by Dana Walrath
this useful pot,
black and hard
like a cannonball.
We have this pot,
a solid heavy pot.
“Mama’s pot.”
“We have more,
Shahen jan.
I have you
and Mariam.
We have
Mama’s coins.
We have the wool
from my
dowry carpet,
respun into
a thin red thread.
In America,
I will make
a new bird
in a carpet
for you.
Keri waits for us
with his sons
tall like plane trees
who speak English
like princes.
We are going
with you to America,
Shahen jan,
Mariam and me.
And look,
I saved
the quill.
It’s going, too.”
From the seam at her collar
Sosi pulls out the mizrap,
the one Papa used to teach me.
She touches my arm with it.
Papa’s melody
whispers inside me.
She places it in my palm.
My fingers close around it.
My heart hears the steady beat
of the dumbek. My lungs know
the duduk’s constant breath.
Papa’s song surrounds me,
fills me, its steady pulse
always here, flowing through me,
shaping my insides
like water on stone.
The truth hidden
by my mountains
at last becomes clear.
We are here and alive,
we three sisters,
crossing oceans
because of Papa
and Mama.
“More of them may come.
Let’s go now.
Together we’ll run
to America.”
DAY 61
From the final rise
a long flatness stretches.
The horizon fades and blurs.
Our climb done,
lights dot the desert.
Specks of light
must be
At dawn, I look back to the north
across the sky-scraping mountains.
Miles behind them, in our fields by the river,
the sun makes my grapes sweet.
Morning light increases
the empty space ahead:
baked brown earth,
plants burnt or chewed,
so little green,
so far to cross.
With lily bulbs in our pockets, we gather stones.
Shahen makes the shape of a cross
pointing south to the church in Aleppo.
Mama and Papa can see from above,
like the eagle, he tells us.
We drink our last drops from the mountain spring,
soak and squeeze the ragged cloth to fill the pot.
We wet our clothes to suck on and keep cool.
Each step down, hot air rises to meet us.
When I spill precious drops he takes the pot.
He gives me Mariam.
He takes the pot.
We drink from the pot,
our clothes bone-dry.
DAY 63
With no place to hide from the sun, we move.
Piercing rays beat our brains to steamy hot.
Our mouths like sand, salty sweat streaks our cheeks.
Papa told me to follow the water.
Dry desert rivers make brown bands in sand.
Distant dust clouds shimmer with white flashes.
Do I see or imagine
ancient churches
rising from the earth?
Stone arches and walls crumbling,
columns without roofs.
Sosi falls and drops the pot.
I curl her fingers round the handle
and carry little Mariam
to the stone wall,
and know that it is real
from the shade
that it gives to my sister.
Empty ruined churches,
with no signs of who used them.
I go back for Sosi
and the pot. They sleep.
I follow the dry riverbed.
From brown and green specks
mixed with distant white,
Papa, my Papa, whispers to me,
“Hos egoor. Come here.”
Eagle flies to Papa’s voice.
I step on dry river stones,
waves of heat rising
from folds in sand.
My leather charukh is worn paper thin;
each hot step burns.
I beg my feet to step some more.
I see a man, his son, and their camels.
A white cloth roof rises above their cart.
The boy in white coaxes the animals:
“Yalla, yalla.”
Come on,
come on,
just like we said to our sheep.
The father peers out from the white cloth shade.
Like Papa’s, his eyes are dark and deep.
I pull the Arab greeting from the crack
in my head that was filled before we fled.
“Sa’alaam al leik um—may peace be with you.”
“And with you peace,” he replies.
Buzzing flies cease their sound
as we stare past my rags
and his robes into pure dark eyes.
Dark and deep like Papa’s.
He hands me a fresh wet cloth and a cup.
Their wetness brings Aleppo to my lips.
he replies,
all other words mysterious.
I draw a cross.
He nods,
his eyes
edged in wrinkles
from years of smiling
under the Arab sun.
His eyes wrap me
like a blanket,
covering every raw edge.
“Yalla Halep,” he tells me.
“Yalla. Sosi, Mariam,” I tell him.
My hands
measure the air
to show their height.
