Diamond Bonds

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Diamond Bonds Page 28

by Jeff Kish

  Turk reluctantly nods. “I belong with my crew, and you with yours. I can respect that.”

  “For what it’s worth,” Jem adds with a smile, “it was nicer than I thought, being with other Allerians. It’s tiring to always be singled out in a crowd.”

  The captain extends a hand. “Well, if you ever end up on my side of the border, look me up. You know we harbor in Glouak.”

  Jem clasps hands with the pirate. “I will, Turk. Thanks for everything.”

  He watches her return to her companions as his second-in-command joins his side. “Too bad the pretty girl won’t come with you, eh Captain?”

  “Shut up, Jenkit.”

  * * *

  Barefooted, Era hops out of the landing boat into the dark, shallow water and finds the beach floor painfully rocky. Dancing as he seeks softer sands, he yanks the boat onto the beach and extends a hand to help his partners out. “Careful here.”

  “We’re lucky we found a beachfront in the darkness,” Turk says as he and Jenkit join the group out of the boat. “Makes landing a tad easier. The trip to town should be short, too. Canterin can’t be more than a few miles to the east.”

  After strapping his boots back on, Era extends a hand to Turk. “We owe you for this.”

  “You owe me?” Turk scoffs as he refuses Era’s hand. “I still owe you ten times over. You’re as gutsy as anyone on my crew, doing what you did.”

  Era scratches his head, embarrassed by the compliment. “Actually, this might be the least crazy thing that has happened to us recently.”

  Turk raises an eyebrow in doubt. “If that’s true, I’d love to know what else you’ve been up to.” To Jem he says, “Last chance, lass. No second thoughts?”

  “None,” Jem answers, glancing to Era.

  “Then my business is done here,” he says regretfully. “Stay safe, my friends.”

  The group heads up the beach, but Jem lingers and asks, “Say, Turk, what are you going to do with your Valvoran prisoners?”

  “Why do you care?” he asks in surprise. “I figured I’d take them back to Alleria with us, maybe sell them to a shipping operation! See how they enjoy being treated like animals.”

  Jem grimaces. “You would do the same thing to them? You can’t vilify the Valvorans and then commit the same atrocities! You’re adding to a cycle of hatred that will never end.”

  “That cycle will exist whether I release those men or take them back to Alleria,” Turk contends. “We can’t end the hatred with such an insignificant gesture.”

  “Maybe not globally, but you could end it for those soldiers by setting them free.”

  “They killed my men!” he continues to argue. “Besides that, they’re soldiers who will go back to the military and kill more Allerians one day! I can’t just let them go.”

  “And that’s why the cycle will never end.” Dejected, she offers Turk a half-hearted wave and follows after her companions.

  The pirate grits his teeth and stomps the ground, failing to suppress the urge welling within. “I mean, I said I still owed you,” he grunts. Jem turns back in surprise, and Turk adds, “If I let those prisoners go, we’re even. You got that?”

  Jem beams brilliantly. “You’ve got a deal, Captain!” With that, she offers a more enthusiastic wave as she disappears into the woods.

  “Pardon, Captain,” Jenkit mutters as he steps next to Turk, “but you don’t actually intend on following through with that, do you?”

  “I’ve no choice,” Turk states. “I’m a man of my word, and I honor a debt. The men will have to understand.”

  “The only thing they’ll understand is that you was entranced with a pretty young dame,” he replies.

  “Th-That had nothing to do with it!”

  “Aye, Captain… Aye.”

  * * *

  “About time!” Di complains as Jem catches up. “Let’s hurry! I’m almost home!”

  Era laughs at the girl’s enthusiasm. “What’s it been? Two years? This should be a heartwarming reunion to witness.”

  “We have to be careful,” Jem sternly warns. “Sneaking into Canterin is going to be our hardest challenge yet.” She turns to Fire and says, “Okay, I hate to admit this, but you’re a big part of why we’ve gotten this far. What’s the plan for tonight?”

  As if distracted, Fire quietly mutters, “I’ll scout ahead. You three follow.”

