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Cuffed By A Kingpin 2

Page 6

by Heiress

  “If I could sit and soak up the sun all day, I would. This is just so nice,” I complimented the good weather. California was truly the sunny city. I was enjoying it on the deck in my white bikini.

  “Yea, it’s nice out here. You thinking about getting this place?’ Tre’ asked me. He was sitting across from me, and my legs were propped up on his lap. We were at one of my potential new houses that had a beautiful deck with a pool. I had been by for a few days admiring it and today, Tre’ allowed me to have it to myself. He pretty much handed me the house. I just haven’t made my decision yet.

  “I have that other place you took me to, but I think it was too big for me. The one with all the rooms,” I said, refreshing his memory. We had looked at over a dozen in the past couple of days. The other house had about ten bathrooms and seeing that I had only one ass, it was too much for me.

  “Yes, I remember now. That crib was crazy big. But I think it’s safe to say this the one. You prolonging this because it’s a big step. You know, being independent and all. But I have faith in you, Cali. You gone be straight on ya’ own,” he assured me. He was always so encouraging. He knew about my situation with Compton. Only the things I wanted him to know. Which was we were married, and he cheated, so I left. He knew I was pregnant and he still found interested in me. I couldn’t deny my attraction to him either.

  He was a light caramel shade, and he had a slim build. He kept his hair lined up, but it was a nappy fro at the top. He had these cute round eyes and deep dimples. What had me sprung was his bright smile and that bottom lip of his. Damn that bottom lip was everything.

  “It’s so hard to believe that you’re family are these ghetto savages, so you say. You’re always so positive and sweet. You must take after your momma,” I added.

  “Actually, my momma the mean one,” he replied, chuckling. “They both mean, but I guess it’s just me. I feel like life is what you make it. So if you out here being negative and dealing with bullshit, then you’re pretty much fucked. I just try to look at the bright side of everything. That’s all,” he told me, with a smile.

  “Ahem, well I think I’ve done enough sitting. I might as well sign for it,” I excitedly spoke, clapping my hands.

  “Good, because I was beginning to think you were stalling just to spend time with a brother,” he kidded with a cocky grin. “Let me step out for a minute.” He stood up and then walked away.

  To pass the time, I took out my phone to call Compton. We had an appointment today to find out the sex of the baby. I had been calling him all morning, but he wouldn’t answer for me. I was starting to get pissed because he missed the last appointment which was the original appointment to find out the sex. My baby wouldn’t turn so the doctor couldn’t tell. Now here we are again and still no answer from him. The baby wasn’t even here yet, and he was already a deadbeat daddy.

  “Ugh, I swear I can’t stand him!” I growled, throwing my phone. The fact that I still wanted to be with him didn’t help me either.

  “We all good to go, Cali. I talked to the owners and the bank, so all you have to do is sign. I’m waiting for my assistant to bring the papers now,” he let me know.

  “Okay, yaaaye! That’s great. But I need a favor. Compton isn’t answering and I don’t want to go to my appointment alone. Can you come-,”

  “You already know I’ll come. You don’t even have to ask,” he replied. I just knew he would say yes.

  “Thank you, Tre’. You are too good to me.” I got up to hug him. When he wrapped his arms around my waist, I melted. This man touch was so soft and gentle that it was almost as if he was made of cotton. My stomach was just a pudge so we were pretty close and I could feel him on my leg. I got horny instantly. I haven’t had sex since Compton, and I was dying to be touched.

  “My bad. He got a mind of his own,” he joked, chuckling.

  “It’s okay,” I whispered. I was so hot and bothered that my forehead was dripping sweat. We said nothing for what seemed like forever. Still wrapped up in each other’s arms, Tre’ then, slid his hand to the back of my head and pulled me closer to him. He did the unexpected, and kissed me. He kissed me, and I didn’t stop him. I actually wanted him to kiss me.

  I reached up and tangled my hands in his hair as he deepened the kiss. Moans escaped our mouths as our tongues danced magically. His lips were so soft, and I couldn’t get enough of them. I was so into it that I didn’t even stop him when he grabbed a hand full of my ass.

