Alpha & Omega: The Complete Collection

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Alpha & Omega: The Complete Collection Page 16

by Belinda Burke

  Chapter Four

  Stelios was only slightly aware of Luka’s eyes on him, watching him yank the jeans the rest of the way off Niketas’ legs and take him on the sun-warmed ground in front of the den. He didn’t care whether he was watching or not, only needed to make sure that Niketas was aware who he belonged to, that he was Stelios’, his mate, his omega—his.

  “So sensitive. My mate. So good for me. So tight, so full of come already. But you want more, don’t you?”

  “Yes. Yes, I—Sir. Sir—” He lifted his ass back against Stelios’ cock, took it all the way inside again and degenerated from words to wolf noises, still begging. Mate-Alpha-mate-please-yesyesyesyes.

  The omega was scalding inside, tight and writhing on his cock, tossing his head and panting. Stelios pulled out, watched the come dripping out of his ass with some satisfaction, then swatted him once, just hard enough to give him the sweet sting he loved so well.

  “On your back. Want to watch you come for me this time.”

  Niketas rolled over without protesting, spread his legs, pressed his whole body up against Stelios and moaned when the Alpha buried his cock deep again. Such wet sounds, and the way Niketas moaned for him—

  Stelios held him tight and fucked into him hard, kissed his throat and then nipped the curve of his ear. “You come for me when you want. Wanna watch you come. Gonna keep fucking you—fucking you.”

  “Stelios he’s your mate, why don’t you take him home? You don’t have to keep fucking him here.”

  Stelios glared at the sound of Luka’s interruption.

  “Shut up. I can still taste you on his mouth—you weren’t complaining—while he—sucked your cock.”

  “Because he was sucking my cock, which is your own damn fault for dragging my pack into your mate-rut. And me. He’s your mate now, but he’s always been my omega. Don’t forget that!”

  Stelios growled at him, then returned the whole of his attention to Niketas. His mate, his mate.

  The harder he pounded into him, the more Niketas moaned for him, until he was crying out with every thrust, sharp, high pitched bursts of sound. He wrapped both arms around Stelios’ back and held him close, then bit his lip and let go, dropped back against the ground and shoved his hands into his own hair.

  “God, I—Sir! Gonna come! Gonna come, oh God—cock feels so good in me, so hot, so good. Fuck—fuck—ah!”

  Stelios watched his face, his body, his cock pulsing against his belly, barely shooting despite the intensity of his orgasm. He’d come too many times, too many. “And you’re gonna come one more time for me, come for me when I come, aren’t you? Aren’t you, mate?”

  Niketas whimpered, a low, pleading sound, and Stelios fucked into him harder, slammed into his prostate over and over, keeping him hard, keeping him begging. The omega tossed his head, bucked up, then back, tried to wiggle away from the stimulation and failed completely.

  “So tight. So—fucking—tight.” Stelios leaned back, reached between them and closed his fist around Niketas’ cock. He howled, half wolf-sound, half the cry of a desperate man, then squeezed his eyes shut, shook his head and tried to say something that came out as nothing but a pleading noise.

  Stelios thrust into him one more time, clutched him tight and bit at his throat, the bond mark still fresh enough to bleed for him as he started to come. Niketas bucked up against him, and Stelios felt his cock throbbing in his fist as he gasped again and again, coming even though he had nothing left.

  Holding the omega tight, Stelios fucked him through it slowly and didn’t let go even when he pulled out. He kissed Niketas once, then pulled away from his mouth to let him pant his breath back.

  The Alpha kissed Niketas’ throat instead, licked all the fresh, red marks he’d sucked onto his skin, then licked the blood from the bite and kissed that too.

  Slowly, very slowly, Stelios pulled back, tucked his wet cock back in his pants and buttoned up, then reached in the pocket and pulled out his phone. He sent a text calling for his car, and the only one he trusted to drive it, then bent and picked Niketas up, kissed him and scowled at his brother when all he could taste was him.

  Luka just grinned. “You want some of his clothes or something?”

  “Yes. Bring me what you think he’ll need for a few days, I’m taking him back with me.”

