The Monsters' Breeding Dungeon (The Overlord's Depraved Tales)

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The Monsters' Breeding Dungeon (The Overlord's Depraved Tales) Page 1

by Bree Bellucci


  The Overlord's Depraved Tales


  Bree Bellucci


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  Bree Bellucci on Smashwords

  The Monsters' Breeding Dungeon: The Overlord's Depraved Tales

  Copyright © 2012 by Bree Bellucci

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  Adult Reading Material

  The material in this document contains explicit sexual content that is intended for mature audiences only and is inappropriate for readers under 18 years of age.

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  The Overlord's Depraved Tales

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  "Somewhere in the Austrian Alps lurks a dreadful beast of unimaginable horror, or so the legend says. The locals tell tales of beautiful young girls who are lured into his elusive keep, and are never to be seen again. Many like to speculate that the girls are eaten, or brewed into a potion used to keep the beast alive and virile. Some think that the beast impregnates the girls, and uses them to breed an army of grotesque human hybrids that lurk in the mountains and snatch up unfortunate hikers to sacrifice to the monster. Others think that the beast hypnotizes the girls, after having his way with them, and then sends them out into the snow capped hills to die, never to speak of the horrors they have been subjected to." Carrie said sincerely, "They would be the lucky ones."

  Katherine thought all of that was crap. Her sister had filled her in on all the lore and legends of St. Gilgen, a small Austrian town that Katherine was going to stay at for a few weeks during her trip through Europe. Carrie had made sure that Katherine was especially aware of "Geschichten von der Bestie" or "The Tales of the Beast". Surely she found the stories on some stupid travel blog.

  “Carrie, you're crazy,” Katherine said with a smile. “I'm sure people would love to believe that a small European town is haunted or has some paranormal history, it's great for tourism. But I promise you I'm going to be fine.”

  Carrie shrugged and closed out of the internet page that she was reading from. “Suit yourself, but if you get put into some youth potion for a beast overlord, don't come crying to me.”

  “If I'm being put into a boiling cauldron for a potion in Austria, there's no way I would be crying to you anyway,” Katherine pointed out. She closed the last of her suitcases and then checked her list to make sure she had everything. She was just about to check the last thing off when she found herself with an arm full of her sister.

  “Promise me you'll be careful Katie, okay?” Carrie said softly.

  Katherine hugged her back. “I will. I promise.”

  That was one week ago, and so far, Katherine had kept her promise. She had come to the small town of St. Gilgen, ready to do some sightseeing and enjoy her vacation. Katherine lived to travel, and she loved to take trips to random places. She didn't know many people who had been to Austria before, so that was where she decided to go next. Having already been in the town for a week, she was glad that she'd come. It was beautiful, and the people were kind and very welcoming. So many of them spoke English well enough that she rarely had to break out her translation dictionary.

  She was staying in a little cottage at the edge of town, it was within walking distance of most of the major attractions. She had done a lot of walking around during the first couple of days, admiring everything from the architecture to the breathtaking mountain views. Now, she was going to relax and spend the last few days bar-hopping and enjoying the locals. What could be more relaxing than a glass of wine and a view of the snow-capped Alps?

  Katherine looked over her appearance in the mirror and smiled with approval. She didn't get dressed up very often, she preferred jeans to skirts and flip flops to heels. However when she did put in a little effort, she had to admit that she cleaned up well. Her long, dark hair was pulled over one shoulder in a low ponytail, and her face was lightly made up to accent her green eyes. She was wearing a light blue dress that fell to her knees. Over that she had on a leather jacket, to keep out the chill from the snow capped mountains. She wore a pair of leather boots with a low heel, showing off her long legs and strong calves. She smiled seductively and blew her reflection a kiss. Katherine tucked her money and ID into the pocket of her jacket, and then headed out the door.

  It was only a short walk to the bar, dusk was already fading to night and the moon was beginning to appear above the crest of the mountains. Katherine looked up at the sky, marveling at how clearly she could see the stars here. Back in Seattle the sky was never so clear, there was too much light pollution and too many clouds in the way. When she arrived to the tavern she paused outside the entrance and smiled up at the full moon, it was growing brighter by the minute.

  Inside the bar was warm and cozy. It was dimly lit, and there was soft classical music playing in the background. Towns people and tourists alike sat around tables, booths, and at the bar itself, chattering and drinking. Katherine walked over to the bar and sat down on one of the stools, crossing her legs and leaning against the polished wood of the counter top.

  The bartender, a tall handsome blonde man, walked over and flashed her a smile. “What can I get for you, pretty lady from somewhere else?” he asked with a heavy accent.

  Katherine chuckled. “How do you know I'm not from around here?” she was curious how he knew right away.

  “I have worked here for long time,” he replied. “I have never seen you, and everyone comes through this tavern at one time or other.”

  That was fair enough. “Alright, I'll give you that,” Katherine said. “Can I just have a glass of wine, please?”