  Jem seems surprised. “That’s it? I thought you’d-” Fire dashes into the darkness before Jem can finish her thought. “Okay, what’s with her?”

  “Must be focused on the task at hand,” Era offers with a shrug. “Let’s advance carefully.”

  Jem looks to Di. “You know where we are?”

  Di boasts a huge grin. “I used to play on this beach growing up! Canterin is a just a couple hours’ hike from here.”

  Era politely bows and motions ahead. “Lead the way, Princess!”

  Di gladly marches into the dark woods, and Era stays right behind her. Jem turns back and watches Turk as he and Jenkit row back to their ship. The moonlight shimmers off the water, illuminating both their small craft and the large pirate ship in the distance. She waves one more time, just in case he’s watching.

  As Jem catches up, Di slyly grins at her. “You’re taken by him, aren’t you?”

  “Lay off, now,” Jem scolds. “Let a girl enjoy her childish crush.”

  “Hey, what’s he got that I don’t?” Era asks.

  “Muscles, for one. Manners, for two.”

  “A rugged, unshaven jaw,” Di adds.

  “R-Regardless,” he says, wishing he had held his tongue, “there’s no point in falling for someone you’ll never see again.”

  “I’m not falling for him, Era,” Jem says. “He was a nice guy and the first Allerian I’ve truly met in a long time. That’s all there is to it, and you’re right to say I’m never going to see him again.”

  Era shrugs. “Maybe the winds of fate will-”

  Jem gives him a shove. “Just drop it already.”

  Era grabs Di’s shoulders to catch himself, nearly tripping her in the process. She glances up at him, her heart throbbing at her guardian’s touch. However, in that moment, she saddens at the thought of parting ways with him. “Era, we’re going to see each other again, right?”

  “Hey, I told you before I’d visit. I even said we’d have a date!”

  “You promise?”

  “Absolutely. Jem rarely lets me sleep in an inn, so keep an empty bed and I’ll come often.”

  Di finds herself comforted by Era’s words. It has felt like the journey home was never going to end, but, now that she’s mere miles from her destination, she’s confronted by the reality that she will miss her protectors. ‘Though at least I won’t be around Fire anymore,’ she thinks with relief.

  “Okay, okay, that’s enough chatter,” Jem quietly says. “Let’s keep our wits about us.”

  The three walk in silence, listening carefully for any suspicious sights or sounds. Each traveler’s thoughts are consumed with nervous anticipation of what it might take to get into the city. If the military is expecting Di to return, getting in will be a challenge. And besides that, Canterin has a wall, which will complicate things even further.

  The thick atmosphere incites nervousness in Jem. She thinks back to Turk rowing his landing boat back out to his ship. Though they came in under cover of night, she could clearly make him out from quite a distance, even seeing the silhouette of the ship far offshore. ‘Wouldn’t the military be watching the coastline for us?’ she wonders, reasoning it would only take a single scout to see them land and report.

  Jem snaps her fingers twice to catch the attention of Era and Di. She leans in close and keeps her voice just above a whisper. “I don’t like this. Something doesn’t feel right.”

  Era shrugs. “Fire is scouting ahead. If she finds anyone, she’ll let us know.”

  Jem’s heart sinks as Era’s words spark a realization within her. “We have to get out of he

  “Leave?” he asks in confusion. “But we’re so close to-”

  “Era! We’ve been trusting Fire because she was injured, but it would take nothing for her to lead the military to us! We need to leave!”

  “W-What!? No, she wouldn’t do that!”

  “She would, and she is!” Jem looks to Di and asks, “Where could we go to hide ourselves-”

  The distant rustling of leaves cuts her off. They wait in silence, hoping the sound disappears, but it only grows louder. The growing orange glow of torchlight indicates a large group is approaching from the east.

  Jem grabs Di’s hand and whispers, “Come on, we can outrun them!” They take off in the opposite direction, but groups are swarming from all directions.

  Di stumbles backward, her small frame trembling. “We’re surrounded!”

  “We can still hide,” Era says as he pulls a new sword from the ground. “And if we have to, we can fight!”

