The Queen of Swords (Villainess Book 1)

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The Queen of Swords (Villainess Book 1) Page 7

by Melos,Alana

  I leaned on my blade, blinking wildly. My shoulder felt like it was on fire, and I knew that I’d ripped the stitches out. “We need to go,” I said. He nodded in weary agreement, and I looked him over. One of the bullets had only grazed him, but the second had hit his abdomen, the lower right hand side, and might have gotten his kidney. “We sneak out,” I decided.

  Thankfully, it was easy enough. The ‘you don’t see me’ trick worked just as well with two as it did with one, and even though he was shot, he moved just as fast or faster than I. The security cameras filmed our images, but they couldn’t catch up to us in person, so it was just a matter of winding our way through the maze of halls until we walked out in the fresh air of the outside and were able to fly away.

  Chapter Seven

  Sadowski flew with me until he couldn’t any longer, then I carried him the rest of the way. As much as I didn’t like it, I dropped him off at one of his safe houses. He promised payment for the rescue and for the job as I eyeballed him. I didn’t know exactly what his powers were, but the wound in his side had already stopped bleeding. While he looked tired, he didn’t look pale like he’d lost too much blood so more than likely he had some regenerative capabilities. Lucky bastard. Instead of heading straight home, I went to the Underground. I wasn’t really dressed for it, but in case I had someone following me, it would be the safest way to go. I’d find a teleporter there to port me straight back to one of my neighborhoods and shake any tails for good.

  In one of the bathrooms there, I ignored the moans from the stalls and washed off my face, hands, and wiped my blade down good. Walking out of there and free from the stink of other people’s sex was a relief. Really. The bathrooms were that bad. I would even say horrible. I’ve had assignments before where I had to go into the sewers… and I preferred that to the public bathrooms.

  Thankfully, no one I knew saw me coming out of there. I sauntered to my favorite place on the balcony so I could watch the dance floor, ordered a drink, and relaxed. Letting the emotions of the floor wash over me always helped me unwind, watching the threads and colors of other people have a good time. Malech nodded to me from across the way, and I waved back. The job done, and without any drawbacks that I could see, I felt satisfaction filter in through the emotions playing over my mindscape. It wasn’t often that things went that easy. Not only that, but the paycheck had gotten even fatter.

  “You’re Caprice, right?” a feminine voice said from behind me. I didn’t bother to turn. Instead I sought out the voice with my telepathy, and got a handle on her emotions: worry, annoyance, and a bit of jealousy.

  Intrigued, I answered, “That’d be me. What do you want?”

  “Harry said he was going on a job with you, and he hasn’t come back yet,” she said.

  I turned and looked at her. She was attractive enough, but all dark and pale: black hair, pale skin, black clothing. I liked black as much as the next person, but I always accented it, else it made you look too severe and anemic. This chick didn’t get the memo. As I studied her, I realized I recognized her from Harry’s mind; she’d been the chick he’d been dreaming about. “What’s it to you?”

  “I’m his girlfriend,” she snapped, and I raised a brow not caring for the tone. She didn’t back down. At least it made sense about the worry, but the annoyance? Jealousy? Something didn’t play here. Well, unless she already found out I fucked him that was, and considering he’d gotten pinched right after I left him, I didn’t think it was possible.

  “I don’t know what to tell you,” I said as I stretched my mind out. I’d done a lot of work today, and I was tired, but I wanted to know why she felt what she felt. “I’m not his keeper. You are.”

  She ground her teeth together, and I could hear her thoughts, wondering where he was, if he slept with me, why he hadn’t texted her, and so on. Paranoia colored her thoughts a pale green, and the unfounded (at least as far as she knew) jealousy a deeper one, making even the simplest of thoughts a clash of green which hurt my head. “He was going on a job with you. I thought you might know where he is,” she said

  “We got out, split up,” I said, shrugging. I was about to pull out of her head completely when I caught one of her thoughts, He paid enough to get you in place, he better be OK you stupid cunt. I blinked at the vicious tone and the naked insult in it. She wasn’t stupid; she saw the look and an iron curtain slammed down in her mind. I was too weak right now to fight it, so I didn’t push and she cast me out of her head. “Paid enough to get me where?”

