Deadly Love

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Deadly Love Page 8

by Yvonne Bennett

  She ventured to her room and laid Emilio in his pack n 'play then prepared for a bath. She placed her fresh set of undergarments on the toilet then stripped, throwing her soiled clothing in the corner. Throwing her leg over the lavish marble tub, Bobbie stepped in and started the shower. Warm water cascaded down her body as she grabbed her loofah sponge and bodywash. She bathed at her own pace, taking this moment to relax. Once she was done, she shut the water off and grabbed her towel. She got out, dried off, then slipped on her clothing.

  Bobbie gathered her dirty clothing and placed it in the built-in walk hamper before departing the bathroom. She froze as she saw Agostino hovering over Emilio's pack n' play.

  "Don't think just because this is Andres' safe house that I won't fuck you up, Bobbie. My cousin won't be around to save you every time." Agostino told her without even turning to look at her.

  He reached into Emilio's pack n' play, and Bobbie rushed over.

  "N-" her protest was cut short as Agostino whirled around and grabbed her by her neck tightly.

  "You want to flirt with my security, bitch, huh?" Agostino bit out roughly.

  "Let. Me. Go." Bobbie stared calmly. A little too calmly.

  "Or what, hermosa, hmm? I'm fucking sick of you testing me, Bobbie. It's almost if you don't give a damn about your life." Agostino tightened his grip.

  "I've listened to you threaten to kill me about a thousand times, and yet I'm still here. Either make good on your promise or shut the fuck up, Agostino. I refuse, absolutely refuse, to let you stress me out like you did the last time, especially with my baby around. If you're getting this pissy over me asking your John Travolta in 'Grease' wannabe security detail to call me by my first name, then it's best if you just take me out of my misery. Today!" Bobbie fumed up at him.

  Agostino's nostrils flared, and he grunted as he pushed her back by her throat, releasing her harshly.

  "You basta-," a slap fell across her cheek, and she halted.

  A strangled breath escaped her mouth as she cupped her stinging cheek, every single memory of Agostino's abusive behavior flooding her mind. The way he slapped her the night he kidnapped her. The way he strangled her the morning after she was released from the 'Dark Room'. Killing Freddie. Killing Gino. Forcing her to marry him. It was like gasoline being poured on a raging fire.

  Bobbie was livid!

  "You motherfucker!" She yelled as she ran up to him and began scratching and slapping him in the face.

  Agostino tried to contain her, but Bobbie was running on adrenaline. She backhanded him, and blood trickled from his nose. Bobbie paused, seeing the damage she had caused. Agostino touched his nose and gazed in shock at the blood staining his fingers. His eyes trailed from his fingers to Bobbie, and he swallowed hard. Bobbie took a fearful step back as he took one forward.

  "I'm going to fucking kill you, Bobbie!" Agostino roared, and Bobbie took off.

  Agostino reached for her hair, forgetting that it wasn't long anymore, his hand instead hooking on to her black joggers. Her screams pierced the air as Agostino turned her around. Thinking fast, she quickly kneed him in the jaw, causing a loud groan to fall from his lips. Bobbie pivoted around to take off, but Agostino caught her leg. She tried to kick free, but he gripped both her legs forcefully, halting her kicks. Agostino climbed on top of her wriggling body and pinned her dainty hands above her head with one hand, using his other to pull out his gun. He glared down at her as he took the safety off.

  "Do it, Agostino. I don't care anymore. I know you're never going to let Emilio and I go, and I'd rather be dead than to live that way. No matter how hard I tried to see the good in you for Emilio's sake, you're never going to change. You're destined to be just like your father. You are just like your father." Bobbie exposed wild tears running down her face.

  She was done with Agostino's shit. If he was going to off her, so be it. She wasn't going to tiptoe around him in fear with her child. Agostino stared down at her blankly, his green eyes losing a bit of color. Slowly, he slid off of her and onto the carpeted floor below.

  "G-Go." He struggled to say.

