Draechen's Mate [Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 2] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove)

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Draechen's Mate [Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 2] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove) Page 14

by Scarlet Hyacinth

  His mate pounded him harder and harder, as if he couldn’t get deep enough no matter how much he tried. And then, out of the blue, he gripped Sari and flipped him on his back yet again. In the process, he had to leave Sari’s body, but he quickly thrust back inside again. It all happened so fast that Sari barely registered the absence. Apparently, he had changed his mind about the best position for their coupling. And when their eyes met, Sari mentally congratulated Karein for this idea.

  Simply the sight of the draechen almost made Sari come. He had witnessed Karein losing control before, allowing himself to let go. However, this time was different. The wildness in Karein’s eyes was purely sexual, and the tension in his strong shoulders spoke of a man in search of the ultimate pleasure. Sweat beaded his brow, and his lips were curled in near-snarl, but desire was the emotion behind that expression, not anger or discontent.

  Even under normal circumstances, Sari would have had no words to describe what he felt, let alone now, when he was overcome by lust and sensation. Therefore, he didn’t even try to vocalize anything. He just clung to Karein’s shoulders, finding them a strong anchor in a world that was quickly collapsing around him.

  He was close, so very close to coming. He just needed one more thing, one last thing to push him over the edge once again. Tilting his head, Sari offered himself for Karein’s claiming. He might not have known everything about draechen wedding rituals, but he did know this. In his mind, in his heart and soul, he craved it.

  Karein didn’t delay in taking Sari’s offer. In one single instant, he struck, burying his fangs in Sari’s throat. The rapture that filled Sari was unlike anything he had experienced. It was pain, pleasure, no, a sensation that went beyond any simple concept like that. A million small suns exploded inside Sari as he climaxed. As Karein followed him into orgasm, Sari actually felt the mate bond click into place. A strange rush of heat swept through him, as if a tidal wave of lava, of pure energy was invading him. It was so intense that Sari almost feared what would happen when it retreated. But oddly enough, it never seemed to retreat. Instead, it reached out to Sari’s very core until he didn’t know where he ended and Karein began. Karein’s feelings and memories were his, and Sari was an open book to the draechen. Even knowing what kind of chance he was taking, Sari experienced no doubt or hesitation. He knew his mate would never betray him.

  It went on and on, for what seemed like forever, and yet, lasted far too little. Finally, Karein released his hold on Sari’s neck. Sari returned to reality, feeling dazed, humbled, and in awe with all the emotions bubbling inside him, both his own and Karein’s.

  Karein was the one who recovered first. “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Better than okay,” Sari answered. “What about you?”

  He knew his mate had been worried about this night. All of Karein’s doubts and fears were now clear to him. “Do you see now that I was right?” he continued.

  Karein chuckled as his spent dick slid out of Sari’s ass. “Yes, of course. How could I have ever thought differently?”

  “Well, now you know.” Sari grinned and cuddled close to his mate. “Don’t make the mistake of doubting me again.”

  Karein’s hand tangled through Sari’s locks. “Never,” he murmured. Although Sari’s comment had been teasing, Karein sounded completely serious.

  Sari was more than ever aware of the gift he’d been granted and the task that came with it. Karein was so very strong, but inside that shell he’d created for himself, his soul was bleeding. Sari ached for him, but he had faith that, in time, with a lot of love, he’d manage to mend all wounds. Because, starting this night, they were truly one, like both of them had wanted.

  “One.” Karein’s voice drifted into Sari’s mind, confirming the reality of their bond. “Yes, we are.” He met Sari’s glance and added, “I know I haven’t said this before, but in case you don’t know already, I love you, baby.”

  Was this man ever going to stop melting Sari’s heart? “I love you, too,” Sari replied. “So very much.”

  Karein smiled at him, and the expression was the most open, calmest one Sari had ever seen on the draechen’s face. His mate looked—he felt—at peace. It meant the world to Sari that he had managed to give Karein that.

  “Sleep now, baby,” Karein said. “You’re safe.”

  Sari believed him. He closed his eyes and relaxed against Karein’s chest. As he succumbed to the exhaustion of the day and their sensual acrobatics, he knew that for good or ill, this had been the best day of his life.