  “I’ll find him myself,” she snapped and turned, walking away from me.

  I watched her go, and it occurred to me that maybe… Harry wasn’t exactly what Alistair meant by something I’d left behind. Maybe there was more to it. That mystic shit always had a deeper meaning. I pushed off the railing and found a teleporter. There were always porters around to port people home after they’d drank too much. Couple hundred a pop, several times a day wasn’t a bad way to make a living, if boring. I had the porter pop me someplace close by to where I’d left Harry.

  First, I found me some food. It wouldn’t replace rest, but the extra energy from the calorie intake would help me to focus and fuel my power. While I was out shopping, I picked up a couple of extra items, things I thought might be useful. The next thing I did was go straight to his place. I am nothing if not forward… unless I’m being sneaky. In this case, knowing how tired and messed up he was from whatever chemicals they’d dunked him in as well as the shots, I wasn’t afraid of him getting the upper hand at all. I knocked on the door like any honest person would do.

  Honestly, I didn’t expect him to answer, but he did with a wan smile. “Caprice,” he said, shirtless and ruffled, like I’d just woken him from sleep. “Come on in.” I looked him over head to toe, and the hole in his side had been completely healed, save for a light bruise to indicate where it had been. I couldn’t see where he’d been shot the second time at all. That was some nanotech he’d stolen. No wonder Titan had jumped him.

  “Your girlfriend is looking for you,” I said as I sauntered in the door. This place was a one-eighty from the last one: it was lushly decorated with the best furniture, art, and a keen color sense. I approved.

  I sensed more than heard his wince. “Emily… she’s a little... possessive,” he said, closing the door. “What brings you here?”

  “Just wanted to see how you were doing,” I said as I took my sword off my back and laid it carefully on a table before shedding my business jacket and dropping it on the plush couch. Stepping forward to invade his personal space, I tilted my head and licked my lips in invitation.

  He raised his brows in a silent question. “I’m good, just a little banged up.”

  Running my hand down his bare chest, I heard his sharp intake of breath, and I gloated inwardly. I knew him. I knew men like him. He might have been dating someone, but he was just a horny little bastard, like almost all men were. Well, this would be fun. And deserved.

  “Maybe you need a little work out, just to make sure,” I said, and went in for the kiss. He responded with a light touch, the barest touch of his lips on mine as if uncertain, so I pressed deeper. My tongue flicked out to lick his lips, and he pushed himself against me, his cock already hard. That was all it took.

  “Bedroom,” he whispered hoarsely when the kiss broke. He led the way, stealing kisses here and there all the while. I began unbuttoning my blouse, and he slipped his hand inside to cup my breast. My wounds were still tender, but I felt strong enough to take him on. When we entered the bedroom, I pushed him back on the bed, and started to strip for him, slowly. First the blouse, teasing him with glimpses of my breasts. The skirt went next, leaving me in my underwear and stockings. I found stockings really sexy, so instead of peeling them off slowly, I went for the bra instead, turning around to unhook it. When it slipped down my arms, I knew he was seeing my perfect back, the flawless skin, save for the shoulder wound of course. I paid good money to the Doctor to remove any scars I too
k in the heat of battle since I had no healing abilities to speak of. Being close up and personal in this line of work would leave you ugly and broken, but not me. I refused to be less than what I could be.

  The panties went next, leaving me more or less naked. As I turned around, I saw that he’d taken the opportunity to shed the jeans he’d been wearing, and his cock stood straight up, hard as a rock. “Mm…” I said, reaching down to my skirt. “I have an idea...since you’re so tired and all.”