My palms move
together under my head
tilted, eyes closed.
Sosi and Mariam,
my sisters,
asleep in the sand,
He sees them.
“Yalla, Sosi, Mariam.
Camels unfold
their legs and rise.
Camel hooves
and wheels of the cart
cover my steps.
Flames of sun
beat the sand
to burning hot.
Stone walls shimmer
in the distance.
The eagle
circles above.
They breathe
but cannot speak
when we find them.
We squeeze
drops of water
through cracked lips.
We lift them
to the shade of the
white cloth roof,
fresh wet cloths
on their heads,
drips on their mouths.
For final steps,
we three are
piled and pulled
to safety.
; I wake in a bed,
surrounded by white cloths
stirring in hot wind,
Mariam tucked beside me.
Where is Shahen?
I call him.
I try to get up.
A woman in white
with a heavy wood cross
around her neck
runs to me.
She tells me he’s well
with the boys again,
asking for me every day.
She tells me Mariam
does the same,
that now she’s only napping.
She gives me a drink
and goes for him.
I pet Mariam’s soft clean curls.
I whisper “Os, os, os,” like Mama did.
Mariam sleeping
“Sosig,” says Shahen,
still small,
head bare,
in trousers.
He pulls me so close.
“Mariam jan,” Shahen says.
“Wake up, little bird.”
Tall stick, small snake
Smile, smile, half smile
Half smile, wings
War is done.
We wait,
me with my
Arab baba.
He took us in,
all three of us,
when Ottoman orders
came to march
the older orphans
into the desert
and to make the
young ones Turks.
To stay safe,
we dress as Arabs.
Sosi wears a hijab,
her head and neck covered;
I wear a thobe
over my pants,
a keffiyeh on my head.
We each keep
a smooth round coin
from Mama and Papa
tucked into the lining
of our clothes,
one a piece.
We work in the shop
in the Souq al-Attareen
selling nuts and spices.
Me out front,
Sosi and Mariam
in the back.
Each day we saw
the battered marching
to the desert,
to Deir el-Zor,
what could have been
our fate
but wasn’t.
Each night
we shelled
for those
who starved,
small, dense food
to sustain them.
The Near East Relief man
reads the names on letters.
No mail could move
beyond the Ottoman borders
for all the years of war.
Each orphan prays
for living family.
Sosi, Mariam, and I
have each other.
But to find Keri too,
my old dream.
Papa would be proud.
I found a street in Aleppo
with a tea shop
where a man
plays his oud sometimes.
My fierce left hand
learns the notes.
I have no neck to hold
or strings to press.
But I tap the patterns
onto my leg
as I watch him.
At the shop,
when it is quiet,
I practice
on the counter.
Between songs,
I push my fingertips
onto the counter’s sharp edge
to make my calluses strong.
When I hold the quill,
Papa’s quill,
loose between
my fingertips,
the duduk, oud,
and dumbek
blend into
a rooftop song.
I dream of Keri.
We wait for him.
But finding us
could be too much luck
for one family.
Others here have
no one
Three seasons of apricots
have already passed.
Baba gives us dates.
We are clean and well.
He takes us
to the mosque to pray
so no one questions
who we are,
each bow
followed by
and three taps
on my heart
in my mind.
My sisters grew again.
I did too.
I’m taller than Sosi.
And bristles,
I have some.
Mama would smile.
We are the lucky three.
With each name read
by the Near East man
I shrink
until I hear it.
Shahen Donabedian.
My Arab baba hugs me.
The relief man says it again
before I can breathe
and stand.
Shahen Donabedian.
A letter from our uncle
with tickets
to America
for Mariam
for Sosi
for me.
A letter from our uncle,
our keri,
our precious treat.
Through the window
in Aleppo
it’s as if I can see
from pale pink rocks
above the green Euphrates
beyond that, to the desert.
And beyond that, beyond that,
all the way to the sea.
Shahen, Sosi, Mariam,
on ship’s deck,
rising sun and stretch of sea
behind them.
The statue’s lighted arm
stretches up into the sky,
her feet still in shadows,
the points of crown like talons
against the blueing black.
Behind her
buildings scrape the sky
like mountaintops,
their lights like stars on earth.
