ROMANCE: ALIEN ROMANCE: Captured by the Alien Dragon (Alpha Male Alien Abduction BBW Romance) (Bad Boy Shifter Fantasy Romance)

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ROMANCE: ALIEN ROMANCE: Captured by the Alien Dragon (Alpha Male Alien Abduction BBW Romance) (Bad Boy Shifter Fantasy Romance) Page 46

by Natalie Frost

  “I’m sorry,” Max shook his head and removed his hand from hers, looking away from her as though he could no longer bring himself to look her in the eye, “I should never have revealed myself to you like that. It’s just that when I saw him hurting you I couldn’t control myself.”

  “I…I’m just shocked, that’s all,” Lia told him with a shake of her head, “I’m sure I’ll get over it.” but the truth was she wasn’t sure she’d get over it. She had never had to get over something so strange before.

  “Do you want me to leave?” Max asked gesturing toward the door. Lia reached out and grabbed hold of his arm all too quickly, before even she herself had a chance to realize why she was doing so.

  “No, don’t go,” she told him as she gripped his arm a little too tightly, “I want you to stay.” He placed his hand back over hers then and she loosened her grip on his arm.

  “I will leave if you wish me to.” Max insisted and Lia quickly shook her head. No matter how drained she felt she had to admit she had never felt so safe with another man before. He had saved her twice and so she knew he had no intention of hurting her. Instead she found herself looking deeply into his eyes. Those blue eyes that blazed with desire as he looked back at her.

  “You are so beautiful.” Maxwell told her as he reached up and stroked a loose strand of hair away from her face. In that moment she truly believed what he was saying. She had always been larger than other girls with a curvaceous figure and an ample bosom and she had often thought herself fat and would even go as far as to say ugly. Yet now as Max stared deep into her eyes and told her that she was beautiful she truly believed it. She’d heard it from other men yet it was only now that she believed one of them.

  Her body finally stopped shaking as she leaned forward and found herself pressing her lips firmly against his. For a moment he seemed to remain still as though he was worried she might change her mind. Then he began to relax and kiss her back. His other hand came up and he cupped her face in his palms as he kissed her so tenderly that she felt as though she might melt at the sweetness of it. The sweet yet masculine scent of him overwhelmed her and she felt desire burning in her stomach.

  Am I really doing this? She asked herself even as she pressed her lips harder against his. He opened his mouth and his tongue stroked gently across her lips until she parted them and allowed it to enter her mouth. She brought her own tongue up to meet his and tasted him properly for the first time, I want this.

  As though he had sensed her thoughts Maxwell dropped his hands to the first button on her blouse. He began to work on them one by one until the blouse fell open and his fingers were able to brush her ribs. She gasped with pleasure at the feel of his fingertips on her skin. She began to shake again. This time she shook with pleasure as she felt his hands travel up her ribs and cup her breasts, stroking her nipples gently through the soft lace of her bra.

  In return Lia reached for the button of his jeans and found herself popping it open so that she could reach inside. Her hand came to the hard erection within and she felt her desire burn all the more brightly. Just knowing that he wanted her was enough to tighten a knot of pleasure within her stomach that made her hungry for him.

  Maxwell began to shift then, moving so that he could lead her down against the sofa, coming to lie over her, holding himself above her as he cupped her breasts again. His hands stroked down her bare ribs and she shivered with desire as he came to the top of her pants and began to push them down over her waist toward her ankles.

  Her breath came in short ragged gasps as he began to trace kisses down between her breasts, moving lower and lower until he came to her naval. His tongue dipped gently inside before stroking lower, moving toward her sex. The knot of desire in her stomach tightened until it was almost painful. He continued to tease her, kissing first one thigh and then the other, running both his hands along her thighs so gently that it tickled.

  The world spun as Maxwell’s mouth enveloped her between the legs. Her head tilted back and her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she gasped in both shock and pleasure. He kept his hands on her thighs, gripping them gently, pushing them so that she could not close them as he licked and sucked and tasted her. She felt the pleasure in her stomach strengthening, spreading throughout her body until she was quivering all over.

  Just as she was about to hit her climax he suddenly stopped. The teasing nature of the sudden stop made Lia look up. When she did she found him looking back at her, his eyes blazing with desire as he moved to lean over her again. This time he allowed his pants to drop away as he slipped deep inside her. She gasped as he filled her so completely that she felt as though she might burst. She found herself wrapping her arms around him so that she could dig her fingernails into his back. He groaned as she scratched him, a deep desire filled groan that told her he loved the sensation and so she did it again, over and over until he began to pound her faster and faster.

  They came in unison, melting into each other as they climaxed. Maxwell’s body shook against hers and she began to quiver along with him. When they both grew still Lia found that Max was panting, out of breath after his exertion. She continued to hold on to him, not wanting him to move. She longed to keep him inside her for as long as possible. Nothing had ever felt so right to her in her life. She longed to keep him there.

