Billionaire's Secret Babies (An Alpha Billionaire Secret Baby Romance Love Story)

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Billionaire's Secret Babies (An Alpha Billionaire Secret Baby Romance Love Story) Page 61

by Claire Adams

  “I know all I need to. And, that little, wet slit of yours is betraying you. You want this, too, and you’re like me, Lexa; you can’t get enough. I’ve hungered for you for days, not knowing if I’d hear from you again.” His hand rubbed my tender ass, but he didn’t swat me again. The sting would have been so erotic that I wouldn’t have minded another.

  His hips started slapping hard against me, and I worried about the noise level. “Go to the bed.” I nudged him away, and then he climbed up on the bed, his proud erection glistening with my juices.

  “Come here, Lexa.” He held out his hand, and I took it knowing I shouldn’t, but my need was aching so bad that I had to ease it. I climbed on the bed and straddled him, my legs resting on his hips as I sat on his cock and slid my folds against the length of it.

  “You’re so wet for me, baby. Climb on it, and show me what you can do.” He hoisted up my bottom and placed me on him, his thick rod impaling me with a delicious slice of pain that brought intense pleasure to my core.

  I couldn’t fight the urge to ride him nice and steady as it built like a pressure inside me, and then I released. He rocked me through my first orgasm, and then I climbed off, knowing time was too important to waste. I wanted to make him come, and the quickest way I knew how was to suck him off.

  He lay back with an intense look on his face and then smiled wickedly when I took his broad shaft and stroked it. I kissed the tip before spreading my lips wide, taking him into my throat.

  “Yeah, baby, that’s so good. Work it good for me.” He held my head and bucked his hips forward, crowding my throat as I swallowed around his cock. The action only pulled him deeper, and I pulled away, tight lipping him from his base to the rim so that I could suckle it.

  I massaged his balls as my mouth stayed working, my fingers kneading into his heavy sac, which I knew had a good week’s worth of my reward built up in it. I braced for a nice heavy load.

  He gently stroked my hair and then before long, gave me my warning. Instead of pulling away, I pushed down, relaxing my throat to ready myself. His release shot right down my throat, so I pulled back a little to let it fill up my mouth, and I swallowed in gulps as he came. He moaned, and I may have slipped one out, as well.

  I pulled off, trying real hard to be angry with him. I’d gotten away from him, out of my life, but now here I was, back in it again.

  “Now tell me you want it to stop. I don’t think you can. I’d call you a liar.” He laughed and sat up to kiss me. Our lips met, and I wondered if the taste of himself bothered him. As he deepened the kiss, I realized it didn’t.

  He pulled away and looked into my eyes. “Relax, Lexa. We can take this slow, but I don’t think either of us wants to end things. I, for one, need something good in my life — someone to chase away all the darkness. You’re the only one that’s done it for me.”

  “I’m scared, Aiden. And, I don’t want this to be about sex alone. But every time I’m alone with you, this is how things turn out. We end up having sex. I’m afraid it’s nothing more than that for you.”

  “You know why I came here? My friend cut his hand, but I’d asked him to pass me the knife. He’d told me the only way I was going to see you again would be to get stitches.” My eyes widened. “Yeah, next thing we know, he accidentally cuts his finger, and here I am.”

  “You would have cut yourself to see me?” He was insane. Stark-raving crazy. “Promise me you’ll never do something that stupid.” My voice was tinged with anger, and I stood up and gathered my clothes.

  “Don’t ignore me again. As a matter of fact, I think poor Glen’s finger is your fault. What do you think about that?” He gathered his clothes as he teased me, and I nudged him and let out a giggle that was so intimate I probably should have watched my tone.

  A knock sounded at the door, and I stiffened.

  Aiden stepped into his pants in a hurry, and I stayed quiet as someone jiggled the door handle. “Say something,” I whispered. They might think he was a patient in need of privacy.

  Instead of being polite, he crowed out an angry, “Go away,” earning a nudge from me.

