A Wolf's Embrace (Wolf Mountain Peak Book 4)

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A Wolf's Embrace (Wolf Mountain Peak Book 4) Page 13

by Sarah J. Stone

  “I want out, Azazel,” Joe spoke, his tone steady, his face as hard as stone. “I want my soul back.”

  “What’s the matter, Joe?” The demon retorted, his smugness sending Melissa’s adrenaline into the ozone layer, “I thought you liked fancy cars and big paychecks.”

  “I gave them all away. I quit my job. Plus, my name’s not ‘Stanton’ anymore. I changed it,” Joe countered, as anxiety cracked his baritone.

  “Touching, but…” Azazel paused, pressing his lips together, “…you’re still mine, and that cannot change.”

  A ferocious snarl rose up in Melissa’s throat, as she felt her blood pound in her temples. Her inner beast was twitching within her, desperate to break its human shackles, as the rain pelted down around them.

  “Amusing,” the demon’s smirk reappeared, as he shifted his gaze to her. “Can you do that again? I like the sound of it.”

  Melissa’s fangs lengthened, her eyes glowing yellow, as her beast peered out of them. However, she was in a dilemma: Should she unleash her wolf, or assault him with the dagger? Before she could make up her mind though, the sound of heavy paws, as well as hurried footfalls on the mud drew her attention. The brown and the silver wolf were galloping towards them, parallel to one another, as they loped through the woods. Raul was between them, clutching the dagger in his grasp, his face contorting in a fury of effort. In spite of the commotion, Azazel’s smugness did not evaporate. He didn’t even glance behind him. Instead, he rolled the fingers in his right hand into a fist, and thrust his arm up and over his head. In an instant, Raul and the wolves were lifted off the ground. Their bodies were sent flying back across the forest, as a gasp of despair left Melissa’s lips. Raul’s painful cry tore through the atmosphere as his body was thrown up against the thick trunk of a balsam fir tree. The agonizing yips of the wolves filled her ears, as they both landed hard on their sides, against the muddy forest floor. Melissa tore her gaze away from Dean’s brown wolf, as he rolled over and over. Azazel didn’t give her time to think about her next move. Rapidly putting his arm down, he unfurled his fingers, and then waved her back. Melissa felt a massive force, picking her up from the ground, as the demon waved Kate aside. Her body was sent reeling forward, as her friend landed flat on her back. She crashed into the ground face down, barely bypassing a tree a few yards away from Raul, squashing a twig and a few dry leaves as she did. Melissa reached for the dagger behind her back, her breath coming in gasps, as her eyes snapped open. However it had happened, it was gone. A glance to the left told her that she was not alone. She recognized Helena’s black boots at once, as the witch bent down to pick up the dagger. Thrusting her other arm forward, she pinned her up against the trunk of the tree. Melissa attempted to speak, but she could not part her lips. She tried to flex the muscles in her arms and legs; yet, it was hopeless. She could only draw breath; not move, or speak.

  “I’m sorry,” Helena uttered in a soft and weak voice, like she had made the biggest mistake of her life and was asking for her forgiveness. The rain began to slow down. In the blink of an eye, her form lengthened. Shockwaves rocked Melissa to her very core, as the witch assumed her own form. Moving around the tree, she left Melissa behind her, as she clutched the handle of the dagger.

  “Azazel!” her voice echoed in the wilderness, as she strolled towards the shore. “Let Joe go! Now!”

  “Or what?” the demon wondered with the same, silly grin on his face, extending his arms sideways, as he turned around. Helena did not dignify his question with an answer. She merely curled her index finger, inviting him, as she furrowed her brow.

  “Ridiculous bitch,” Azazel grumbled, shuffling off towards her. “I was going to spare you, but now…”

  “Shut up!” Helena cried out, interrupting him, as her face twisted with rage. The demon let out a frustrated grunt, as his strides quickened. The witch ran her gaze down his body, and looked down at the forest floor. Holding the dagger at chest height, she began to pace backwards, as the rain ceased altogether. A wicked smile burst upon her lips, as she assumed her regular form. She twisted her arm, so that her palm faced up, before a bright ball of fire sprang up. The demon froze to his spot, as she tossed it at him. The fireball hit the ground, singeing leaves and twigs alike, as a circle formed around him. But, this was no ordinary circle. Azazel tore his gaze from her, to look down at his feet, as the fire raced into the shape, forming triangles. The demon stared in disbelief, as he realized that he was standing in the middle of a pentagram.

