by Moore,Mia
“And Peter walked in from school!”
Both women stared at each other for a second and burst out laughing.
“Oh God! Awful for Peter. Poor kid.”
“He recovered. No scars.” She smiled at Claire.
“So? How’d Glen like it? Did you take it for a test drive?” Claire leaned over the table speaking low like they were planning some sort of crime, instead of discussing the performance of a vibrator.
“Oh it’s good, let me tell you. Glen caught me using it.” Her cheeks were now on fire.
“GET OUT!” Claire glanced quickly around the room and her voice was lower when she said, “What’d he say?”
“He liked it. He really fucking liked it!” Her voice was a squeak.
Claire’s eyes bulged. “What did you just say?”
“He fucking liked it! So what?”
Claire sat back. “You just said the F-word more in the last five seconds than you have in the last five years is what.”
Abby swallowed the last spoonful of her sundae and looked back up. “Big fucking deal.”
Claire’s mouth dropped and she stared at her. She closed her mouth and looked like she was going to say something but shook her head instead.
“And I’m thinking of doing it again with him, tonight. I can’t wait.” Abby’s chin jutted out below her grinning lips. It didn’t matter what anyone thought. It was her life and even if this wasn’t perfect, it was a damned good start. Besides, exercise always made her horny.
“So she wasn’t having an affair? We went through all that bullshit with Teddy Bear for nuthin’?” Barry’s tone was harsh, in direct contrast to the smile in his eyes.
“’Fraid so.” Glen sat back in the chair. The two men were seated close together at the desk in Glen’s living room, Barry’s open laptop nestled among the empty beer bottles.
“Whaddyamean, ‘fraid so? You should be jumping for joy, asshole. She wasn’t having an affair!” He eyed Glen over the top of his beer bottle, draining the last drops from it.
“Yeah but--”
“Will you listen to yourself! You’re one damned lucky guy. First your wife survives an accident where she coulda’ been killed and then you find out she’s faithful. Yeah, you’re soooo hard done by. Get me another, asswipe.” Barry handed him the empty bottle.
“You don’t understand. It’s the same shit in my life. I gotta’ put up with the Weasel Carl at work. He’s threatening to fire me, by the way. And Abby. It was great the first day she was back but now…” He flicked his hand at Barry and got up to get refills from the kitchen.
There was NO WAY he was going to tell Barry he couldn’t get it up. And the only time he’d been able to, was watching his wife use a vibrator. Come to think of it, that pervert would probably get hard picturing it. He chuckled as he reached into the fridge.
When he returned Barry was typing something on the computer, his face lit in a bluish glare. Christ, he looks like Frankenstein or something.
“I GOT it. THIS is the answer to your problems.” Barry turned the screen for him to see and grabbed the beer from his hand.
“What the hell is this? A cruise? How does THAT solve anything, asshole?” He flopped into the chair. The Wolf was out to lunch. He belched loudly and turned the computer screen away.
“YOU need a break. Abby needs a romantic holiday. Just the two of you. If you weren’t so goddamn pig headed you’d see. Look here.” He pointed to a banner on the screen. “This is an ‘Adults Only’ cruise, dummy. As in ‘No Kids Walking In On Ya’. What could be more romantic than dancing under the stars on a big cruise ship? And would you look at the price?” Barry’s eyes were almost popping out of his head.
A vacation, huh? Just the two of them, no kids? A week away from that hellhole where he worked and the little prick Carl. “How much?” He took a long haul of beer.
“This is one of those special deal websites, man. They’re selling off cabins just to get people on the ship! If you book by midnight you save a shitload! It’s only four hundred dollars apiece, four nights, five days, all inclusive. I’ll tell you, I kinda’ wish I’d done this with Claire. Maybe…” Barry turned to look at the screen again. The smile on his face was gone, replaced by a wistful look in his eyes.
“Four hundred dollars, huh?” That was doable. Hell, four nights in Chicago would cost way more than that.
