New Beginnings (The Girl and The Fireman Book 1)

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New Beginnings (The Girl and The Fireman Book 1) Page 6

by Amy Allen

  She gave him a small smile. “Mahalo, Josh, for the help. I’d like that.” She didn’t know why she said that or why she’d told him what she’d felt back then. She really didn’t know when in the last two days she’d decided to let a man in more than she ever had before. Without meaning to she yawned.

  Joshua started chuckling. “Come on. Let’s get everything back in the truck and get you home.” They got the truck reloaded quickly. Opening her door, he helped her into the truck since she looked like she was about to fall over. Once he was in the truck and had it started, he looked over at her. “Go ahead and close your eyes for the drive home. If you fall asleep, that’s fine too.” He watched her nod as her eyes closed. She was asleep before he had the truck turned around.

  He pulled up at the house and glanced over at Lana. He wasn’t surprised she was still asleep. Making sure his keys were in his hand, Joshua grabbed the house key Rob gave him earlier, not worrying about gear or clothes at the moment. Getting out and going around to her side, he opened her door and gently lifted her out. “Come on, beautiful, time for bed.” He smiled when she stirred just enough to curl into him some. As he was about to close the truck door, he heard the front door open.

  “I’ll get that for you. Front door is open. She asleep?” Rob said as he approached.

  Nodding, Joshua said, “Thanks. And yeah, she is. Where?”

  “Second bedroom. Then go ahead and shower if you want in the bathroom there in the hall. I’ll grab your clothes. You can crash on the couch too if you want since it’s late.”

  Joshua only nodded to let Rob know he heard him as he headed in. Going to the room Rob told him, he laid Lana on the bed and covered her up. He then leaned down to give her a light kiss before he left the room. As he turned to go into the bathroom, he smiled when he saw both wolves lay at her bedroom door. He showered quickly. Catching the sheet Rob threw to him when he got to the front room he laid down and was out immediately.


  Lana woke to the sound of loud music, her Dire Straits CD, and four different male voices, one of which was close. She barely remembered them leaving after the dive and she didn’t remember getting home. She had a vague memory of being lifted up and then hearing Joshua say something to her but not what was said. She had no idea how she got into bed and covered up. Pulling the covers off, she saw she was still in the bikini she’d borrowed from Brandi and her tank top. Sitting up, she looked over at the door when she heard a knock on the frame and smiled when she saw Joshua. “Come on in. Sorry I fell asleep.”

  Joshua grinned and shook his head as he leaned against the doorframe. “Don’t worry about it. You were exhausted. And I thought I’d see if you were awake since Hank called Rob a while ago and said he’d be out this morning. I knew you wanted to be out there too.”

  “Yeah, I do.” She got out of bed and headed to the dresser, hoping. Opening a drawer she grinned and said, “Thank you, Mom,” pulling out what she wanted. Seeing the slightly confused look on Joshua’s face she said “Dad decided in December to retire from the Navy this year and so came over to apply for a job in the prosecutor’s office. When he knew he had it, they looked at property, finding this one. He had Jack build this house first, we moved over and in. This was my room while Jack built my place. I guess I left some stuff in here and Mom left it alone.” She’d noticed he’d stayed in the doorway even though she’d invited him the room. Walking past him and stopping at the linen closet, she tilted her head slightly as she looked up him.

  He grinned. “What?”

  “I was just wondering how I got in the house and into bed. Last I really remember is getting in the truck and you suggesting I close my eyes.”

  “You were out just after I said that. I carried you in.”

  She heard him even though she had her head in the linen closet. Pulling towels, she closed the door, looked over at him and only nodded with a hint of a smile. “Mahalo.”

  Joshua started laughing and said, “No problem, Ki,” as she closed the door.

  Leaning against the closed door, she only grinned. She had no idea why, but she couldn’t help herself. Stepping into the shower, she washed out the bathing suit first, hanging it over the shower door. She enjoyed her shower, making sure her hair was clean. Getting out, she quickly dried off and dressed in shorts and a tank top going barefoot. She’d left her hair for last, doing it in a French braid to keep it out of the way. Stepping out of the bathroom, she started laughing. She heard the CD had changed to her Strange Magic ELO CD and Joshua was standing across from the bathroom waiting for her.

