Monster's Ball :Shadow In Time

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Monster's Ball :Shadow In Time Page 11

by Rainwater, Priscilla Poole

  Stepping forward, Knorr cupped her face with both hands, then leaned forward and planted a kiss on her forehead. “Of course you will. And since you're immortal now, thanks to Hades, you can come to the Underworld anytime to see me.”

  “WHAT? You can't just invite every Peter, Paul, and Harry to my realm without my approval or my invitation!” Hades sputtered indignantly, then, for the first time ever, began choking and gagging on the cigarette smoke.

  Turning her attention back to him, she frowned and shook her head sadly. “Hades, because I'm an honorable woman, I'll respect our agreement. But just try to keep me from family, and see what happens! Like I told you before, I'll make your life miserable! I'll...I'll...” her voice trailed off as she belatedly wondered what she could possibly threaten a God with.

  Still sputtering and choking, he finally managed to wheeze, “You will do no such thing, woman!” Coughing one last time, he stood to his full height, his suddenly red eyes daring her to challenge him in front of lesser beings.

  Tapping her right index finger against her chin thoughtfully, a mischievous smile lit up Knorr's face as she mumbled, “You know, Hera, your loving mother, told me that anytime I needed something, anything, to contact her. Maybe I'll ask if she would like to come for a nice, extended visit. And maybe, just maybe, mind you, my loose tongue will let it slip that it was YOU who informed Zeus of her affair with one of your demon buddies.”

  Steam nearly pouring from his ears, the God was silent for a moment, contemplating the possible ramifications of his overbearing mother coming to the Underworld for a visit. And an angry visit would be a thousand times worse. “Alright...FINE!” he snapped angrily, hurling the cigarette to the floor and stomping on it angrily, like a petulant child.

  Wisely suppressing the urge to laugh (they had never witnessed the Lord of the Underworld losing his composure), both Lilith and Thoth were amazed that Knorr had actually managed to bend him to her will.

  Smiling at him sweetly and innocently, Knorr said, “Now be a good God and give Gavin immortality, like you promised.”

  Quickly regaining his composure, a sly grin twitched at the corners of his mouth. Bowing slightly, Hades replied in a mocking voice, “As you wish, my dear.” With the usual flick of his wrist, Gavin's body was suddenly flung across the room, crashing against the wall with a sickening thud. Groaning loudly, his knees buckled and he slid to the floor.

  “GAVIN!” Rena screamed as she, Thoth, and Lilith rushed to his aid.

  “You jackass, that was completely uncalled for!” Knorr shouted over her shoulder as she rushed in behind the others.

  Blinking several times, Gavin finally managed to regain his footing, albeit with the aid of Lilith and Thoth. Taking Rena's hand in his, he patted it reassuringly.

  Relieved that Gavin was relatively unharmed, Lilith took a deep breath and said, “Since you're Ok, I need to tell Rena something.” Turning her attention to the young woman, she silently prayed she would be forgiven for her years of deception. “Rena, I've watched over you for some time.”

  “I don't understand what you mean, how.....” her voice trailed off as Lilith reached out with one hand and touched her lips with the tips of her fingers.

  Mumbling in a language she knew Rena wouldn't recognize, a shimmering image of 'old Ms. Skeet' materialized, then was replaced a moment later by her present, true form.

  “Why?” was all Rena could think of to say.

  “Because you needed a person...a grandmother figure, to fill the void when your parents passed away. I doubt if you would have taken advice from someone who looked only a handful of years older than you, or someone your own age. Also, because of certain rules all immortals must live by, I couldn't come right out and tell you, while you were mortal.”

  “Now that that's been covered, Lilith, have you noticed something peculiar about Rena's aura?” Knorr smiled, amused by the dawning expression of understanding growing on her sister's face.

  “Oh goodness!” Lilith shouted. “Rena, you're pregnant!”

  Mouth falling open, Rena's hands went to her belly as she glanced down, shaking her head in disbelief. “No way! Gavin is the only one I've been with in..... some time.”

  “Well, after a hundred and fifty nine years, I guess you're pretty potent, my friend.” Thoth laughed as he clapped Gavin on the back.

  “Lilith, join me in blessing our niece, and Gavin.” Knorr said, holding out her hand to her sister.

  Taking her hand, Lilith had to blink back the tears forcefully. “Nothing would make me happier.” She said Offering her other hand to Thoth, she smiled and asked, “Care to join us?”

