Earth Magic

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Earth Magic Page 44

by Kenneth Price

  "There are no guards," observed Kayno. Apparently, the Guardians of Light did not worry about unwelcome visitors. Even if the doors had been closed, they were not built to keep people out. There was little chance of an attack within this valley above the clouds, and Elwin suspected that the Guardians had other means to defend themselves if the need arose. As they stepped through the splendid gate and into a large courtyard, two women appeared to greet them. Both wore the white robes of the Guardians of Light. The one on the right was a tall slender woman whom Elwin recognized. Sileas was her name. Sileas was the Guardian that Elwin had seen in his dream walk. She was a stunning woman with golden hair and fair skin... an angel in white.

  The woman standing at Sileas' side was more of a girl than a woman. However, she possessed a wisdom that went far beyond her years. She had the look of a child who had seen too much and had grown up too fast. The girl was shorter than Sileas, yet no less beautiful, and like Sileas, she wore the customary white robe of their order. There was only one real difference in her dress; the smaller woman did not wear the blue rope around her waist as did the other Guardians, instead she wore a white rope about her slender waist.

  Elwin was dumbfounded, he stood with eyes as wide as the lake at his back, he felt his heart cry out with joy as his eyes meet those of the dark-haired girl.

  The girl stepped forward. Cascading over her round shoulders, silky black hair shimmered in the sunlight. Taking up the hem of her robe, she gave Elwin a short curtsy and said, "Prince Elwin ap Gruffydd, High Prince of Kambrya, Welcome."

  Elwin could hold back no longer. He leapt forward and pulled her into his arms. "Leina!" he breathed. "Leina."

  "Brother," Leina sighed, tears running down her face to mix with those of her older brother.

  "She has become a Guardian!?" whispered Colin to no one in particular.

  Taking a step back, Leina took hold of her brother’s hands. Looking over his shoulder, she gave Colin a warm smile. "It is good to see you too, Lord Easson. And also, you, Lord Murray and Aidan of the Green. I was not told that my brother's friends would be here as well.

  Though I should have guessed that where ever my brother goes, you three would surely follow. You are all welcome here. It is indeed a grand reunion."

  Turning her head slightly, Princess Leina made the introductions. "Sileas, you have already met my brother, these are his friends, Colin Easson, Pallas Murray, and Aidan Ja-Re of the Green. However, I do not believe I have met these other two gentlemen." Smiling down at his sister, Elwin never took his eyes from her. "This is Lord Rodan," he said with a nod of his head. "He serves under Pallas' father."

  Sileas graced Rodan with a smile. "And half Aleach, if I am not mistaken."

  Rodan bowed. "Greetings, fair lady."

  "And this," Elwin went on, "is Kayno of Aonach."

  Sileas' eyes rested on Kayno. "From Aonach, you say? Well, it is a pleasure to meet you all. Come, you are all welcome in the Heart of Light."

  Starting across the courtyard, Elwin pulled Leina off to one side. "Are you well?"

  Leina smiled. "Yes, brother, I am very well."

  "But your clothes. You can't be one of them. I mean... you are not really a Guardian of Light. Are you?

  "Yes. Well, almost. I have taken the vows of a novice. In time, when my heart is pure, I hope to be become one."

  A shadow crossed Elwin's face. "If you were forced to take vows, they do not count. I will get you out of here. We can go home."

  Leina stopped Elwin and turned to face her brother. Tenderly, she took both of Elwin's hands into hers. "Dear brother, you sound so much like father. Like him, you tend to act before you think. I am happy here, Elwin. This is my home now. No one has forced me to do anything. For the first time since father was… taken from us, I am happy. Please, there is so much I want to tell you and show you."

  Looking up, Leina's eyes met those of her brother's. "But you are not happy," she said sadly. "Are you, brother?"


  "What will he choose?" asked Sileas. She sat on the edge of Leina's narrow bed, watching the princess comb out her long hair. "You are his sister, you must know him.”