  Getting to the front room, Lana looked at her brother and Craig. “Raiding the CD’s in my car?”

  Craig grinned, throwing her the keys. “Of course. You have good music. And your car is by the garage now.”

  “Of course I do. Mahalo. Appreciate it.” Feeling a tug on her braid, she looked over her shoulder. Seeing her uncle she looked a bit confused but smiled. “Hi, Jack.”

  “Hey, little one. From that look, I guess you’re wondering why I’m here.” When she nodded, he smiled. “Drew called me last night after he talked to Rob. He asked me to come over this morning instead of waiting for Rob to call me. I would have even if he hadn’t asked me to since I want to be here when the fire investigator is. I already did a visual, without actually wandering into the debris so I don’t disturb anything.” He started to walk away when he suddenly remembered something and turned back. “Also, Sydni will be home this morning. She’ll call, though no idea who, when she’s leaving Oahu so she can be picked up.”

  Ending a call as he stepped up next to Lana and Joshua, Rob said, “Speaking of Mom. She is just about to board. One of us needs to be at the airport in 30. Who?” Seeing Craig get up, he nodded. Seeing how Lana was dressed, Rob shook his head. “If you’re going outside, Ki, you’ll need to find some kind of shoes, unless you plan on wearing your boots with shorts.”

  Lana shrugged at her brother and smiled. “When I get ready to go outside, I’ll worry about it then, Mom.”


  “Yeah. What’s your point?” Giving Rob a slight push she moved into the kitchen and made herself some tea. Looking at the guys, she asked, “Anyone have breakfast yet?”

  As Jack, Rob, and Joshua shook their heads, Craig said, “No, but none for me. I’m gonna leave now to go get Sydni. See you all when I get back with her.”

  “Ok, I’ll make sure there is some left for you and Mom, then. See you in a while.” She got to work on breakfast, after starting coffee for everyone else, deciding on waffles.

  “Need any help?” Joshua asked, coming to stand next to her.

  She shook her head. “Nope, mahalo. But, if you want coffee, the cups are up there,” she pointed to a cupboard, and then continued with, “coffee will be ready shortly. There is juice in the fridge if you want it and glasses up where coffee cups are.”

  Grabbing some glasses and cups out, then looking in cupboards and finding plates, grabbing those, he pulled the juice out. Seeing bacon in the fridge, he pulled it out and turned to her. “Goes with everything.”

  Lana stopped mixing to see what he was talking about. Seeing the bacon, she started laughing. Grabbing out a pan and putting it on the stove, she motioned to it with her head. “Well then, there you go. Have at it.”

  Grabbing a coffee cup, Joshua put the bacon next to the stove then filled his cup. Looking over at Lana, he asked “More tea, Ki?”

  “I’m good.” She went back to work on the waffles while Joshua got started on bacon.

  Jack looked at Rob and motioned to the two in the kitchen raising his eyebrow in question.

  Rob smiled and only shrugged. “Do you need coffee made?” He called out.

  Lana glanced back at Joshua and rolled her eyes with a grin before glancing over at her brother. “Already done and it’s ready. Cups are on the counter. Your legs aren’t broken.”

  Rob burst into laughter as he grabbed two cups, filling them. Handing one to
Jack, he took a drink of his own before grabbing the plates and getting out silverware. He got the table set then grabbed the glasses and juice, setting them on the table. Knowing they’d need more coffee, Rob refilled his own, Joshua’s and Jack’s cups before starting a new pot. Grabbing an extra cup out of the cupboard, he filled it with water and put it in the microwave. When it was done he got it ready and set it in front of Lana.

  Pulling out another plate, Joshua put a paper towel on it. As bacon finished, he moved it to the plate. Once all the bacon was done, he passed Lana on the way to the table. Stopping, he leaned down and with laughter in his voice, said, “So that’s how you do it around here. Don’t ask, just do.” Seeing her grin as she looked up at him, he grinned in return before he leaned down to give her a light kiss, with promises of more for later.