  I couldn’t believe what I’d done. I’d had sex at my job, with Aiden Walker, who I needed to stay away from. I’d actually had the courage to tell him that it had to stop, but his persistence was undeniable, especially since I wanted him so much. I gazed deep into his eyes as he pulled me close and planted another kiss on my lips.

  “I really should go check on Glen before I get you in trouble and lose my favorite seat at his bar.”

  “Your friend owns a bar? Which one? Maybe I’ve been there?” I had been to many bars during my college days and probably hadn’t missed a single one.

  “You’d probably not know it. It’s a small dive on the other side of town: Jay’s Pub.” I thought back to all the places I’d been.

  “No, I think that’s one I missed on the college tour.”

  “It’s kind of a dive, not really a place that’s safe enough for college chicks to hang out at alone or even in groups.” I couldn’t help but wonder what he was doing hanging around such a place, but then again, maybe it was to support his friend.

  “Maybe I can come by sometime and meet your friend. He’s probably all stitched up by now. I’m sure he needs to get back to work, too.” I turned for the door, but he grabbed my arm.

  “Trying to get me out of here?” I looked up at him, and he smiled down at me. “Lexa, I want to see you again. I’d like to take you on a real date and learn a little more about you.”

  The thought of that terrified me, but maybe it was a chance to come clean. Then he glanced down to my ID hanging from my lanyard.

  “I hate to be that guy, but you’ve not told me anything about yourself. Your last name, nothing about your family.”

  I froze. I had deliberately kept those things from him, never thinking he’d be interested enough to ask. Luckily, my ID only had my first name, so I decided to do something I hadn’t done since Bre and I were younger.

  “My last name is Lively. I’m so sorry, I thought I’d told you.” What was I doing? The guilt built deep, but the lies kept bubbling up in my throat like burning lava threatening to consume me.

  “Lexa Lively. That’s a sexy name.” He dragged his hand through his hair and then let out a long breath. “So, Ms. Lively, do we have a date?”

  I looked in his eyes with every ounce of my common sense screaming inside of me to bail. But I couldn’t. “Sure. I’d like that.”

  I unlocked the door and had him peek out to make sure the coast was clear. When he waved me out, I ducked behind the nearest curtain and pretended to gather supplies. As he left the room and the heavy door closed behind him, I turned away to deter him from seeing the blush on my face, hoping no one else would see me until it faded.

  Being with him at work had been exhilarating, almost as hot as the way he’d trussed me up in the shower. My core quivered thinking about it, and I knew it was because of my most recent orgasm. I walked down the hall and passed where Aiden and his handsome friend were waiting for discharge, but I kept on going.

  I wanted to meet his friend under better circumstances, and I cringed looking at the heavy bandage on his finger, knowing what Aiden had planned to do to himself before it happened. It had been a crazy move — but then again, Aiden Walker had never ceased to surprise me, even with his temper and fuck-all attitude.

  Lexa Lively. I cringed as I thought back to the time in college when Bre and I had switched last names to keep some loser at a party from looking us up after we’d given him a fake number. Somewhere in the world, there was a man with a grudge against Alexandra Lively and Breanna Patterson.

  Chapter Nineteen


  The bright sun shining through my window did not reflect my mood as I woke up. My day was already planned for me, and as a person who’d come to enjoy not having any responsibilities, I loathed the very idea.

  I growled as I stretched, but then a thought of Lexa softened
it to more of a purr. She’d done that to me a lot lately. Buffing out my roughness, shining me into a new man. I scratched my beard and scooted closer to the nightstand to reach my phone. If I was going to make it through this day, I needed to start it off right.

  I dialed Lexa’s number and relaxed against my pillow as she answered. “Good morning, Aiden.”

  Her voice was as warm as the sunlight, and I smiled as the soft tone hit my ears. “That’s debatable, but you’re making it better already.”

  “Not a morning person, are you? I have no choice but to be. I’ve got a shift in an hour, so there will be plenty of patients to smile at.” I could hear the sound of shuffling clothes and things being dropped to a countertop.

  “I’m jealous.”

