The Enchanted Kingdoms (Haunting Fairytales Book 1)

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The Enchanted Kingdoms (Haunting Fairytales Book 1) Page 19

by R. L. Weeks

‘Some commoner apparently. Ariel,’ he said flatly. ‘Sorry I couldn’t bring more news. However, I did find out that Milborn are sending troops to Dolorom in anticipation of your attacked.

  Lori drank her wine and put it on the table. ‘We will see,’ she said and polished her nails. ‘I have always been one for balls. Arrange for my carriage and luggage to be prepared. We are going to Milborn. Also, fetch me Snow, will you?’

  He bowed his head and left the room, leaving Lori alone at the long table. Before long, Snow stormed through the door.

  ‘What do you want?’ she asked. Lori noticed that Snow was looking a little crazed. Her eye was twitching, she looked tired, her hair was a mess, and she was breathing fast.

  ‘Snow, take a seat.’

  Begrudgingly Snow sat down and looked at Lori stonily. ‘What do you want?’ Snow repeated, impatiently.

  ‘Belle is involved with Edward again,’ Lori said simply. ‘One of my spies saw them together.’

  ‘No,’ Snow said, feeling betrayed. ‘And James, have you heard from him?’

  ‘Yes. Apparently, he has been making deals with Merlin,’ Lori said and gave Snow a knowing look. ‘I know about everything. I can no longer trust anyone, so I want to offer you to be my ally. I know you hate me, but, I can bring justice to your mother. Edward, I promise, will die. Along with Stilt. And I promise to keep James safe. I need to you to accompany me to a ball being held in a kingdom far away. We will find Edward and Belle there. We will arrest him, and Stilt, for their crimes and bring them here.’

  Snow sat in silence and considered her options. ‘And you promise me that no harm will come to James, or Belle? She may be with Edward, but she is a good person, I can see that.’

  She smiled. ‘I promise no physical harm will come to either of them,’ Lori promised.

  Snow lifted her hand in the air. ‘Or curse…you will do nothing to them!’ Lori nodded in response. Snow nodded. ‘Then, I am on your side. I will go with you.’

  Lori smirked. ‘More than that, you will trick them into coming here. Belle trusts you, so does James.’

  Snow bit her lip so hard that she could taste blood. She was going to betray the people she cares about. She was turning out to be just as bad as the people she hated. ‘Fine.’

  ‘Once they are out of Milborn, they are out of their jurisdiction,’ Lori pointed out. ‘I cannot arrest them there, but I can arrest them the second they leave Milborn.’

  ‘What will happen once they are arrested?’ asked Snow. Lori raised her hand, and with one of the pointed nails, motioned a slit across her throat. Snow nodded and stood up. ‘When do we leave?’

  ‘Dawn,’ she stated. ‘I will have the servants prepare your things. Do not mess this up!’ Lori warned.

  ‘I won’t.’

  Snow walked back to her room. I’ve made a deal with the devil. She opened the door to her room and saw James sat by the fire, his feet up on the table.

  ‘James,’ she said. ‘You’re back early.’

  ‘Yes, I am,’ he said, smiling. ‘I have so much to tell you. Red was cursed to be a wolf.’

  ‘Oh. That would make a lot of sense. I went there and saw a wolf. I think she was trying to communicate.’

  James noticed that Snow didn’t look compassionate at all! If anything, she looked blank. James continued. ‘Also, I am so sorry, but the dwarves are dead. Lori killed them…’

  ‘I know,’ she replied. ‘I’m leaving in the morning.’

  ‘Why?’ he asked.

  ‘Lori wants me to go to some stupid ball with her, in Milborn.’

  ‘I’ll go with you,’ James said.

  ‘No,’ Snow said a little too quickly. James looked at her suspiciously. ‘It’ll be boring.’

  ‘As long as I am with you, I don’t care.’ She felt butterflies in her stomach then sighed. How could she ever tell him how she felt once she betrayed his mother?

  ‘James, I want you to know, that no matter what happens, I-.'

  They were interrupted by a guard. ‘Your luggage has been prepared. You leave at dawn at the front entrance. You have your own carriage.’

  ‘Make it for two, please. I will be coming along,’ James said. The guard nodded and left. ‘What were you going to say?’ James asked.

  ‘I was going to say that I care about you.’

  ‘Oh,’ he said, feeling a little disappointed that it wasn’t more. ‘Well, I care about you too. Even more than that.’