  * * * *

  When the cries of passion finally stopped, Charlize didn’t know if she was supposed to feel relieved or terrified. She had truly been worried about tonight, but not even in her worst nightmares had she imagined her half brother would act so shamelessly.

  Jenarra above, Sari and his new mate had retreated in the imperial wing for the night. And yet, while she and Misael had been talking a walk outside, on the cliff, the practically pornographic noises had reached their ears. Sadly, they hadn’t been the only ones around, so half the guards in Draechenburg had overheard Prince Sareltae Norrenddare Myrthylar lea Tersain scream, “Yes! Oh, yes! There. Harder.”

  The entire thing had grown so vulgar that the draechen had started to give Charlize and Misael lecherous looks, as if wondering if the two of them were up for a ride, too. “See?” Charlize hissed. “I told you that whore wasn’t to be trusted.”

  Misael grabbed her arm and dragged her back into the building. “Keep your voice down. Making a scene will solve nothing.”

  “And what do you suggest then?” Charlize asked, throwing her hands up. “That we just leave things as they are? At this rate, Sareltae will plunge Ivenia into a war just because he’s interested in bending over for a draechen.”

  “It occurred to me that Sari’s behavior is strange,” Misael answered after a brief pause. “I don’t understand how he even accepted Prince Shtamakarein into his bed when he knows full well that the Dog-Catcher killed his best friend.”

  Charlize blinked. “You’re right. I didn’t think of that.”

  It wasn’t exactly common knowledge, but word had reached their ears that Caelyn Sutharlainn had found his death at Shtamakarein’s hands. Not that it had surprised Charlize, given the rumors of what Caelyn had done. The fact that Sareltae openly accepted this relationship with Shtamakarein was strange, indeed. “Do you think he doesn’t know about it?”

  “It’s possible,” Misael answered. “Eanera could have kept it from him. She’s entirely capable of doing so, if she thought it for her own benefit.”

  “Well, then, perhaps not all is lost,” Charlize answered. “If Sareltae hasn’t crossed the line tonight, we can tell him the truth about his new mate in the morning. I’m betting that once he sees the truth about Prince Shtamakarein, he won’t be so eager to share a bed with his new mate.”

  Misael nodded, then lifted a hand to his lips. Charlize quickly silenced herself. He was right. It simply wasn’t safe to talk in Draechenburg, especially in the middle of a corridor. They hadn’t said anything that would endanger the safety of their people, but still they had to be careful.

  “Tomorrow, we’ll handle it,” Misael added quietly. “There’s still hope.”

  Charlize snorted. Relying on Sareltae’s loyalty was now folly. If she and her family wanted Ivenia to be safe, they had to take matters into their own hands.

  As it turned out, their tentative plan had no chance of success. Before they could reach their quarters and escape for the night, they were intercepted by their father. “A word with you, children.”

  Selbrian’s tone clearly pointed out that this was an order and not something Charlize and Misael could refuse. Charlize followed after her father, wondering if she could approach him about Sareltae’s odd behavior. Surely, as king, Selbrian was concerned about Ivenia as well.

  Selbrian ushered them into his quarters. Their mother wasn’t around, but that didn’t surprise Charlize. As the Ivenian queen,
Onyerre had to play the political game tonight and pretend to be a loving parent for Sareltae. Since Charlize and Misael had no claim to the Ivenian throne, they had a little more freedom, although Charlize couldn’t fathom why their father had chased them down.

  “We didn’t get to speak enough this morning,” Selbrian said. “Be very careful with what you say or do while here. You will be coming home with me when we leave, but until then, I expect you to support your brother in any way that you can.”

  “About that.” Misael cleared his throat awkwardly. “We’ve noticed a certain…eagerness in Sari regarding Prince Shtamakarein. We really can’t understand it. Isn’t he aware that his new mate killed Caelyn Sutharlainn?”

  Selbrian’s expression darkened. “Don’t mention that name here. It’s too dangerous. And no, your brother isn’t aware of it. Eanera and I have kept it from him.”

