Billionaire's Secret Babies (An Alpha Billionaire Secret Baby Romance Love Story)

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Billionaire's Secret Babies (An Alpha Billionaire Secret Baby Romance Love Story) Page 59

by Claire Adams

  I wanted desperately to touch him, but the fact that I couldn’t made the longing ache so much better. The urge to cross my legs had me on wobbly knees, and as the panties around my wrists reminded me they were there, I kept myself from hanging too much weight on them.

  He looked up as his tongue flicked at my clit, sending delicious waves of pleasure through me. “I want inside you.” His fingers found their target, and he pumped them inside my tender opening.

  “Please,” I moaned the word, stretching out the sound.

  “Are you begging for it, Lexa?” His fingers curled, pressing again my clit.

  “Yes, please.” The words fell faster from my lips. “Please, Aiden.” I didn’t mind playing along, and my breath hitched as he stood and pumped his cock in his fist.

  “Are you good?” He waited for my nod and then stepped closer, aiming his broad tip at my entrance. In one quick stroke, he was inside me. I cried out as I settled my legs around him, and then he thrust slowly, gripping my ass to grind in deeper. Suddenly, he picked up the pace, thrusting and fucking me to a steady rhythm that had my release building fast.

  My pleasure ripped through me, crashing on me in a frenzy as I bucked my hips and milked his throbbing shaft with my pulsing channel.

  “Fuck.” He pulled me close, leaving himself sheathed inside me as he lifted me off the showerhead. My arms fell around his neck, and then he reached for a button on the wall. As the spray stopped, he carried me through the steam to his bedroom where the cooler air chilled my flesh.

  The cool sheets dampened as he laid me down, settling above me as he claimed my lips. He worked his hips, still pumping inside me, his thick cock spreading me to my limits.

  I pulled my arms from around his neck, and he sat up on his knees, leaving me for a second as he adjusted. “Don’t stop.”

  His cock nudged at my channel until he slid every pleasing inch back where I longed it to be. “No chance.” He thrust harder; his hips slapped against my flesh in a steady beat that caused a waved of pleasure to lick my core. It beckoned another release, and I cried out, overwhelmed as his cock caressed the aching spot. My release poured as I came apart around him.

  He undid my hands, which I hadn’t noticed until then had reddened. He pulled me forward against him and in one quick motion, unhooked my bra, and I slipped my arms free unsure of what he’d do with that item.

  I rubbed my tender wrists. “Are you going to do something creative with my bra, like blindfold me or something?”

  His eyes flashed as a wicked smile spread his lips. “That’d be hot, too, but then you’d miss my money shot.”

  “Ah, the grand finale?” I caressed his chest and then slid my arms down his sides and to his hips. I caressed his tight ass, which got tighter still as he ground against me, inching his cock back to my depths.

  I nuzzled against the crook of his neck and whispered against his warm skin, “You’re insatiable.”

  “You do it to me.” I swelled with pride as he eased me back and settled deeper between my thighs. I hadn’t had anyone make me feel so alive in a long time, and I loved knowing that in our moments together, the rest of our troubles were gone, melted away in a sea of pleasure and release, where nothing else mattered.

  As soon as my next release pulsed through me, I rolled my hips upward, tilting to give him more leverage and then dug my heels into his tight ass. He growled as I felt his cock twitch and then he pulled out, spilling his seed across my tummy and breasts. The warm drops tickled as they hit my flesh, and his fist pumped and milked until there was nothing but a drop left glistening at his tip.

  I glanced down and then met his eyes. “Looks like I need another shower.”

  He lifted me up and cradled me as he carried me back to the shower where he took special care caressing every inch of me before patting me dry and wrapping me in his robe. He carried me back to the bed for more, and I ended up falling asleep in his arms, content to escape from our troubles a while longer.

  Chapter Fifteen


  With another heated conversation from Layne under my belt, I decided to get dressed and go to the gym to blow off a little more steam. As good as things had been with Lexa that morning, waking up with her in my arms and going down on her for round two, his call had turned my mood from good to bad.

