Boned: A Stepbrother Romance (Mandarin Connection Book 4)

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Boned: A Stepbrother Romance (Mandarin Connection Book 4) Page 9

by Stephanie Brother

  The large helicopter ascended into the evening sky, the blades whipping up sand and sea spray as we lifted off, the sunset tinging everything golden and orange.

  Bone had rejoined our group, just as we boarded the chopper, but hadn’t said two words to me.

  We flew for an hour in silence, then landed back at the airport, where we transferred to armored vehicles.

  The Alpha Team headed off on a different mission, not giving us any information, other than to let us know they were within reach in an emergency.

  Stephan shook hands with Randy, Travis and Walt and then ducked into our car.

  “Driver, we need to go to our safe house, ok?” he said.

  The driver nodded, and off we went.

  A half-hour later, and we stopped at a mansion on the beach.

  Ten minutes after that, and I was soaking in a deliciously warm and comfortable hot tub made of redwood.

  I’d decided on a nice bikini, that had a flowery pattern on it.

  It looked tropical.

  Soon after, Stephan, Captain Spalding, and Bart came into the spa, each ready to relax in the tub.

  “Ahhh! That feels great!” said Spalding, as he eased his carbon-fiber prosthetic legs into the hot, bubbly water.

  I was shocked, then giggled.

  His great white smile lit up the entire area, and he laughed heartily.

  “ I need a beer!” he shouted, flopping against the back of the tub.

  As if by magic, a steward and a server came out of nowhere, and asked if they could be of assistance.

  Drinks were ordered, and soon the staff came by with a selection of adult beverages.

  Spalding grabbed an ice-cold Stella, and Stephan had a jack and coke. Bart didn’t drink alcohol, so he had an unsweetened tea.

  Bone, coming in from his room, was wearing those infamous Speedos, or at least their cousin.

  His dong was at rest, but it still bulged out.

  He slid in next to me.

  He had apparently already visited the bar, as he was holding a Yuengling Black and Tan. He sipped at it, looking thoughtful.

  The Admiral and his valet had disappeared, as mysteriously as when they had made themselves known at “Ocaba Bien”.

  We all just sat there, enjoying the heat, the bubbles, and the cool night air.

  Then, after about twenty minutes, we got out and toweled off.

  Sitting around the pool, on rattan chairs, with Tiki torches burning in the background, I almost imagined I was on holiday.

  Except for the fact that Om and Moms were dead, I was almost happy.

  “What did the Admiral mean, about you guys?” I said to Bone.

  He smiled, and sipped at his beer.

  “Stephan, why don’t you fill her in?” he said with a grin.

  “In the late seventies and early eighties, the CIA and MI-9 had worked with the Israelis to come up with an ultimate soldier,” began Stephan.

  “There was a need for a kind of super-man, one who could work or travel for days at a stretch, not needing sleep or excesses of food or water. There’s been a lot of speculation, and even some conspiracy theories, about how and what they did to achieve their goals,” he said.

  “That movie that had Stallone fighting Dolph Lundgren was based on some of that speculation”, he said.

  “It was actually a reason that the program was greenlit, because some of the Generals at the Pentagon felt that the Russians were feeding scripts to Hollywood as propaganda.”

  Was he kidding? I wondered.

  “Our father had joined the CIA when he’d found out nuclear weapons threatened the entire human race. He was an odd duck. He’d spent a number of years during his youth in the German Navy, learning all he could about tactics, and how to think like the enemy. And, the one thing he kept thinking was that if he were much stronger, he’d have been able to really cripple the Soviet efforts at imperialism. He knew that the Cuban Missile Crisis almost had caused a nuclear war. He thought maybe a super-soldier could have killed Castro, or maybe the Bay of Pigs would have been a success if they’d all been augmented in some way,” said Stephan.

  “In any event, once he got into the Agency, he volunteered us to be guinea pigs,” said Bone. “Or something…”

  I looked at him to see if he were pulling my leg.