He looked at the ceiling, his arms crossed on his chest. Life was too damned short. Almost losing Abby, in more than one way, proved that. They had talked about cruises, but never seriously. Only four nights? Hell, even if it sucked, he could put up with four nights. He peered at the screen.
“Wait, it leaves from Florida, man. Am I supposed to drive there?”
Barry shook his head as he clicked on a few more links. “No! You catch a flight from Chicago at a huge discount too!” He clicked a few more places and turned the screen to Glen. “That’s your all in cost. Shit, it’s like two car payments, man!”
Glen held his chin in his hand.
“Well? Do you want to book it or not?” Barry looked at him, his face serious for once. “Bro, I think you oughta’.”
He leaned over onto one haunch and pulled his wallet out of his back pocket. His fingers fumbled through the usual assortment of credit cards until he found the one that he wanted. He held it up, about to hand it to Barry and stopped.
“When does this cruise start? “
“It leaves Monday. Three days from now. That’s why you’re gettin’ the tickets so cheap.”
“What the hell. Book it.”
“Try it again.” Abby held the passenger door open, bent over at the waist, staring at Claire.
Claire shook her head but turned the key in the ignition once more.
The sound this time was weaker than the time before. She was wearing the car battery down with each attempt. It was a good thing the car had died in front of the house. Maybe Glen would be able to help get the car going, so Claire could get home.
“I’ll be right back with Glen. He’s really good with cars.” Abby shut the door and walked into the house.
The TV set was going and as usual the guys were sitting at the desk, surfing porn. She sighed and slipped her boots and coat off.
“Glen! Can you help Claire get her car going?” Abby walked into the living room. She shook her head at Barry slamming the lid on his laptop shut. They were so immature. She knew they were searching porn, so why the guilty faces? Whatever.
“Claire’s outside?” asked Barry.
“That’s what I said. Glen—“
“No. I’ve got this. I’ll help her.” Barry stood up.
Abby and Glen exchanged a look and watched as Barry scooped up his laptop and teetered out of the living room.
“You sure you’re okay to drive Barry?” Abby turned and watched him put his boots and coat on. Well, he wasn’t weaving as much now.
He zipped up his jacket. “S’okay. I got my cell phone if I need to I’ll call a cab. Gotta’ help Claire now.” He opened the door and with a flourish of his hand, he was gone.
“Is Peter home, Glen?” Abby turned from the door and looked at her husband standing in the entrance of the living room. He had a weird look on his face.
“You okay?” She started to walk towards him.
He held up his hand and belched…or was that a fart? “Peter’s at a friend’s house. He’s sleeping over. I’m fine. Never been better.”
Oh God. He was drunk. So much for the sex she’d thought she’d have. Maybe she’d fly solo tonight with the Rabbit. She turned and walked up the stairs. Bugs Bunny… not too sexy, but better than Glen right now?
As for Peter at a friend’s house…a girlfriend’s or a guy? Oh well, it didn’t matter. He had the condoms and he’d better damned well use it.
She opened her bedroom door and slipped out of her sweats. The sexy black bra and panties peeping out from the side of her
dresser drawer when she opened it, were a silent accusation. How stupid was she to think that Glen and she would get sexy tonight? It was the same old. And probably as good as it was ever going to get.
She pulled her flannel pajamas from the drawer and slid the bottoms over her hips. They had Peter to think of. Maybe some other night they’d do a replay of the vibrator sex. As she slipped her pajama top on, her shoulders slumped. Even SHE didn’t have the energy for the vibrator.
Chapter 19
“What the hell are you doing here?” Claire’s eyes were wide staring at Barry. He’d opened the driver’s door, hanging onto the frame for dear life.
“I’m your knight in shining armor. Shove over, my dear.” Barry was already pushing his hip to Claire’s shoulder, forcing her to scurry to the other side, whether from fright that he’d sit on her or revulsion would be anyone’s guess. She didn’t have a clue either.