  He raised a brow, “What’s that?” Distracted by his desire, it was easy to slip in and peek at his mind. He was a little suspicious, but that was to be expected. However, thoughts of our last tryst hung heavy in his mind and he possessed an intense curiosity as to what I had in mind.

  I brought out a couple of pairs of handcuffs and let them dangle from my finger. “Just something to make you sit still and let me do all the work.” I glanced at his bed, which was one of those iron wrought four poster kinds, best of the best of course. “I know it won’t really hold you, but sometimes… the illusion is all that’s needed.”

  The thought of being bound and me being dominant turned him on. I caught a spare thought of Emily, seeing her face in his thoughts and wishing she were more like me. Must be a more or less long term thing. I wondered briefly if she knew how often he cheated on her, and then decided with her paranoia and jealousy, she had to. There was no way around it. I smiled at him, taking private delight in knowing how much it would hurt two people and not just one. He misread my smile, and beamed in response.

  “If madame wishes,” he said, waggling his eyebrows. I laughed. I couldn’t help it. The thought of what was to come filled me with giddy anticipation, and I leaned forward, urging him into the proper position and letting the tips of my breasts rub lightly over his naked chest. I snapped the cuffs into place and made sure they were strong. Of course, he’d be able to break them with his meta ability. It really was an illusion, yet still exciting. Dreams were bought and sold every day on the tenuous threads of deception, and people always seemed to think they got their money’s worth.

  That done, I looked him over. Other than the bruise on his abdomen, he was in perfect shape. Maybe the nanotech sculpted his body, like it healed him. It didn’t matter. I leaned forward and kissed him sweetly, letting our bodies touch briefly before pulling away to bite his neck, hard. Instead of yelping as I expected, he groaned in pleasure. When I released him, I saw a perfect ring of teeth on his neck, marking him as mine for the moment. I traced my tongue carefully around the edge of the ring, feeling the warmed skin just start to rise as blood rushed to the spot underneath his tender skin.

  “Mm… almost good enough to eat,” I said, kissing the spot, and moving to the other side. I bit again, not as hard this time, and a primal groan escaped him as he rattled the handcuffs. Moving down his hard body, I licked his collarbone, tasting the sweet sweat as I worked my way down to his pecs. I know I said he was lean and small before, but well defined with hardly any fat on him. That made it a bit more painful when I bit; I knew that from experience. The fat under the skin cushions the bite a little, and on a body that didn’t have much, you were pinching the muscle. If done right, it was a wonderful sensation. If done wrong, it was intensely painful.

  Needless to say, I knew how to work him up so that it was a wonderful, erotic feeling. I kissed and licked his pecs, flicking my tongue over his nipples as I worked him up and got him ready for the playtime I had in mind. At various spots on his chest I stopped and sucked the skin, hard, almost like I was giving him a hickey. He did get some little red marks, but that wasn’t the point. I wanted to raise the blood to the skin before I bit him, to warm his flesh. As I did this, he moaned and struggled in his bonds, which excited my instincts. I so loved being in charge, having my prey helpless before me. It was the best Game of all.

  When I bit him, I did so slowly, increasing the pressure of the bite until he whimpered and gasped aloud. We didn’t play with safe words, though a regular BDSM relationship would. I don’t think either of us thought they were necessary, albeit for different reasons. As I bit, I broke the skin a little by accident, and he groaned, grinding his teeth as he tried to suppress the pain. When I released him, a perfect bead of blood formed, and I licked it, tasting him.

  “You are delicious,” I said. “I can’t wait to eat you up.”

  “I can’t either,” he gasped, and shifted his hips, trying to draw attention to his cock. I glanced that direction, and it was red and hard, looking ready to pop.

  “You like it when the woman’s in charge,” I said, giving his cock a stroke or two to tease him.

  “Yes,” he gasped. “Rough, slow, hard… I like it all.”

  “Too bad you have a girlfriend,” I said with a sigh. “Any more than this, and you know it’ll be found out… and I don’t want to cause trouble for you.”

  “We have now,” he said, his blue eyes meeting mine. “Let’s enjoy what we have and not talk about her.”