  Snow didn’t reply and got onto her bed. James gulped. ‘Guess I’ll see you in the morning. Look, are you okay? You seem a little… down.’

  ‘I’m fine,’ she snapped.

  ‘Okay, well know, no matter what happens, you will always have me. I promise,’ James said and left the room, leaving Snow feeling ten times worse.


  Blue and purple drapes covered the walls of the ballroom. Three magnificent chandeliers hung from the high ceiling and the glimmers from the crystals reflected off the marble floor. Tables surrounded the sides of the room and the large space in the middle had been cleared for dancing. A band stood preparing their instruments on the small stage and a long table stretched across the top of the hall. It was filled with delicious foods, imported from other kingdoms, and mussels and crab from their kingdom were the special dishes.

  Ursula, who had turned into a human to make sure that Ariel did not return to the lake, entered the hall. She had pretended to be a cook and took pleasure in the job. After all, she got to rip lobsters apart and chop the heads off shrimp.

  Ariel could tell who it was, due to the eyes, but pretended not to notice.

  ‘Everything to your liking, Majesty?’ Ursula asked and bowed her head.

  ‘Yes, thank you,’ Ariel said quickly. ‘Bring the engagement cake in at eight on the dot.’ Ursula bowed and left the room. Belle, Stilt, and Edward stayed hidden from Ursula’s sight and they told the guards different names to their own.

  Ursula walked away, smiling. Ariel would turn to sea foam at midnight, and as long as she kept Ariel at the palace until eleven, then she could return to the lake and strike a deal with King and Queen for their crown in return for the safe return of their daughter.


  Lori rode into the palace grounds and stepped out of the carriage, wearing a disguise. She could not risk being noticed. She had the guard introduce her as the Queen of Forosh. She had made sure that the real Queen of Forosh did not come by sending a spell in a letter that would cause a nasty stomach bug.

  ‘Majesty,’ the King said. ‘Welcome to Milborn. We’re delighted that you could make it to our son’s engagement ball.’

  ‘Pleasure to be here,’ she said.

  Snow and James pulled up. ‘Is Lori here too?’ James asked. ‘You said my mother is here, with Edward. Lori will kill them.’

  ‘I sent them on a detour, Lori is not here,’ Snow lied. ‘It’s just us. I paid another woman to pretend to be Lori.’

  ‘I see, good thinking,’ James praised. Of course, Lori and Snow had devised a plan. Lori would be in disguise, and she would tell James that it wasn’t Lori. Then, Lori would go in the carriage and leave early. Snow would get Belle, Edward, and Stilt into a carriage telling them that Lori was approaching, and they had to leave.

  However, on the road, Lori would reveal her true face and she and Snow would arrest them. All Snow needed to do first was to persuade Stilt, Edward and James to put on these bracelets that would stop their powers for five days.

  Snow felt incredibly guilty but played her part well. She dressed up nicely. Her lace purple dress dragged behind her as she walked. Her raven-black hair was half up, half down, and curled, with silver sparkles on the tips. She had on a red cloak with white fur up the front. She took it off and handed it to a guard. The palace and its grounds were bustling with people turning up for the ball, all wearing the most beautiful dresses and masquerade masks. James wore white trousers and an emerald green waistcoat over his black and white top. His cufflinks were pur
ple, to match Snow’s outfit. They both had masquerade masks on colourful sticks to cover their eyes. They were gorgeous; both purple with gold and black beads, gold lace outlining it.

  Lori stepped out wearing a silver ball gown. Her hair was down and wavy, her mask was a full one with silver feathers coming out of one corner.

  Music boomed out from the hall. Ariel greeted them. She was wearing a sea blue ball gown that shimmered a little in the light. Her red hair was up with a few curls dangling from the bun, and she wore pearl earrings that matched her pearl necklace. ‘Thank you so much for coming.’

  ‘Thank you for having us,’ Snow said and hugged the soon to be princess. James kissed Ariel’s hand.

  ‘You’re Belle’s son,’ she remarked.

  ‘How did you-.'

  ‘Same eyes, same expressions, same hair colour, same smile,’ Ariel said and grinned.

  ‘Oh,’ James said and laughed. ‘Where is my mother?’

  ‘Inside,’ Ariel said and let them past.

