Possess (The Possess Saga)

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Possess (The Possess Saga) Page 3

by J. A. Howell

  “This place is gorgeous. And you just want $600 a month?” He nodded at me, but I noticed he hadn’t set foot inside the apartment himself. I raised an eyebrow curiously, but dismissed it without much more thought and headed for the bedroom.

  More covered furniture lay inside. A four-post bed, a large armoire, two nightstands, and a dresser with an ornately framed oval mirror hanging above it. I swiped a finger at its rounded edges and a smudge of dust came off on my fingertip.

  As I walked out of the bedroom, I pushed open another door and found the bathroom. Just your average shower-tub combination with mint green and white tiles.

  “So, what’s the catch?” I asked as I returned to the entryway. Leo had to know that question was coming. Judging the troubled expression on his face, he did.

  “I’ve had quite a bit of trouble renting this place out. Either people don’t want to rent it when they find out what happened here, or they move out after a month or so.” He stood up straight, scratching his head as his gaze went to the floor.

  “What happened here?”

  “About four or five years ago, a man that lived here killed himself in the bathroom.” He said somewhat nonchalantly. He was probably used to people turning down the apartment after that. For a moment I considered doing the same, but I needed a place and this one was the right price. Leo leaned against the doorframe, watching me with interest. I supposed the fact I hadn’t said “no” immediately was a complete shocker to him.

  “So, it’s available immediately?”

  “Yes. Umm...you actually want to move in?” He blinked in disbelief. I nodded. This was probably the best option I had, and it wasn’t like it was a murder. The fact that someone took their own life here was still tragic and sad, but a murder would probably have made me run for the hills just like his previous tenants. I pulled out the stack of cash from my bag, counting out enough for a deposit and the first month.

  “If possible I’d like to move in today.” I handed him the money. He looked down at it, eyes still wide with shock. He could only manage a nod as he handed over the key.

  “That’s fine. I’ll have you fill out the paperwork later, miss ah . . . “

  “Harley. Just, Harley.” He nodded and gave me a knowing smile. Considering the situation with the apartment being what it was, he didn’t push for my last name, and that was fine by me.

  After Leo handed me the keys, I went back to the hotel, checked out, then made a quick trip to the store to pick up food, cleaning supplies, and other necessities. Once I returned, I dug into cleaning my new place. Several hours flew by and the only room I hadn’t finished was the living room. I set myself to polishing the wooden entertainment center, sending dust bunnies flying. I’d have to get those when I vacuumed.

  Despite exhaustion setting in, I continued cleaning, far too excited that I had found a place to live and a job all in one day. If I had known it would work out this well, I would have left Jackson months ago. I wouldn’t have allowed the fear of staying to outweigh the fear of being on my own. Just the thought of him made my stomach turn and I redirected my attention to the entertainment center, scraping off the layers of dust with even more gusto. A smile crept across my lips again until I felt a tickle in my nose and stepped back from all the dust and cleaning products.

  “Uhh, uhhh CHOO!” My arms flailed in front of my face as the sneeze caused me to stumble back. I took a deep breath as the same tickle returned and another sneeze threatened, but the sensation passed and I let out a sigh of relief. I grabbed the paper towels again and resumed my dusting, but after a few minutes I noticed how parched I was feeling. I hadn’t taken a break in a while. I turned to cross the living room toward the kitchen, but froze when a cold shiver passed through me and the hairs on my arm stood on end. I looked around curiously for an AC vent, but shrugged it off as the coldness passed.

  I pulled a large pitcher of homemade iced tea from the fridge and poured myself a glass, letting out a pleasant moan as the cold beverage quenched my thirst. After finishing my glass I returned to my cleaning, finally finishing off the living room before I decided to call it quits. I stretched my back and yawned. Yep, it’s time for bed.