  I smiled slightly, and gave him another stroke before moving further down on his body to run my lips and tongue over his stomach. Many people were often sensitive on their abdomen because it just wasn’t a place people touched very often. That was an area which was, in my experience, a huge erogenous zone because of that sensitivity. I kissed each of his abs and licked down his stomach only to avoid his cock. Taking my sweet time, I let my hands roam his legs and nuzzled his thighs open so that I could kiss the inside of them. Too often the legs were ignored as well, at least for guys. As with his chest, I kissed and licked his thighs, concentrating on one, then the other. When the skin felt warm to my lips, I gathered his flesh into my mouth and bit… slowly at first, but with increasing pressure. My hand stole up to stroke his cock as I did this, and his thrust his cock up into my hand as forcefully as he could, wanting, no needing more contact, more sensation.

  “Easy there,” I said. “You’ll get yours, but I’m taking my time for this.” I graced him with a smile and tilted my head to the side coquettishly. “Consider it payback.”

  Harry groaned in response, a faint hint of desperate desire in his blue eyes. “You’re going to torture me, aren’t you?”

  “I’m going to make it last,” I said, my voice soft as my hand found his scrotum and caressed the flesh there gently.

  He thrashed slightly and groaned again, gasping at my touch. I continued to tease him with light touches, which caused him to thrash and thrust as best he could, striving for more. As I did this, I slipped into his mind. Desire and pain were the two main distractions for a mind. Those sensations consumed the mind’s resources as it continued to go over and over them as if obsessed. Unnoticed by him mentally, I bent and kissed the tip of his cock sweetly, chasing down the thread of lust in his mind and tugging it gently, making sure it was the only thing which could even enter his conscious mind.

  He whimpered and begged, “More, oh god, please more. Suck my dick… please, just… just suck me…”

  “In good time,” I murmured, using an old trick to partition my mind. I used part of my mental resources to continue to search his mind for what I was looking for, looking for the deepest hidden thoughts, and the other part was used to allow me to concentrate on kissing the velvety soft skin of his cock. I used the very tip of my tongue to run up the underside of it, tracing that big thick vein. The action caused him to shudder and moan, his eyes shut tight. When I reached the tip again, I took the head into my mouth and suckled gently. I didn’t bob… I just varied the pressure with my mouth as I rolled my tongue over it, sucking him. He cried out, and thrust up again, but I went with the thrust not allowing him to control this encounter.

  In the meantime while I was sucking his delicious cock, I found what I was looking for. A job, a snippet of a memory, and one he tried hard to repress. It wouldn’t have been anything I would have found had his Emily not tipped me off something was less than honest about our job. Some men in suits and shades looking rather generic had contacted him, wanting
to know if he could find me, put me in a place at a certain time so they could capture me. It took all I had not to bite his cock off right there when I found it, but I continued to suckle, turning his memory over in my head, trying to look at it from every angle. I didn’t know who those guys were. They weren’t with Titan, and Harry wasn’t my regular fixer. I’d done jobs for him before, but not often. He knew Nosferatu hung out with me, though, and that was enough of an in. The money had been impressive--a cool million. The thing was… they had showed Harry a picture of me, younger, sure, but one of my face… so it wasn’t someone out for out for revenge for my villainy or life of crime. I always wore the mask when I worked. It was personal… but I had no idea who they were. They never identified themselves to him, nor gave him a good look at any of their faces. What that told me was that they knew I was a telepath and could potentially find them through him, if he failed.

  I shook my head slightly and kept only a couple tendrils in Harry’s mind, enjoying the sensations he felt as if they were my own. It doubled my own pleasure, and I knew just how to lick him to torment him, teasing so close to the spot he wanted, but staying away. When he panted and begged once again, I relented slightly.

  “Now you’re going to pleasure me,” I said. “If you do good, then I’ll let you come. If you don’t… well… we’ll burn that bridge when we get to it.”


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