  As his breathlessness began to subside Max pushed his arms beneath her and suddenly flipped, turning so that she was now on top. Throughout the whole movement he managed to remain inside her as though he felt the same way she did. She laid her cheek upon his chest and listened to the fast pounding of his heart. The room spun back in dizzying color. Everything seemed so much brighter now. She felt as though a weight had been lifted from her and she could finally breathe properly for the first time in a long time.

  “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met.” Maxwell told her gently as he stroked the back of her head and removed a strand of hair from her face so that he could look deep into her eyes. Lia felt her cheeks burn at his compliment though she realized that she truly did believe him. Lay in his arms she did feel beautiful. In fact in that moment she truly did feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. She realized then that she never wanted that feeling to end.

  The harsh buzzing of a phone broke into their peace and Lia felt her heart sink. For a moment she thought it was her phone. Perhaps the owner of the bar needed her to go in early for something. Maybe Maggie had called in sick again like she did at least twice a month when she had been out on a bender the night before.

  Then Max moved to pull his phone from his pocket and she realized that it was not her phone at all. She felt a little relieved to know that she wouldn’t have to go into work. Then she saw the disappointed look on Max’s face and she knew that their peace had certainly been shattered.

  “I’m sorry but I have to go to work,” he sighed as he shifted to remove himself from between her legs, “Someone has pressed there alarm. I have to leave right away.” Lia felt her heart sink further as she realized that he was leaving. She sat up allowing him to stand and grabbed hold of her trousers from where they’d fallen beside the coffee table.

  She sat and watched as he quickly pulled on his trousers and straightened his shirt, all the while looking as disappointed as she felt.

  “Here,” he told her as he handed her his phone, “Put your number in. I’ll call you as soon as I’m done. I could come and see you at the bar tonight. If you’re working that is?”

  “I am.” Lia replied as she typed her number into his phone and handed it back to him.

  “Are you feeling alright?” Max asked as he buttoned up his trousers, “I didn’t hurt you did I?” Lia couldn’t help but smile with amusement at his question as she pushed herself to her feet. In all honesty she felt a little sore between her legs but it was not a painful sore. It was a sweet sensation that reminded her he had been there. A sensation she hoped would last for a long time.

  “I’m fine,” she told him as
she reached forward and pulled him by the shirt toward her, “Just make sure you call me or I’ll be forced to call the police on you just like I promised earlier.” Max smiled in amusement then and leaned forward to press his lips against her.

  With that he turned and headed for the doorway. Lia watched him go, biting her lip to stop herself from calling him back.


  Max did call her and he did come to the bar that night. He did the same every day for the next three weeks. They had coffee every morning in the same little café around the corner and they found themselves in bed together whenever duty was calling Max away to an emergency. They spent every possible second together. Max was the perfect gentleman, the perfect partner, someone Lia never wanted to be away from. He surprised her with home cooked meals and raised petals on the bed. It was pure bliss. Something she had never felt before and never wished to lose.

  Lia woke one morning with the call of nature pulling her toward the bathroom. She slipped out from beneath Max’s arm and tiptoed to the toilet, not wanting to wake him in the early hours of the morning.

  As she sat on the toilet doing her business she found herself looking at the calendar that hung from the back of the door. As she looked at it she saw the large red circle around one of the dates. For a moment she could not remember what it was for. Then it hit her. She always circled the date her period was due to arrive. She looked more closely at the date and tried to think of what date it was.

  Her heart sunk. The date was over a week past. She’d missed her period. In the excitement of the new relationship she hadn’t even thought of it.

  The rapping of knuckles on the door made her jump, “Lia, is everything alright in there?” Max’s innocent, unknowing voice came from the other side of the door and she felt her heart sink further. How am I supposed to handle this? How is he going to handle this? She asked herself as she thought of what most men would do. Many men would run for the hills, never calling again.

  She felt the tears brimming in her eyes as she thought of him walking out on her. Maybe I shouldn’t tell him? She thought but then she cursed herself for it, he deserves to know. She shook her head as several scenarios crossed her mind.

  “Lia? Are you alright? Answer me or I’m coming in!” Max called as he rapped on the door again. Lia realized she hadn’t answered him. She’d been too busy in her own mind thinking of how she was going to handle things. She quickly freshened herself up, flushed the toilet and headed for the door.

  When she opened it Max already had his hand on the other side of the handle as though he had been able to open it himself. He smiled warmly at her though when he saw her face he quickly began to frown.

  “What’s wrong babe?” he asked in a voice filled with concern, “You look as white as a ghost. Is something wrong? Are you ill?” Lia had to admit then that she was feeling nauseous. Is that morning sickness? She thought to herself as she slipped past him and walked over to the bed. She needed to sit down. Her knees had turned to jelly and her stomach churned. When she placed her hands against her stomach she was almost sure she could feel a small swell beneath her palms.

