ROMANCE: ALIEN ROMANCE: Captured by the Alien Dragon (Alpha Male Alien Abduction BBW Romance) (Bad Boy Shifter Fantasy Romance)

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ROMANCE: ALIEN ROMANCE: Captured by the Alien Dragon (Alpha Male Alien Abduction BBW Romance) (Bad Boy Shifter Fantasy Romance) Page 9

by Natalie Frost

  “You’re in the hospital, dear,” the woman said, turning away from her and writing something down on a chart next to her bed.

  “Where is Amias?” Nicole asked, quickly remembering the last time she saw him. He was in a battle; her father was there. “Is he okay?”

  “You need to rest,” the woman said to her, not answering her question.

  “No!” she yelled out. “Where is he? Is he okay?” she felt a wave of panic wash over her. If she wasn’t answering her questions, it had to be because something happened! The woman just patted her shoulder and turned to walk out of the room. “Wait!” she cried out after her. “Come back!” But it was too late, the woman was gone, and it was clear she wasn’t coming back.

  “You shouldn’t yell in a hospital,” she heard a familiar voice say; “it’s not polite.” Around the corner, Amias appeared. His arm was in a sling, and he had a bandage going across his head.

  “You’re alive!” she exclaimed, a feeling of relief filling her. “I was so worried! I had no idea what happened to you!”

  He walked over to her bed and sat down next to her, smiling at her kindly. “How are you feeling?” he asked stroking her hair slowly.

  “Better now that you’re here,” she replied. “But, wait,” she said, pushing herself up. A jolt of pain radiated out from her arm, but she tried her best to ignore it. “What about your people? Where are they? Did they get away? How are you here?”

  “Nicole,” he said slowly, “look around you.”

  She did as he said and noticed that the hospital room she was in was unlike any she had seen before. The machines appeared more advanced, and the lights let off a warm green color, instead of the usual fluorescent white. The wall next to her bed was covered in panels, all closed up tightly. “Are we on the ship?” she asked as the pieces fell into place.

  Amias reached over and grabbed a small remote sitting next to her bed. “What do you think?” he asked, pressing a button. The panels next to her hummed quietly as they slid up, disappearing into the ceiling, revealing a large window. Outside all she saw was dark space, with points of bright white lights sprinkled across it—stars.

  “Wow,” she said, letting her jaw hang open.

  “When you got shot, I had to bring you on board,” he explained. “You needed immediate attention, and your father didn’t seem concerned enough to make sure you got it.”

  “My father,” she said under her breath. “Is he okay?” As much as she despised him, he was still her father. She still felt a sort of obligation to worry about him.

  “That’s what I love about you,” Amias said. “You care about him, even though he treated you the way he did.”

  “He brought me to you, didn’t he?” she asked smiling.

  “Yes, he did,” he answered, leaning forward and kissing her quickly on her forehead. “And don’t worry. He’s fine. He was injured in the fight, but it wasn’t anything major. He drove off with his men, and I’m sure he’ll recover.”

  “Good,” she said letting herself relax and fully absorb where she was and what was happening. “So, I’m going with you?” she asked, a hint of relief and excitement in her voice.

  He leaned in and kissed her softly. “You’re coming with me,” he said to her. “We found a new planet. One that will support life.”


  “Yes,” he said taking her hand in his. “We’re going there now. One of our other scout teams found it, and it’s safe, Nicole! We can settle there, forever. We can make a life there!” He lifted her hand and placed a soft kiss on the back of her knuckles. “You and me,” he said looking her deep in the eyes. “We can make a life there—together.”

  *** THE END ***

  Stolen by the Alien Dragon


  I was slowly dying inside. As a rule, I preferred my family in low doses but with a family gathering my tolerance was particularly low. It wasn't that I didn't like them. They were nice people all in all; I just had the persistent feeling that they didn't like me.

  That was fine. I didn't fit into their world, anyway. I wasn't skinny and successful and efficient like my cousins. I wasn't well-established and confident like my aunts and uncles. I was just me, Angie, the runt of the Bates family.

  I worked as a copy editor for a firm that promised raises and promotions that never happened. I told myself - and my family - that I would rather have a long term job on my resume than several times of jumping around to find a job that wouldn't take advantage me. I told myself that this was just a stepping stone before my life really started. It was just a matter of time before I had bragging rights with my family. I just needed to lose weight, earn more money, be better at my life. Until then I wasn't really counted as part of the family.

  And that suited me, because when it happened that I needed to leave them for whatever reason - like say sneaking out to see a boyfriend they wouldn't approve of, for instance - it wasn't hard to get away from them with some excuse.

  "Have you lost weight?" Aunt Carla asked me when I stood at the table where I'd stationed myself next to the bowl of chips. We both knew I hadn't. It wasn't like I was obese or anything. Size twelve is not fat.

  "Thank you for asking," I said and smiled. I couldn't say I was trying, either. The chips were a shouting testimony that I really wasn't.