  “No, no, no,” said the bartender, shaking his head and wagging a finger at her. “Monopolowa.”

  Katherine frowned. “I'm sorry?”

  “Monopolowa,” the man repeated. “Vodka. You don't come to Austria and drink wine. You drink vodka.”

  Katherine wasn't much of a liquor drinker, but she didn't want to offend anyone, so she smiled and nodded. “Alright. Monopolowa it is. Just a small one, please. I don't want to get drunk and make a fool of myself.”

  The bartender winked at her and pulled a glass down from behind the bar. He wiped it out and then grabbed a clear bottle, flipping it over one shoulder before pouring into the glass. He poured a bit more than Katherine would have preferred, but she didn't say anything. She was eager to act like the locals and she wanted to fit in. If she got a bit more tipsy than she wanted...well, she would just sleep in later than she had planned the next day. Worse things could happen.

  She smiled her thanks when the bartender slid her drink to her. “How much?” she asked, reaching for the money in her pocket.

  “The first is always free, pretty lady,” the bartender replied. “But only the first. The second and third make you pay.”

  “Ah. Well, thank you,” Katherine replied. She didn't plan to have a second or third, anyway. She picked up her glass and took a large sip of the clear spirit, wincing as it burned its way down her throat. It was good, she'd give him that, and definitely strong. She shook her head to clear it and took another sip.

  “Good, pretty lady?”

  Katherine nodded. “Yes. It's good. Thank you.”

  The bartender winked at her again and poured another glassful, sliding it over to her. “Just in case, hm?” he said, before going further
down the bar to talk to another patron.

  A low chuckle came from beside her, and Katherine turned her head to see a dark haired man sliding onto the stool next to hers. “I see Claude has got you drinking the vodka,” he said. His voice was deep, and his accent was minimal.

  “Yep,” Katherine agreed. “It's not bad, actually.”

  “No, it's good stuff,” the man said. “He just makes sure that all the pretty young tourists get a glass of it on the house.”

  Katherine shrugged. “It's nice of him.”

  “Yes,” the man agreed. “Are you going to drink that second one?”

  “Um, no,” she told him. “I didn't plan on it.”

  “Then may I?” he asked, reaching for the glass. “I'll get you a glass of wine or something to compensate.”

  It wasn't really a good idea to take drinks from strangers, and Katherine could hear her mother and her sister yelling at her in her head. Still, she didn't see the harm in it, and she was watching the drinks being prepared right in front of her. She nodded and smiled. “Thank you.”

  “But of course,” the man said with a grin. He grabbed her second glass and drained it in one gulp, making a low noise before flagging down Claude the bartender. “A glass of white, Claude,” he called.

  Claude waved a hand at him and finished filling the glass of the man he was waiting on, but soon enough a tall glass of white wine made its way down the bar.

  “And there you are,” said the stranger, “enjoy.”

  Katherine quickly found herself being charmed by the man beside her. He asked her where she was from and told her about his travels as she sipped at her wine. The wine was very good, full bodied and crisp, and Katherine could already feel it going to her head. She probably should have had the wine before the vodka, but it was too late for that now. She laughed at something the man said, and it never occurred to her to ask his name. After all, chances were that she would never see him again anyway.

  “Are you here in St. Gilgen alone?” he asked her, leaning in closer to be heard over the laughter coming from a nearby table.

  “I am, yes,” Katherine replied with a smile. “Going to give me a lecture about the dangers of traveling alone?” If she had been more sober, Katherine would have been horrified with herself. She was not usually the flirting type, yet here she was.

  The man laughed and shook his head. “Far be it from me to lecture you, dear lady. You seem capable enough.”

  “I am capable!” Katherine agreed happily. She drained her wine glass and set in down.


  “Oh, no,” she said, leaning against the bar. “I will have a hard enough time as it is walking back to my cottage with just two drinks in me.”

  “Sounds like someone is a lightweight,” the man teased.

  “It was the Monopola... Mono...” Katherine shrugged, giving up. “It was the vodka.”

  “Ah, yes,” agreed the man. “The vodka will sneak up on you. Especially if you're not used to it.” He smiled and placed a hand on her knee. “Tell you what, since I feel partially responsible for you being in this state, why don't I walk home with you? Just to make sure you get there alright?”

  Katherine hesitated. Event through the haze of the alcohol in her system, she knew that having strange men walk with her in the middle of the night in a foreign country probably wasn't the best idea. At the same time, this man seemed nice enough, and she really didn't want to have to walk all the way back alone. Anything could happen to her, and it was dark. “Thanks,” she said finally. “I'd like that.”

  “Excellent,” the man said. “Shall we go now, then?”

  Katherine nodded her agreement, and she put down money to cover her drink on the bar and a tip for Claude. Then she smiled at the man.

  He took her arm. “Right this way, milady,” he teased, opening the door for her and leading her out into the cool night air.