  “Max, we need to talk.” She told him as she patted the bed beside her. Max’s eyes widened as though he was thinking the worst. He came to sit beside her and took hold of her hand as though he thought something was deadly wrong.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, “Have I done something?” Lia shook her head quickly and found that she could not look him in the eye. It was all her fault. She had allowed this to happen. She had to own up to it.

  “Max, I’ve missed my period.” She told him in a quiet voice. When she looked up at him he was still staring at her as though he hadn’t heard her and she wondered if she’d spoken loud enough. She said the next words a little louder, “I think I’m pregnant.” Max’s eyes suddenly blazed. His frown broke into a bright smile and he grabbed hold of both her hands, pulling them up toward his mouth to kiss her gently on her knuckles.

  “Oh, Lia,” he grinned at her as though he had never been so happy in his life, “I’ve known for a few days now.” Lia pulled her hands away suddenly. Her heart pounded as she heard his words play over and over in her head.

  “What do you mean you knew?” she demanded, glaring at him in anger.

  “I could smell it on you,” he admitted with a shrug of his shoulders, “Bear senses and all.”

  “And you are not angry about it?” Lia asked him, staring at him with wide open eyes unable to believe what she was hearing.

  “How could I be angry?” Max asked her. He moved in front of her and dropped down onto his knees in front of her, clasping her hands in his tightly as though he was scared she might try to pull them away again, “I’ve never been happier in my life.”

  Lia had no idea what to say to that. She had never in a million years expected him to react in such a way. She felt as though she was dreaming. At any moment he would get up and walk out and she would never see him again. What he said next made her fall even more deeply for him than she had already.

  “Lia, I love you and nothing would make me happier than to spend the rest of my life with you and this child. If that’s what you want.” The tears began to fall then. Lia had never heard such sweet words. It was the first time she had heard the ‘L’ word come from his lips though she had felt it in every touch and kiss since the very first second they had met. She’d felt it as soon as their bodies had connected as he’d dragged her out of the way of the car that would surely have mown her down and killed her. She felt it in the smile he had given her the first morning they had met for coffee. She even felt it in the way he glanced at her and paid attention to her even when they were sitting in silence.

  She felt her heart burst with happiness as she exploded forward and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. “I love you too.” She cried and wondered whether it was the pregnancy hormones causing her to be so over emotional or whether she had just never been so happy before.

  Max wrapped his arms around her and stood, taking her up into his arms before moving to lay her down on the bed. He leaned over her, stroking her hair away from her face so that he could cover it with kisses. Then he reached down and placed his hand gently on her stomach. Lia felt her heart swell all over again as she thought of the future. She had never seen herself as a mother, never imagined holding her own child in her arms yet now she could not imagine it any other way.

  When she closed her eyes she imagined lying in bed in the morning with Max’s arms around her and her arms around their child, drifting in and out of sleep peacefully in the early morning sun.

  “Lia, is it what you want?” Max asked, his voice all seriousness. She opened her eyes to see him looking down at her. Even before she answered she knew exactly what she wanted.

  “It is all I want and more,” she told him as she leaned up and pressed her lips firmly against his to prove her point, “As long as you are by my side I will be happy.”

  “Well, baby, I’m not going anywhere,” he smiled back at her and rubbed the tip of his nose gently against hers, “You’re stuck with me.”

  “Oh no, please no, not that.” Lia joked and Max faked a shocked smile, his mouth creating an ‘O’ shape as he began to tickle her ribs. She screamed in delight and frustration as she tried to hold his hands at bay but he continued to tickle her until she felt sick.

  Then her stomach turned and she suddenly had to jump up. She ran to the toilet, barely managing to make it before she threw up. Max was beside her immediately sticking to the promise he had just made her. He held back her hair and rubbed her back gently until the sickness subsided and she leaned back against him, closing her eyes to stop the room from spinning.

  “I’m here, baby, I’ve got you.” He told her as he held her in his arms and rocked her gently; comforting her unlike anyone had ever comforted her before. In that moment she knew her life had changed forever. She knew she would never again need to fear for anything. She knew that Max would take care o
f her and their child and knew that her life would be better than she had ever dreamed it could be.

  “Thank you.” She whispered as the nausea subsided and she was able to wrap her arms around his neck.

  “No need to thank me sweetie but you could do something for me?” he said and she heard his chest shake as he began to laugh, already imagining what he was going to say to her next.

  “What’s that?” She asked as she leaned back so that she could look at him.

  “If you love me you will brush your teeth.” He laughed and she laughed along with him, tapping him playfully on the shoulder as though he had insulted her. Then she pushed herself up onto her feet and began to go through the process of brushing her teeth.

  As she did so he stood behind her, placed his hands on her hips and pressed himself firmly against her. She could feel his erection against her buttocks and she knew that he wanted her just as much as he had before she’d been pregnant. It was a fact that told her he truly did love her unlike any other man had before.

  All negative thoughts evaporated from her mouth as she turned in his arms and pressed her lips firmly against his. He pulled her up into his arms and carried her back into the bedroom, dropping her gently down onto the bed where he landed on top of her again.


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