  "How's work going?" she asked with a smile that looked plastered on and fake.

  "It's going really well. My boss is organizing--"

  My phone rang, cutting the conversation short. Thank God, because I'd been making it up as I went along and I'd just been running out of things to say.

  "Speak of the devil," I said and smiled before I turned my back.

  "You ready to escape?" Mick's gravelly voice was music to my ears.

  "You're a saint." In a loud voice, I said - "Can't it wait until Monday?... Okay... I understand." I hung up and turned around. They were all looking at me. I shrugged.

  "Emergency at the office."

  "A copy editing emergency?" My dad sounded skeptical. I shrugged. "I'm not going to know what it is until I get there."

  I smiled, picked up my bag and hurried away. The moment I stepped out into the sun I felt like I could breathe again. I got into my car and started the engine, weaving my way out of the residential area.

  Redwall, Virginia, was a small town located just West of Fredericksburg along the Potomac River. I took the main road out of town and pulled into a picnic spot that looked out over the river a couple miles outside of town. Mick was already there.

  He wore faded jeans, a sleeveless t-shirt, and boots that rounded off the whole bad-ass look I loved so much. His sandy hair was windblown and messy in the hottest way and his eyes were the color of slate when he turned them on me.

  He hopped off the picnic table he'd been sitting on and put his arms around me.

  "I missed you, gorgeous."

  He kissed me and I smiled. Everything faded away when I was with him. When I was in his arms I felt like a diva. I felt like a ten. When I was with him my hair was auburn not burnt red. My eyes were hazel and gold, not an indecisive color, and I was more than good enough.

  "I missed you, too. God, you have no idea."

  He got back onto the picnic table and put his feet up on the bench. I did the same. Mick - short for Michael, I was guessing - Gibson was my knight in shining armor. He made me feel like a celebrity, someone who was worth his time and attention, even when I didn't feel like it myself.

  I ironed invisible creases out of my black pants with my palm. I was aware of how close he was sitting to me, even though the table was more than big enough for the both of us.

  "What was your day like?" I asked. We looked over the river. It was filled to the brim with the rain. May had the most days of rain in the year and the fields were green and abundant.

  Mick shrugged. "It was relaxed. I waited here until the time you said to call you, and then I waited for you to get here. Sometimes it's good just to clear your he
ad and think about the things that are important."

  "And what's that?"

  He looked at me I felt like I could fall and fall and fall and never reach the bottom of those eyes.


  A thrill ran through me. "Me?"

  He nodded and flashed me a half-cocked smile that made me melt into a puddle.

  "You can't tell me you don't know you're important to me."

  I shrugged. "I know you're a charmer."

  He smiled again and shrugged back at me. I'd met him a while ago at a book fair, of all places. He'd stuck out like a sore thumb wearing a leather jacket and shoes that sounded heavy when he walked. I asked him if he was lost.

  "I was until I saw you." His answer had been so corny and I'd fallen for him immediately.

  "I don't know how you can spend so much time doing nothing at all," I said. I was the kind of person that needed to be busy all the time. If it was work or housework or hobbies or people, I needed to be stimulated or I lost my mind. But that was typical of the difference between me and Mick. He was calm and collected, confident in who he was, and I was frantic, trying to find something good enough to present to the world.

  He shrugged a second time, a testament to his laid back attitude.

  "You worry too much, babe."

  He took my hand and kissed the back of it before he cradled it again his chest. The wind turned and I could smell him, something I would have labeled 'Dark Temptations'.

  "Don't you have a family you spend time with?" I said.

  "You know they don't live around here."

  I nodded. He'd told me, but he'd never even gone away to visit them. Not that we'd been together that long, maybe he'd gone just before we'd met or something. Still, I would have liked to be introduced to his family. It was the next step in a relationship in my opinion.

  I didn't doubt, though, that our relationship was serious. And in a way I was relieved he didn't want to introduce me to his family yet. If I met his family I might have had to get him to meet mine, and that would be a disaster. By some miracle, he saw something else, something better when he looked at me, but an hour with my family would be enough for them to change his mind about me completely.

  Maybe it was a blessing in disguise that it was just the two of us for now. I sighed and leaned against Mick with my head on his shoulder. It was perfect like it had been made especially for me. His skin was hot on my cheek and his smell lingered in my nostrils so that all I breathed was him.

  Mick moved his hand under my chin and tipped my head up. He looked into my eyes and then he closed the distance between us. His lips came down on mine and I was lost to this world. He traced my lower lip with his tongue and when I opened my mouth he swirled his tongue around mine until I was a blubbery mess at the tips of his fingers.

  When he broke the kiss he looked at me and his eyes had gone lighter, his pupils dilated.

  "Do you want to get out of here, babe?"

  I nodded. I really did. He got in my car and I drove us to his cottage just outside town. He rented it from old Mr. Simpkins and it was the kind of place that suited him perfectly.