  “Wh… Mmm.” Stelios kissed Niketas again and shut him up.

  “No complaints. You’re coming home with me, mate. Sleep again if you want, I’m not letting you go anyway.”

  “I can—”

  “Not. Letting. You go.”

  Niketas huffed but didn’t protest, leaned his head against Stelios’ shoulder and closed his eyes. “You gonna dress me too?”

  “Who said anything about clothes?”

  “You sent Luka to get my—and you’re not bringin’ me into the city naked.”

  “No? I could fuck you in the back of the car if I wanted.” Niketas squirmed in his arms, and Stelios chuckled. “No, Niketas, I’m not going to, but I’m not going to put clothes on you either. I can’t, you understand? I need you just like this. I might need you like this for hours, days. You aren’t going anywhere without me for a while.”

  Niketas blinked at him, then shrugged. “So? I just don’t feel like showing my ass to the whole city, or whoever’s driving your car. You wanna carry me around—’s fine. For now. Anyway, it’s not like anyone but Luka’s gonna notice.”

  “That’s true. Did you see? That blond bastard—”

  “Yeah.” Niketas snickered, then licked at Stelios’ throat. “I would be jealous, except you’re better. Ahh—lemme down so I can stretch, yeah?”

  Stelios him go enough for that, but he kept his hands touching, slipped them down Niketas’ back as he bent, around his waist and down to his hips when he leaned back.


  “Yeah—oh, Goddammit.”

  Stelios caught him up under his thighs again, lifted him and held him against his chest. “If I kiss you, will you stop complaining?”


  Stelios shut him up with his mouth, and Niketas moaned his contentment, sank his hands into the mess he’d made of Stelios’ hair and kissed him back.

  ~ ~ * * ~ ~

  Stelios did exactly what he’d said he was going to do when he got Niketas home. For the sake of his omega’s pride—and because it was probably illegal not to—he let him put his jeans back on, but only long enough to get him out of the car and inside.

  As soon as the penthouse door shut behind them, Stelios had Niketas naked again, in his arms again, brought him into the bathroom and ran a tubful of hot water for him, then turned on the jets and lay him back in it.

  Niketas lay where he was put, flushed and drowsy, his scent rich with pleasure, contentment, love…all good things. Stelios managed to leave him just long enough to get the rest of what he’d need ready in their bedroom, their bedroom…and it was only a few minutes, but even so Niketas was dozing in the bath by the time he went back and shook him.

  “Don’t fall asleep, mate. Come on, wash yourself up now.”

  “Yessir…” The words were slurred and Niketas moved sluggishly, but he obeyed while Stelios got his towel ready, drained the tub around him and refilled it with clean, steaming water for him to rinse in. By the time he’d done so, the omega looked more awake than he had since the morning.

  Stelios looked him over, pleased to see that the last of the bruises were all but faded from his hips and thighs. But the rest of him…

  Niketas climbed out of the tub and started to dry himself off. Stelios stayed focused on his visible hurts. The bite at his throat was still darkly bruised, though no longer bleeding, and when Niketas bent to dry his legs Stelios reached out and parted his buttocks, winced a little and shook his head.

  “Shouldn’t have let myself—damn, you shouldn’t have let me. And after I’d just finished looking you over. I’m sorry. But I couldn’t let Luka have you, not like that, I couldn’t—I had
to—but still. I’m sorry. I should have thought that through better, all of it.”


  “What? I’m allowed to apologize when I screw up. Not gonna let you punish me though.” He grinned, quick and light, then took hold of Niketas’ hip and tugged. “Bedroom.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Stelios followed him, eying him, but he walked easy, stretching his arms over his head as he went. He nudged the door open with a shoulder, and Stelios followed him, closed it and prodded him forward.

  “On your knees for me now.”

  Niketas obeyed, and Stelios got on his knees behind and beside him, spread him open, then winced. He looked worse now, much worse, even though he was all cleaned up. The soft pucker seemed so tender—he used two fingers to spread Niketas’ hole a little, as gently as he could, and was surprised when his omega sucked in a pained breath, then moaned anyway.


  “Sorry, I—sorry.”