Shahen tells them,
“You can climb up her arm
and inside the torch
to see houses
side by side
spread across the land
like vines in an orchard.”
Three young ones,
one black pot,
a single quill,
and a tuft of red wool
are enough
to start a new life
in a new land.
I know it is true
because I saw it.
Author’s Note
This story began, as many stories do, with a conversation. A sentence from that long-ago conversation has haunted me since I was a little girl. I asked my mother about her mother’s childhood in western Armenia. She replied, “After her parents were killed, she hid during the day and ran at night with Uncle Benny and Aunt Alice from their home in Palu to the orphanage in Aleppo.”
My grandmother Oghidar Troshagirian died long before I was born. My grandfather Yeghishe Mashoian, also a genocide survivor, died when I was six. Uncle Benny and Aunt Alice were colorful characters in my childhood, but I knew little about their lives. In my family, we didn’t speak about the genocide. My mother married an American, so my brother, my sister, and I grew up speaking English. By the time I thought to ask the serious questions, that generation was gone.
sp; I know little of how my grandmother and her siblings survived. I know that from Aleppo, with the help of a keri, a maternal uncle, they made it to New York. Somehow, a pot came with them—my American relatives argue over who has it. I know that they were millers from Palu. One older brother escaped to the east. An older sister was married to a Kurd. Her grandson now owns a Turkish restaurant in The Hague, in the Netherlands, and a hotel in Antalya, Turkey.
Long before I ever imagined that I might write this story, I filled in the gaps of my family history by reading everything I could about the Armenian genocide: accounts by eyewitnesses, such as Henry Morgenthau, the United States ambassador to the Ottoman Empire from 1913 to 1916; oral histories; memoirs; academic tomes; and works of historical fiction. Still, I wanted more.
In the summer of 1984, my husband and I traveled to Palu. An unmarked Armenian church perched on the top of the hill above the town, its roof missing and its walls defaced. In town, vendors peddled ayran, the cool yogurt drink Armenians call tahn. We asked if there were any mills nearby and were sent across a modern bridge, built next to one of crumbling stone with eight arches. We followed the river’s bank to a fast-flowing stream, then headed up the stream into the woods until we reached a mill with a series of attached buildings running up the slope.
On the rooftop of the largest building, the head-scarfed lady of the house served us sweet tea in clear glass cups. A half-dozen children with big brown eyes watched and listened. Mounds of apricots dried in the sun. She said that the mill had been in her family for sixty years; before that, it had belonged to Armenians. With anti-Armenian stories running in Turkish newspapers that summer, and all visible traces of Armenian inhabitants systematically denied or destroyed, I had kept my identity hidden as we traveled. But I told her the truth. We held each other’s gaze as the water hit the mill wheel and the stones of the stream. The official Turkish policy of genocide denial evaporated for one brief moment on that rooftop.
The form of this story chose me rather than the other way around. Everyday language cannot express the scale and horror of genocide. Severed heads, rape, rivers red with blood, stinking heaps of dead bodies; the living emaciated, naked, sunburned, marching through the sand—we all turn away. I could only put it onto paper in fragments that slowly accumulated into a story. The eagle, Ardziv, and his magic came into the story to make it safe for me, for the reader, and for the young ones as they traveled. Three-quarters of the total Armenian population, about 1.5 million people, died in this genocide. Only luck, miracles, and perseverance saved the few who managed to survive. More than just a magical being, Ardziv embodies the strength of spirit that lives inside us.
If magical realism makes up this story’s warp, then historical facts are woven into its weft, starting with the rooftop where I sipped tea. Various beetles have been used as carpet dye in the Middle East for centuries. The oud was traditionally played with an eagle’s quill. The terrible facts of the genocide are also real. During the first half of June 1915, all the Armenian men of Palu, along with ten thousand men from nearby Erzerum, were slain by chetes on or near Palu’s eight-arched bridge. Aleppo was a central staging ground for deportees from all over the empire who were then marched into the desert of Deir-el-Zor to die. Armenians from regions near to the then partially complete Baghdad Railway line were packed into cattle cars and brought to Aleppo.