Book Read Free


Page 7

by Heather Sunseri

  With his other hand, he took off my mask. My eyes widened in fear as I held my breath. You don’t need this. You were never in danger of being affected by the gas. He brushed a loose strand of hair away from my eyes. A chill spread down my arms. Now, answer my question. What did you think? Pretty scary stuff going on here, huh? He smiled.

  Sucking in a large breath, I finally asked, “What is this place?”

  “This is the International Intelligence Agency’s Facility for Human Cloning. We’ve nicknamed it The Farm.”

  “You knew what I would find here,” I whispered.

  I did. Jonas’s smile faded. They’re coming. We have to go. He snaked his hand to the small of my back and urged me to the door, where we faced a different type of security panel from the retinal scan. The sounds of footsteps echoed down the corridor. Jonas lifted his hand and pressed his thumb onto the small box-like structure.

  A small click sounded. Jonas flinched. He pulled his thumb back and sucked on it before pushing the door open, keeping one hand on my back the entire time.

  A finger prick for security? I wondered if my blood type matched Sandra’s. My DNA wouldn’t match, since it had been altered from the original, but it was close.

  On the other side of the door, we climbed a set of stairs. At the top, I looked around. “This isn’t the same building I entered through.” How big was this underground facility?

  “No, it’s not.”

  To my right was all glass. Night had fallen. On the other side of the windows, the University’s library and dorm towers were lit up in the distance.

  Jonas pulled me along. We were obviously in a hurry to get away from whatever that was in the basement.

  “So, that place extended beneath more than one building?”


  Yes? That’s it? I tried to wriggle my hand from Jonas’s grasp, but he just held it tighter. I tried to stop walking, but he pulled and caused me to stumble into him. “Jonas, stop. Let me go.”

  He pushed through a glass door, and we were suddenly on a sidewalk, headed straight toward what I thought was UK’s main classroom building. Students walked about in every direction, probably on their way to or from evening classes.

  When a couple of men in black suits rounded a corner ahead of us, Jonas slowed. He gestured toward a bench. Sit. Act like the other students.

  I don’t know how to act like the other students. I don’t understand what just happened. He let go of my hand. I opened and closed my fingers, sore from his tight grip. My pulse thumped in my ears. I was sure I was about to go into a full-on panic attack.

  Jonas turned to me. “Do you trust me now?”

  Seriously? The men in black walked closer. Both were scanning the area. They looked clearly out of place. No, I don’t. Not even a little. You led me into what could have been a very dangerous situation. And have given me nothing in the form of—

  Jonas cut me off by placing his hand on the back of my neck. He leaned in and kissed me just as the suits got closer. He. Kissed. Me.

  And not a little kiss. A heart-stopping, deep, sensual kiss. My hands fisted against his arms, and I did not kiss back.

  The two men stopped right next to us, and looked around. I wanted to shove Jonas away, but fear of drawing attention toward us prevented me from doing so.

  Jonas loosened his grip on my neck just a little and pulled back. Bow your head away from them and giggle.

  I did as I was told and shielded my face from view while giggling like a nervous little girl, but only because the suits scared me more than Jonas did. What did they want from me? What did Jonas want? I still didn’t know who ran Jack and me off the road, but it was plausible that men in suits came hand in hand with dark SUVs and my constant state of danger since school started. It appeared as if they operated right here on UK’s campus, in a facility that housed other clones like me.

  Finally, the suits moved on. I turned slowly to verify they were really gone. When I was sure they were, I turned toward Jonas, stood, reared back, and punched him in the face, landing a sharp blow just under his left eye. “Asshole! Don’t you ever kiss me again. I am not yours to touch or kiss.”

  “Why did you do that?” His fingers lightly grazed his cheekbone, wincing at the touch. “I was only helping you.” He stood. “And you have the mouth of a sailor. We’ll be needing to change that.”

  “Uh… no. You don’t get to change or control me.”

  Jonas raised a brow, and I squirmed under his gaze. He did seem to have some control. He had gotten inside my head, and I hadn’t felt it. Not even a little. Jack had taught me how to sense when he had been inside my head, but Jonas slipped in and out without a single flutter.