  I grabbed the new bed sheets I had bought and took them with me to the bedroom, making the bed then sighing happily as I looked at the rich purple linens. It was my favorite color. So soothing. Another wave of exhaustion seemed to hit and I dragged myself to the bathroom to brush my teeth then washed off my makeup. With the concealer gone the mark on my cheek became much more visible, though it was now a sickly green, yellowing around the edges.

  “Mmph,” I bit my lip as I gingerly touched a finger to the bruise. My heart sank as I stared at the small cut that had scabbed up in the middle of it. Don’t let him ruin this, Harley. You got away. You’re fine. I finally pulled myself away from my reflection and returned to the kitchen to make myself some chamomile tea, it would help calm my nerves.

  After a few sips, I felt the muscles in my back begin to relax and the tension in my chest start to fade away. As I finished the last drop, my eyes were already drooping closed. The only thing I could think of was sleep. After setting out my clothes for my first day working at Finley’s, I tugged my jeans off, discarding them on the floor next to the bed. Another yawn escaped as I pulled my shirt off and I looked up at the large oval mirror to see two wide green eyes staring back at me.

  Not blue. Not my eyes.

  I blinked and I was staring back into my eyes. I frowned at my reflection in confusion. What the hell was that? Are you that tired that you are seeing different colors? I glanced around the room, but I knew nobody else was here with me. I had already checked all the doors and windows to ensure they were locked. Still, an eerie feeling stuck with me as I crawled into bed. You’re just tired, Harley. Everything’s fine, I coaxed myself as I stared up at the ceiling, willing myself to close my eyes.

  It was nothing. You’re fine.

  It was the middle of the night when I awoke to a distant clanging coming from another room. It sounded like a pot hitting against the side of the sink. My muscles tensed as I sat up in bed. The room was blanketed in darkness except for the dim glow of light overflowing from the living room. I could never fall asleep in complete darkness.

  There was another clank, and the sound of water gushing from a faucet. I swung my legs off the bed and lowered my feet to the carpet, grabbing my hairbrush from the nightstand as I crept toward the bedroom door. I paused in the doorway when I saw a figure hunched over the kitchen sink. Petite feminine hands scrubbed a dishrag against a pot then rinsed it under the stream of flowing water, and placed it onto the drying rack before repeating the process over again with another dish. I watched for a moment, my legs frozen in place at the sight of this strange woman washing dishes at god knew what time of night. I hadn't left any dishes out.

  She continued her task, oblivious to my presence, and after a minute I continued toward the kitchen quietly, rounding the corner of the kitchen bar, now only a few feet behind the mysterious woman. It was then that I noticed it – she had long black hair, similar to my own, except hers was much straighter than my wavy locks. Her frame was even similar to mine, though not as curvy. She stood with her back to me, dressed in just an oversized sweater that hung off one shoulder. She shifted her weight back and forth, her toned, tan legs brushing against each other as she hummed quietly to herself.

  “Excuse me, what are you doing?” I asked, failing to mask the nervousness that shook my voice. She continued her task, not responding to me at all.

  “What are you doing in my apartment?” I demanded a little louder, my voice a bit more convincing this time.

  Still nothing.

  I took a few more steps until I was right behind her and I carefully placed my hand on her shoulder. Immediately she spun around, startled bright blue eyes staring at me.

  “Oh, honey, you scared me!” She let out a gasp before a broad smile spread across her lips and she wrapped her arms around my nec
k. Honey? I let out a squeak and stumbled back, but to my surprise I didn’t pull away when her lips pressed against mine. The hairbrush I had been clenching so tightly tumbled out of my grasp as my hands reached for her waist and pulled her closer.

  What the fuck am I doing?

  The ceiling fan in my bedroom greeted me as my eyes shot open. What the hell was that? I stretched my arms above my head before pulling myself to a sitting position. Turning to look out of the window above my bed, it was still early morning. My ears perked listening for any sound, but the apartment was completely silent. I groped the nightstand for my hairbrush as I climbed out of bed, but it was missing. It was just a dream, I told myself. Maybe I hadn’t put my brush there.