  “A demon’s trap?” he asked, as he raised his eyes to glare at Helena. “It won’t hold me forever.”

  “A second is all I need,” she stated, her red eyes darkening, as she exploded towards him. Azazel opened his hand, his palm facing behind him. Raul’s dagger was lifted off the forest floor, as she hurtled towards him. The knife flew into the demon’s hand, as she jerked her right arm back to stab him. Azazel thrust his left arm forward and grabbed her shoulder. Helena’s agonizing scream shattered Melissa’s heart, as he drove the dagger into her stomach. The witch’s eyes opened wide, as a choked breath escaped her. Her lips twitched, as she stared into the void. The demon’s smirk returned to his face, as he pulled the dagger out of her. But, his joy was short-lived. The weapon slipped out of his grasp, as a pointy piece of wood pierced his back. The tip came out through his stomach, as Joe twisted it in the wound. Melissa felt life in her muscles once again, as Helena’s body tumbled to the ground. Her boyfriend bent down and picked up the dagger, as she ran full tilt towards them. A foul cry rose and reverberated through the night, as Joe drove the dagger into his heart. The demon’s eyes blackened, as a black cloud of smoke started to shoot out of his mouth. As if it had a will of its own, it flew up and then down, as Kate jogged towards their spot. Finally, the cloud disappeared through crevices in the forest floor, as Melissa dropped to her knees beside Helena.

  “Oh, my God!” she spoke, too fast, her voice reeking with fear. “Helena? Helena, talk to me.” She added quietly, tears rising up in her eyes, her lips quivering.

  “Hold her,” Kate commanded, offering her right hand. Melissa wrapped her fingers around the witch’s wrist, staring down at her half-closed eyes, as a strong gust of wind rustled through the trees. The world around her began to darken, especially her heart, at the thought of losing one of the most important people in her life.

  Chapter Twenty Three

  “I’ll go get Monica.”

  Kate’s statement rang in Melissa’s ears, as she glanced over Helena. They were just a few yards across from the entrance of Shandaken Hospital. Her friend jumped up, as a young nurse approached the glass door.

  “I’m so sorry…” Melissa whispered, reaching up to cradle the witch’s cheek, as she leaned over her.

  “Don’t be,” Helena choked out, as a tiny smile spread across her face. “I saw it all in my orb last night. He’d killed you all.”

  Everything made sense now. Her confession the night before and the trick she pulled on her, back in the forest. But, it also magnified the gut-wrenching pain that had already been scorching her insides. Unable to work up the courage to speak, Melissa bent her head down towards Helena, as two tears raced down her cheeks. She simply gazed deep in her red eyes, her own eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and gratitude for the witch that had –yet again—saved her life and the lives of her brothers. A tear rolled off her face and landed on Helena’s cheek, as the hospital was pushed open. Two male orderlies were wheeling up a gurney towards them, as Kate and Monica followed them outside.

  “Melissa, let her go, honey,” The doctor requested. “We’ll take it from here.”

  Putting her hand over her mouth, she slowly arose, her gaze still locked on Helena, as the orderlies hauled her onto the gurney. Not wasting any time, they rushed her back in, as she tried to wrap her head around what had transpired. Helena’s life was hanging in the balance, because she had fallen in love with a man who had sold his soul to the devil. Should she die, Melissa knew that she w
ould have to leave Joe. He would be free on his deal, but the price paid would have been way too high. Their entire relationship would be based on the death of a loved one. She just could not live with that knowledge.

  The familiar sound of a diesel engine interrupted her thoughts. Her brothers had just arrived, along with Joe. Raul was the first to address her, but all she did was point up at the hospital entrance. Melissa was in no condition to narrate anything. Undeterred by her brother’s failure, Joe attempted to talk to her, but he suffered the same fate.