  Lana didn’t know what was going on with herself. She smiled more at him. She really liked him. And she enjoyed kissing him. She watched him take the bacon to the table before she finished up the waffles and took them to the table.

  They were enjoying breakfast, talking about her ‘ohana, what the fire investigator may find, the clean-up and rebuilding, when Rob looked at Lana and suddenly said, “Out with it, brat. You haven’t mentioned it yet, but I know you want to be involved. Tell me why.”

  Lana did a quick look at Joshua only to see him shake his head. She took it to mean he hadn’t said anything. “Because if he needs to be re-profiled, I’m the best to do it. I want to help find proof that he did this even though we know it was him. I want him out of my head where he’s been for way too long. My preference is him dead, but since I doubt that’ll happen those are my reasons why. Besides the fact I’m a Criminal Psychologist with that extra specialty on arsonists. So, other than your fire investigator, tell me Rob, who is better qualified?”

  Rob sighed. He looked at Jack and Joshua, seeing them both smile and nod in agreement with her. Dropping his head briefly, he sighed. When he raised his head back up, his gray eyes locked on her, at the moment, silver ones. “You’re right, there isn’t. And your reasons are valid. Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

  She only nodded as they went back to eating. They were all finishing up when they heard, “I’m home,” from the front hall.

  Sydni Tai’igi paused when she got to the kitchen at the end of the hall. Looking at the dining room table she saw her children, brother-in-law, and a man she didn’t recognize. She was an older version of her daughter, with exception of Sydni having blue/black hair, not having the markings, and being three inches taller than Lana. “Is there any breakfast left?”

  Lana grinned as she got up. “Glad you’re home, Mom. And not much, but I’ll make some more waffles for you and Craig. Not sure how much bacon is left. Joshua can always make more.” She looked up behind her when she felt a hand on her waist.

  Joshua was trying not to laugh as he leaned down and quietly said, “Brat fits.” Grabbing the plate the bacon was on, he followed Lana back into the kitchen.

  Sydni sat next to her son at the table. Smiling across the table at Jack, she leaned to Rob. “Who is that?”

  Rob grinned. “That’s Ki’s boyfriend.” He started laughing when he heard Joshua burst out in laughter and Lana say, “hey.” He wasn’t sure what she was saying ‘hey’ about, that he called Joshua her boyfriend or that they were both laughing. Looking over, he guessed it was the laughing when he saw her pick up the dish-towel and lightly get Joshua with it. Rob started laughing more when he saw Joshua lean down to tell her something then kiss her. His gaze returning to his mom’s, he then added, “That’s Joshua Stewart. He’s a good friend and a fellow firefighter. I’ve mentioned him. Just not in the same sentence with Ki before. But, if these last couple days are anything to go by, my first comment isn’t wrong.” Realizing what he forgot when Sydni gave him a pointed look, Rob finished with, “Mom, this is Joshua. Joshua, this is our mom.”

  Sydni smiled. “Nice to meet you, Joshua. Please call me Sydni.”

  After giving Lana a kiss and telling her it didn’t bother him that Rob had called him that, Joshua had started cooking more bacon. He’d glanced to the table when Rob had introduced him to their mom. He smiled and nodded at her comment. “Thank you, Sydni. Nice to meet you too. With how much Rob and I have hung out, I’m surprised I haven’t already met you and Ki.” He was wishing he’d met Lana in these last four to five months. There was just something about her that attracted him. That had him feeling something he hadn’t before even though it seemed that he would have in his very long life. He also found himself wanting to protect her, make sure she stayed safe from Jeremy.

  Lana set the plate of fresh waffles on the table then kissed her mother’s cheek. Grabbing her tote and giving a low whistle she headed for the back door. Seeing Rob’s face, she said, “I plan on sitting on the grass in the side yard.” Going out the patio door, she wasn’t surprised Joshua followed her.