  Eric walked over to them and Lori, who was in disguise. ‘Majesty,’ Eric said and bowed to Lori.

  ‘Majesty,’ Lori said and bowed back.

  He turned to James and Snow. He shook James’s hand and kissed Snow’s. ‘Thank you for coming,’ Eric said. He was wearing a full white suit embroidered with gold stitching and buttons. His sword was in its scabbard. James spotted his mother at the back of the room. She was wearing a magnificent yellow ball gown which flowed out and was covered in little gold beads. Her hair was tied up into an elegant bun, and pearls fell from her ears. Her mask was an eye mask, like theirs, but it was plain gold and had three yellow feathers on the side of it.

  Next to her was Edward. He wore a similar outfit to Eric’s, except the stitching was silver and he had no sword. Stilt, who was next to them, was looking smart too. His hair was cut short and was swept to one side. He wore a black tuxedo. His cummerbund was green with silver spirals. Belle saw Snow and James and waved them over. Snow looked behind her and saw that Lori had gone off to mingle. James picked up two glasses of champagne from a passing waiter and passed one to Snow.

  Snow raised her eyebrows. ‘Alcohol?’

  ‘It’s a special occasion,’ he said and shrugged. ‘You look beautiful by the way. I feel lucky to have you as my girl tonight.’

  She felt her stomach knot on hearing ‘my girl.' She wanted to be his girl always. But she never would be, especially not after tonight.

  ‘Mother,’ James said and hugged her. She held him tightly and asked him for a word. They entered the dimly lit corridor where waiters were frantically running up and down with trays of drink and canapés.

  ‘Stilt and Edward aren’t bad, James,’ Belle whispered. ‘You have to trust me, okay. We have been lied to, by Lori. Stilt was forced to do what he did. Edward was forced to forget us. Look, I believe them. I love Edward,’ she admitted.

  He could see the anticipation in her eyes. ‘I trust you. But, are you sure you can trust them? Are you sure this is what you want?’

  ‘I am certain,’ she replied.

  James smiled. ‘I just want you to be happy,’ he said.

  He was taller than her now, only by a few inches, but Belle looked up at her grown up son teary eyed. ‘You look so handsome. Snow looks beautiful tonight. You make a lovely couple. She seems to make you happy.’

  ‘She does,’ he admitted. ‘I’m going to tell her I love her tonight.’

  Belle grinned. ‘She will say it back, I’m certain.’


  The music started, and James put his hand on Snow’s waist, looking longingly into her eyes. ‘I know you hate Edward. However, my mother loves him. Apparently, he didn’t do everything that he has been accused of doing. I don’t know if that includes the death of your mother. I hate to ask you because I know it causes you so much pain, but can you give him the benefit of doubt? They have been good to my mother. They seem like good people,’ he admitted.

  She gulped. ‘Of course.’

  ‘I expected more of a fight. I’m surprised,’ he said.

  She forced a smile. ‘You know me. Full of surprises.’

  ‘Yes, you are,’ he started. The music changed tune. It was upbeat and had a jazzy tune to it. He twirled Snow around and felt his hands go clammy. Never had he felt so nervous. ‘I’m in love with you, Snow.’

  ‘You’re what?’

  ‘I’m in love with you.’ He looked longingly into her eyes, waiting for her to say something, anything.

  ‘The cake,’ Eric announced over the room as Ursula entered the hall. She placed it on the table and smiled. Snow turned to see and out of nowhere Ursula was bombarded by twenty guards. Stilt used his powers and pushed her to her knees. Belle appeared and wrapped the rope around her, and Edward grabbed a sword from a guard and put it up to her throat. While she was distracted, Stilt grabbed a small bag she was carrying and ripped it from her. She screamed at him to give it back to her. He peeked inside and saw three the shining shells. The source of her powers. They took Ursula her to the dungeons and Ariel and Eric followed Stilt, Belle, and Edward out of the room.

  ‘What are we missing?’ Snow asked and grabbed James’s arm. She looked over at Lori who mouthed ‘tell me everything’. Snow nodded and left as the King explained to the crowd that an arrest had taken place, and it was nothing to worry about, for everyone to continue dancing. He then announced the opening of the buffet, to distract them, I imagine.

  Stilt, in the chamber, held the shells. He spelled Ariel to break the curse. Ariel was flung into the air, dangling like a rag doll. A light surrounded her until she landed back onto the floor.