  My eyes scanned the apartment suspiciously, but nobody stood in the kitchen. No dishes were in the sink. Nothing appeared to be amiss. I let out a relieved breath and headed for the fridge, intent on a glass of iced tea when something skimmed the side of my barefoot.

  “Shit!” I flailed and jumped back as I looked around for whatever rodent or pest had ran over my foot. Instead, I found my hairbrush lying on the kitchen floor. “Ugh! Really?”

  I put a hand to my chest as my heart pounded from the sudden exhilaration and snatched my brush off the floor. I must have been sleepwalking. That’s all. My mother had caught me doing it a few times when I was younger. It was entirely plausible. Still, I glanced around the room once more for any signs of an intruder before pouring a glass of iced tea.

  I looked at the clock on the entertainment center. I still had a few hours until I was due at Finley’s. There was no way I could get myself back to sleep, so instead I settled on putting away the rest of the things I’d purchased for the apartment.

  I grinned to myself as I walked into the bathroom, my muscles easing once more as I began hanging up the shower curtain I'd bought. It was covered in cute little cartoon rubber ducks. I could just imagine Jackson cringing at the sight of such a tacky thing.

  “My place, my tacky shower curtain.” I nodded as I looked over my handiwork. I'd even gotten a matching soap dish, toothbrush holder, and bathmat. After I put away the rest of the kitchenware and made my bed, I checked the time again.

  It was 11AM . I might as well start getting ready. I still had a few more things to put out, but they could wait for tonight. I snatched up my toiletries and towels before making my way back to the bathroom. Nothing made me feel better than a good warm shower. After all the running around town and cleaning I did the day before, it was a comfort to feel the warm water soak through my hair and run down my back. Ever since I was young I remembered my mom telling me that “A good shower will make you feel brand new!”

  Even after the other night...after Jackson’s attack, I’d stood under the shower letting the near scalding water run over my body, and it was then I decided to put that life behind me. It was then that I'd planned my escape from him and the fear he had instilled in me seemed washed down the drain. No, I didn’t feel brand new yet…but I was getting there.

  After I’d finished rinsing off I pushed the ducky curtain aside and wrapped myself in a fluffy white towel before stepping out of the shower. Fragrant warm mist still hung in the room as I ran another towel through my hair then tossed it over the shower rod. I moved to the sink, grabbing my toothbrush and flipping on the faucet before looking up at my fogged reflection.

  The toothbrush dropped from my mouth as I stared at the tall dark figure standing behind me. I could feel the blood drain from my face as I stared at the blurred image. I was sure I'd locked everything. How had he gotten in here? What did he want with me? My heart sank as I thought of the only answer that seemed logical.


  My fingers squeezed my toothbrush in my fist and I spun around, but nobody was behind me. I let out a slow relieved breath, turning back to the sink, but shrieked as the figure still stood behind me in the reflection. This can't be real. I reached a hand forward and hastily rubbed at the mirror, but as soon as the condensation was gone, so was he.



  Aggie's eyes lit up as I walked into Finley's a few minutes early for my shift. I smiled back, mostly recovered from my eventful morning. I pushed my concerns about my newly rented place to the back of my mind as Aggie bounded towards me with a spare apron in hand.

  “Glad to see you've returned.” She said, as she handed me the little black apron.

  “Well, I found an apartment, so I'm going to have to pay for it somehow.” I laughed as I tied the apron around my waist. Aggie grinned.

  “Since you said you had experience, I’ll go over the menu, as well as some bar tending with you later tonight, but tomorrow you will be more or less tossed into the frying pan on your own.” Aggie said as I followed her. We walked into the back, passing a small office with the door cracked open. Inside I saw the guy from the other night – Nolan, my new boss. He was hunched over his desk, typing with narrowed eyes. He looked up for a moment and his eyes met mine. He seemed to study me for a brief moment before returning his attention to the computer monitor.