  “Father agreed to allow some testing of our intelligence, and he made sure we competed in all the sports we could handle. But, we also had a ‘special’ diet. And then, one day, there was this mad scientist dude, who made us drink some shit, and a bit later, there were the tattoos, and then …” he went on, but then I interrupted.

  “This all sounds like a bunch of science-fiction bullshit,” I said, sipping my drink.

  “Or just plain bullshit,” said Bone, agreeably.

  He grinned at Stephan.

  Stephan suddenly stood, and jumped literally straight up, doing a flip in mid-air.

  Then, he landed on one hand, like an expert gymnast, and stayed there, balanced.

  Then, he started hopping around the pool deck.

  On his hand.

  “Oh, so now you want to play, eh?|” said Bone.

  He leapt out of his chair, and grabbed Stephan by the ankle, swinging him around and around, and then letting go.

  Stephan flew out over the pool.

  He did a somersault, and then executed a perfect dive into the water.

  Bone jumped in after him.

  The two idiots wrestled and dunked one another, laughing like loons.

  Then, they took deep breaths, and submerged under the surface of the water.

  They raced each other across the length of the pool, doing lap after lap.

  For minutes, they shot back and forth, underwater.

  My heart was in my mouth with fear that they would both drown, showing off their manhood.

  Spalding, Bart and I just sat there with our mouths open, not believing what we were seeing.

  Then, Bone bounded out of the water, like a dolphin, and landed in a perfect crouch next to my table.

  Seconds later, Stephan did the same, launching like a missile from the pool, and landing on the top of Bone’s shoulders.

  They looked like cheerleaders.

  That is, if cheerleaders looked like a couple of tigers with huge cocks and giant smiles.

  Spalding laughed, and Bart almost choked on his tea.

  “What the fuck?” he said.

  He couldn’t believe his eyes.

  Suddenly, I felt a pinch.


  That bastard had my ass caught between his index finger and thumb, and was squeezing it hard.

  I squirmed and yelled, but he just laughed at me.

  He grabbed his beer and sucked it down.

  “I need another one,” he said.

  Then he walked out to the cabana bar, and retrieved an ice-cold Dos Equis.

  “Am I not the most interesting man you’ve ever met, my dear Rachel?” he said, with a goofy Spanish accent.

  I slapped at him, missing his arm.

  My ass cheek still smarted from where he’d pinched it.

  That fucker!

  I smiled inside, thinking that maybe things would be all right, once again.

  I was wrong.



  My Naughty Dream Come True

  “Drake, what was all that?” I said.

  We were sitting on my bed.

  Stephan and the others had moved off to their own rooms after the swimming.

  Bart had been muttering something about mermaids.

  The night was cool and beautiful, with that salty smell that comes from the ocean.

  It was quiet except for the waves crashing gently on shore.

  A half-moon was shining, hiding every once in a while, under a cloud.

  He stood up and crossed over to the light switch, flicking it off.

  Standing there wearing only speedos, I could see the bulge.

tried to ignore it, but that just wasn’t happening.

  I noted I was salivating, and swallowed.

  Bone looked at me in the moonlight.

  He walked over to me and took my face in his hands.

  Then, he gently kissed my nose.

  “Rachel, Baby Doll!” he sighed.

  “Drake, don’t do this, please,” I begged him.

  It had been utter torture to push him away the last time.

  I would die if I had to do it again.

  My heart, my love for him was killing me.

  The knife hovered, just over my heart.

  I could feel the tip, trying to dig into me.

  “Drake, please, if you care anything for me at all…” I said.

  He crushed my mouth with his.

  My moan of despair rose up, forcing itself across our tongues, as we ravished each other.

  His hand, at the end of his strong, tattooed arm was against the small of my back, holding me upright.

  His other arm wrapped around me, and then was like an animal, grasping bits of me.

  My nipples strained against my bikini top, rubbing the tips raw.