  Jonas closed the distance between us. His tall, broad-shouldered frame dwarfed my tiny stature. “Did you learn nothing last night or this morning?” He reached around and placed a hand against the small of my back, bringing me closer. He whispered into my ear. “I can see everything you see. I hear everything you think. I smell your fear, and I feel your pain. I can force you to do exactly what I desire. Anything I want, Lexi. I own you.”

  “And you desire that I stab my boyfriend?” I struggled against his hold. “Or kill myself in a freezing pool?”

  A couple of onlookers stopped and stared. “You okay?” a passing guy asked.

  Tell him you’re fine.

  Without even thinking, I said, “I’m good, thank you.” I glared at Jonas.

  “I never meant you harm. I only needed you to see the extent of your powers. Our powers. I needed to scare you… to make you feel the impact of true mindsiege.”


  “A state of absolute mind control, where one person cuts off all logical thinking of another, and compels that person into complete surrender.”

  I blinked at him. “Tell me what is going on, and tell me now, Jonas.” It had been difficult enough just to absorb the idea that both Jack and I had these healing powers and mindspeaking abilities—and then to find out, on top of that, that Kyle, Briana, Georgia, Jonas and Fred were also clones, seven of us in all… But now, multiples too? Dad’s research hadn’t mentioned multiple clones of the same DNA. “So, there’s a facility on campus where other clones live? Are they like us?”

  Jonas tilted his head from side to side. “Yes, with some exceptions. Each of those clones has the ability to get inside your head—if that’s their mission. And if their mission is to force you to hurt someone…”

  “Their mission? Are you telling me that it was your mission to make me kill Jack?”

  “More or less, yes. But I already told you I would never have you hurt Jack.”

  “That’s not an answer.” When Jonas only stared at me, I asked another question. “You said it was called The Farm. Why?”

  “It’s a name the clones started using. They felt like animals being herded together and raised for a common purpose.” Jonas suddenly scanned the area. “We must go. This place is going to be crawling with undercover agents. And they’re all looking for you.”

  “Why would I go anywhere with you?”

  “Because like it or not, you need to know exactly what you’re trying to run from and why you shouldn’t. And since Jack is taking care of Addison, you need me.”

  I wanted to laugh at that. I was definitely showing signs of hysteria. “Why exactly are they looking for me?”

  “Because you’re the one who can heal Sandra.”

  Oh, yeah. Her.

  “And because you’re Peter Roslin’s daughter.”

  I closed my eyes tight. “What do you know about my father?”

  “I know that he didn’t live long after discovering the IIA’s human cloning facility.”


  Jonas made a cryptic phone call soon after we reached his car. He refused to tell me anything further on the short drive back to his, Georgia’s, and Fred’s house. He was inside my head, but it didn’t feel threatening. Some moments, like when I punched him, I had free will over
my actions; but at other times, I did exactly as he told me. We pulled into the drive a little after nine. Only soft lighting shone from the windows. It looked like a normal home.

  “You could have dropped me off at a hotel,” I said, shutting the door on his small sports car. Was I even safe here? At the sound of the alarm on his car engaging, Jonas joined me on the other side of the car. Even in the dark, I could see the swelling around his eye. I silently congratulated myself.

  “Jack would have killed me if I didn’t bring you back here.”

  “How would he have known?” I asked, mostly under my breath.

  Jonas’s brow shot up.

  “What? He can see where I am, too?”

  “I don’t think so. He’s inside waiting for you. That was the phone call I received. He said you’re not answering your phone.”

  Inhaling, I reached around and felt my back pocket where my phone was. I had ignored the vibrations of incoming calls all evening. The desire to race into the house was strong, but the anger and hurt I had suppressed most of the day now flared. Jack hadn’t believed me. Hadn’t trusted me. We were supposed to have stuck together. But apparently we had different agendas.

  I will get out of your head if you’ll promise not to run during the night.