  “You don’t need to apologize for wanting me.” Niketas snorted faintly, and Stelios caught sight of his cheeks, flushed bright red, before he hid his face against his arm. “Or is it what you want, mate? I don’t think you want my cock in you, not now. But you wouldn’t go red like that wanting my fingers.”

  “Oh God—”

  “Is it my tongue, Niketas? You want me to lick your hot little hole again?” He whimpered, and Stelios watched his cock twitch as he got hard as fast as Stelios had ever seen. “You do, don’t you? And you cleaned up so good for me, didn’t you, even though you’re all swollen, red and tender.”

  He leaned in and lapped over the omega’s hole just once, and Niketas let out a little cry, pushed his ass back toward Stelios’ face.

  “If you want more, you’re going to tell me what you—”

  “Your tongue, I want your tongue on my hole, want you to lick me out, lick my ass, please.”

  “Good mate. Listen to you, such a dirty mouth—move back for me, that’s it.” Stelios leaned forward, spread Niketas open and licked all over his hole. He could feel him twitching against his tongue and nipped at the curve of his ass.

  “I love the taste of you.” He gave him more tongue, and Niketas moaned, pressed back against his mouth and panted.

  Stelios reached forward between Niketas’ thighs and stroked his cock while he licked all around, and then again, teasing all those oversensitive nerves. The omega went off, cried out and came in Stelios’ hand, hole twitching under his tongue, clenching and spasming as he thrust into Stelios’ fingers.

  “Sir I—sorry I— it was too much and I didn’t, I couldn’t—”

  “Did I tell you not to come?”

  “No but—”

  “Next time I do that to you I will. I’ll see how long you can hold out; how much you can take. How much you—yeah. But not now.” He leaned back and wiped his mouth on his sleeve, ignored his own erection and reached for the ointment he’d brought with him out of the bathroom instead. “Now I’m actually gonna take care of you, whether you want me to or not.”

  “Not gonna…” Niketas panted through a few breaths, then looked back over his shoulder. “Not gonna fuck me?” Stelios snorted, squeezed a little of the ointment on his fingers and started to work it gently into his hole, over and around it.

  “Oh. Oh that—feels kinda good. Oh, Sir. I really, I—please. I can feel how hard you are, I want—”

  “No. Not gonna fuck you until this’s better. At least until tomorrow night, Niketas. Probably not until the day after. I used you too much.”

  “So? I’m not really hurting, not really. And you want me…I want to satisfy you, be enough for you.”

  “Mate. You are enough for me. I’m not going to fuck you until you bleed, for God’s sake.”

  “So don’t. If you won’t take my ass, fuck my mouth instead. Let me suck your cock, let me…”

  He ducked under Stelios’ arm and went to his knees on the furs between his legs. Stelios couldn’t deny that he wanted it, and there was certainly nothing wrong with Niketas’ mouth. He smirked a little, reached down and pulled at Niketas’ hair.

  “Fine. Fine. Defiant little bastard, aren’t you?”

  “Yes. Pants off, now. Or should I do it? Sir.”

  Stelios reached down and opened his jeans, lifted his hips enough to get them over his ass and pulled them down. Niketas dragged them the rest of the way off his legs and tossed them aside, then slipped forward between Stelios’ thighs and rubbed his cheek against his cock.

  “So hard, so hot. Love sucking your cock, Sir.” He took the head in his mouth, slipped his lips down, down, curled his tongue around the tip, then pulled back again. “Want to go to sleep with the taste of you, not Luka. Don’t know why you let him—let me—but…”

  “Because I didn’t want to fight him, and it was my fault. I should’ve brought you home to mate you. Should’ve known… Besides, now he’s going to know what he missed out on. And you—you don’t feel that way about him anymore, do you.”

  “That I missed out? No. I want you. Obviously.” He licked at Stelios’ cock again, then paused, and Stelios chuckled.

  “Obviously. That’s what you say now. What would you have said last month? The month before that?”

  Niketas stared up at him, then shrugged. “I don’t know. Probably something else. But now I want only you. Since I met you, since that first time I haven’t…even Luka, I haven’t wanted like I want you.”

