by Moore,Mia
Another sip of wine and turning to the side, checking out the cheeks of her ass. Again, they used to be higher but still pretty good. Her fingers pushed her panties down, over the roundness of her hips. She’d squeezed in a bikini wax before the trip but the women on the deck had taken it to the extreme. Some sported just a small strip of hair but most were clean shaven. What would that be like?
She ambled into the bathroom already feeling the warm numbness in her muscles from the wine. Oh hell. So what if she could feel the wine. If this was the only way to get through this vacation with nudists, then bring on the vino! Another large sip as she fumbled in the bathroom toiletry bag. Where is that razor?
Aha! Glen’s razor. That’ll do. See how he likes a dull razor tomorrow morning? Serves him right. One last sip of the wine and she turned on the shower. There was a complimentary bottle of shampoo sitting on a shelf of the shower and she popped it. She lathered between her legs—is it still a pussy when it’s bald?—and giggled. Only a few swipes of the fresh blade in the razor and there she was, smooth and clean. It felt cool, fresh and yes…kind of erotic. Her fingers lingered, sliding between the lips of her labia. Yes. That was good.
But not now. She turned off the shower and stepped out, wrapping herself in a luxurious fluffy towel. When she walked to the bedroom to open her suitcase and find her new swimsuit, she stopped her hand on the bottoms. Should she? Another little bottle of wine and maybe flip a coin. Heads, both pieces. Tails, only bottoms.
Uh oh. This was the last little bottle of white wine. She frowned. Where was Glen? Probably up there ogling all the women. She took another large drink of wine and fished in her purse for a coin. Well, here goes nothing!
Oh my God! Tails! A thrill spread out from between her legs to her very fingertips. Where was Glen when she needed him? She caught herself as she stumbled putting the bikini bottom on. He thinks he’s getting an eyeful now? Wait till I parade by him topless! Yeah, you want to see all these naked women? Well buddy, you’re about to get more than you bargained for.
Abby drained the bottle of wine and scooted back into the bathroom for the dry towel hanging there. And I’m using all the dry towels! Take that Glen!
She opened the door and peeked both ways down the hall before stepping out. Here goes. She took a deep breath, held her head high, shoulders back, boobs up and walked down the corridor to the stairs. Oh my God, what was she about to do? She could turn back and no one would ever know.
NO! It was time to man up, or in her case woman up. If nothing else, this would teach Glen a lesson.
She stepped into the hot sunshine on deck and looked around. Her boobs had never seen direct sunlight. Were people looking at her? No, not so much. Even wearing the bottoms of her swimsuit, no one gave her a second glance. Where was Glen? She turned her head and looked into the bar nearest her.
Her head jerked forward and she lifted the dark glasses up to stare into the dim area. Glen was talking with a gorgeous red haired woman. A NAKED red haired woman! He lifted two amber colored drinks. What the hell! He’s making time with a hot chick, buying her drinks! We’ll see about that.
Chapter 25
“See you later Sherri. Don’t get too much sun!” One last look at her before he turned to leave the bar.
He jumped, spilling the contents of the whiskey over his sandaled feet. Holy shit! Abby! Sweet mother of God, she’s naked! Her boobs are out there for all to see. “Abby! What are you doing? Put that towel around yourself, quick.” He took a step towards her to shield her chest.
“What? It’s okay for you to have drinks and ogle some red head but for God’s sake, don’t let Abby do that! Well here they are buddy!” She held her head high, arching her back. “Out there for everyone to see and admire. And don’t think I haven’t caught guys checking them out!” She snatched a drink from his hand and marched to the nearest vacant lounge chair.
Glen’s eyes were riveted to the bounce and the little smile crease of the cheeks of her ass as she stomped off. His gaze lifted after a moment to see who else was watching her. Yeah. Figures. That swarthy Italian looking guy and the red head’s husband. He scurried after her and pulled a lounge chair to sit beside her.
“Abby, what’s gotten into you?” He leaned closer to tug at the towel, trying in vain to cover her chest.
“Not you, that’s for sure.” She took a large swallow of her drink, her eyebrows tight together.
“That’s not fair and you know it.” His lips were set in a straight line.
“Who was that woman you were talking to?” She turned to face him and pursed her lips.
“Sherri.” He lifted his hand and pointed. “That’s her husband over there. And I wasn’t talking to her, just saying hello. I was on my way back to the cabin with a drink for you. But, you beat me to it. I thought we’d talk about how we’re going to handle this trip but I see you’ve already decided.”