  I turned away from the house and studied Jonas. Could I promise that? “So, you knew where I was when I left this morning?”

  “Yes. And before you think I’m some sort of pervert, I am not inside your head at all times. I didn’t need to be until I thought you might run.”

  So, even if I did run, he’d find me. “What do you want from me, Jonas? I can’t always feel your presence inside my head. Even when I know you’re there.”

  We’ll talk more tomorrow. Go let Jack know you’re okay.

  “Will you tell me more about what you know about my dad?”

  Tomorrow. “But Lexi, be careful who you tell about the The Farm. Your father would have chosen his confidants wisely, yet he still ended up dead.” He glanced down at the jiggling keys in his hand, then back up again. “Jack doesn’t know.”

  He said it so softly, I barely heard him. How could I keep information about The Farm from Jack? At the same time, I didn’t want to lose anyone else close to me. I thought of Marci. She had obviously discovered the facility, or gotten a little too close. A chill moved through me at the thought. I didn’t know if Dad had told her, or if she had seen it with her own eyes.

  Jonas and I entered the house together and walked toward the voices in the kitchen. I didn’t feel like my life was in danger with Jonas, but at the same time, he made me want to guard my secrets. One minute, Jonas cared about Jack and maybe even me, but the next, he put me in dangerous situations. Mostly, he terrified me.

  We rounded the corner. Jonas stood right behind me. Jack started toward me as soon as he saw me, but stopped. His eyes burned into me, waiting for an invitation.

  “What the hell happened to you?” Georgia asked, looking past me to Jonas.

  I turned and backed away. It was my turn to smirk. The skin around his eye had turned a lovely dark indigo. The dull throb in my right hand, my price for smacking Jonas, was well worth it.

  “Long story,” Jonas said. He didn’t even look at me.

  What happened to him? Jack asked. Even in my head, his voice had an edge to it.

  I turned slowly, biting my lip. Jonas’s stare heated the back of my neck.

  Tell me, Jack said.

  Georgia’s expression morphed from concern to amusement. “Serves you right, idiot,” she said to Jonas after what must have been their own private mindspeak.

  Jack ran a hand over his chin stubble. “Will someone please tell me what happened?”

  “Your girl hit me. But I deserved it.” Jonas shrugged.

  “She what?” Jack’s voice sounded somewhere between cautious and impressed. He continued slowly toward me. He ran his fingers along a strand of hair hanging beside my face. We have a lot to talk about.

  I peeked up through my eyelashes, trying to assess whether he would be protective of the jerk behind me, or whether he would finally believe what I’d told him about Jonas being inside my head.

  Georgia grabbed Jonas’s arm, forcing him to turn and exit the room. “Come on. Let’s go show Fred how you finally met your match. Give these two some privacy.”

  Jack slid a finger under my chin and lifted. “Tell me one thing. Are you okay?”

  So much had happened. I stared into those dark blue eyes, considering his question. Finally, I nodded.

  His strong arms slid around me and brought my body closer. “I’ve been out of my mind today,” he whispered in my ear. “We have to find another way to handle this. I won’t be apart from you.”

  A tingle started at the top of my neck and traveled down the path where his arms held me. Desire bubbled up in my chest. I couldn’t breathe. “Jack,” I said against his chest, inhaling the scent of ocean from his shower gel. I had missed his smell. I pulled away. “We have to talk.” But what could I tell him that Jonas wouldn’t hear?

  “I know. Come with me.” He intertwined his fingers with mine and led me to the back door. The fire lit the center of the back patio. A couple of hurricane candles were strategically placed between several of the Adirondack chairs. A smaller candle sat on one of the tables. The scent of pumpkin spice laced with the smell of wood burning filled the autumn air.

  It had only been last night when Jonas had played with my mind in this very spot. Exerted control over me. Made Kyle stick his hand into a burning fire. Then today, Jonas dominated everything I did, witnessed, and even thought. And then, there was Ty. It was all so confusing. Yet Jonas seemed to be the key to it all.

  He had information I wanted—information about who could get inside my head and, hopefully, how to stop them. What price was I willing to pay for that knowledge?