  “I’ll let you be the nurse for a day, and I’ll do whatever it is you do, then. You can have my patients, especially the ones who come in bleeding.” I thought about what she was saying for a moment and wondered how she kept her sparkling personality in check. I had a feeling I would need that knowledge later in the morning and considered asking for lessons.

  “No, I don’t want to be a nurse. I’m jealous of all those patients who get to see your smiling face. It’s a hell of a lot better than what I get to face in another hour.”

  “Rough day already? Maybe I don’t want to do whatever it is you do.” She gave a soft chuckle as I heard the sound of a spray bottle. Whatever she was doing, she was laying it on, and I imagined her hair pulled back in that tight bun, how I much preferred it down and flowing, or better yet, spilling around my hips. The thought made my cock twitch, and I told damned the thing to behave as I adjusted it.

  “Yeah, but I didn’t call for that. I wanted something nice to think about, like our date. I thought maybe we could make plans. I want to make sure you have a good time, but I didn’t know what you’d like to do. I’m open for anything.”

  “How about a nice dinner and then we can do something relaxing, but fun.”

  “Dinner and a movie type of thing?” I made a face and was glad she couldn’t see it. I couldn’t imagine either of us sitting through a movie.

  Her breath vibrated through the phone as she shuffled around, and by the sounds, I imagined she was getting dressed. “No, I think you can find something better than that. Call around, be creative. I’d like to see if you can find something in this town that I haven’t done before.”

  “Sounds like a challenge, young lady. But I have news for you: I’m up for it. Only you have to promise me that you won’t be too hard on me if it sucks. You said to be creative, so I could get a little crazy.”

  I hoped to intimidate her a bit, but then I remembered this was the woman who cut off my clothes and tended my wounds before saying hello, the one who spread out on my car let me tie her to my showerhead. I had my work cut out for me. I wished Allison had been around to ask advice. She’d know the perfect place. I made a vow to make her proud.

  “I’m not afraid of you, Mr. Walker.”

  “Let’s hope you’re the only one. I need to be my most intimidating on a day like today.”

  “That bad?” Her tone had dropped a few octaves as her voice steeped with concern.

  “Yeah, I could use a little luck.”

  “Oh, Aiden, I’m so sorry.” Her voice broke and then she went quiet.

  “Yeah, I guess distracting myself with our date isn’t working, but I do feel better after talking to you. I was going to ask if you had your schedule.”

  “I’ll be off on Thursday, so you don’t have much time to plan something that will blow my mind.”

  I couldn’t help but chuckle. “No pressure, huh? However, if you want mind-blowing, maybe we should stick with what we do best and skip the date. I’ve got a few tricks I haven’t shown you.”

  “I bet you do.”

  My phone buzzed out a text reminder from Layne, and I released a heavy sigh. “Well, that’s my cue; I can’t stall any longer. It’s time to get dressed and go meet the assholes who are suing me.” Lexa began coughing as if she were choking. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, my water went down the wrong pipe. Did you say you’re meeting them?”

  “Face to face for the first time. I wanted to reach out after the accident. My sister’s boyfriend was a nice guy. We got along okay, and he seemed to make my sister happy. But I was dealing with losing everyone and spent weeks in a fog.”

  She was silent on the other end, and I wished I hadn’t said anything about it. I didn’t want to bring her down with my problems. “Well, I better go. Layne, my lawyer, will have a fit if I’m late, and I’ve got enough skulls to crack as it is.”

  She sniffled as we said goodbye, and I hoped she wasn’t upset. The last thing I wanted from her was pity, but she knew that. She had a good heart and cared, and I hated that I might have brought her mood down, too.

  I dragged my ass out of bed, showered, and threw on the clothes I had laid out the night before. I was prepared, even though my mood wasn’t quite in check. I had already decided it would be good to show these people a little bit of my temper, but when I arrived at the office forty minutes later, Layne had other ideas.

  “You let me do the talking. The last thing I need is your temper making things worse.” He’d been pacing the room since I came in; it was a wonder he hadn’t worn a hole in it.

  “Are we doing this here?” I knew it was standard practice to meet in the boardroom and figured that’s where Layne would prefer. There wasn’t anything to throw in there, other than the chairs, and if he thought for a moment I wouldn’t, he was wrong.

