Alpha & Omega: The Complete Collection

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Alpha & Omega: The Complete Collection Page 19

by Belinda Burke

  It didn’t matter. Stelios kept to his own pace, sucked Niketas all the way down and then swallowed around his cock. He milked it with the muscles of his throat and then eased off enough to tease the tip with his tongue.

  “Sir, good, Sir, oh so good.”

  The Alpha pulled up, licked once and then spoke close enough to Niketas’ cock that the omega felt his breath, the skin of his lips brushing that sensitive spot under the head. “Going to come again for me?”

  Niketas gasped, tensed and shook his head against the furs. “I can’t, I can’t, Sir I just—I can’t.”

  “But I want you to.”

  “Sir please, I can’t—” He’d thought it was turned all the way up, but Niketas bucked as the vibration of the plug in his ass intensified again.

  Niketas let out a sharp breath, then felt Stelios’ fingers on his tender nipples, flicking and teasing them while he licked at the tip of his erection. Then he cried out as the plug in his ass was pulled out, maybe halfway, and shoved back in. With the vibration on it was the most intense stimulation he’d ever endured—over and over, Stelios pushing the damn thing all the way in, right to the flared base, then pulling it out slowly, twisting it, angling it just right so that no matter how Niketas squirmed, he couldn’t avoid it rubbing past his prostate.

  “Sir. Sir!”

  “Come for me.”

  “Si—oh. God. Sir.”

  “I said. Come for me.” Stelios leaned down and closed his mouth around Niketas’ cock, but he didn’t stop fucking him with the plug, either. Niketas let out a hoarse cry, then shouted, bucked up into his Alpha’s mouth and locked his fists into Stelios’ hair, pulled him down onto his cock and fucked up into his throat. Again, bolts of fire streaked up from his spine and down again, focused in his cock, in his balls, so intense it was painfully good.

  Hazily, the omega was aware of the vibration as it turned off, of Stelios’ mouth retreating until only his tongue was licking up and down the shaft of Niketas’ cock, around the head, lazy, gentle touches that were still enough to make him moan and lift his hips helplessly toward his mate’s mouth. He relaxed slowly as Stelios moved away from his cock and slid the plug out of him.

  “So empty—” He only realized he’d said it out loud when Stelios chuckled at him, reached out and finally undid the blindfold. Niketas winced and squinted up at his mate, held up a hand to block out the light as his eyes adjusted and finally turned his gaze to Stelios. The Alpha was flushed almost as much as he was, his cock jutting out hard as steel, the head glistening with a drop of slick.

  Just the sight of him was enough to make Niketas’ cock twitch, enough to make him want Stelios to fuck him, finally fuck him. He’d been wanting it all night, and now he was oversensitive and impatient and the obvious desire of his mate just made him want it more. Nothing was as good as the feel of Stelios’ cock in him, hot and satin and hard, filling him up, coming inside him…

  “I know what you want, mate.” Stelios’ voice was a husky rumble. “I know what you want, and I’m going to give it to you, but first you’re going to put that mouth of yours on my cock and I’m going to fuck your throat.” His eyes gained a little extra flash of heat, and Niketas flushed as the Alpha continued. “Fair’s fair, isn’t it mate?” Stelios took a step forward, then got on his knees with his legs under him and leaned back on one hand.

  Niketas rolled over and crawled between his thighs, licked that tempting drop of wetness off the tip and then sank his mouth down over Stelios’ cock slowly, opening his throat, swallowing until Stelios’ cock slid over his tongue and back again.

  “Yes. Just like that—” The words were hoarse with desire and the groan that followed them was liquid. Niketas looked up and met the Alpha’s gaze, the dark blue of his eyes darker than usual and gleaming with lust.

  Something twisted in the omega’s gut, as it always did when he was reminded of how much it aroused Stelios to play with him. And he was so obviously pleased with his Christmas present…

  Suddenly hot inside, wanting, feeling again the sting of his ass as Stelios leaned forward and palmed the tender flesh, Niketas sucked harder, hollowed his cheeks and swallowed the whole length of Stelios’ cock again and again, until his mate fisted a hand in his hair. The Alpha held his head still with both hands and started to really fuck his mouth, just like he’d said he would.