  “He’s doing paperwork. He loves to hide in there and do paperwork. He's a bit on the antisocial side, don't take it personal.” Aggie rolled her eyes then sat me down at a small table in the back, slapping a laminated menu down in front of me. She didn't even need to look at the menu as she went over the various appetizers and entrées, rattling them off. She also had their specialty drafts and the recipes for their most popular mixed drinks and shots memorized as well. My head was swimming. My old job at a small local greasy diner was nothing compared to this place. Aggie must have recognized my dazed look, as she finally took a breath.

  “You don't have to know it all just yet, Harley.” She assured me as she reached into her apron and produced a silver nametag. “I almost forgot, I made this for you. Welcome to Finley's, prepare to be assimilated.” She winked then watched me pin it on my shirt. Aggie then led me back out to the floor introducing me to Eli, one of the cooks, on the way.

  When we reached the front a few more customers had just arrived. Another waitress was taking drink orders from a table so I followed Aggie to the next group as they were sliding into a booth. She introduced herself, explaining that I was “new” and would be helping them out as well today. Aside from a few surges in customers, it was a pretty lazy Sunday, but it gave me time to acclimate myself to everything. It had been a few years, and it was nice to get back to working.

  Jackson hadn't wanted me to work. At first I thought it was sweet that he wanted to take care of me, after a while I realized it was just another way he found to control and isolate me. Being here, getting to meet new people and talk with customers, I realized how much I needed these seemingly trivial interactions. After a few hours, Aggie turned me loose and went to man the bar, showing me a few drinks during the lulls in business. Nolan poked his head out from the kitchen a few times. He would nod at Aggie, then watch me for a second before going back to his office without a word. He was a good-looking guy, but a bit on the odd side and very hard to read. A complete contrast to Aggie, who was bubbly and entertaining and seemed genuinely interested in helping me “assimilate.”

  Aggie caught my attention a little while later as I came back from one of my tables. “Harley, can you do me a favor? The napkin dispensers need refilling. We’ve got more in the storage closet by the office.”

  “Yeah, sure.” I placed my tray down behind the bar and headed to the kitchen.

  “They should be on the top shelf,” she called back before the door swung shut. Walking into the kitchen, pale blue eyes looked up from behind the computer monitor. Nolan still hadn’t spoken one word to me since I started my shift today. I offered a friendly smile, but his lips pulled into a straight line and his eyes immediately darted back down to the computer. Right. Antisocial.

  I looked away and continued on my path to the storage closet feeling a bit confused. Why would the man hire me if he seemed so bothered by my presence? May
be they were just that desperate for new help. I shrugged it off and pulled open the door to the storage closet. I spotted the napkins, a good foot out of my reach, so I grabbed the step stool that was wedged into the gap between the wall and one of the racks, unfolding it before climbing up.

  “Sonofabitch,” I huffed quietly as my fingertips squirmed just inches away from the box of napkins. I pursed my lips as I looked back down at the stool. After assessing the distance, I grabbed the rack with both hands and attempted to wiggle the stool forward. It seemed like a good plan until I realized the racks weren't bolted down. With this one holding only paper products and other lightweight items, I easily outweighed it. I shrieked as I fell backwards and the stool slipped out from under me, praying I didn't crack my skull open the first day on the job. Instead of slamming into the racks behind me, two arms caught me around the waist, letting out a grunt as I fell back against them.

  Rolls of toilet paper tumbled from the rack and napkins fluttered down to the floor like fall leaves. I hesitantly turned my head to see those searing blue eyes staring at me once again – along with the frown. Shit.

  “Are ya alright?” Nolan slowly let go of me as I turned to face him.


  “What, exactly, were ya trying ta do?”

  “Grab napkins.” One fluttered past his face with perfect timing.

  He sighed then picked up a pack of them. “Here.”

  “But the mess –”

  “I'll get it. Go back out front.” He nodded toward the front and shoved the pack of napkins into my hands.


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