  My lust rose, and my hips gyrated against Bone’s cock with a mind of their own.

  My pussy was drenched, as we devoured each other.

  My breath came in short gasps, now.

  I was in a state of complete arousal, my body tuned perfectly to Bone’s.

  He used his hands, and his fingers, exploring my body, inserting them into my holes.

  All of them.

  I reached down and squeezed his ball sack, gently at first, then harder as he moaned into my open mouth.

  Sucking on his tongue, I could feel his hands raking through my hair and down my back, stuffing into the top of my bikini bottom.

  His strong fingers kneaded my ass cheeks, and my nipples bored holes in his massive, muscular chest.

  Bone’s tattoo was daring me to lick it, so I moved my tongue from his mouth, and began to trace a path across his lips, then his chin, and then his neck, all the way down to his navel.

  Then, I worked my way around the ink, licking the sweat and musk from it.

  Bone groaned, and yanked off my bottom.

  He spanked my bared ass.

  I yelped with pleasure, and he smacked me again.

  “Harder! More! Please, god, more!” I shouted.

  I was crazy with lust, Bone’s scent and actions driving me wild.

  His spanking stung my ass, and my pussy dripped with juicy goodness with each loud smack.

  I bit his left nipple, and he slapped me away, playfully.

  “Oh, really!” I laughed, and dove for the other one.

  I nipped at them in turn, each time lightly grabbing them in my teeth, and licking the very tip.

  It was making him mad with pleasure and I squeezed his balls again.

  He moaned, and pawed my breasts, squeezing each one, and then sucking on the nipples.

  He pulled at them with his teeth, and I screamed with pleasure as I began to come.

  He put his hand underneath me, fingering my clit and I rode his fingers to orgasm after orgasm.

  “My mouth!” I panted.

  “Put your hand in my mouth!” I said.

  I sucked on his fingers, swallowing my cum juice, gagging as he pushed his hand in as far as I could stand it.

  I grabbed his elbow, and shoved it in until it wouldn’t go further, making noises I had never heard myself make ever.

  I came again, my throat opening and closing in spasms as I tried to choke on Bone’s fingers.

  He looked at me, worried, until he determined that I was in ecstatic climax.

  My eyes rolled in my head, my hips shook, my breasts were taut and upright, each nipple wanting to explode!

  I came again and again, and then saw, in my delirium, the most luscious cock in existence.

  Bone’s magnificent penis rode up out of his speedos, an animal wanting to pounce on its prey.

  And that prey was me…

  I let go of his balls, and slung his speedos to the floor, diving onto his cock with my mouth.

  The slick spittle and drool let me fit over the immense tip, and then slide down his hard shaft easily.

  This was even better than his hand!

  The rounded tip slid into my throat, and filled it up completely.

  Spit bubbles formed in my nostrils and popped.

  I sucked in some air, then went down on him in earnest.

  It was like Japan, only better, because I knew that this time, I was going to have that monstrous thing inside me.

  All of me.

  I sucked on him for minutes, Bone gasping and fingering my gaping pussy.

  Juices squirted out all over his hands, and I made him fist his own cock, so that I could taste myself mingling with his pre-cum.

  I slurped and sucked and drew him deep into my throat. It felt like it might reach all the way down into my stomach!

  Then, I could sense he was close.

  “Come in my mouth, baby! Do me! Fuck my throat!” I begged in my best little-girl voice.

  He growled and grabbed my neck and the back of my head.

  What happened in those next few minutes are a blur.

  I was pinned between his strong hands, my air giving out, as his cock inched deeper and deeper into me.

  Suddenly, I tasted salt, as he gushed all over my tongue, shooting jism out of my nose. I choked and gagged, blacking out, as he skull fucked me unconscious.




  When I finally woke up, a few minutes later, Drake was lying next to me, staring at my face.

  He was gently stroking my hair.

  “You are so beautiful, Rachel!” he said.