  “Mmmmm,” I moaned in his mouth. He then picked me up by my waist and held me against the deck’s beam. We were really into it. His hands felt up every part of my body. It was like we couldn’t wait for this to finally happen.

  “Ahem,” someone cleared their voice behind me. Tre’ didn’t even turn around, he just stopped kissing me. I think we both knew who it was. “I have the papers, Mrs. Banks,” she said, putting emphasis on the word Mrs. “They will be here on the desk ready for you to sign when you’re done.”

  “Thank you, Clarke,” he spoke up. Shortly after, I heard her heels clacking back in the house. I glanced up at Tre’ and he had a look of disappointment on his face. “I think we should uhh, we should probably go inside and-,”

  “Yea, yea. You should go sign the papers. I’ll be out here waiting,” he interrupted me. He slowly put me down and I watched him avoid eye contact with me. “Cali, look I’m sorry if I-,”

  “No it’s okay, Tre’. No regrets though. It felt really good,” I mumbled, leaning up on my toes and pecking his lips once more before backing away.

  Please just fuck me already. I’m sexually frustrated as hell.” I thought to myself.

  “I should go sign these papers and then we can leave.” I cleared my throat again and then I walked back inside. Clarke mugged me the entire time. She was definitely in her feelings about what just happened. I ignored her dirty looks and signed the papers.

  “Alright. Once we get these filed, Mr. Maine will drop off the keys and the house is yours. Enjoy,” she spoke with a slight attitude as she walked away from me. Rolling my eyes, I tried to get myself together before I snapped on her. She was very close to getting cursed out by a horny and hungry pregnant woman. After she left out, I walked back to the deck.

  “Your girlfriend was about to get slapped. I think she mad about what she just saw,” I said to his back. He turned around laughing.

  “She’ll be alright,” he uttered, unbothered.

  We did one more walk through and then we left and went our separate ways. I went home to wait on Sean. When he came to get me we drove straight to the dealership to get me a car. It was awkward because Sean and I haven’t really spoken about the kiss. It was as if it never happened, but yet I knew we both were thinking about it.

  When we got to the dealership, I knew exactly what I wanted. I had always wanted to have a Jeep Liberty and I was going to get it. “Cali please tell me you trying to be funny right now,” Sean said, chuckling as they brought the truck out. It was yellow which was my favorite color.

  “Why would I be trying to be funny? This car is so freaking cute. Oh, my, God!” I excitedly spoke, jumping up and down. I couldn’t had been happier.

  “Man- this ‘bout to be funny as shit when, C see this car. I’m gone be there to witness the bullshit.” He chuckled. I don’t know what he found so funny, but I loved my car. Compton shouldn’t care because I was the one driving it. Not him.

  “Whatever, Sean. Let me go pay for this and then you can take me back home. I have to get ready for my doctor’s appointment. I can’t wait to find out what I’m having. I think it’s a girl.”

  “Nah, it’s a boy,” he responded, taking a good look at me. “Damn, I don’t know now. You carrying pretty big to only be four mounts. You sure C, ain’t stuff twins in you,” he added. Squinting my eyes, I just glared at him without saying a word. I knew I was big but everybody didn’t have to keep saying it every five seconds. I’m pregnant. I’m not supposed to be skinny.

  After signing the pape
rwork for my car, I finally got my keys. I was so excited that I told Sean I would drive myself home, but he insisted on following me. I called everybody and they momma on my Bluetooth to let them know I got a new car. It may not had been a big deal to them but I was happy as hell. I called Compton three more times and still no answer. I decided to leave him a message.

  “Let me tell you something, if I don’t hear from you in the next few minutes, I’m coming to find you. This is going to be the second appointment you’ve missed and that’s not okay with me. Have your ass at the doctor’s office in an hour. I’m not playing, Compton!” angrily spat, hanging up the phone.

  I was livid. It was still shocking how my attitude could change in an instant with being hormonal. I was just ecstatic about my new car and now I’m pissed off. Some would think it was jealousy but it wasn’t. The only thing she had was Compton and I was by far jealous of that. He was allowing this girl to come between him being a father and that was not about to fly with me. Nope. Not today.

