweet as cream to the Alpha, just what he’d wanted since Niketas had looked up at him the last time they’d been together and said those words. I told him not to. But there was more than just what the blond had done to his omega at work in him now.

  Stelios was Alpha, and not to be defied—especially not by his brother’s pack.

  “City wolf? I think I prefer you don’t call me that.” Niketas calls me that. There was something in Leon’s posture, his expression, that said the blond bastard knew that quite well. How he knew it, Stelios would find out later, but for now, he was tired of the challenge.

  Not even Luka’s second, this one, and the mouth on him! Leon’s defiance had none of the charm of Niketas’, either. “That’s more than enough from you. Submit.”

  “To you? No, I don’t think so. Luka beats me every time, but you—”

  “Submit, Leon. Or I’ll make you.”

  “I’m not Niketas. I don’t think you’ve got the—”

  The Alpha took three steps forward, aura and presence swelling, reached out and caught him up by his collar. Stelios threw Leon against the ground hard enough to knock the breath from him, then pinned him there with his teeth at the blond’s throat. It took almost no effort at all, and his growl made the demand for him again, but more intensely.


  Instead the blond turned under him, pulled his throat away and tried to drag himself out from under Stelios’ body.

  There was no way that was going to happen.

  Stelios let him wiggle loose just enough that he thought he had a chance of getting free. Then he dragged the blond back and tossed him over again, watched him squirm and caught him by the back of the neck this time. The Alpha lifted his head, shook him, then dropped him, but Leon still struggled under him, refusing to give in.

  It was the sensual nature of his squirming that made Stelios suspicious of his intentions, and the longer it went on—

  What a bastard.

  “I see. Are you so jealous you want to get between me and Niketas even more than you already did? Or are you just trying to get a taste for yourself of what makes my omega so happy? Trying to pull what he pulled on Luka, only you think it’ll be easier on me?”

  He pressed forward, ground against Leon as he twisted onto his back and felt his cock iron hard between them. Yeah. That was it for sure. “Well? You won’t submit, I suppose you think that means you need to be punished?”

  Leon lifted his face and Stelios didn’t have to look where he was looking to know he was staring directly at Niketas.


  Stelios jerked back from him as Leon lifted his hips. “That’s up to your Alpha, not me. I’m not going to give you what you want. I don’t want anyone but Niketas, just like he doesn’t want anyone but me. If you try this again, I’ll hurt you.”

  He stood, and left Leon panting on the ground. The blond’s erection was obvious and his face was flushing redder by the second. “Now. Apologize. And not to me, to Niketas.”

  “For what? What the fuck—”

  “You know exactly for what. Do I need to beat it out of you? I will—”

  “Sir! It’s—”

  He turned the full force of his Alpha presence on Niketas as he interrupted, and his omega fell silent, sucked in a sharp little breath and then bit his lip.

  “Yes. Quiet. And you. Leon. Now or—”

  “Alright! Alright, Jesus Christ.” He pushed himself to his feet and looked across the space between himself and Niketas. “I’m sorry. I should’ve stopped when you said to—fuck, I never should’ve fucked you in the first place. It was only because I wanted to know what was so good it got an Alpha interested, anyway, only because Luka asked. I don’t—”

  “You don’t want a man yourself?” Stelios stalked him across the open space in front of the den and back against a tree. “Of course you don’t. That’s why you were so fucking hard under me.” Leon flushed a brighter red than before, and Stelios chuckled, then backed off again. “Yes, I thought so. Luka—”

  “Yeah, I’ll take care of him. I don’t know what the hell’s got into them, first it was Niketas, now this bastard. The rest of you feel like going nuts too?” Luka’s exasperation was obvious as he turned his attention to his pack, strode over and jerked Leon off the ground with a growl, but Stelios only shook his head.

  What had Luka expected? No pack ever survi
ved a mate-search unchanged, whether it ended with an Alpha female or not. That wasn’t the way things worked. It was rare that a pack lasted as long as Luka’s had these days anyway.

  The modern world had made it far easier to pair off, live like normal men with a woman—or a man—who understood. Run wild with the moon maybe, or just run wild…sometimes. But Luka had always been a pain in the ass. He wanted what he wanted.

  Then again, they were the same in that.

  Stelios lifted his eyes and saw Niketas staring at him, profoundly relieved and smirking slightly whenever his gaze drifted to the blond. Not that much would change, not that anything would be different next week when the full moon came, unless…

  There was a way to reassure them both, and looking at his omega, Stelios knew what Niketas’ answer would be if he asked, especially now. At least, he hoped he did. If he’d changed his mind, if he…

  “Niketas. Will you, or won’t you?” Niketas stared at him, confused. “Unless you need more time to decide? There’s a few days yet before the full moon. Did you really forget why I’d be here? What I told you about taking your time—the answer I’d want from you when I came for you again?”

  The dark eyes went wide then as Niketas remembered. “No. No, I don’t need more time. Sir, I—yes. Yes, Sir. I will. I’ll be your mate.” And then the corners of his lips turned up a little, and he leaned forward. “Just like I told you I would.”

  For the first time since he’d arrived Stelios saw the expression on Niketas’ face that he was used to when they were alone. Open desire, that eager defiance…and an even more eager submission. Niketas dropped to his knees and lifted his hands, wrists up, the way a woman would before her selection, and Stelios seized his fingers as he knelt beside him.


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