  “Exactly. And you know it—and I know it—and so does he. Now, open your mouth.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Stelios braced himself on his hands, leaned back and let his thighs fall open wider as Niketas took the head of his cock in his mouth and started to tease him with his tongue.

  He went slow, rolled his tongue around the tip, then swallowed more and more, until he was stroking up and down the whole length of his cock with his mouth. Stelios pushed himself up a little more, braced himself on one hand, and fisted the other in Niketas’ hair.

  “So good for me, perfect mate, perfect mouth—just like that, don’t stop.” He groaned, and Niketas moaned around his cock, shifted on his knees. “You hard for me again, you gonna come sucking my cock?” He got another moan, a shiver, and tightened his fingers in Niketas’ hair.

  “You can if you want, I’m not stopping you.” Niketas’ moan was thicker, louder, and Stelios pulled harder on his hair, started to fuck back into his throat and let his eyes drift closed as Niketas choked, then took more of him. “Feel so good. Know just how to please me, don’t you? Yeah. Tongue like that—want me to come in your mouth?”

  Niketas moaned again, and the vibration went straight through Stelios’ cock, focused under the hot strokes of Niketas’ tongue and pooled in his balls. “Fuck—coming—fuck!” Niketas swallowed eagerly, shuddering, eyes almost rolled back in his head. He licked at Stelios’ cock while his own spurted weakly against Stelios’ leg, then licked his lips and pulled back, breathing hard.


  “Have to figure out where to put you so I can watch you come next time, mate.”

  The omega flushed, and then bent without being asked to lick his own come off Stelios’ skin. “I really—I really like it when you call me that. Mate.”

  “Just like you should. Now, come here.”

  He looked up, dark eyes dilated, and slipped up from his place between Stelios’ thighs to lay beside him. The Alpha looped an arm around his waist and tugged him close, felt him relaxing almost immediately and sighed as he relaxed himself.

  Mate. Yes.

  For the first time in weeks, it felt like everything was right where it belonged…and would stay that way.

  First Christmas

  Chapter One

  Settling into life with Stelios was easy—easier than Niketas had thought it would be. Perhaps it was because it was winter, but with a fire in the fireplace and a shirt on that smelled like his mate, Niketas was more than happy to spend his hours curled up on the couch, d
oing…not much, really. Only one thing loomed, neither good nor bad: the holiday season, and the inevitability of Christmas.

  The closer the day drew, the more anxious Niketas became. Christmas. There was a tree in the living room now, adding the scent of pine to the smell of burning wood. He’d helped Stelios decorate it when the Alpha had come home carrying it, grinning like—what? It was something new, whatever the expression was. It made his face younger, his eyes brighter…Stelios liked Christmas. But the pack had never bothered with it on the mountain, and Niketas knew only the little traditions of his youth, from the days he’d lived with his mother before he’d run off to find them.

  He certainly wasn’t going to be running around with a triangle singing carols for treats this winter. All he was certain of was that he liked his mate happy, and wanted to keep him happy—and that there was a steadily growing pile of gifts under that tree in the living room, to which he’d added nothing himself. He didn’t have money—not like Stelios did, anyway.

  The little inheritance the omega had from his parents was enough for the necessary things, but not the kind of extravagance that Stelios lived in. And what did you buy a man who had everything he wanted, anyway? Who bought things for himself as soon as it occurred to him that he wanted them, just because he could? The only thing Niketas had worth giving was himself, and he was already Stelios’ mate and his omega both. His submissive…

  The thought that occurred to him then brought heat blazing to life inside him. Stelios would definitely be pleased, and even if it wasn’t that unusual, any of the things he was thinking about doing…he could still make it special. Yeah. He even knew where to do his shopping.

  A week before Christmas, when he thought waiting any longer would be pushing his luck, Niketas made his way to a narrow shop called Salacious. The omega had found the place while driving around the city, on one of the rides he’d gone on just to occupy himself while Stelios was at work. He’d never been inside, but that was only because there had been no reason. His mate had everything he’d ever needed, or wanted, to try…but now that he had more experience he thought he could at least add to their collection without too much trouble.


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