  We finally made it to my house and Sean had parked in front and hopped out the car with the quickness. It was as if something was wrong. I didn’t even have the chance to roll my window down before he pulled open my door.

  “Look, Cali I got to go see about some shit. I’ll check you later,” he let me know.

  “Why? What’s wrong?” I quizzed, folding my arms across my chest.

  “Some shit just popped off at the warehouse and it’s big. I got to go check it out with, C. You gone be good?” he asked me.

  Rolling my eyes, I waved him off dismissingly. “I’ll be okay. Go take care of that,” I responded, trying not to sound so upset. I was fuming on the inside. I was feeling left out and I didn’t like it. It’s not that I wanted attention, I just felt as if I should be a priority but I had to realize something. If someone really cared, they’ll make time for you. I guess Compton really didn’t care.

  “Cool. Let me know what the doctor say. It’s gone be a boy,” he replied, jogging away from my truck. I didn’t even respond. I just grabbed my purse and headed into the house. Compton was going to hear my mouth today, but it would have to wait. I had to go see if I was having an angel or a mini Compton. Luckily, I had Tre’ by my side.

  I couldn’t wait to let Compton’s ass have it. I came first and if he didn’t see that, then I’ll find someone else who could.



  Pressing down on the gas with all my strength, I sped to my warehouse. My alarm had went off ten minutes ago and I was all the way on the other side of town. I was on a date with Monique and she demanded all of my attention so she turned my phone off. As soon as I turned it back on, I had a million missed calls and texts. All from my family and Cali. When I read the text about my warehouse being trashed, I dipped out leaving Monique at the restaurant. I called Sean and told him to meet me there. Shit had just got real.

  Pulling up on the grass of my warehouse, I killed my engine and ran inside. As soon as I stepped foot inside, my entire body went numb. My warehouse was unrecognizable. Shit was everywhere and so were the bodies of my soldiers. They all were dead. I mean not one survived and that shit ate me up. It caused a beast to rise out of me like no other.

  “Who the fuck did this?” I quizzed to my remaining men behind me. “Huh? WHO THE FUCK DID IT?” I barked louder when I didn’t get a quick enough response. You had to understand my anger. I fed these niggas and was responsible for them. Because of this, their blood was on my hands.

  “They left a message, C,” Snoop spoke up, tilting his head to the left. I rounded the corner of the bullet hole riddled wall and there it was. Written in black, on my crumbling wall, was a message.

  I’m coming for yo’ thrown bitch ass nigga-Black

  When I saw his name, pure rage grew inside of me like the fucking Hulk. The temperature turned up to Hell and that nigga was about to feel my wrath. “Find him and bring him to me! I WANT THAT NIGGA’S HEAD! How fucking hard is it to find one black ass nigga? Huh?” I quizzed over my shoulder. “In broad fucking daylight!

  “Word on the street is that he working with them, Jamaicans. He in hiding. He got niggas out here doing his dirty work for him. We ain’t gone find that nigga for a minute.”

  “And why the hell not?” I barked. Snoop was my nigga, but right now he was just another worker. Right now, I didn’t even consider him a friend.

  “C, listen- I know you heated right now but that nigga, Black, smart as fuck. He stole the drugs, the guns the money and the maps.”

  If I could get any hotter in anger, I would be a fucking sauna. “Don’t tell me you talking about the tunnel maps. Don’t fucking tell me it’s the tunnel maps? Don’t tell me that,” I repeated pacing the floor back and forth. “Do you know what this shit means?” I quizzed, pinching the bridge of my nose. “This means this fuck nigga plans on doing something with them tunnels. We all know he can’t do shit without, Cali. That nigga gone come after my wife and that shit can’t happen,” I explained, still pacing.

  Just thinking about him trying to hurt Cali made my blood boil. “FUCK!” I roared, punching a hole in the wall.

  “C, calm down. We gone get this nigga. We just need time to-,” Sean was saying, but I shot him a look that told him to shut the fuck up.