He took a large swallow of his drink and scanned the naked women sitting around them. Fine. If she was going to be this way, an exhibitionist then he was going to be a voyeur. Besides, he had his friend Foster Grant to back him up.
“Are you enjoying staring at all the naked women, Glen? I know you are.” Her shoulder shrugged upward and she turned her head away.
“Yeah. As a matter of fact I am.” He shifted in his seat to ease the strain of his penis which was growing steadily. “Are you enjoying seeing all these naked cocks?”
There were a few minutes of silence before she answered. “Kind of. But the one I wanted to have when I was changing was up here, ogling naked women.”
He turned to look at her. Her voice had been almost sad. Things were getting all screwed up and it was time to set them right. Besides, he was hotter than a half fucked fox in a forest fire. He set the drink down on a nearby table and reached for hers, taking it from her.
“C’mon. We’re going to the cabin.” He took her hand and pulled her to her feet. Let them stare at her beautiful big boobs. They were his woman’s and he was the only one who was going to touch them.
He took the stairs two at a time, dragging her behind him.
“Slow down!”
“Hell no!”
He ignored her and sprung the cabin door open, pulling her inside after him. Her body whirled landing in his arms, her bare breasts pressing into him. His mouth was on hers, his tongue exploring, thrusting into hers, while his hands worked to strip the bikini bottom from her hips.
At the smoothness his hand discovered between her legs, his eyes opened. Her lips drew back in a smile, still touching his.
“Like it?” She whispered.
“Get on the bed and spread your legs.” His voice was a growl. As she passed by, he gave her luscious ass a playful swat. His fingers flew undoing his shirt and pants and tossing them aside. She was being a bad girl, lying on the bed with her legs locked together.
He stepped to the side, close to her dainty feet, the nails painted cherry red, like petals. He gripped her ankles in his large hands and tugged them apart. There was no resistance on her part. One glance at her face, eyes half closed and tongue licking her lower lips. Yeah, she was as horny as he was. Her woman lips were swollen and now because she’d shaved, the little dark nub of her hot button could be seen.
He pulled her body to the edge of the bed and holding her legs in his hands, he knelt down onto the carpeted floor. When he blew softly on her, she moaned. He lowered his head and licked her slowly, teasing her further, purposely avoiding her clit. Her hips moved, trying to connect her hot button to the tip of his tongue.
“Glen…Please. Lick it.” Her voice was a whimper.
She’d had enough. He ran the tip of his tongue over her hard bud and sucked it into his mouth the way she liked. God, she tasted great. Her juices were wetting his cheeks.
“Yessss. There. Keep doing that… yes, that… right there.” Her voice was almost guttural, demanding. In all the years he’d done this to her, this was the first time she’d given directions. Usu
ally she just maneuvered her body to what she wanted. Her voice was putting HIM, over the edge.
She sat bolt upright when the orgasm hit, grasping him by the hair and panting.
He rose up and pulled her legs around his waist, sliding into her wetness, and shoving forward, deep into her. God, she was tight and hot. He withdrew all of the way out and paused for a beat before driving deep into her once more. Her muscles were clamping down onto him.
Before he had a chance to touch her clit to rub her and push her over the edge again, her hand snaked down there. Oh fuck. The only other time he’d seen her play with herself was that time in the shower. Fuck, this was hot.
His hips took on a life of their own, pounding deep into her, faster and faster. He watched as her fingers rubbed herself with a speed, matching his own.
“Oh, oh… there! Yes! Don’t stop! Fuck me hard!” Her eyes squeezed shut and her head fell backward into the bed as her muscles clamped onto him.
The tightness and quivering of her walls on his shaft was driving him crazy. He pounded deep into her like a jack hammer, faster and faster, watching the ecstasy on her face, her luscious breasts bouncing at each thrust. Oh fuck, this was hot.
“Jesus Abby. I love this. Yeees. I’m coming!” His drove deep, flooding her warm flesh, again and again. Holy fuck! He gasped and fell onto her, kissing her neck and chin. Her arms and legs hugged him close as their hearts thundered together.
He was still in her, lying as one with her. Oh my God, he’d come inside her, his woman. It was awesome. And it was about fucking time.
“I love you.” Her hand now played with his hair. “Let’s do this again.”
He lifted his head and looked into her dark blue eyes. Okay, she was kidding. He breathed a sigh of relief. “I have a confession to make.” He grinned down at her, watching her eyes open wider.
“Seeing you walking around topless, knowing other men were admiring your body, made me horny.”