  It wasn't cold, but there was something in the air that made Katherine pull her jacket closer around her. The large, full moon bathed the street and the buildings in a pale, almost ethereal light. It was beautiful, but there was also something quite eerie about it.

  “You know,” the man said softly, as they started down the street. “People say that strange things happen on nights when the moon is like this. Things that can't be explained.”

  Katherine laughed, her voice loud in the otherwise quiet atmosphere. “What, like beasts come down from the mountains and kidnap impressionable young girls?” she asked, weaving slightly. She remembered what her sister had read to her about the legends of Austria, and she turned her head to look at the mountains that towered over the town. They didn't look ominous, but there was something otherworldly about them when the moonlight reflected off the snow tops.

  “No, no,” the man corrected. “The beasts don't come down from the mountains.” He fell silent, then, turning them down another street.

  Katherine followed him, and the two walked in silence for a while. It had been nearly ten minutes when Katherine realized that she had never told the man where she was staying. Even if he had known, they would have been there already. She looked around the moonlit street they were on and didn't recognize anything.

  She began to feel strange. She had almost been chilly when they'd stepped out of the bar, but now she was getting hot. Her face felt flushed, and she knew somehow that it was from more than just the alcohol. Her clothes also felt tighter than they had when she'd put them on, and suddenly she very much wanted them off. That didn't make any sense, though. Why would she want to take her clothes off in the middle of the street? Especially a random street. Where were they going, again?

  She shook her head, trying to clear it, so she could make herself focus. Something wasn't right here.

  “Where...where are you taking me?” Katherine asked the man. She frowned, her voice sounding thick and sluggish to her ears. “I want to go back to my cottage.”

  “I'm taking you home,” the man said, and there was something strangely compelling about his voice. “Just relax, pretty lady. You'll be home soon.”

  That sounded safe enough to Katherine's muddled mind, and she continued to follow the man's lead. She tipped her face up, trying to get the cool air to cool off her hot cheeks, but it wasn't working. Her vision blurred for a moment, and it felt like her clothes had gotten even tighter. The mountains were looming closer in the distance, and it felt like the closer they got to it, the harder it was for Katherine to breathe. She wanted to tear her clothes off and...and...what? She didn't know.

  “Shh,” the man soothed, and Katherine settled. She couldn't help it when he was speaking to her in that low, comforting tone. “We are almost there.”

  Katherine had no idea where 'there' was, but she would be relieved when they finally arrived. She didn't know how much more of this she could stand. Her vision blurred again, suddenly, and the world went dark around the edges. “I think...” she mumbled. “I think I'm going to...”

  She stumbled and lost her footing, and she would have fallen if not for the strong arms of her companion. He scooped her up, and Katherine became aware of how he smelled cold like the snow, before she closed her eyes and everything went completely dark.

  When Katherine opened her eyes again, she was immediately aware of how warm she was. Her entire body felt flushed and sensitive, and she had no idea why. Then suddenly she became aware of the fact that she had no idea where she was. She blinked and looked around, it appeared that she was in some dark room. Her eyes adjusted gradually to the lack of light, and she was able to make out the outlines of the large objects in the room.

  Much to her horror she realized she was in a cage. The bars were thick, and spaced so that she couldn't even fit her arm through them if she tried. She was curled up at the bottom of the cage which was lined with some plush material that tickled her bare skin and made the heat worse. Wait...bare skin?

  Katherine sat up slowly and peered down at her body, she was completely naked. Her natural
instinct to panic at her current situation was somehow quelled. It didn't seem to make sense to her that she felt at ease, she knew she should be terrified. However she almost felt a sense of euphoria, and the shameful desire to touch herself.

  Katherine lifted her hands, only to find that they were cuffed together with thick metal shackles that rattled when she moved them, but she didn't let that stop her. She managed to find one of her nipples, and pinched it roughly. Sharp pain shot through her and she whined when it did nothing but frustrate her more.

  Her hands slipped down to her pussy, she realized that she was soaking wet and that her clit was swollen and throbbing with need. It didn't make sense for her to be so aroused like this. She had never been this turned on before in her life. She was being held captive in a strange place, bound and shackled, where was her will to survive! The last thing she remembered was walking with that strange man from the bar, and then everything was black. It must have been him, and the attractive bar tender was definitely in on it too, him and that damned Monopoly vodka.

  “Ah,” a smooth, cold voice said, interrupting her thoughts. “I see you're awake.”

  Katherine peered through the darkness in the direction the voice came from. She covered her eyes and blinked wildly as torches along the walls flared to life, the bright light temporarily blinded her. As her eyes slowly adjusted she drank in her surroundings.

  It wasn't a cold dank dungeon like she had expected, but rather a large great room that looked like it belonged in some old, Gothic castle somewhere. The walls were made of gray stone, and there were torches set into iron holdfasts. Suits of armor stood under the torches, their arms raised as if they were bearing the sources of light. There was very little furniture in the room, but what was there looked old and it was covered in expensive velvets and satins.


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