Draco: Book Two of The Stardust Series

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Draco: Book Two of The Stardust Series Page 24

by Autumn Reed

  When I didn’t hear anything, I crept out of the suite then immediately started sprinting toward the stairs. I couldn’t believe I made it in and out of the suite without getting caught. It seemed almost too easy.

  My shirt flapped around my torso as I ran down flight after flight of stairs. Giddy, I felt so close to freedom I could taste it. It wasn’t that I wanted to leave the guys, but I somehow knew that if I didn’t get away now and make it to my dad, I would lose my chance to find him. I could not, would not, let this opportunity pass me by. Not when I knew his location for the first time in six weeks.

  Finally reaching the first level, I slowly opened the door to the stairwell and peeked out. When I saw that the coast was clear, I exited the stairwell and turned away from the lobby to a side exit I had noticed earlier. So far I had successfully evaded the guys; I tried not to get too excited with each step closer to the door. I avoided eye contact with a few partygoers that I passed and kept my sight focused on the exit.

  Only a few feet from the door, a man dressed in black suddenly appeared from a connecting hallway and stepped out in front of me, blocking my way. Halting in my steps, I looked up, inexplicably shocked to find Jackson glaring back at me. No. No. No. Was my timing that bad or . . .? How did he do that?

  I marched forward, attempting to edge past his imposing form. “Just let me go, Jackson.” My heart was pounding.

  He shot his arm out, cutting me off. “Not going to happen, Haley.”

  “You don’t understand.” My voice took on a pleading note. “We’re wasting time just standing here. I have to go after my dad.”

  Jackson crossed his arms, his stance unyielding. “You’re not going anywh—”

  “You can’t stop me this time,” I interrupted. “I refuse to let you order me around for one more second. Now move,” I said forcefully, hoping my tone would be enough to remove him from my path. If it wasn’t, I seriously debated shoving him out of the way.

  “Haley, stop being irrational.” His voice was cold, ruthless even, cutting off my immediate instinct to protest. “First of all, it’s not safe for you to go waltzing off to El Segundo on your own. And we’re not wasting time. Knox and Ethan are already on their way there.”

  “What?” My voice sounded strangled, and I couldn’t tell if I was more relieved or annoyed. “Why didn’t they take me with them?”

  “We don’t even know if the intel is correct. Clive could have lied. Or maybe Douglas’s people found someone who just happens to resemble your dad. Who the hell knows.”

  I remained silent, breathing heavily as I tried to sort through the information overload. I wanted to see my dad so badly, or even just confirm that he was alive and okay. And I had been so caught up in wanting it to be true that I hadn’t stopped to think it might not be.

  Jackson watched me, his expression transforming from frosty to agitated. “Look, Haley. I hope that Knox and Ethan are able to track down your father. You know that they will do absolutely everything they can, and the rest of us will pursue leads from here. But there’s nothing you can do right now. You’re staying; it’s not negotiable.” Each word was distinctly punctuated as if to emphasize the point.

  I could tell that he wasn’t going to budge, but I had to give it one last try. “I’m not helpless, Jackson. And I need to go. What if Ethan and Knox find my dad? He’ll probably just run unless I’m there with them, unless he sees me. Please.”

  Jackson settled his hands on my shoulders, his indigo eyes boring into mine. “I understand where you’re coming from, but you’re not giving the guys enough credit. If they locate him, they’ll find a way to get word to him that you’re with us. I promise.”

  Frustrated, but trying not to cry, I shook his arms off my shoulders and looked away. “Your promise doesn’t mean much right now, Jackson.”

  His voice finally soft, he replied, “Be mad at me all you want, but at least you’re safe. Come on, I’ll take you back to the suite.”

  Realizing that relenting was my only feasible option, I straightened and said, “On one condition.”

  He merely raised an eyebrow, waiting.

  “You keep me in the loop on every step of the process from now on. Every lead. Every phone call or text from Knox and Ethan. Every team meeting. If it has to do with my dad, I want to know.”

  Jackson stared at me for several long moments before nodding. “Agreed.”

  I started walking back to the lobby, tamping down the urge to make a run for it. I knew it was pointless; Jackson would stop me. But there was still a part of me that wanted to try, just to see what would happen. Perhaps it would help release some of the anger and frustration threatening to consume me.

  “Haley! Jax!” I looked up to find Liam heading toward us, his chainmail jingling and his cape flowing behind him. Looking back and forth between me and Jackson, he said, “Is everything okay?”

  Jackson ignored his question. “Will you escort Haley up to the suite? I have to get back to the control room and wrap things up.”

  Liam smiled, likely trying to defuse the tension radiating between me and Jackson. “Of course. I’d be delighted.”