  It looked as though he might have had a tear in his eye, but I decided it was just a reflection.

  “Are you ok?” he asked.

  “Make love to me, Drake!” I said.

  He gently moved me onto my side, and gently stroked my face with his hand.

  “Baby Doll,” he said.

  He kissed me on the mouth, and our tongues played with each other.

  As they did, my hands and his clutched and gripped, while his strong arms held me close.

  I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of his muscled arms squeezing me tight, my taut breasts pressed up against his chest.

  We held each other, and my passion was rising, in step with each ardent caress.

  Drake ran his hands along the length of my legs, rubbing along the inside, and gently teasing my pussy.

  He slid his fingers to either side of my folds, and rubbed ever so gently, while cupping my left breast in his other hand.

  He bent his lips to my erect nipple, and suckled like a baby.

  Gently sipping at my pink nubbin, I could feel myself getting wet from his ministrations.

  Drake rubbed along the sides of my pussy, and then carefully inserted first one finger, then another and then a third.

  He played me like a musical instrument, moving his hand in rhythm with my labored breathing as I rose to a climax and gushed all over his fist.

  I took his hand.

  Licking and sucking his drenched fingers, I reveled in the taste of my own juice.

  The sensation made my raw lust go into overdrive, and suddenly I was on fire.

  I grabbed him by his cock, which lay there like a giant snake.

  At my touch, it began to engorge, the blood flow increasing with each stroke.

  Soon, I held a huge club of meat in my writhing hands.

  I couldn’t encircle it with one hand, it was so huge!

  I bent to it, while Drake moved between my thighs and began to lick playfully at my clit.

  I groaned with pleasure, all the while sliding my hand up and down his massive shaft.

  Licking the tip, where there was already a drop of pre-cum, I tried to engulf it.

  This was harder than before, and I s
uppose it was because Drake was fully erect.

  It felt as though I were trying to force a flashlight down my gullet.

  I licked and spat on it, and lathered it up with my saliva.

  My hands were soaking, and his pre-cum made the head slippery and sweet.

  I pushed my face over his cock, and opened as wide as I could stand, and plunged down.

  I forced my mouth and lips down, and slid over his mighty tool just a bit further.

  My pussy was drenched, both from Drake’s lively tonguing and the lusty action from sucking his cock.

  My mind lost its ability to distinguish time, and I floated in limbo.

  I was pinned between Drake’s cock and his darting tongue.

  He inserted a shy finger into my asshole, and when I groaned with pleasure, pushed up with his waist.

  His cock slid past my hesitant lips, stretching them back and then out over his shaft.

  I could feel Drake’s meaty pole slowly inching its way into the deepest part of my throat, and I gagged.

  I couldn’t breathe, but I didn’t care.

  I started to see stars, when he pulled completely out.

  “Drake! What’s wrong, sweetheart?” I cried.

  “Nothing at all,” he said, kissing me full on the mouth.

  I tasted my musk, and drank of his lips fully for several minutes.

  Suddenly, another strong orgasm rocked my body, making me heave and buck, as Drake used his magic fingers to bring me over the edge, not once or twice, but continuously, for what seemed an eternity of pleasure.

  He was kissing me the whole time, swallowing my screams into his own mouth.

  Then, when I collapsed back onto the bed, shaking and shivering involuntarily as my nerves lost control from his flicking my clit, he climbed on top of me.

  Gently, oh so gently, Drake put the head of his erect, huge cock against my quivering pussy.

  It was so drenched, and I could feel it opening and closing in spasms, anticipating the marvelous and incredible cockhead.

  “Shhh! Rachel! Darling!” he said to me.

  Then, he began to slide it in deeper.

  I winced in pain, but when he looked at me with concern, I assured him it was ok.

  “It hurts so good, Bone!” I cried.

  “Don’t stop! Fuck me!” I said in his ear.

  “I love you, Rachel!” he said, and plunged all the way in with one hard thrust.


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