  Sighing, Leina stopped combing her hair and looked solemnly over at Sileas. "I fear that he will enter the Hall of Fire. If for no other reason than to spare me. He has always tried to protect me, even when I do not need it."

  "But as a Guardian of Light, you are better prepared to face the test. Surely, he must see that?"

  Leina gave a thin smile. "To him, I am his little sister, and remember, I am not yet a Guardian."

  "But tonight, you will become one. Oh, that reminds me." Coming to her feet, Sileas pulled out a neatly coiled blue sash from the folds of her robe. "Here, I want you to have this. It is the one I used when I first became a Guardian of Light. When it is time, I would be honored if you would wear it."

  Tentatively, Leina took the sash. Looking down at it, she shook her head and said, "Thank you. But... I do not deserve this."

  Sileas looked confused. "It is normal for a Guardian to pass on their sash. I thought you would like it."

  "No... I mean yes, I like it. It means a lot that you would give your sash to me. But that's not what I meant. I don't think that I am ready for the Rising. It is too soon, and I am so young. And I must admit a bit scared too."

  Sileas smiled and nodded understandingly. "Yes, you are young, but in your short time here, you have learned much. The power is strong in you. The elders have seen that from the beginning. You will do just fine."

  "The elders have not decided to make me a Guardian because of what they see within me, but because of who I am, I am an ap Gruffydd, and that is what actually matters," added Leina with a slight frown.

  "In part that is true. Yet still, your potential is strong, and you are ready for the next step. And yet you are still right. The council has pushed your Rising forward. It is hoped that the prince will see reason and hand the sword over to you. The rights of the Rising will give you insight and the ability to touch the power within. You will need both in the Hall of Fire." Sileas shook her head. "I hope your brother will not be difficult. He should hand the sword over to you. If he doesn't, I fear he will die."

  Looking sad, Leina only nodded.

  "Even if he lives, he will be a hard one to control."

  "He was always stubborn," added Leina in agreement.

  Sileas frowned. "I hope your feelings for him will not interfere with what must be done. If he lives, he will be the High King, and he cannot be left to go wild. He must serve the Light."

  Leina's eyes flared. "I am about to take the vows of a Guardian of Light, and take part in the rights of the Rising. I do not take that lightly! I will do what I must."

  "That is good. But now we must get you ready. The ceremony will start soon, and you should get some rest afterward. If you are needed to enter the Hall of Fire, you will need all the rest you can get, and the Rising is not an easy thing."


  Aidan looked up from the book he was reading. "Where have you been? Kayno has been looking everywhere for you."

  "I spent the morning with Leina," said Elwin, as he entered the room and then shutting the door behind him. "Then I took a walk around the lake." He looked around. Aidan appeared to be the only one in the suite of rooms that he shared with Aidan, Colin, Pallas, Kayno and Rodan. It was a rather large suite, and they each had their own private bedroom. At the moment, Aidan was seated at a large window seat with his book resting on his lap.

  "How is the princess?" the elf asked.

  "Fine, I guess. She is a little uneasy about something, though, but she would not tell me what. And she really does want to become a Guardian of Light. If I could only get her to leave, I think I could talk her out of it."

  Aidan smiled.

  "What are you smiling at?"

  "Just the idea of you talking Leina out of something."

  Elwin smiled also. "She is stubborn. She has never been willin
g to except help, even when she needs it. But this is serious, Aidan,” his smile faded. “There are using her, but she refuses to see that. She cannot know what she is doing. A Guardian of Light! Why can't she see that they are using her to get to me? As long as she is unwilling to leave, the elders think that I too, will stay, if only to stay near Leina. Then they will try to make me become their High King. They're wrong. If Leina won't leave, I will have to go without her."

  "You’ve been saying that for two weeks now," Aidan pointed out.

  I know," admitted Elwin. "I keep hoping Leina will change her mind."

  "Can she use the Guardian magic yet?"