  Jack led me to a corner of the patio. A large outdoor cushion was laid out with throw pillows and a blanket. I couldn’t help but wonder two things: Was Jonas really out of my head? And how was I going to tell Jack what I had to do next?

  He turned to me. With a tight grip on my hand, he again pulled me close. A tear welled up in the corner of my eye. Don’t cry. I know what we need to do next, Lexi. Jack’s eyes bored into mine. I hadn’t felt his presence inside my head, yet he heard me. Had I lost all ability to sense others inside my mind?

  We? I replied.

  He nodded. You can’t think about that next step right now, though, okay? Something about the insistent look on his face—the way his brows furrowed, the dilation of his pupils—made me want to back away. When I pulled on his hand, he held tighter. Do you understand? You can’t think about anything other than me right now.

  Did I understand him? I studied his eyes. The lines of his face. The way his hand gripped mine. His other hand slid under my fleece jacket and burned through the fabric of my shirt on my lower back.

  “You believe me,” I whispered. He knew Jonas was inside my head and controlling many of my thoughts and actions.

  He lifted a finger to his lips. “Shh.” Something new must have happened to make him believe me.

  Chapter Ten

  “When did you know?” I whispered.

  Jack’s fingers lightly brushed my arms. He held me close, my back to his chest, as we lay on the cushions by the fire. “I knew when I saw the cut on Jonas’s neck and Georgia in the hospital bed.” He nuzzled his face into my hair and kissed the back of my head. “You would never harm another human being unless you absolutely had to.”

  “You sure about that?”

  “Positive. And Georgia never would have intervened unless she seriously thought you were going to hurt Jonas.” He pulled in a deep breath and continued to feather my arms with his fingertips. “After I helped Seth, I came back to get you… to tell you I believed you. I had planned to confront Jonas. But you were both gone.”

  “I was so powerless when he got inside my head, Jack. My mind. My body…”

  “Shhh. Not now, baby.” His breath warmed the back of my neck.

  “What do we do now?” I asked.

  “Now, you sleep. I’ll watch over you.”

  It wasn’t quite what I meant, but sleep did sound good. My mind needed rest. We’d figure out the rest in the morning. I wriggled in his arms, turning over to face him. “What about you? You need to sleep, too.”

  “Don’t worry about me.” He lifted a hand and lightly brushed it along the skin of my forehead, down my cheek, my arms, letting it finally rest at my waist, his thumb grazing my ribs. Leaning in, he touched my lips with the lightest of kisses.

  “What will we do tomorrow?” I asked against his lips. My words slurred from exhaustion.

  “Shhh.” He leaned in again. This time he pressed his lips firmly against mine, deepening the kiss. “Sleep. Now.”

  I nuzzled into his chest, and let sleep find me.


  I woke to the sound of whispers.

  I tried to open my eyes, but my lids were so heavy. And it was dark. We were outside, where Jack and I had fallen asleep by the fire. Except the fire had died out. “Jack.” My voice sounded raspy.

  Lexi, don’t talk. Don’t make a sound.

  My body stiffened, now alert. Why? What’s wrong?

  I felt his hand on my neck. I need you to sit up. His hand slid down my spine as he helped me rise. Jack and another guy knelt beside me in the dark. I felt someone touch the waistline of my jeans. “What are you…” I started, but I was cut off by a sharp sting to my hip. “Ouch! What the hell?”

  Lexi, a voice said. Can you hear me?

  I knew that voice. That was a voice I’d heard in my sleep before. Kyle. I tried to focus. Still feeling the pain in my hip, I reached down and rubbed the spot that felt very much like the sting of a bee. Did you just inject me with something? My eyelids grew heavy again.

  Just something to help us keep you safe, Jack said. I need you to trust me.

  Okay. I recognized the state I was in. I was dreaming, but I was moving. And alert. Exactly the way I’d felt when Kyle helped me escape Wellington last Friday—after I’d lost consciousness from healing Addison and Jack. Kyle was able to control my actions while I was in a sleeping state.


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