  “Do it look like I have time? My wife is pregnant with my fucking seed. She gone give birth by the time we find that nigga. I want him now!” I barked. I don’t know if they knew the desperateness that I was feeling. Jamaican gangstas were after my wife and my child. Together or not, they were my family, and I was gone protect them with everything that was within me.

  “Clean this shit up and set up funerals for my soldiers. Make sure the blues think this was gang related and burn this bitch down,” I ordered, walking away from and heading to my car.

  “C, where you going?” Snoop shouted out to my back.

  “To go get some fucking answers that y’all niggas can’t get!” I yelled back. I hopped in my whip and peeled off burning rubber. I went to go pay a couple of people a visit. The one thing I didn’t fuck around with was my family. You could beef with me and cause me pain all day, but my family, that was when the savage in me released.

  My old man inherited this business from my grandfather when he was sixteen years old. My grandfather died from cancer and left everything to my momma. Of course, she didn’t know what the hell she was doing, so she gave it to my pops. He and my uncle's Ice and Raz rebuilt this shit. My uncle Raz was in charge of the drugs, but that nigga got greedy. He went to Cali’s pops to do business on his own, and that shit ain’t work. He told my old man what happened and him and Uncle Ice cut Raz out the family business.

  I said all that to say, I wanted to be better than my old man, but me and my boys were doing the same shit. Snoop was loyal, and Black was a two-timing son of a bitch like my Uncle Raz. Wasn’t shit different. It was a repeated cycle, and that shit was pathetic. Because of me not being smart, I put my soldiers’ lives at risk. Now I got to explain to over twenty families why they son or daughter is no longer with us. That was tough for me.

  Pulling up to Black’s momma’s street, I made sure to park far away. He had a little brother by the name of Tretch that I kept tabs on. His family ain’t give two shits about him, so he was willing to talk for the right price. When I saw the bus let out, I watched and waited for Tretch to get off. He was a junior in high school and smart as hell. When I got eyes on him, I beeped my horn to get his attention.

  When he noticed me, he made his way to my whip. He opened the door, got in and I pulled off. “How school T?” I asked once we were off the block.

  “It’s cool, C. I got an engineering scholarship, so I guess it’s all good. I heard you got a wife and baby on the way. Congrats bro,” he offered up.

  “Yea, it’s a fucking nightmare but ‘preciate it. But enough of the small talk. I got dead bodies lying around, and ya’ brother is the bitch nigga responsible for it. I need to know whe
re he at,” I said, reaching for my glove department. I pulled out a few stacks and tossed it to him to make him talk. Money always talk.

  “Aight’ so look, I don’t know where he at. You know I would tell you if I did. But he was just at momma’s house this morning. He was talking to her about how he about to come into some money and how he was gone put her in a new crib out in Queens,” he told me.

  “That ain’t enough to go on, T. Give me some good shit. Something that can help me find this nigga.”

  Sitting back in the seat, he counted through the cash. “Aight’. I heard him talking to somebody about having an inside man to get him some crown. I don’t know who the dude was. He also mentioned some Jamaican chick he was working for or working with. They said something else about kidnapping somebody too. That’s it though; I don’t know nothing else.”

  “That’s cool. That was enough for me to go off of. Now get ya’ ass out my whip and keep doing good in school.” I dapped him up, and then he got out. I got more information from a fucking teenager than some grown ass niggas. Pulling out my phone, I dialed Snoop and waited for him to answer. “What’s good, C?”

  “I need you to keep an eye out on the rest of the soldiers. Somebody is feeding that nigga, Black info and it’s coming from the inside. I want eyes on everybody, and that’s including my fucking family. All them niggas suspect off rip. Got it?”

  “Yea, I got you. I’m on that shit right now. Anything else, Hulk Jr,” he kidded, chuckling. I cracked a smile at his joke. I guess that was a very descriptive nickname on how I was acting earlier.

  “Nah, but is, Sean still with y’all?” I asked him.

  “Yea. I think he on the phone with Cali. You know that’s his new girlfriend,” he joked, laughing like that shit was funny. “So how does this shit work? Ya’ cousin and ya’ wife. Like is that incest or does that make y’all brother husbands or some shit-,”


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