  They meandered out toward the edge of the grass, watching the wolves run and play. It was a beautiful morning with just a few clouds. They sat down under the shade of the Jacaranda tree and Lana pulled out her colored pencils and sketchbook. Taking them from her, Joshua set them to the side for the time being. Putting his arm around her, he pulled her close. He wouldn’t have been surprised if she’d stiffened up or made it tough for him to pull her close, but he was glad she hadn’t. “What is it about you, Ki, that makes me want to spend as much time as I can with you?”

  Lana had been surprised when he’d pulled her close, and even more surprised that she didn't freak out about it and that she leaned into to him. She looked down briefly before her head came back up and she met his gorgeous, she wanted to drown in, blue eyes. “I don’t know, but I was wondering the same about you.”

  Joshua smiled at her before he leaned in that last little bit and kissed her, encouraging her mouth to open to deepen the kiss.

  Lana found herself leaning more into him and opening to him. Not realizing it, a sigh escaped her only to be captured by his mouth.

  Joshua ended the kiss before his hands did more than run up her back. He was at a loss for what was going on with him and even more so wondering why he seemed to feel twice the amount of wanting, or desire, when he kissed her. If he didn’t know better he’d say he was … but no. That couldn’t be what it was … could it? Yet, he found he wanted to tell her everything. What he really was, how old he really was, everything about his life and all that had happened to him. Those were things he’d never wanted to share with a woman. Never wanted to open up and trust a woman enough to. The only people who knew were his family.

  “Oh my,” Lana thought to herself. Glancing down she noticed her hand clutching his shirt almost like she was trying to pull him closer. What was funny was she didn’t remember grabbing it. She also thought it strange that the wanting him was nearly overwhelming, as if the feeling was doubled. She suddenly had a sense that there was something different about Joshua, something more and she really wanted to know what it was. Looking up at him, she only said, “Wow,” getting a grin from him. She didn’t get it. There was one part that wanted to kiss him silly, among other things, while the other part wanted to get up and not just run, but run fast, the other way even with having that strange sense about him and wanting to know him more. She was doing what Craig had suggested and was feeling, but the feelings confused her. Thinking of something, she asked, “Did you hear all of the conversation Craig and I had yesterday when you were standing at the door of my place?”

  She looked like she was as confused as he was. That made him feel better. He wasn’t surprised at her question, though. “Yeah, or most of it. Wasn’t trying to overhear. I’d walked up just when you wondered if you could ask him a question. I actually turned around and walked away for a few minutes as soon as I heard you say that. I’d stepped back up just as you asked if whatever you’d first asked was normal. So I heard all from that point. I didn’t hear the original question or his first answer to it.” He neglected to menti
on that he could still hear what was said due to his extraordinary hearing as a vampire.

  Lana nodded finding it didn’t bother her that he’d heard the conversation. At the moment she couldn’t put a name on what she was feeling, she only knew she was feeling something. She was relaxing around Joshua like she never did with any man and she was letting her walls down, trusting in him as she’d never done before. She’d already told him one of her biggest fears that even her family didn’t know about and she found she wanted to tell him more about everything that had happened to her. She figured there had been something wrong with her or something dead in her after that last attack and her change, but she wasn’t sure what. It did suddenly feel like something down deep in her was starting to heal, which she also didn’t understand. Smiling up at him, she picked up her phone and opened her music. Going down the list, she saw Heart Greatest Hits and started it playing. Not really thinking about it, she started singing along as she picked up her sketch pad and pencils. Starting to move to be able to sit next to him, she smiled when she felt him pull her back against him.

  Joshua was enjoying listening to her quietly singing along with the songs playing on her phone while he watched her add color, from over her shoulder, to the sketches she did of him the day before. For some reason, sitting like this with her felt natural though it wasn’t something he normally did. He was still amazed at how well she could draw. “I agree with Craig. You should have majored in design.” Without thinking about it, his arms encircled her waist and he rested his chin on her head, still watching her while also keeping an eye on the wolves for her. “What do you want to do on Saturday? It doesn’t just have to be in the evening. We can do something during the day too, if you’d like.”


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