  Jackson stalked off without another word, and Liam took my hand, leading me to the elevators. Now that the adrenaline of my almost-escape had dissipated, I was drained of energy, moving on autopilot.

  Uncharacteristically quiet, Liam intertwined our fingers and softly brushed his thumb back and forth on the top of my hand. If I wasn’t so distracted, I might have been more shocked by this new side to Liam; I’d definitely never considered him the comforting type.

  When the elevator reached our floor, he tugged me down the hall, stopping in front of the suite. He leaned against the door and reached for my other hand, using both to pull me in close.

  “Why are you so upset? This is the best lead we’ve had so far; it’s a good thing.”

  Sighing, I replied, “I don’t want to talk about it right now.”

  Liam drew me a few inches closer. “That’s okay. I don’t mind not talking.” His whisper turned seductive. “There are other things we can do.” He pointedly looked down to my chest where my bustier was on full display under my open shirt. “That’s a good look for you, by the way.”

  I didn’t know if it was the stress of the last hour or Liam’s less-than-subtle lines, but I started laughing, almost unable to stop. Never mind. Same old Liam.

  “Does that really work on girls? Maybe you’re not the suave playboy I thought you were.”

  He scowled at me playfully. “I feel like I should be offended. You laughing at me like that. Surely it wasn’t that bad.” When I kept giggling, he finally laughed. “Okay, I admit, it wasn’t my best work. But you can’t blame me for trying. It’s a shame that Lancelot can’t even get a goodnight kiss from his lady love.”

  “Well, we can’t have that, can we?” I lifted to my toes and placed a lingering kiss on his cheek. “Thank you for the lovely evening, kind sir.”

  Surprise then genuine affection crossed his face. “Anything for you, gorgeous.”

  The Corinthian, later that evening

  Jackson looked up from his chair as Liam crossed the room toward him. “Any luck?”

  Liam shot him a smug grin. “What do you think?”

  “Good. What did he say?”

  “We are scheduled to meet with Douglas early next week. He agreed to cooperate with the Taylor situation.”


  “Are you going to tell Haley or do you want me to?”

  “We can tell her after the meeting with Douglas.”

  “Seriously, Jackson? You promised to include her on everything.”

  Jackson paused. “I know, but I don’t want to get her hopes up. And you saw how she reacted tonight—we can’t risk her running off and doing something reckless.”

  Liam twirled his signet ring between his fingers, visibly agitated.

  “What?” Jackson barked, the frustration evident in his tone.

need to tell her; she deserves to know.”

  “What is your deal with Haley? First you ask her to the gala without running it by me, or the group, and now this?”

  “Bloody hell. Are you still pissed about the gala?”

  “Yes. You shouldn’t have invited her.” The tension was growing.

  “Jackson, when are you going to learn that you can’t control everything?”

  “I know I can’t. I just thought it would be better to remove her from the situation; instead, you’d have her waltz right through the fucking door.”

  “Oh, please. There was nothing dodgy about the gala and you know it. We were lucky to have caught the break on Haley’s dad when we did, but it was purely coincidence.”

  “Whatever,” Jackson sighed.

  “You know I’m right.” Liam glared at Jackson.

  “No. I think you’re distracted by a beautiful girl, and you’re not thinking clearly.”

  “I’m not thinking clearly? At least I admit my interest. You think I can’t tell how much she’s affecting you, mate? I’m your oldest friend.”

  “Why are we even talking about this? She’s off limits.”

  There was a pause before Liam spoke again, his tone softer. “Jackson, you can’t let what happened with Emily influence the rest of your life.”

  “Enough. This conversation is over. It’s been a long night and we need to get back to the suite.”

  Pyxis (Book Three of The Stardust Series)

  Available 2016!

  Haley Jones already thought her life was complicated, but after the events of the gala, she is in desperate need of direction—if only there was a compass for finding her missing dad or navigating relationships. While she struggles to gain independence and forge her own identity, she still feels adrift in her new life. And as things heat up with Liam, Knox, Ethan, Chase, Theo, and Jackson, Haley finds herself in uncharted territory, torn between attraction and frustration.

  When tensions rise within the group, she begins to wonder if her presence is making things worse. Finding herself at a crossroads, Haley must decide whether to continue on her current path or strike off in a new direction.

  About the Authors

  Autumn and Julia met at work and bonded over their mutual love of historic homes, photography, and good books. While they didn’t plan on co-authoring a novel, what started as daydreaming transformed into brainstorming and then actual writing.

  Together, Autumn and Julia make the perfect pair, balancing impulsive with indecisive and attention to detail with an eye for the big picture. Despite their different personalities, Autumn and Julia share a common vision in their writing and love bouncing ideas off each other. They see the creative process as a challenge, a game, and delight in living in a world of their own creation.

  Read more at www.autumnandjulia.squarespace.com.




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