  Bobbie gradually sat up, eyeing her husband cautiously.

  "Get the fuck out, Bobbie!" He screamed, making her leap up and run over to Emilio's pack n' play.

  She scooped him up and departed the room without looking back.


  "Ella dijo que no tiene hambre, señor." Esperanza, Andres' main housekeeper relayed as she stood in his office doorway.

  "Gracias Esperanza Tu puedes ir." Andres thanked her.

  The maid nodded, then left her boss and his cousin alone.

  "You know this fucks everything up, right? If we don't have Bobbie's cooperation during this whole thing, then it's going to be harder to protect her." He huffed at his cousin.

  "Like hell it will. Bobbie will be alright, considering the fact that she doesn't have a fucking scratch on her." Agostino sniffed through his bloody nose as he clenched his glass of bourbon.

  "She really did a number on you." His cousin laughed out, making him scowl.

  "If you don't want to wind up as my punching bag in .5 seconds, I suggest you shut the hell up, Andres." Agostino rolled his eyes, only making Andres cackle more.

  "It's just funny to me that you're sitting here feeling the way she probably felt all those times you beat her. Humiliated. Tortured. Hopeless." Andres smirked as he shook his head.

  Agostino ran his tongue over his upper teeth then took a gulp of bourbon.

  "Shut the fuck up, Andres," Agostino mumbled.

  His cousin was aggravating as hell but, right. He felt like a god-damned idiot for putting his hands on Bobbie. He didn't know she was going to cause a nose bleed by backhanding him. That shit stung like hell. Hell, it was still throbbing intensely and doubted an ice pack would soothe it. Honestly, he deserved it. He had promised himself that he wouldn't hit her, that he wanted to be a different role model than his father.

  And he failed. Bobbie was right, he was just like his father. That fact scared him more than the nightmares of his mother's dead body he used to have as a child. Because he knew… he could cause the same pain as his father. The same hurt. Disappointment. Hate… One thing he didn't want was for Emilio to grow up hating him.


  He knew what he had to do. He had to apologize. "I advise you to make this right before we fly back to Colombia tomorrow, Agostino. I don't want to leave with Bobbie upset, she might try to run." Andres eyed him in a serious manner.

  Swallowing a glob of bloody mucus then sniffing, Agostino not saying a word.


  Bobbie sat in her locked room as she fed a half-asleep Emilio, her fingers gliding across his soft cheeks. The fight the other night with Agostino left her shaken. She was surprised she reacted that way yet, happy. Agostino putting his hands on her just...triggered all her anger. Plus, it proved how much of a fool she really was. She was honestly starting to believe that he could be 'good' for Emilio's sake and he proved her so very wrong. She had to leave. And soon.

  But she just needed the right moment. A knock sounded at her before it opened, revealing Andres and Agostino. Bobbie immediately focused her eyes back on her son, avoiding the hard look her husband was throwing her.

  "We just stopped in to tell you that we're headed to the hanger, and we'll be back in a few days. And I believe my dearest cousin has something he'd like to say?" Andres looked at Agostino with an arched brow.

  Bobbie peeked up, peering at the green-eyed giant under her lashes.

  "Get out, Andres." He ordered.

  "Agostino, don't start now, the car is waitin-" Andres tried to reason, but Agostino cut him off.

  "Out!" He yelled, causing Emilio's eyes kids to jump but not open fully.

  Andres out his hands up and left. Agostino closed the door, and Bobbie grew anxious.

  "Put Emilio in his pack n' play." He demanded softly.

  "Agostino, I'm not in the mood to argue with you right no
w." She huffed in aggravation.

  "Put. Him. Up. Now." He repeated slowly, annunciating each word.

  Bobbie removed her leaking breast from her son's mouth and began patting his back. Sliding from the bed, she stepped over to Emilio's pack n' play and laid him inside. She whirled around and faced Agostino, heart threatening to leap from her chest.

  "Come here." Her husband ordered, his voice barely above a whisper.