  “Oh shit...I was right, it's 'Kumbaya' time.” Hades muttered in a disgusted voice, shuddering with revulsion.

  Joining them, Thoth took her hand and they formed a complete circle. Closing his eyes and beginning to chant in a long-dead language, Thoth (along with the rest), felt rather than saw a bright white light fill the entire room. Opening his eyes as he completed the spell, he looked at Rena and Gavin and said, “I have gifted both of you, and your child, with my protection. May your union be blessed.”

  As Lilith and Knorr added their own blessings, Rena looked up at Gavin, still unable to believe all that she had witnessed, and all that had happened in one short evening. As she thought about the life growing inside her at that very moment, she knew her life was finally complete.

  “The top floors have a number of suites that are free, if you wish to stay here. Gavin, my friend, I've more good news for you! After you died, I kept all your business interests current and running, so you, your lovely mate, and your children's children, shall never want for anything. But we shall discuss that more in depth in the morning. Tonight is for love, and…well, you know.” Thoth winked. Turning, he pushed a tiny red button on the wall behind them, humming happily until a mummy arrived moments later. Gesturing towards the couple, he said, “Show Gavin and Rena the suites on the south side, if you would, and see to their every need.”

  Bowing, the undead creature made a beckoning motion with one crackling, dusty finger, then turned and headed for the door.

  Proffering his arm and smiling as Rena laced hers through his, Gavin reflected on the fact that before tonight, if he had been given an opportunity to leave this place, he would have done so without hesitation. But that no longer mattered, he realized. As long as his soul mate was by his side, home was wherever they happened to hang their hats at night.

  Arm-in-arm, they followed the creature out the door, then out of sight.


  “Well, since they're off to no doubt consummate and bond, I think I'll go circulate. I saw Loki out at the buffet tables earlier. He's so gorgeous, have you seen how tall he is?” Knorr asked no one in particular. “He offered to take me to his homeland for a winter vacation, and I just might take him up on that.” she sighed dreamily. Turning, she suddenly affected a look of embarrassment. “Oh....Hades.....I apologize, I forgot you were there! Well, you never said anything about me not seeing other people, so, I guess I'll see you....whenever.” she laughed, then stomped past him with her nose high in the air.

  Seeing the look of rage and chagrin on the God's face, Lilith had to struggle mightily to overcome the laughter threatening to burst forth. Turning to Thoth, she whispered in a voice more than loud enough for The Dark Lord to hear. “I think she's going to make his time with her very unpleasant, and I plan on helping her.”

  Glaring at Lilith, Hade's sorely wanted to zap her into a dung beetle, but knew that Knorr wouldn't see the humorous side of it. Saving face as best as he could under the circumstances, he put on a smile of exaggerated, false gaiety and chirped, “Well, boys and goyles, I've had about all I can stomach, so I bid you adieu. It's been a most forgettable evening!” That said, he turned and beat a nonchalant exit, doing his best to not appear as if he was chasing after the feisty Knorr.

  After they had both disappeared from sight, Thoth looked
at Lilith in silence for a moment, then said, “Now it's just us.”

  “Just us.” Lilith parroted in a carefully neutral voice.

  “So, what happens with us, Lilith?” he asked, reaching out and caressing one cheek gently.

  Reaching up, she grabbed his hand and pressed it to her lips, giving it a guarded, chaste kiss. “I'm sure we'll be bumping into each other quite often. There's Rena and Gavin's official bonding ceremony, the birth of the child, or...” her voice trailed off as she dropped his hand and took a step back. “Or there's always next year's Halloween Ball.” she finished, then gave him an enigmatic smile. “Good night, Thoth.” she whispered, then turned and left, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

  “Next year, my dear, you won't be leaving me, if my own prayers are answered.” he sighed, his words seeming to carry through the sudden wind blowing through the room. Already mentally planning the next Halloween Ball, his thoughts drifted to several people who might need a little help in finding their true mate. Including himself.

  The End

  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1 Wolf Hill Virginia: The Whitman Tobacco Plantation, 1850

  Chapter 2 Abingdon Virginia (formally Wolfs Hills), October 27, 2009 Willow Run Apartments

  Chapter 3 The Poor House Diner October 28, 2009 2:14PM

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6 Halloween Evening

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11




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