  Jem swallows hard, wondering how many soldiers there are. “Fire… she really sold us out,” she says, her voice quavering.

  “You don’t know that!” Era contests. “Just wait, she’ll come back and-”

  “You’re an idiot, Era! You trusted her, and you even got us to trust her! But this was her plan all along. It was the only reason she was helping us!”

  Clouded with doubt, he says, “Look, either way, we have to hide. Now!”

  The three search furiously for a hiding place, but the best they can do is dive into a large bush. Era’s mind races to think of a plan, and as he glances at Jem, he can tell she’s doing the same thing. Yet, in that moment, he realizes there is truly no plan that can get them out of this situation. He takes Jem’s hand, catching her off-guard as she looks at him in confusion. He smiles at her, and the same conclusion dawns on her. They have probably come to the end of their time together.

  A military private comes into view, confirming their fears. The soldier holds a torch out, scanning the darkness as he moves through the area. More soldiers appear as well, and another line is behind them.

  Era holds Di close as soldiers come within yards of their hiding spot. Despite one passing them by, another soldier approaches and peers into the brush. He stares for several seconds before calling out to one of his comrades. “Hey, I think there’s-”

  Era doesn’t wait. He leaps at the soldier and smashes him in the side of the head with a blunt club. He turns to another, who starts to draw his sword, but Era knocks the wind out of him before he can use it.

  “Over there!”


  “I see him!”

  Hoping to use himself as bait, Era dashes straight for a line of soldiers, engaging one in combat as he quickly finds himself surrounded.

  “Is this the one?” a soldier calls, pulling the shrieking Di out by the arm. As soon as he gets her in the open, Jem leaps out and punches him square in the face. She follows it up with an elbow to the gut, dropping the large man.

  “Run!” Era shouts above the clamor of the mass of soldiers barreling down on him. He tries to keep them at bay, but they overwhelm and tackle him, shaking his club loose. They shove his face into the dirt and force his arms behind his back.

  “Era!” Jem cries out. She turns to Di and yells, “Run away! Go!” Di obediently takes off into the darkness.

  Jem turns back and charges the soldiers around Era. She throws herself into two of them in a surprise attack that leaves Era with only one soldier pinning him down.

  “Jem, just run!” her partner screams as he desperately struggles to escape the soldier’s grip.

  Ignoring the order, Jem gets to her feet and tries to tackle Era’s remaining captor, but she is intercepted and overcome by several others. The bulk of the group has now surrounded the area, giving the two no chance for escape. Three soldiers yank Era to his feet while another two hold Jem’s arms. Not giving up, she kicks furiously at them until another soldier walks up and jams the hilt of his sword into her gut. Her body goes limp as she struggles to catch her breath.

  “Infernal Allerian,” the soldier mutters as he smacks her across the face for good measure.

  “JEM!” Era screams. Enraged, he kicks and struggles against his captors, but the same soldier gets in his face.

  “You insolent scum! Where is the girl?”

  “She’s over here, sir!” a soldier calls out, showing the captain their prize. The girl hangs limply between two men.

  The captain looks her over in shock. “She’s young! Did she put up a fight?”

  “Err… no sir! But we knocked the wind out of her, just in case.”

  As the small army congregates, the light of the torches brightly illuminates the forest as if it were daytime. “Where is she!?” someone cries out while marching furiously through the masses.

  As the men step aside, the captain hurries next to Di as he salutes his superior. “Commander Galen! Over here, sir!”

  The commander walks briskly to the captain, and his eyes fall immediately to the small girl in custody. Relief sweeps through his entire body at the sight of her.

  Di summons the strength to lift her head, and her entire body quakes in fear of the man who took her from the Academy.

  “This is her,” Galen confirms. “Take her away.” Squad leaders shout their orders, and most of the troops leave to provide Di with a heavy escort.

  “DI!” Era screams as he fights against the soldiers holding him, drawing Galen’s attention. Rage now planted on the commander’s face, he storms over to the thief and socks him in the stomach. Grabbing Era’s shirt, he yanks him away from the soldiers and flings him to the ground.

  “NO!” Jem screams, tears welling in her eyes as she watches her partner take the abuse. She again struggles, wanting desperately to run to his side.