  The door was barely closed when we were on each other again. His hand fumbled with the buttons of the ugly blouse I'd chosen for my family. I pushed his shirt over his stomach and traced his abs while he worked my pants down my legs. When I was naked in front of Mick he looked at me like I was a porn star.

  His body was taut, muscle and lust. He only paused for a moment to kiss me again before his hands started exploring my body. He tugged at my nipples, sucked on them, traced my outline with his fingers before he found the V where my legs came together. I shuddered when his fingers pushed into my sex and I backed up on wobbly legs until I felt the bed behind my legs.

  I lay back and my thighs fell open for him. He crawled over me and his eyes stayed on mine when he positioned himself between my legs and pushed into me. No matter how many times we did this I would never get used to his size and his strength and the way he made me feel delicate. I closed my eyes and got lost in the sensation. He was on me and inside of me and his mouth was in my neck, sucking and nibbling the skin while his body worked its magic and I edged closer and closer to the precipice.

  When my orgasm started he was right there with me. It started at my core and burst through me with an explosion of pleasure. I cried out, curled around him and dug my nails into his shoulder. He hissed and then released inside of me.

  Magic was the only word for it. I tried other ways to describe it sometimes and I never could. I felt him pulsating inside me, drawing my orgasm out until I wasn't sure which of the tangle of limbs were mine and which were his.

  When the orgasm faded and left just me and him together he slipped out of me and rolled off, lying next to me. He breathed just as hard as I did. I turned my head and looked at him. He smiled.

  "I can't ever get enough of you, you know that?" He smiled.

  Were there times where I wondered what someone like him was doing with someone like me? Yes. Were there times where I wondered if he was just using another line? Yes. But then something like this happened and he looked so damn genuine when he told me what he felt for me that I couldn't help but believe him.

  "You're incredible," I said. He pulled me closer to him so that I lay on his chest. I heard the beating of his heart and liked to think that it beat only for me.


  Copy Editing sounds more fun than it is. I had to go through articles that people wrote and make sure their grammar and syntax was correct. There were only so many serial commas I could face before I felt like maybe it was getting a little redundant.

  I didn't want to be in the office. The place was drab and stifling, with white walls that had no character besides cat posters to motivate people working there - which it didn't - and gray industrial carpets that detracted even more from what little personality the place had.

  I didn't have friends in the office. They were all writers or editors or publishers and they were serious about what they did. 'Deadlines' was the buzz word of life at the office.

  "Do you want to come out to a late lunch with the publishing team on the second floor?" Samantha popped her head over the partition between our two cubicles. I was working on a piece about cholesterol that would go live online in less than a week. I shook my head without looking up.

  "I don't really fit in with that crowd."

  Samantha snorted. "You say that about everyone."

  I shrugged and looked up. "Can you blame me? It's not like it's a lie."

  Samantha rolled her eyes and shook her head. "If you don't do anything about it, you're going to be lonely for the rest of your life."

  I nodded and carried on working until she left me alone. I wasn't lonely, I had Mick. I fit in with him. That was all I needed. My whole life I hadn't belonged anywhere. I hadn't fit in with the kids at school - I'd weighed too much to fit in with the cool kids, I hadn't read enough to hang out with the nerds, I'd ended up with a group of kids that had self-esteem issues and bad acne and it had been a nightmare. I didn't fit in with my family and I didn't fit in here even though my physical appearance didn't matter here. I just didn't fit in.

  I'd just started getting into the article again when Derrick from accounting came up. He liked me. God knew why. Maybe he agreed that we were both at the bottom of the food chain and that meant that by some unspoken agreement we were meant to procreate. I disagreed. I was overweight but I had principles.

  "Do you want to come out for a drink or two with me?"

  I looked up at him. "I'm so sorry, Derrick. If you were here twenty minutes earlier I might have been free, but Samantha asked me to join the publishing team for lunch."

  Derrick looked let down. I looked at him without breaking eye-contact until he shrugged and left looking disappointed. It was true that Samantha had asked me. I just hadn't said yes. Derrick didn't need to know that. I watched him walk away, saved my work and took my bag. I walked out of the office. I h
ad an alibi - sort of - and I was going to get out of there.

  I drove to Mick's place. He worked from home doing... I wasn't actually sure what he did but he was always home. It worked for me. I could drop in unannounced and surprise him. I parked a distance away so that he wouldn't hear the car and walked to his cottage.

  I knocked on the door and waited. There was no reply. I knocked again, and when there was still no reply, I frowned. The truck he drove was parked under the tree in the shade it usually occupied. He had to be home.

  I walked to the window that looked into the small lounge and cupped my hands against the glass. The place was immaculate. For a bad ass biker with messy hair and the charm that oozed off him, he was ridiculously neat. It didn't fit the stereotype. He wasn't in his lounge. I walked around the house and looked into the bedroom window. It was a little rude, I admit, but I'd expected him to be napping or working at the computer in the bedroom.


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