  I was going about my normal routine, choosing to work my arms and abs, but I couldn’t help but notice I had an audience.

  Tana, a girl I’d met about six months ago, and slept with shortly after, was on the treadmill across the room and running a steady pace with her eyes set in my direction. She smiled and raised her hand to wave, then turned off the machine. She tossed her towel over her shoulder and bounced her way over, her ponytail bobbing in time, and then she leaned against the bench where I sat up to say hello.

  “Long time, Aiden.” Her eyes were the color of warm honey, and her pale blonde hair only made her beauty more intense. She was a pale comparison to Lexa, and nothing as hot as her in the sack.

  “Tana. How have you been?” I didn’t think it would hurt anything to make polite conversation since she’d taken the time to walk over.

  “I’ve been good. You know, we should get together again sometime. I’ve got a new place, new bed, and new toys.” Her gaze slid down my body and back, and I remembered the last time I played with her and her toys.

  “I’m seeing someone.” I hoped the small lie would be enough; it wasn’t like Lexa and I were a couple, and we hadn’t solidified any type of relationship, but she’d killed any interest for anyone else.

  Tana’s lips twisted into a smirk. “Well, maybe when you get bored with that, you can come give me a call. Or you know, if you decide what she doesn't know won’t hurt her.” She giggled and tossed her hair, her eyes meeting mine and narrowing as she leaned forward to my ear, her hair brushing my cheek. “I seem to remember you had a really nice time.”

  “Well, at least one of us remembers it.”

  As her face fell, I gave her a warm, saccharine smile.

  “Fuck you, Aiden Walker.” She stormed off, dropping her towel as she returned to her place across the room.

  I finished my workout thinking about how I’d never turned down a sure thing, but then again, Lexa had brought out things in me I hadn’t expected. I contemplated having a relationship with her and wondered what she’d think about it. What we were doing was fun, but I wasn’t sure if she saw it as more.

  I should get her to tell me what she expects. Or at least where she’d like it to go if anywhere. Could I date her? Be faithful to her? Did I want her to be the one I spent the rest of my life with? The thought was too much for me. I wasn’t ready for that. Sure, I’d made a lot of ground dealing with my father’s death, but I had a long way to go with my mother’s and my sister’s.

  I pictured Lexa spread out on that hood. The way she’d hopped her pretty little ass up there and spread those knees so seductively that I wanted to bow down and worship her. And I suppose I had, with my mouth. I took a chance tying her up, but she’d gone right along with things like she’d have given me anything I wanted. How many girls would do that? She was rare indeed, and if I didn’t know anything else, I knew I wanted to see what else would happen.

  She’d run out so fast after the first time; it surprised me when I woke up and found her still in my arms. Her tight little ass was nestled close to mine, warm and fitting like a glove. Her hair had dried into soft waves, and I realized she must do something to get it as straight as she usually wore it. I even noticed, as her face was resting on my arm, that she had a faint smatter of freckles across her nose and after checking, I’d found the same on her shoulders; nothing hotter than a girl with freckles.

  Thinking about her raced my pulse and sent an ache deep in my balls. I pulled into the bar and thought about something else, so I didn’t give Glen my money and a show.

  “Well, there’s the stranger.” Glen was sitting at a table next to the bar filling napkin dispensers. Inst
ead of sitting at the bar, I plopped down in a chair across from him.

  “Head up to the bar; I’ll grab you a cold one.” He rose from his seat, and I placed a hand on his arm to stop him.

  “No hurry, man. I mostly came to visit, and I’ve got nowhere to be.” Another thing I’d learned on the way over was how much I missed my friend. Glen hadn’t even signed up for the job as much as I’d recruited him.

  “I’m glad you did; business is slow.” He waved his hand around the room, and there were only five others in the whole place, including Smitty, whose eyes were glued to the TV.

  “I’ll be sure to have a beer or two before I leave. I only finished my workout a bit ago.” I leaned back in my chair and brought my arms up to rest behind my head.