  Galen glares down at the source of his woes. All the frustration, stress, and exertion of the last week boils to the surface as he unsnaps his sleeves. “Bowen!”

  The lieutenant commander steps up from the crowd and creates a massive flame that lashes out toward Galen, who catches it in his hands. The crackling fire dances up and down his arm as he moves it around at will, waiting impatiently for his opponent to fight back.

  Era trembles at Galen’s presence. The situation is different from the last time they battled, as the flickering fire reveals the sheer number of military men present to back their commander up if needed. The flames illuminate the commander’s demeanor, reflecting the resolve of an experienced warrior hungry battle. “Stand up,” he demands. “You’re going to pay for your crimes against the Valvoran military.”

  Era claws at the ground, scraping up fistfuls of earth. “WHY? What do you want with her!?”

  “That’s none of your concern!” Galen unleashes a fireball at Era, who forms a wide shield from the dirt and deflects the shot. Without hesitation, the commander charges his opponent, leaps over the shield, and slams his flame-covered fist into the earth shaper’s chest, sending him to his back.

  “STOP IT!” Jem shrieks, tears streaming down her cheeks.

  As Era tries to stand, Galen mercilessly flings another fireball. The shot hits his target in the arm and sends him spiraling back to the ground.

  Enraged, Era screams and grabs at the earth, forming a sword as he stands. He points the blade at his opponent, a feral gleam in his eye.

  “Finally, the cornered rat thinks he has some fight,” says Galen, undeterred by the challenge. With both arms engulfed in fire, he sends the flames out like a projectile. Era jukes wide and dashes at the unarmed Galen.

  However, the experienced fire shaper reels the flames back in like a spring, and he unleashes them once again into the thief. Era has no choice but to shield his face from the surprise attack, and Galen takes advantage by grabbing Era’s arm and flipping him over his head. Era lands hard and screams in pain as Galen shoves his flame-covered fist to Era’s face, forcing him to feel every bit of the searing heat.

  “LET HIM GO!” Jem screams

  Galen’s eyes reveal a determination to finish the job. He dispels the remaining fire from his arm and grips his hilt, unsheathing his sword for the first time in the fight. The glint of the torchlight flickers off his blade as he holds it upright, ready to declare judgment against the thief.

  Era can barely move. His fingers dig into the soft earth below him, but, in that moment, he knows his fate. He finds himself using his remaining strength to look to Jem. Though she’s shouting, he can’t make out her words. The best he can offer is a sad smile.

  Galen raises his sword. Jem screams out as Era squeezes his eyes shut and braces for the strike.

  Leaves rustle, and the sound of metal against metal rings out. Era looks up, stunned to find Fire standing over him. Her dagger in hand, she holds Galen’s blade at bay, preventing him from dealing his finishing blow. The pummeled thief can’t help but smile at the sight of his ally. “Fire, you came,” he mutters weakly.

  Fire glares at the commander, but she doesn’t fight him. “We had a deal, Commander.”

  Galen scowls. “These two committed a grievous crime. This is justice.”

  “No, this is murder. Killing petty thieves to satisfy your vengeance,” she challenges. “Stand by your word.”

  Glancing back at his battered victim, Fire’s words appear to strike a chord with him. Calming himself, he beckons to the pair of soldiers holding Jem and barks, “Bring her here!” They throw her at his feet, and he calls out, “Men, we’re done here! Everyone report back to camp!” The soldiers are perplexed by the order, but they move out.

  Jem scurries over to Era. He’s burned and bruised all over, and he cringes with every movement. It’s all he can do to keep himself from screaming in pain.

  The commander makes eye contact with his victim one last time. “If I ever see you two again, I will cut you down.”

  Alarmed, Bowen asks, “Commander Galen, sir, you can’t seriously be letting them go?”

  Galen ignores his lieutenant commander and glances instead at Fire. “That you would choose this as your reward…” He sheathes his sword and moves briskly to rendezvous with his men. Bowen reluctantly follows, and the two disappear into the darkness, taking the last of the torchlight with them.


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