  Niketas locked eyes with his mate, lifted his hips and then dropped them, rubbed his cock against the furs and moaned until Stelios’ cock choked off the sound. He felt Stelios’ thighs tensing under his hands, the muscles twitching beneath his fingers. His mate pulled his hair harder, then harder, and Niketas knew he was about to come before he said anything.

  “Fuck. Don’t stop. Gonna—come—yessss.” The word became a hiss of breath, and then a groan as Stelios held the omega’s hair tight in both fists and fucked into his mouth, shot straight down Niketas’ throat, over and over.

  When the Alpha finally let him go, Niketas coughed and panted, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and sat back on his own legs. Stelios crawled forward over him without a word, kissed the taste of himself off Niketas’ lips as he pushed him back, then kissed his way from the omega’s mouth, to his jaw, to his throat. He licked the scar there that marked Niketas as his mate, then nipped at it and slid back off his body.

  “I want you on your knees for me, Niketas.”

  “Are you gonna fuck me? Please say yes, please, Sir.”


  The word sank hot and heavy into Niketas’ ears, and he turned as fast as he could, got up on his knees and dropped his chest against the furs. He reached back and spread himself open without being asked, and there was no pause, no warning, just the heat of Stelios’ hands clutching his hips, the weight of his body bending over him, pressing him down as the Alpha thrust his cock into the omega’s hole with one sharp slam of his hips.

  Slick and stretched as he was by the plug, Niketas still felt every inch of his mate’s cock as Stelios drew back and pounded into him, pelvis slapping against his ass and his cock driving into him, right past his abused prostate every time. Hot and possessive, Stelios’ hands moved up over Niketas’ back, still warm from the flogging. Then he gripped the omega’s shoulders tightly and held him still while he fucked into Niketas even harder.

  “Wanted to do this since the moment I got home, since I opened the door and saw you on your knees for me.” He thrust deep again, and then once more and stayed there, bent over close by Niketas’ ear. “But I couldn’t waste it, could I? Such beautiful presentation. Such a perfect gift like you made of yourself.”

  Then he drew back and thrust harder, and Niketas cried out, felt tears in the corners of his eyes and lifted his ass, squeezed his own buttocks to intensify the sting of his skin and shuddered when Stelios reached under him to tweak his nipples.

  “Sir, Sir pinch’em, please, Sir, make’m hurt, pinch’em hard, please, Sir—oh fuck yes.” He clenched around Stelios’ cock as the Alpha did as he’d asked, pinched his nipples until a tingling ribbon of pain connected the fire of them with the throbbing of his cock. It hurt, God it hurt, and he loved it, loved it. “Sir. Sir. Gonna make me come—can I—can I—”

  Stelios’ answer was a hot affirmation against the back of his neck.


  Niketas let out a breath he hadn’t even realized he was holding, dropped his head against the furs and reached one hand under him to stroke his cock. A long, groaning whimper wound its way up into a cry. The sound ripped itself out of his throat as he started to come and wondered if he was ever going to stop, but Stelios just kept fucking him, driving into him, one long, deep, stroke after another until the Alpha buried himself deep and growled out his own release. Niketas slumped under him, and Stelios stayed where he was, deep in his mate, laying on him, mouthing at the back of his neck and kissing his shoulders.

  “Love you, Sir…” Niketas yawned, and when his mouth closed Stelios turned his head enough to kiss him deepl
y but otherwise didn’t move.

  “And I love you. I love you.”

  He nipped at the edges of the scar again, and Niketas let out a contented hum.

  Chapter Four

  Niketas didn’t move an inch, not even when Stelios’ roaming fingers found a ticklish spot at his side. He was…so sated. His whole body was one warm, satisfied ache that only intensified for the briefest instant when Stelios pulled his cock out. He yawned, but stayed where he was even then, splayed under the weight of his Alpha’s body.

  “Tired, mate?”

  The words were a low murmur by his ear, and Niketas shook his head a little. “Nah. I’m just…I just feel really good.”