  “So what’s on your mind? You’ve never wanted to talk before I could get a beer or two down your throat.” He took a rag and polished the silver dispenser.

  “I can’t get my mind off Lexa. She’s got me pondering life and relationships. I might need you to kill me if it gets any worse.” A soft chortle escaped my mouth as I realized how much I missed her at that moment.

  “The sexy nurse? She might be just what the doctor ordered.” He looked up from his chore and winked.

  “Very funny…though that’s what I’m afraid of. She’s almost too good to be true. Banging body, adventurous spirit, and she’s made me open up more than have for anyone — even you.” We shared a laugh, and I handed him another stack of napkins. “Not only that, but like I’ve told you, she’s not after my money.”

  He tucked the stack in place. “Have you met her family? Are they from around here?”

  “Yeah, she’s from around here, works here, but no, I haven’t met them.” I thought about her dad and how he didn’t like her fast car, but then I froze, suddenly realizing something that had escaped me. My face must have gone pale because Glen stopped what he was doing and stared.

  “You okay, man?” He leaned back in his seat and gave me a strange look.

  “No, I suddenly feel like shit. Lexa’s never really talked much about her family. I mean, I’ve talked about mine, right? The accident and Olde House, you know, how I fired all my staff. But I don’t think she’s ever even told me her last name, and I’ve never bothered to ask. Damn, I’ve slept with her twice already.”

  “You are a shit, man. You’ve got to ask her about herself, find out where she comes from. If you keep it one sided, it won’t matter what you want, she’ll lose interest. Women like to know a man’s interested in them for more than a lay.”

  I had seemed to be getting so close to her sexually that I hadn’t bothered to learn anything else, but suddenly, I wanted to know. What makes her tick? What makes her comfortable being so intimate with me? The girl could be a porn star, and I’d never know it. She could come from a bad family or someone my father had defended in a murder case. It seemed a stretch for that one to happen again.

  The possibilities were endless, though, and as a Walker, I shouldn’t have been so careless.

  I glanced down at the time on my phone. “Thanks for the lesson in women, Glen. It’s not like I don’t know all that.” I sighed and hit her name in my contacts. “She’s at work, but I’ll leave her a message. Maybe she won’t give me the silent treatment like last time.”

  “Maybe she did that because you didn’t show enough interest in her. Don’t be that guy, Aiden.” He chuckled, and I knew he was kidding with me. “Seriously, though, you need to communicate — and I’m not talking about whispering sweet nothings while you’ve got her bent over. Sit down without sex and see if she can still hold your interest.”

  “We’ve had great conversations. She’s the one who takes the lead, but I know. I’ll text her now.” I picked up my phone and typed out a simple message: I miss you, call me.

  Before I hit send, I shook my head and hit the backspace button until the message deleted. I couldn’t say that I missed her like some sap, so I thought of something else to say. Thinking of you. Call me. I hit send and held the phone a moment to see if she’d respond. “Done.”

  “So, what does she think of that big house of yours?” He stood, picked up several of the dispensers, and walked then to the bar and then to a few tables where he kept them.

  “She had me take her on a tour. She likes my mother’s art. I think my mother would like her. She’s a good listener, like Mom.”

  He glanced up at me. “Which is why you don’t know a damned thing about her, remember.”

  “Right, but no, I took her to the garage.” I smiled thinking of her spread out for me, but I wasn’t about to tell Glen that little tidbit.

  “Wow, you shared the wheels? Nice. So, what did she think of that?”

  “I drove my father’s Shelby for the first time ever. Can you believe the thing still cranked? She encouraged it. She called my dad a dick and everything. That’s a girl I could fall in love with.”

  Glen walked behind the bar and poured a drink placing it in my usual spot, and I took my stool in front of it. He smiled as I took a sip. “Are you sure you’re not already?”