  He straightened his cuffs. “No, I’m giving you time to cool down, and besides, they aren’t here yet.”

  “I’m as good as I’m going to be, and I don’t know what you expected since these dicks are trying to ruin my life.” I looked across the room to where Layne stashed his mini bar and wished I could have a drink to take the edge off, but that would have to wait until after.

  “These pricks lost their son. Try to remember that when you go in there guns a blazing in full ‘beast mode.’” He straightened his collar and smoothed down his pants like he was prepping for a photo op.

  I stood to close the distance between us. “You’d do well to remember who you work for.”

  He held his hands up in front of him. “Aiden, please let me do all the talking. You don’t have to say a word, and you know it would be better if you didn’t.” I pegged him with a hard glare as his secretary opened the door.

  “Gentleman, the Pattersons and their lawyer are here and waiting.”

  “Thanks.” He turned and met my eyes releasing a long breath. “Are you ready?” What he was really asking is would I remain calm and let him do the talking.

  “Yeah, let’s do this.” I headed out of Layne’s office, glancing at my father’s door on the way, and then headed to the boardroom.

  Inside were the Pattersons, an aging couple whose body language spoke volumes about their moods. Mr. Patterson was relaxed in his chair with a look of boredom, like he didn’t want to be there. But Mrs. Patterson was sitting up taller, posturing herself as if she were a noble queen waiting to be crowned with my riches. I sat right across from her, edging forward in my seat to show her I was prepared to fight. She looked away as my eyes met hers. Nice try, lady.

  Layne took his seat next to me and across from the Pattersons’ lawyer, Stephen Blanc, whom both Layne and I knew quite well. He had always been a twitchy little fucker, and my father had hated him.

  “I don’t think introductions are necessary, but as a formality, I’m Layne Connor, and this is my client, Aiden Walker.”

  Blanc shifted forward in his seat. “These are the Pattersons, Greg and Vicki, the parents of the deceased Shawn Patterson.” I didn’t move a muscle, but I wanted to remind them that their son wasn’t the only one missing from the table. “It has us concerned that you’re not finding the dollar amount acceptable. We feel that this is a fair deal, one your client can afford, and we’d like to get
this thing settled.”

  “We’d like you to explain the amount in question and see if we can work out something a little bit more reasonable. The amount you’ve asked for is quite well over half of my client’s estate, and while we do sympathize and mean no disrespect, we can’t quite figure how you’ve come to such an amount.”

  “My son’s life is priceless, Mr. Connor.”

  I met the woman’s eyes, and she stared down into her lap. There was something in her eyes for a fleeting moment that reminded me of Lexa, but I banished the thought. I wouldn’t let the resemblance distract me. I took a deep breath and glanced toward Layne.

  He straightened a stack of papers he’d removed from his briefcase and slid them across the table to Blanc. “We feel this is more in line with proper respect to your son’s memory. Please understand this is not my client’s way of taking blame in all of this, but he’d like to offer this amount with his condolences.

  Blanc sifted through the papers and then nodded toward Vicki, who shook her head and passed them to Greg. “This is not acceptable.” She folded her arms in a stubborn way and then straightened her posture.

  “Could you explain why?” Layne addressed her directly.

  Blanc spoke up and shook his head but then motioned to her not to speak. “Please do not address my client. I’m more than happy to explain-”

  “Then do it.” My voice was so rough, it was as if I’d gargled acid. “You know, I knew Shawn. He was a nice guy, and I can’t imagine he’d like any of this, but know something else about him, too. He was a dreamer, and he wouldn’t have seen this much money in his lifetime. So unless you can prove to me that he would, I’m not settling.”

  “How dare you make this about Shawn’s experience in life? If anything, this has to do with his life being cut short and those experiences, as you call them, being ripped away from him. He was a dreamer, but he had big plans for a bright future.”

  “You mean sucking off the Walker tit? We both know that Shawn wanted to marry my sister. How am I to know he would have gotten a decent job and supported her on his own?”


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