  Stelios laughed quietly, kissed the curve of his ear and then pushed himself up a little. “You like hot chocolate?”


  “With tiny marshmallows?”

  Niketas wiggled enough to turn under him, looked up and saw Stelios squinting down at him, a half-embarrassed expression on his face. “With tiny marshmallows?” The omega couldn’t help it, he started laughing, leaned up and pressed his lips against Stelios’ mouth. “Yeah I do. Even though I haven’t had ‘em since I was a kid.”

  Stelios lifted an eyebrow. “And you mean by that to say…”

  “Nothing.” But he was laughing again even as the Alpha tried to kiss him quiet. “Nothing at all.”

  His mate scowled at him, but there was laughter in his eyes and on his face as he got up and strode naked into the kitchen. Niketas watched him go, grinning, enjoying the view, then lay back and stretched his arms over his head. He worked out the kinks in his shoulders and hissed out a breath when the furs rubbed against the tender skin of his ass.

  Niketas looked up again when Stelios came back, but he’d brought the aloe vera ointment and a glass of water, not hot chocolate.

  “Here, sip this first then turn over for me, you must be sore.”

  The omega murmured his thanks and took the glass gratefully. He hadn’t been aware of how thirsty he was until he saw it, and he drained the glass in one long swallow despite Stelios’ admonition to sip slowly. The Alpha stood watching him, amused, then dropped the aloe in the furs beside him. He wandered over to grab a pair of sweatpants, and made his way back out to the kitchen while Niketas put the glass aside.

  When his mate came back, Niketas was laid out on his front, and he wiggled a little to settle himself when Stelios straddled his thighs. “Wrists or ankles hurting?”

  “No, my legs are kinda stiff, but it’s passing.”

  Stelios palmed his ass, and Niketas shuddered. His hand was hot, and the pressure of his fingertips as he lifted his hand and let them drift over the omega’s skin was a reminder of both pain and pleasure.

  “Your ass, then? I can tell just by looking.”

  He nodded against the fur, and the Alpha started to smooth the aloe over the curve of his buttocks. Niketas sighed. The coolness of the cream was soothing, and the slow rubbing of Stelios’ hands as they moved up from his ass to his back relaxed more than just the heat from his skin. He let out another sigh, and then a moan as his mate’s fingers found a knot and rubbed it out.

  “If you keep doin’ that you’re gonna put me t’sleep.”



  “C’mon, then.” Stelios leaned back and stood, then held out a hand to pull Niketas to his feet. “Should get back to the kitchen now anyway, I left the milk heating on low but I don’t want it to boil.”

  Niketas stretched as the Alpha tugged him to his feet, then stood on his toes, reached up toward the ceiling and leaned back, straightening his spine. His back popped and cracked in several satisfying spots, and he let out a long breath before he shuffled over to the dresser. His softest pair of sweatpants were in the bottom drawer, and he pulled them up his legs, then scratched at his hair and as he made his way down the hall to the kitchen.

  The omega stood in the doorway, grinning to himself as he watched his mate moving between the stove and the counter. Stelios was humming O Little Town Of Bethlehem and adding obscene amounts of marshmallows to the cups of hot chocolate he’d just poured.

  “You going domestic on me?”

  Stelios raised an eyebrow as he passed Niketas a cup, but he was clearly amused, his lips twitching and the corners of his eyes all crinkled. “Not on your life. You’re never going to see me cook, hot chocolate is about the limit of my culinary skill.”

  He sipped at his cocoa carefully, but got marshmallow on his nose, and Niketas turned away snickering. “Uh huh. What is it with you and Christmas, anyway?”

  The Alpha shrugged as he made his way out to the living room and settled himself on the couch. “I just like it. The season, the idea of it, the sounds and the smells and the way people change…well, most of them, anyway. And this year I have you to spend it with, and to spoil.” He held out an arm, offering the space at his side to Niketas, and the omega sat carefully, one eye on his mug and one eye on his mate as he scooted close.