  ‘You’re a human for good,’ Belle exclaimed.

  ‘Ursula will be executed soon,’ Eric informed her. Ariel nodded but felt bad for the Sea Witch, but knew that she had no other choice.

  Snow saw her opportunity. She left James, went into the ballroom and gave Lori the signal to leave, then ran back into the corridor. She pulled out five bracelets; only three were spelled to suppress powers. ‘Lori is waiting for us. I have just heard from a woman I paid to pose as Lori. I sent Lori on a detour. She has a curse planned. Please, put these on. They will protect you all.’

  She handed Belle, Stilt, Edward, and James a bracelet each. ‘I’m telling you, it’s the only thing that will stop Lori’s curse.’ She put one on herself.

  Edward turned to Belle. ‘Can she be trusted?’

  ‘Yes,’ Belle said and smiled at Snow. Snow’s stomach knotted.

  ‘I’d trust her with my life,’ James said and put on the bracelet. They all put them on.

  ‘Is there anything we can do?’ Eric and Ariel chorused.

  ‘We need to leave before she gets here,’ Snow said.

  Eric stepped forward. ‘I will get your carriages ready.’

  They all exchanged their goodbyes. Ariel hugged Belle. ‘Anything you need, just ask.’ Belle nodded.

  ‘What will you do now?’ Belle asked Ariel.

  ‘I’m going to explain everything to my family, then, I will wed Eric,’ Ariel said and smiled. ‘Eric has sent the troops to Dolorom which should prevent the attack, or at least delay it.’

  They hugged once more, and they all got into the carriage. Belle and Eric waved as they rode away. As soon as they were out of the gates, Snow held James’s hand.

  ‘I love you too,’ she whispered and closed her eyes. James squeezed her hand. She knew this would be the last time she’d have this.

  When they were on the road, another carriage bashed into them. ‘What the?’ Stilt said. They poked their heads out and saw Lori approaching them. Stilt tried to use his powers to protect them but he couldn’t. James did the same. They tried to remove the bracelets and couldn’t.

  ‘Snow?’ James asked.

  ‘Sorry,’ Snow managed. James let the betrayal rush through him. Stilt shouted at

  Snow grabbed the bag with the shells in and jumped out of the carriage.

  Lori walk
ed up to the carriage, and she, Snow, and her guards put them all in handcuffs.

  ‘It is only Stilt and Edward that are being arrested,’ Lori said and dragged them out of the carriage. ‘However, to make sure none of you try to help, Belle and James, you will be held in custody until the execution.

  ‘Execution?’ Belle asked. ‘No,’ she screamed. James shouted at them to let them go, but Snow walked off.

  She could hear James calling after her, begging for her to help, but she didn’t look back. She went into Lori’s carriage and sat with a guard.

  ‘Ready, Majesty?’

  Snow nodded at the guard. Lori stayed in the other carriage to make sure none of them escaped. There were too many of them to magic back to the kingdom. So, they travelled back by carriage.


  He could hear Belle’s pleas and screams from the holding cell. Every tick on the large clock tower ticked down the seconds left of his life. Childishly, he hoped that Stilt would use his powers to save him. Or his mother and stepfather would come in at the last minute and demand for his release. Or the more unlikely option that Lori would have a heart and let him go.

  His cell was cold, drips fell from the pipes in the corner, and rats ran around freely. Sometimes one would come up to him and eat the crumbs of bread left from his plate. The slice of bread he’d get only once a day. He’d hoped that as a last request they’d at least allow him to dress up nicely and eat a good meal before he’d lose his head. He stood up and peeked out through the bars of his window. Crowds were gathering in the court below. Hundreds of people had made their way to the castle to watch him take his last breath. To watch as their queen beheaded him for murder. One committed years ago. This was all because he had cheated on her, he knew that, and somewhere deep down, she knew that. Lori had convinced herself, however, that he was responsible for her entire life going to shambles, and she was using Mary’s death to get her revenge.

  He saw Belle amongst the crowd being held by guards. Stilt, unfortunately, sat in the cell next to him. This was how he knew he could not be saved. His only hope was locked away, too. He could hear Stilt’s incoherent mumbling as he watched the clock tick to ten to twelve. His heart hammered quickly as if it knew it was beating its last beats. Beads of sweat dripped down his forehead, and Edward ran his hand, probably for the last time, through his greasy, scruffy hair.


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