  For more than two hours, she could not escape the horrifying image of Helena, lying down on the forest floor, bleeding heavily. Even as Melissa paced up and down the waiting room, she could not get it out of her mind. The fact that the witch was still alive kept the beacon of hope alive. However, Melissa could not find peace, until she had an update on Helena’s condition.

  “We acted like morons,” Raul admitted to Dean. The two of them were in the upper left corner of the waiting room, whispering to one another.

  “Yeah, we did. We all did,” she thought to herself, as Dean looked down at her, over his shoulder. So many things could be said in this dark hour. Mistakes, confessions, suggestions and decisions, but Melissa was not going to have this conversation in a public place, for more reasons than just Helena’s health. She could predict the outcome of this discussion. It would end up in a loud, bitter argument.

  Deciding to intervene in case her name was mentioned, she crossed her arms over her chest, and listened in. But, Melissa didn’t get the chance to hear more. The power door of the operating room slid open sideways, just before Monica walked into the waiting room. Melissa’s heart rate spiked, her heart pounding against her ribs, as the doctor’s eyes swept the waiting room, looking for Melissa. Just when their eyes met, Monica’s lips curved into a happy smile that sent waves of joy and relief crashing over her. Her happy cheer echoed back at the walls of the room, as she started towards the doctor. Melissa wrapped her arms around her back, and pulled her into a tight embrace, resting her chin on Monica’s shoulder, as her brothers hugged one another.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, unable to hold back more of her tears. “Thank you so much.”

  “The knife missed her vital organs,” Monica informed them with a huge grin. “She lost a lot of blood, but she’s going to be just fine.”

  “Can I see her?” Melissa asked, as she eased back.

  “She was in a lot of pain. We had to put her under. You’ll have to wait until she wakes up.” Monica said softly and sweetly as Raul pulled her in for a side hug.

  Melissa turned around, seeking Joe, but, a quick scan of the room told her that he wasn’t there.

  “He just went outside. He said he needed some fresh air.” Ray answered her question before she could pose it. Her enthusiasm was much too great to even consider walking. Immediately, Melissa exploded towards the exit of the waiting room, eager to share the good news with Joe. Sprinting along the wide hallway, she r all of the hardships they had been through, one by one. His tears at the cemetery, his initial rejection, the fear in his eyes when he ran into her wolf, his innuendo on their first date, the night he had given her his letter outside Kate’s bar… sad memories, but memories all the same. Nothing would hold them back now.

  Melissa lengthened her strides, as the hospital entrance came into view. Ray had been honest with her. Joe was indeed outside, facing the building. She swung the glass door open, feeling her adrenaline rushing through her veins. Melissa would not announce anything to him. Instead, she leapt onto Joe, as a joyful cheer fled her lips. He held out his arms, and grabbed her in midair, as a blissful smile formed on his face.

  “She made it,” Melissa uttered, her voice wobbly, as she threw her arms around his neck. “She’s going to be alright.”

  “Oh, thank God,” Joe sighed in relief, closing his eyes, as he held her tight in his arms.

  “We’re free,” She whispered, easing slowly back. “We’re finally free.”

  “I can never thank you enough,” he said, his baritone thick with emotion, as tears pooled in his eyes.

  “You can,” Melissa let out yet another, soft whisper. “Love me, the way I love you.”

  A tear fell out of Joe’s overflowing eyes and he snorted back a sob as he tilted his head down. Their lips joined in a long, tender kiss, filled with all the love and affection that they had for one another. Once again, his sweet scent enveloped her, taking her entire existence into his own, emotional world. This time however, Melissa did not need to worry about returning to the nightmare of reality, simply because this reality did not contain the demon that had been haunting their lives. The nightmare had been vanquished. In its stead was the dream of life without fear. She was free to enjoy everything that her own, refined man had to offer. She had fought hard to keep him alive, and now, she could savor every single moment of her life with her “prize”, as she used to call him; Joe Stanton; now, Joe Donovan; her gentleman: her mate.


  Witch Academy Box Set (1-4)

  Book 1: The Missing Queen

  Chapter 1

  Desmond awoke with a start, his body tensing up. It took him a moment to figure out exactly what the problem was, his magic finding its way up to his brain.