  Elwin shook his head, "The Power of the Light? No. The Guardians say Leina has the potential, but she can't touch that potential until she has gone through something called a 'Rising.' However, I think they are only telling her that so she won't leave. I don't think she will ever be a Guardian of Light. They are just stringing her along until they can make me their king. But I doubt they want me to truly be their king, only a puppet that they can manipulate. That is one thing Faynn got right, the Guardians of Light are not to be trusted. To think, I was going to give them the sword.”

  "You said something about the Power of The Light? What is that?"

  "It is what the Guardians call their magic and Faynn calls it Sprit Magic. However, no matter what you call it, it is still magic."

  "And you? Did you tell her that you have touched Earth Magic?"

  "No. I am not ready to tell her. And to be honest, I am not sure what she would do with that knowledge. She might tell the Guardian’s head priest and High Elder of the council of Elders, Odary. And of course High Elder Odary will tell the rest of the Elders. Leina is too loyal to them and cannot see them for what they are."

  Then Elwin changed the subject. "You said Kayno is looking for me? What does he want?"

  "Arran came by earlier. He said the Council of Elders wants to see you tonight."

  "Now what?"

  "Arran seemed to think it was very important."

  Elwin frowned. "He always does. I have told Odary and the rest of them that I don't want to be their High King. Why can't they take 'no' for an answer?" Elwin shook his head, and added with a shrug, "Oh well. Did Arran say when?"

  "Not really," answered Aidan. "He just said that it had to be tonight. So, you will go? Last time you refused."

  Elwin shrugged. "They don't take 'no' easily. Last time they kept asking me until they nearly drove me crazy. So, I guess I'll go. Besides, I really think it is time that we are leaving. I will take the opportunity to tell them so."

  "And my feather? Will you ask if they will take it?"

  Elwin frowned. "If you want."

  "Yes. Please, Elwin, ask them. I don’t care what they do with it. I just want it gone. Aidan hesitated, “You’re not going to leave the sword, are you?”

  “No,” Elwin replied. “I cannot leave it here. Faynn was right about the Guardians. It would be too dangerous to leave it with them. I will just have to find another solution.”

  The door opened, and Pallas walked in. "There you are. Kayno, Colin and I have been looking everywhere for you."

  "So I hear. You can go tell Kayno and Colin that you found me," Elwin said covering a yawn. "Tell them I am taking a nap. It is hard enough to face the elders when I am not tired. I am going to lie down.”


  Crawling into his large bed, Elwin lay down for a nap. It was nice to sleep without fearing Torcull. With the skills Faynn had taught him, Elwin was improving at his keeping Torcull out of his dreams, yet here in this valley, Elwin was not using Earth Magic to protect his dreams, he didn't need to. Maybe, Elwin thought, it was because of the magic of the Guardians, and that was another reason that he had put off leaving. Here in the valley of the Guardian’s he was able to sleep in peace and not have to use Earth Magic to protect himself. Elwin also knew that he should take it as a warning that the Guardian’s were using magic against Torcull. Any magic that could interfere with Torcull’s magic, was a power to be wary of. Yet he dreaded the dreams more than the Guardian’s power. He still had not completely mastered the Earth Magic and after what had happened on the mountain top he was reluctant to try using the magic without Faynn near-by to help.

  Elwin closed his eyes and was soon asleep.

  Instead of Torcull, Elwin dreamed a new dream, and perhaps it was just a dream. Within the dream, he walked along a dark hallway. In his hand, he carried a torch; in the other hand his sword.

  "This way." Called a voice which echoed somewhere ahead and down the hallway. "Blast it! Just stop so I can find you!" Elwin called.

  "It is not far now."

  "Where are you taking me?"

  "This way."