  Charlize couldn’t understand his reasoning. “But why, Father? If we don’t tell him, he might fall victim to the draechen’s seduction. You don’t know what we heard just now.”

  “Whatever you heard, you are forbidden to discuss the sprite with your brother or anyone else in Draechenburg.” He took a deep breath, and Charlize felt a wave of magic sweep over the room. A few moments later, Selbrian spoke again, “Do not forget Caelyn Sutharlainn is one of the reasons we’re here in the first place, or, the pretext the draechen are trying to use to start this war. One wrong whisper reaching the ears of the Emperor, and it’ll be all over.”

  For the first time since Charlize had reached Draechenburg, Charlize felt safe. She knew that, for a limited period, her father’s powers could keep a shield up that would prevent anyone from hearing their conversation. Sadly, the kind of mastery required for that sort of spell was beyond her and her brothers. Her only comfort was a little petty since Sareltae couldn’t do it either.

  Either way, this gave Charlize the chance to say what she hadn’t managed to do all day. “I understand, Father. But Sareltae will betray us. He’s the one who is whispering all the wrong things to our enemies. He got us in this mess in the first place by becoming involved with that treacherous sprite. Why should Ivenia have to suffer for it?”

  Selbrian fixed her with a glare that pierced Charlize to the very core. “What exactly are you suggesting?”

  “Nothing,” Charlize backed down immediately. She knew better than to follow on that line of conversation, at least with this audience. “But there must be something we can do to prevent disaster.”

  “For now, we will trust Sari,” Selbrian said. “I have faith in his judgment, and I know he will do the right thing. Whatever attraction exists between him and his new mate matters little since Sari is well aware of his duty.” His gaze went from Charlize to Misael, then back to her. “As for you two… You are not allowed to mention Caelyn’s death to anyone, and Sari in particular. Do you understand, children?”

  He sounded more decisive than Charlize had ever heard him, which was kind of a record, given the countless times she’d been witness to Selbrian reprimanding her mother or Charlize herself for their behavior toward Sareltae and Eanera. Charlize automatically nodded. “Yes, Father. Of course.”

  Misael said the same thing, which seemed to please Selbrian. But even as their king and sire dismissed them, Charlize couldn’t help but wonder what could have possibly urged her father to react like that. It simply made no sense. For the moment, Charlize’s hands were tied, but she had every intention to investigate it. She only hoped that whatever her father was hiding wouldn’t contribute to the fall of Ivenia.

  Chapter Ten

  When Karein opened his eyes, the first thing he thought was Overlords, I’m married. Then, his gaze fell on the sleeping figure by his side, and that original idea melted into something else, pure awe. He’s really mine. How can this be?

  The night had passed with no incident, if Karein discounted the incredible sex he’d had with his mate. But no nightmares had come back to haunt him, and he hadn’t hurt Sari in any way. It almost seemed too good to be true.

  The best part about it was that he knew that this perfection was wholly and absolutely real—at least, where the two of them were concerned. The beautiful creature slumbering in Karein’s arms made it all possible. Memories of the day before flashed through Karein’s mind eye as he caressed Sari’s silky hair. His mate had been so beautiful in his passion. Sari probably hadn’t realized at the time, but he’d literally glowed. The gem in the center of his forehead had started to shine, and Karein had almost been reluctant to touch him out of fear that he’d shatter that purity, that loveliness.

  But somehow, Sari managed to be both the ultimate image of innocence and the most sensual creature on the planet. Karein had no idea how it was possible, but Sari made it work. Even knowing how tight Sari’s ass had felt around his dick, and how eagerly the fae had sucked on Karein’s member, he couldn’t see Sari otherwise but pure.

  The recollections he himself conjured made lust flow through him. His morning erection pointed out that Sari’s likely willing body was right there. All Karein had to do was wake Sari, perhaps with a kiss, and they could start over what they’d done the night before.

  As if hearing his thoughts, Sari slowly opened his eyes and released a soft hum of contentment. “Mmmm…I like waking up next to you. Think about me some more. I love the feel of your desire.”