  Bobbie inched toward him, her hands growing clammy. Coming to stand in front of him, Bobbie swallowed her anxiety away and jerked her chin.

  "Stop acting like such a hardass, hermosa. I'm not here to fight." Agostino muttered humorously.

  His hands shot out and gripped her waist, causing her to push at his chest.

  "Agostino, let go of-' her words were silenced by his tender kiss.

  And as if a light switch went off, Bobbie melted into him. Jesus how she detested this man and his mouth. His hands slid down her waist to her ass and grabbed a handful of the purple maxi dress she was wearing, rising it up slowly. Halting the kiss, he pulled the dress over her head, and Bobbie tried to protest. Agostino simply ceased her objections by kissing her passionately. His lips trailed down her lips to her neck, past her collar bone until he came to her swollen breasts. He quickly latched on to the left one, and Bobbie almost trembled out of her skin.

  Twiddling the other with his free hand, he basked in the sounds of her strained moans. Her hands found his shoulders, her nails digging into his muscles as her abdomen clenched up.

  "Agostino…" she breathed out, and before she knew she was looking up at the ceiling.

  Agostino shimmied out of his jacket and unbuttoned his button-down. Bobbie watched him stripped, unsure of why she wasn't screaming and cursing him out. She observed as he kicked off his slacks and boxers. He climbed into bed, right in between her legs. His starving mouth found hers and their tongues wrestled for dominance. One of his hands ventured lower, coming to her cotton bikinis. With one strong flick, he tore them away.

  Bobbie gasped and tried to sit up, but Agostino gripped the back of her next and kissed her deeply. Releasing her lips, he littered kisses down her chest and stomach, coming to her weeping sex. He placed a loud smooth on her pearl, and Bobbie bit her lip. Agostino repeated his actions until his wife was a withering mess, then he went in for the kill, slurping and licking all over her sensitive nub.

  "Oh, no, no, no!" Bobbie chanted as she came, cursing her body, Agostino, and her orgasm.

  He glided up her body and aligned himself against her wet cavern. Flexing his hips, he slipped into her tight body. Bobbie groaned as her body stretched, her nipples growing harder at the sensation. Agostino buried his face in her chest as he rolled his hips, building up a slow pace. The sound of their aroused bodies echoed across the silent room as they familiarize themselves with one another. Agostino's speed increased as Bobbie grew wetter and looser, accepting more of his size. He bottomed out and grunted in pleasure.

  Bobbie grabbed onto his forearms as he pounded into her, her legs shaking haphazardly. Flattening himself into her, he kissed her deeply as his balls tightened up.

  "Lo siento." He mumbled against her ear.

  Bobbie let out a drawn-out moan as her climax hit. Her toes curled, and her eyes rolled back as she crashed into the seas of pleasure.

  "te quiero. Lo siento." Agostino apologized yet again as he came.

  He bit her ear as hissac emptied itself into his wife. He collapsed on top of her, gathering her exhausted firm in his arms. Bobbie tried to wiggle free, but Agostino held her tight.

  "Just fucking relax, Bobbie." Agostino murmured in annoyance.

  Bobbie froze up, her eyes darting across the ceiling. She was such a damn idiot. She couldn't believe that she had let this man in her body after she had to backhand the shit out of him. She was so ass-backward sometimes. Her back tensed as Agostino's fingers began to dig through her pixie. Bobbie tried to stay awake, but the sex and the amazing scalp rub was making that hard.


  Andres gazed out the window of his Colombia office as he sips out of a glass of guaro. The hot aftertaste stung his throat, and he welcomed it. He needed some form of escapism from this whole damn situation. He and Agostino had come back to Colombia empty-handed and they had no idea what to do next. While in Madrid, he had to set up a sting with Rodrigo and a few of his and Agostino's men. He had the kid linger outside the post office for 30 minutes for five days, pretending to open mail and listen to music on his headphones, which really was a microphone.