  He realized after a moment that it was a crash from his kitchen that had woken him. However, the presence that he sensed was not anything that would cause him harm. His dishes and food supply might be in danger, but he was not.

  Running a hand over his face, he tried to pull the sleep from his eyes, glancing at the time piece. He was planning to get up now anyway; the alarm would beep after a moment or two. It was later than he normally got up, but he didn't have anywhere to be for another hour.

  “Nathaniel,” he said as the door to his chambers whooshed open at his touch. “What are you doing?”

  His former Tiro looked up at him, a piece of toast in his mouth.

  “You're awake.”

  Desmond raised an eyebrow, leaning against the doorframe.

  “You think I can't still sense when you are causing chaos? Eleven years of training you, Nathaniel. I promise that the bond is not broken yet.”

  Nathaniel smirked as he searched for more bread, and Desmond decided it was a losing battle. Besides, he was meeting Mariah for breakfast anyway, so he didn't need food here.

  He had trained Nathaniel for eleven years as his third Tiro, readying him as a full-fledged witch; the guardians of the galaxy. Magic was dangerous and destructive if not controlled and well trained, and those born with it often didn't survive it unless they were taken from their families and devoted their life to its control. Witches, who were taken to the academies around the galaxy and trained by Maestros, became warriors, guardians, peacemakers, and healers. They were well respected, strong, and completely devoted to keeping the galaxy safe.

  It came at a price, of course. They rarely, if ever, saw their families again. They were not supposed to form attachments or have families of their own. They were completely devoted to their craft and their quests. When they were young, they were usually devoted to their Maestros. When they came of age, they were put through a series of rigorous tests that determined whether they could go off on their own and become a new generation of Maestros.

  There were exceptions to every rule, of course. Tiros were supposed to be in the academy from the time they started walking, and they needed to be with a Maestro by the time they were thirteen if they wanted to be able to take the tests. Otherwise, they remained at school until eighteen and could work in a minor role. Any time after eighteen, they could take the tests and become a full-fledged witch.

  Desmond knew that he and Nathaniel had broken almost every single one of those rules in their years together. It wasn't necessarily on purpose, because he didn't always believe in everything the Jurors dictated. But Nathaniel had been almost fourteen when Desmond finally took him on after a disastrous last Tiro. Nathaniel was stubborn, mouthy, and more interested
in fun half the time. Desmond knew Nathaniel would never be the serious, quiet, thoughtful Witch that was expected. Nathaniel was twenty-four when he finally took the tests, passing with flying colors in everything except his attitude.

  Now, nearly two years later, they remained at the academy. Nathaniel was teaching some of the classes, and Desmond sat on the Jurors part time, dealing with the intergalactic issues that came their way. Both of them were expected at some point soon to take on a Tiro. But after a bumpy eleven years, Nathaniel didn't seem quite ready to be self-sufficient

  Desmond, despite being technically free of a Tiro, found it hard to find time for himself and Mariah – not that he publicly wished for it.

  The first day Desmond saw Mariah was nearly thirty years ago. They had both been young witches on their first Tiros. They had locked eyes across the room, and Desmond knew that he was in trouble.

  Neither of them had broken any rules, at least in public. But as they started to age toward retirement with a quiet life of advising only in their near future, he found it harder to make sure they were in line and not just existing in a grey area that the Jurors raised their eyebrows at.

  He knew Nathaniel was aware of the fine line he walked and took it as challenge. No matter how much Desmond tried and scolded, Nathaniel had always had eyes for women. He wasn't discreet either, and more than once, he had been called in front of the Jurors for disobedience.

  Desmond's only solace was that, as Nathaniel got older, he seemed to be settling down and focusing his attention on the one woman he came back to again, and again. A quest on Jeffro – a border planet – had introduced the fifteen-year-old Nathaniel to the seventeen-year-old orphaned ruler, Queen Eliza. She was just as head strong, stubborn, and in control of her emotions as he was. Desmond pretended to not hear the late-night hologram fights they had over the years, and pretended not to hear Nathaniel's thoughts when they were doing well. As long as he was focused on his duties, Desmond could turn a blind eye. And, he noticed, no matter how hard they fought, they always returned to each other. They fought in a way that acknowledged that ending their relationship was never an option.


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