He hunched over the steering wheel of the car he’d once owned, turning the key in the ignition. A groan from the engine was all he heard.
“You’ve succeeded in killing this fine beast, Claire. This isn’t going to start without a boost.” He turned his head to look at her, actually both of her.
“So, can you boost it?” Claire’s eyes were also watering, but from the fumes of alcohol permeating the car now.
“I’ve got a better idea. Why don’t you take my car?” He sucked his lips into his mouth and raised his eyebrows.
“Okay…But what about you? How’ll you get home?” The hand rest in the side of the passenger door was pressing into Claire’s waist as she struggled to keep distance between them.
“Claire that’s sweet, you thinkin’ of me. That’s what I always loved about you baby, your consideration.” Barry stretched out his hand to place it on her knee.
She brushed his hand away brusquely. “Too bad you hadn’t shown the same consideration to me.” She sniffed and looked straight ahead through the windshield.
“Claire, if I had it all to do again, I wouldn’t. I’m so sorry, baby.” Barry slid his hand back to his side of the car and sighed. “C’mon. Drive me home and keep the car overnight. We’ll figure out what to do about this one tomorrow.” He looked at her again. “I’m drunk and I need you.”
Her head swiveled to look at him. Was he propositioning her? He had some nerve! No. He was just too drunk to drive. He needed a sober driver; that was all. And for some strange reason, the realization made her heart fall lower than it already was.
“Okay. I don’t want you to get a DUI. I’ll drive you.” She reached for the door handle and stopped when his hand landed like a tuna on her shoulder.
He was grinning. “You drive me nuts, y’know. I’m still crazy about you. Do you still hate me?” Now his hand was running up and down her arm.
She looked at the floor between her feet. “I don’t hate you. I’m disappointed in you. How could you hurt me so bad?”
“God, I’d cut off my right arm rather than hurt you, Claire. I was an idiot. I made a mistake. Will you ever be able to forgive me? I’d give anything for it to be the way it was before.”
When Claire looked at him, there were tears in his eyes. Oh, if he only knew. She would too.
Glen checked the doors and turned off lights and climbed the stairs to join Abby. A cruise. He’d booked a cruise for them. Oh my God. It was in just a few days!
Wait till he told her about the cruise. He’d spring it on her at breakfast. Better make sure she didn’t have a mouthful of coffee when he did.
She’d be so happy. They hadn’t had a vacation together in a long time. Just the two of them? Oh, about seventeen years!
He opened the door and stopped. She was sitting up, reading in bed, but why was she wearing the flannel PJ’s? He leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms over his chest. “Just so you know, the empty beer bottles downstairs were Barry’s. I only had three, so I’m not drunk.”
She turned her head to look at him, silently.
He took a step forward and slipped his hands into his pockets. “I kinda’ thought that you’d be in the mood. Y’know, you usually are after you come home from the gym, and well...I’ve got something to ask you.” It was hard to keep the grin from splitting his face.
“How about we do a get away for a few days?”
She sat up. “Really? That might be a good idea.”
“Yeah, really. Got any ideas?”
She looked out the window. “Someplace warm would be great, but we can’t afford that.” She looked back to him. “How about a weekend in Chicago or something?”
“The Windy City? In February?”
“Okay, smart guy, what do you suggest?”
“How about someplace warm?”
She put her book down. “You serious? Where?” She smiled and her eyes were sparkling when she took off her reading glasses.
“How’d you like to go on a cruise?”
“A cruise? Oh.” Her lips pursed. “Sounds expensive. And Peter’d probably be bored.”
“No, just for the two of us. No kids.” He continued forward and sat next to her on the bed.
“A cruise? Are you kidding me?” She pulled her head back, her eyes questioning.
“We can afford it, trust me. Barry found one online, and it’s just for adults. Look, we need to get away, have some US time.” He reached for her hand and squeezed it.
Her eyebrows knitted together above narrow eyes as her head dropped. “You sure you only had three beers tonight?”