  Stelios tightened the arm wrapped Niketas’ shoulders, then let go and leaned across him to put his cup down on the coffee table. “And speaking of spoiling…” He got up and crossed to the tree shining in the corner, then shuffled through the boxes under it, looking for something in particular. He came back to the sofa with two small boxes, one wider and flatter than the other. Once he’d settled back into his spot again, he passed the larger of the two packages into Niketas’ hands.

  “The rest can wait until tomorrow, but these I want you to have tonight.”

  Niketas gave him a questioning look as he tore into the paper, surprised at the weight of the thing. Stelios shook his head mutely, waiting for him to finish opening it. The box under the wrapping was blue velvet, and he lifted an eyebrow. Jewelry? He didn’t wear…

  He opened it, curious anyway, and his jaw dropped. “Oh…Sir.” A gold collar lay on white satin, solid and plain except for a single Ω at the front, picked out in small but exquisite diamonds. Omega. A collar, just for him, inscribed with omega.

  He ran a thumb over the gemstones, then looked up at the sound of Stelios’ voice, rich and husky. “You like it?”

  “Yes, Sir.” He met Stelios’ burning blue gaze and offered it to him. “Put it on for me?” Niketas shivered a little as his mate took the collar from him and slipped it in place, fastened it and ran his fingers over it. It fit perfectly, but the gold was cold especially compared to the heat of Stelios’ hands. As the Alpha pulled them back, satisfied, Niketas put the box to the side and leaned up to kiss him.

  “I’m almost afraid to ask, but what’s the other thing?” Niketas murmured the words against Stelios’ lips, and Stelios licked into his mouth, kissed him more thoroughly. Then he drew back and passed the second box into the omega’s hands.

  “You’ll see. You’ll like it. I think.” But the grin on his face said that he expected Niketas to be very pleased.

  The omega was mostly surprised when he had the paper off and the little box open—black velvet, this time. A pair of rings stared up at him, plain gold bands that were exactly the same, except one was a little larger than the other. “Rings? These are…”

  “Wedding rings.”


  “I know.” Stelios held his gaze with a stare so intense it was impossible for Niketas to look away. “We can’t just get married here, this country is…we can’t. I know. But it’s not like we can tell everyone it doesn’t matter to us because we’re mates. It’s…you’re mine, Niketas.”

  The omega grinned, amused now and just as pleased as he thought Stelios had expected him to be. “You want everyone to know I’m yours. Not just other wolves.”

  Stelios took the box from his hands, took the smaller ring out of it and slid it onto the right finger. “Yes. I do.” He said it with a quirk of the lips that brought something thick into Niketas’ throat, something hot into his eyes. “I do.”

>   Niketas cleared his throat, then looked back down at the box. “I still—I still don’t understand, why two? Men don’t wear engagement rings—” But Stelios pulled the other ring from the box and pressed it into Niketas’ palm.

  “Because it’s not for you. It’s mine. Because I am yours, as you are mine.”

  Without another word, Niketas slipped the ring onto the ring finger of Stelios’ left hand. The band, a match to his, caught the multicolored lights of the tree in the corner and reflected them as tiny, brilliant points. He was mildly horrified to see them blurring, and reached up to dash dampness from his eyes with the back of one hand. “Ah hell, I am not gonna cry—”

  Stelios chuckled and tugged him against his side again, one arm around his shoulders and the other reaching across his lap to thumb the ring on Niketas’ finger. Niketas blinked furiously, stared down and immediately focused on it again—and on the way the collar around his throat shifted when he moved his neck.

  From the brink of tears, he was suddenly grinning like an idiot, and more than aware, from the shaking of his mate’s body beside him, that Stelios was still snickering at him.

  “You’re gonna turn me into a sap. Christ, what now, a sing along? Or maybe I’ll find out you knit.”

  Stelios only smiled. “I do not. And there’s not going to be any singing this year. I can already tell you don’t know enough carols.”

  Niketas squinted, but said nothing. He didn’t want to encourage him.

  “Speaking of which—have you seen A Christmas Carol, omega mine?”

  “Uh…no? Don’t think so.”

  “Well, good. Now you can watch it with me.”


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