  Blast it! I thought I could sleep in peace. Well, at least it's not Torcull. Maybe this is just a normal dream. But would I know that I am dreaming then? Elwin turned down another corridor. Before him was a door that hung on old rusting, hinges. He pushed against the door. It did not move. "Just my luck! It is rusted shut." Grumbling, he sheathed his sword and set down the torch. Putting his shoulder to the door, he pushed with all his strength. The door resisted opening and groaned, but as Elwin pushed, it slowly gave way. Opening just enough to slip through, Elwin wedged himself past the doorway. Blinking, he shaded his eyes. He was outside, standing in bright sunlight. That's right... it's the middle of the day. I am only napping. Elwin looked around. He did not appear to be in the valley anymore. Behind him were the ruins of a castle, but it was not the white castle of the Guardians. The ruins of the castle were covered in vines and castle seemed to have been abandoned many years before. Turning from the ruins, Elwin stood before a grassy hill. At the top of the hill were several tall stones that had been placed into the earth. Standing upright, the stones formed a large circle. In the center of the stone circle was a single large boulder, shaped to look like a large oddly shaped ball. To Elwin’s surprise, on top of the boulder sat a small figure. Still too far to make out the figure, Elwin started forward, following a twisting path. Climbing the hill, he approached the circle of stones, and stopped just outside the circle. It is only a child! "Have you been calling me?"

  The child turned her head and looked at him. Her eyes... such sadness, thought Elwin.

  "It is time we meet," she said, sounding too much like an adult for someone so young. "But please come inside the circle. There are too many eyes. Within the stones, no one will be able to spy on us."

  Elwin stepped inside. "Where are we?"

  "In Cluain, not far from the Tyr River. I can come no closer. Your dreams are being closely guarded. It was hard just to get you to hear me."

  "How did you get into my dream? I was having a rather nice one until you interrupted it."

  She only smiled. It was a sad smile that made Elwin feel lonely and sad himself. Elwin suddenly realized who this strange girl was, he took a step back, his mouth fell open, then he snapped it closed again. "You are her, aren't you? You are the girl that Aidan told me about. 'The One Who Never Was'."

  "I see you are beginning to see with more than your eyes. That is good. And yes, I am One Who Never Was."

  "Why did you do that to Aidan? Why did you make him take that feather? He does not want it."

  "I merely showed Aidan Ja-Re what was already his."

  Elwin frowned. "And what do you want from me?"

  "I ask nothing of you. I am here only to warn you."

  "Warn me? About what?"

  "There is so much you do not understand, and so little I can say, but I will try." She slid off the rock, coming gracefully onto her bare feet. "You have let the one who calls himself Torcull into your dreams. That is not wise."

  "I can't keep him out. Not without Faynn’s help.”

  "You can if you want to. Guarding one's dreams is a useful thing. The Guardians of Light are doing it now, but you may not always have them near, nor should you want them near, or so I would expect. You must learn how to protect yourself b
etter. It is a skill you’ll be needing.” She shrugged her shoulders. “But I think you will learn it soon enough. It will be easier when you get past your fear of the magic. The magic is not hard; at least it would not be for you. But that is not why I brought or asked you to meet me here. I need to talk to you. You have been with the Guardians a long time already. It’s been three months now, and that is not wise."

  "Three months?! No. it has been only two weeks."

  She frowned and shook her head.

  "But..." In a wave, it came back to him. "Bloody ashes! They tricked me! Another illusion! Blast it all! It only seemed like two weeks."

  "The Guardians of Light have ways of getting what they want. Listen to the earth, Elwin and it will always show you the truth. The Earth Song has chosen you. Learn to trust it.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Again, she shrugged her shoulders, “Hard to say really, but time will tell. More important now is for you to put the Guardians behind you, you must get away from them. They are keeping you from doing what you must do."

  "Tomorrow. I will leave tomorrow. Early."

  "You may try, but I think it will be longer then that. But do not fear, a few more weeks or even months will not hurt. Yet you must overcome your fear, listen to the earth, then you will see through their ways. Do so and You will not be so easily fooled again. Is the princess with you?"

  "She is. But she won't leave. She wants to become a Guardian of Light."

  The One Who Never Was nodded as if she was not surprised. "Be careful, Elwin. Too many people will try to control you. Not all of them mean ill towards you. However, you must learn to trust yourself, your feelings and the power that grows within you. They will guide you. For now, I can tell you no more. Soon the Guardians of Light will discover that you are here, so you must return to your sleeping body.”


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