  I contemplated the question. He knew me as a hard ass, and I had been really terrible for a while, but she softened me in ways no one else could. The way I’d talked to Tana in the gym had been the way I’d tried to talk to Lexa in the beginning, but she hadn’t stood for it. She’d stood her ground and had challenged me.

  “You’re thinking about that one a little too long, my friend. That’s why that drink’s on me.” He went to tend Smitty’s request and then a few others while I sat alone in my thoughts.

  I wasn’t sure if I was falling in love with her, but I was damned sure interested enough to find out.

  Chapter Sixteen


  My alarm clock sounded what felt like ten minutes after I went to sleep and I rolled over and slapped the thing from the bedside table to the floor. It chirped out its annoying reminder, so I had to get up and kill it.

  After shutting it off and returning it to its place, I grabbed my phone and unplugged it from the charger, checking to see if Aiden had texted me again. He had, and the guilt was burning in me. I didn’t have time for a long conversation, so I decided to tell him good morning and that I had another shift starting soon. I typed out the messaged and then headed to the shower.

  I thought of the shower we’d had together and how he’d tied me up. Heat spread through my core, awakening a need that I didn’t have time to tend. I tried to ignore the desire, but as my hand slipped downward to wash, I couldn’t help working myself up a quick release. Aiden had me so worked up and full of emotions.

  After I’d dressed and headed in, I checked my phone again and saw that he’d responded. He wanted to see me and remembering how much of me he’d seen, I wondered what his true feelings were. Was I another toy or did he really like me for more than sex? I hadn’t helped things much with my eagerness, but something about him and that scraggly beard had my panties wet every time I was around him.

  “Good morning, Lexa.” Dr. Rob’s deep tones were so warm he could melt butter, and I turned around and gave a little wave as he passed.

  “Good morning, Doctor.” Even though he was supposed to talk to me about our pending date, he kept walking. I didn’t take it so personally because he was, after all, a very important and busy man. But a part of me was relieved that he hadn’t stopped.

  I wasn’t sure it would be a good idea to go out with him again, considering the fact that I was sleeping with Aiden. Sure we haven’t made anything official or even discussed a relationship, but considering I’d slept with him twice, I thought I should at least find out where we stood.

  It was a crazy thought, and I knew it. Even if Aiden wanted something, he had no clue who I really was, and learning that would be a total game changer. There was nothing between us.

  Besides, Dr. Rob was more my speed, and I’d always thought I’d end up with someone in the medical field. But even though Dr. Rob had a great sense of humor, a sp
arkling personality, and was attractive, I didn’t know if he wanted more than a date or a good time.

  Could I go through with anything more knowing I’d be thinking about Aiden the entire time? Crap. What if Aiden found out and got angry? It wasn’t like he’d have any right, but dammit, the thought of him with someone else made my stomach turn.

  With his looks and money, he could have his pick, and who’s to say I was the only woman he’d been seeing? He could have a whole line of women waiting for a chance with him, or second chance, or a third. I could only take his word for it, though he did seem interested in me — at least enough to stay in touch.

  I’d dated a few men who never called when you wanted them to, and now I feared I was doing the same thing to Aiden. Surely, he wasn’t sitting around waiting for me to call. He had responsibility and his own life to keep him busy. I wondered what he did all day. Maybe he had a little black book he was filling. The idea twisted in the pit of my stomach as bile hit the back of my throat. I didn’t want to think about it anymore.

  I shouldn’t be so hung up on him that I was lost in thoughts about him. What could I say to him? Hey, I’m the sister of the man whose family is trying to ruin your life? That wouldn’t go over well.

  Kathy approaching made me jump, and she stopped and placed her arm on mine. “Girl, what’s gotten you so rattled lately? I’ve never seen you so scatterbrained, and I think Dr. Rob is starting to notice. I’ve seen the two of you talking and wondered if he was getting onto you.”

  I knew she meant after I’d knocked over the carts and reacted to Aiden’s name being announced in the ER. Word had spread that I knew him and that I had practically froze up. The ER staff was infamous for their gossip, which was why I wouldn’t tell her we were planning a date.


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