  Karein chuckled. The mate bond certainly had its perks. He took his mate’s hand and brought it to his dick. “You can feel it all you want,” he replied.

  Sari didn’t delay in complying with Karein’s request. Karein hissed as his mate’s delicate hand moved up and down his cock. Sari’s pink tongue peeked out from his lips as he rubbed his thumb over Karein’s glans. He was considering what he should do first, what was the best way to pleasure Karein. Sari enjoyed Karein’s taste a great deal, and he was now remembering how Karein’s dick had felt in his mouth.

  It was very strange for Karein to get accustomed to the roll of Sari’s erotic thoughts, especially when they all starred him, but he didn’t plan to complain. Of course, this meant that his focus was completely off, so Sari took him by surprise when he suddenly released Karein’s prick. Karein would have grumbled at the loss of his mate’s touch, but then, Sari straddled him, his ass hovering over Karein’s jutting erection. Apparently, as much as a blow job appealed to him, Karein’s urgency and his own made it insufficient.

  “Wait,” Karein gasped out, seeing Sari’s intentions in the fae’s mind. He couldn’t believe what he was saying. His dick was practically screaming at him “you idiot,” and Karein was about to stop the whole thing. “You need lubricant. I haven’t prepared you.”

  “I’ll be fine,” Sari said. “I’m still slick from last night.”

  Without allowing Karein to protest any further, Sari positioned himself over Karein’s dick and pushed down. Karein groaned as the head of his erection popped past the guardian ring of muscles and into the snug hold of Sari’s channel. He held onto Sari’s hips, trying to control the fae’s motions so that Sari wouldn’t accidentally hurt himself.

  Sari allowed Karein to guide the rhythm, but wouldn’t be thwarted until he fully impaled himself on Karein’s dick. Still, in spite of his words and daring, his full lips twisted in a small grimace of pain. It took everything in Karein’s power not to start fucking his mate in earnest, but he remained completely motionless, allowing Sari to take over.

  “Slowly, baby,” he whispered through their bond. “Don’t rush it. We have all the time in the world.”

  His lust was so intense that he couldn’t have uttered the words out loud, but fortunately, it wasn’t necessary, not anymore. Sari met his gaze and smiled slightly. “We do, don’t we?”

  The fae’s body relaxed, and Karein could practically feel the pain melting away into a pleasurable burn. And then, Sari lifted himself off Karein’s dick and shoved his body back down. Both of them cried out at the ecstasy that exploded through them. The thin threads of Karein’s co
ntrol snapped, and he started to thrust, meeting his mate’s every motion.

  From that point on, everything became a blur of passion and desire. Sari rode Karein with abandon, and the position made Karein feel like he could go deeper inside Sari than ever before. He allowed his own possessive instincts to run wild, fucking Sari harder and harder.

  Sari’s cries rose in the air, a hypnotizing siren song to which Karein became a willing slave. The fae’s white-blond hair flew everywhere like wispy waves, falling around his shoulders and curling around his flushed cheeks. The gem—that fascinating jewel—was glowing again. In spite of all the treasures the draechen had accumulated, Karein had never once fallen into gem lust. However, that strange stone enchanted him. He wanted to kiss it, touch it, trace it with his tongue.

  But there was no time for that, not right now. Karein’s climax was already approaching. He could feel it sizzling in his spine, in his balls, so close. He had to do one last thing to feel complete. Surrendering to that urge, Karein rolled them over, changing their positions so that Sari was on the bottom. Continuing to move in and out of his mate, he lingered on the edge for a few moments longer. When he couldn’t bear the nearly suffocating fire of his need for Sari, he struck. Burying his fangs in Sari’s flesh, he claimed his lover once more, just like he had the night before.

  The moment Sari’s blood hit Karein’s taste buds, he came, filling his lover’s channel with his seed. Fireworks of energy burst through his body as his mind became one with Sari’s. Before mating Sari, Karein would have never thought any type of power could surprise him, but the beauty of what they created together swept over him like a transformative wave, cleansing his heart and soothing his soul. Sari’s ass tightened around Karein’s dick as the fae came as well, his orgasm propelling Karein into renewed rapture.


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