  They were looking to lure the mysterious man back out, but just like Rodrigo said when Andres informed him of the plan, 'that dude is gone'. Their stalker was in the wind as well. Whoever had come up with this entire scheme was a Mastermind. The magic in this whole plot was the fact that Andres and Agostino couldn't pinpoint exactly who was behind all this. It could be the man in the photo Andres couldn't recall or multiple perpetrators. And that scared him. At any given time, he and his cousin could be being surveilled right now, and he wouldn't even know by who.

  Andres took another gulp of his drink, his thoughts trailing to the post office video. That photo… That image wouldn't leave his imagination. Turning away from his window, he journeyed over to his desk and jerked open his draw. He lifted the photo out and stared at it.

  This face….

  ' "Look at Lydia making a fool of herself, Miguel. She looks like a fucking Trainwreck." Andres paused his musings over the buffet at Alissa's birthday party and peeked over his shoulder.

  He saw two men a few feet away, pointing at a semi-drunk Lydia. She was speaking with what looked to be a few of Alissa's friends, continuously flipping her box dyed blonde hair and adjusting her horrible breast implants. Andres sighed in pity. Poor Lydia, she used to be so beautiful, and now she looked like deformed playdough. But why would he expect less? If Agostino was the devil then David Gomez was the Antichrist. He was far more abusive and sadistic than Agostino yet hide it behind his charm. He could have you swooning one minute and the next, have you crying over a black eye.

  He was deadly, mentally and physically.

  "I'd still fuck her though. Use her face as cum rag then off her." The light-haired man chuckled.

  "Gomez won't even fucking care if you do." His companion laughed along.

  "As much pussy as he gets, why would he?" The guy huffed in amusement.

  He took a sip of his drink and turned, showing the striking Cobra snake tatt on his neck. It was the mark of the Cartel llamativo de la víbora, or striking viper cartel, in English. Andres went back to the buffet selection as the men sauntered off.'

  Andres snapped out of his thoughts and made a run for the door. Jetting out, he zoomed to the parlor where Agostino was sulking.

  "I know who paid Rodrigo!" He burst through the doorframe, startling his half-drunk cousin.

  "Jesus Christ, Andres. You almost gave me a fucking heart attack!" Agostino cursed, and Andres paused, taking in his appearance.

  His suit was disheveled, and his hair was standing ever which way. There were dark bags under his eyes, and his mouth was set in a grim line. He looked a mess.

  "If we're paying attention to the task at hand instead of drinking your feelings away, you wouldn't have been frightened. Pour out the whiskey, and let's go. I know who had the discs sent. If we're going to confront him I need you sober and alert." Andres explained as he if we're speaking to a child.

  "I'll manage." Agostino sniffled and stood, finishing off his glass.

  Andres shook his head at his cousin. Agostino was a complete fool. Instead of just telling Bobbie that he loved her and was sorry for how their union came to be, he berated and not picked at her to conceal his feelings, which only led to him feeling like shit.

  "Idiot." He huffed.

  Agostino sniffed yet again as he fixed himself up, Bobbie racing through his mind. After they had sex, he laid with her until she fell asleep, then dressed and kisses his wife and son before depa
rting the mansion. He wished he could have told her in English he was sorry, instead of in Spanish. He wanted Bobbie to know he loved her, he just...didn't know how to show it. He had never seen his father apologize to his mother or exhibit remorse, he'd wake up the next as nothing happened. As if he hadn't beaten his mother to a pulp the night before.

  And Agostino had behaved that same way with Bobbie plenty of times. Ugh, it made him sick and angry. Why couldn't he simply tell her, 'I love you, I've always loved you'? He was a damned coward, that's why.

  "Let's go." He brushed past his cousin without looking at him, his mouth set in a thin frown.

  30 minutes later, they pulled up to the Striking Cobras compound, the security guard at the gate granting them entrance. The driver halted in front of the house and then got out, opening the door up for his bosses. Agostino, Andres, and his men flooded out of the car and marched up the cobras' humongous flight of stairs. Coming to the door, they pressed the call button on the intercom/camera.


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