“I booked it. ABBY WE’RE GOING ON A CRUISE!” He scooped her into his arms and hugged her.
“What? We’re actually going? Where? When?” She pushed away to look at him, like a kid who’s going to Disneyworld. The way she looked, the night he’d proposed.
“The Caribbean! And we leave in three days!”
Her look registered alarm for a moment. “Three days?”
“Yeah, one of those last minute kind of things. That’s why it was so cheap!”
“How cheap is cheap?”
“Not even a thousand dollars, and that includes the flight to Florida to catch the boat! We can swing a grand, baby.” He stroked the side of her head. “Think of it as post accident therapy or something.”
“I’ve got to go shopping. I’ve got nothing to wear. What kind of clothes do people wear on a cruise? Oh my God! I can’t believe this!! A cruise! We’re going on a cruise. What about Peter?” Her hands were digging into his shoulders now.
“He’ll be fine here. Barry and Claire are around. They can look in on him.”
She looked away for a moment, thinking. “Oh, what the fuck. Let’s do it!” She leaned forward and kissed his cheeks, his lips, his forehead, even his nose. “Oh Glen! This is exciting. I love you!”
“I love you too Abby.” They held each other for a few minutes before Glen got up to undress for bed.
He was unbuttoning his shirt when Abby threw back the covers and stood up. She was wearing a wide smile, watching him in silence and unbuttoning her pajama top.
Okay! Glen’s hands were on auto-pilot as he unbuttoned his shirt, his eyes locked with hers.
She was sliding the pants down and kicking them to the side. God, she was a sexy goddess with those big boobs, still high and firm, despite breast feeding Peter. And her narrow waist curving out to round hips. Not some girlish, man/boy. No, she was all woman.
And the dark triangle of her womanhood. He’d love to bury his face between her legs. Maybe, tonight he would.
Glen undid his belt and the button on his pants, quickly sliding the zipper down and pants off. Next the jockey’s and socks. The cotton fabric on his side of the bed was cool against his bare skin when he climbed in.
He laid on his side, elbow propping his head up watching her. She was better than any porn star that he and Barry’d watched.
“C’mere baby and give me a kiss. Now.” Her eyes kind of lit up when he’d ad
ded the ‘Now’. She liked that, huh?
She climbed onto the bed, knee walking to him and straddling his legs. She bent forward and kissed him with lips as soft as a butterfly’s wing. When she pulled away it wasn’t only love that was in her eyes. It was lust.
Her fingers slipped around his shaft, which was hard already. Oh God, this was wonderful, feeling her hands on him. She touched him just the way he liked. He closed his eyes and drifted into the sensation. When she moved on top of him, he opened his eyes and watched her guide him into her opening and sigh as she lowered herself.
God it was sexy, watching the look on her face, feeling her warm and wet clutching him. His hands slowly drifted from her hips, up her sides to cup her full breasts, rolling them in his hands. He was hard and making love to his wife. He still had it.
She moved slowly up and down on him, rocking her hips sideways, pulling his member. “Oh yeah, just like that.” He closed his eyes once more.
“Glen we’re going to be doing this a lot on the cruise. Remember how much I like afternoon delight?” Her voice was almost a whisper.
“Oh yeah. Maybe I should get some Viagra.” He couldn’t stop a chuckle from escaping.
“You’re going to need a case of it, Buster.” She stopped moving, his shaft deep inside her. “Glen, it’s such short notice. Are you sure you should have booked it without checking at work? I mean what if you can’t get the time off? I should be able to swing it but are you going to lose money if you can’t?”
Glen sighed and opened his eyes. Abby looked down where they were joined and back at him. The only thing he was losing right now was the erection. Why’d she have to bring up work?
Chapter 20
Glen stepped into the portable on-site office. Through a haze of cigar smoke, Gloria, the underpaid and over-worked girl-Friday, raised her head and mouthed a silent ‘Hello’.