“I thought you were mad.”
“I was. But then it got exciting. Maybe that’s part of the attraction for these nudists. I bet they go to their cabins and screw like bunnies.” He rolled over to lie beside her.
“I was turned on going out like that, although the main reason was to make you angry.” She threaded her fingers through his and squeezed his hand.
“You bitch.” He squeezed her hand. There was silence for a moment. “I liked you saying dirty things and watching you play with yourself. You’ve never done that when we’ve made love. It’s sexy.”
“It just felt right. It was what I wanted, so I did it.” She turned onto her side to face him. “What about the nudist thing? Are you going to try it? I might like watching women ogle you.” She smiled and kissed the tip of his nose.
“Oh hell. What the hell? Why not?” He turned and kissed her once again.
Chapter 26
Claire stared out the kitchen window at the snow drifting down in large, wondrous flakes. The world was blanketed in innocent white, a fresh gift from Mother Nature. Maybe later, when she finished shoveling the driveway and walkway, she’d have a different opinion about the snow, but for now, the pristine newness was a thing of beauty.
She left the window to pour a second cup of coffee and settle into the large sofa in the living room. The house was too quiet. She got up and turned the stereo on to soft jazz and sat down once more to watch the snow through the picture window.
Since the night when her car wouldn’t start and she had talked to Barry, he had called her three times a day. And the emails! All lovey dovey and apologetic. He really did sound sincere. But was she ready to forgive him? Could she ever trust him again? And more importantly, could she risk being hurt that badly again?
Yeah…it was hard to admit, but she still loved him. After fourteen years of marriage plus three years dating, how could she not? And now he wanted to give their marriage another try. Even after six months, the anger and hurt battled for dominance in her gut and heart. Memories of the good times they’d had were all but crushed. But there HAD been good times. Would there ever be again? Well, not if she shut him out, that was for sure.
The phone rang and she jumped to get it, hesitating to answer when she saw his name. She let it ring a couple more times.
“Hello Barry.” She clutched the phone tightly in her hand, as her heart leapt into her throat, her body completely at odds with the casual tone of her voice.
“Claire! Have you looked outside? Isn’t it beautiful? You know what I’m thinking?” Barry sounded like he’d had too many coffees.
“Not a clue. What?” She sat down on the sofa and put her feet on the coffee table.
“Remember when we used to go cross country skiing? Whaddya’ say? You didn’t throw my skis out did you?”
“Oh my God. That was years ago. And no, I still have the skis.” A picture of them skiing on a trail through trees near a lake flashed in her mind. Would her ski pants still fit?
“Why don’t I pick you up in an hour and we’ll go to the nature reserve. You know the one, remember?” He sounded as excited as a kid. How do men do that?
“Yeah. I’m not sure how far I’ll be able to go. I’m no spring chicken anymore.” Barry hadn’t been the only one who had gained weight in the last six months.
“You look great! All those exercise classes with Abby have paid off. Don’t think I didn’t notice.”
Okay, he was laying it on a little thick now, especially since she’s been wearing a parka the last time she’d seen him. The sands in her hourglass figure were settling in the bottom now.
“Okay, let’s do it. With Abby gone, I need the exercise. See you in an hour.” She hung up the phone and sat quietly for a few moments. Was she making a mistake, starting things up again? Maybe. But if she was going to allow him back in her life, he was going to have to prove himself. It could be like when they were in college again, him wooing her. Actually, that would be fun and it’d give her time to go slow…be sure she wasn’t making a huge mistake.
She downed her coffee and went up stairs to get ready. Not rushing, the way she’d once done when she was a girl and he called. Now, she was a woman to be courted.
Barry was reluctant for their (dare he call going cross country skiing a date?) yes, their date, to end. Claire’s cheeks were rosy from the cold air and skiing. Her blue eyes, shaded by the heavy long lashes, sparkled. God, she was pretty. She’d put on a few pounds in her behind, but the curve of her ass in front of him skiing looked even better than he’d remembered.
It had nothing to do with the fact that he hadn’t been laid in six months. Well…almost nothing.
“Where’s the snow shovel? Let me do the driveway for you. Especially that heavy shit the snowplow leaves.” He watched her open the garage door and grab the shovel. Well, she hadn’t said no.
“Thanks. I’ve had as much exercise as I want today. Knock yourself out.” She handed him the shovel and turned to go in.
Barry started with the steps where she had just been. It’d been a long time since he’d shoveled the steps and his driveway. He never thought he’d get the chance again. Thank you, God. But she hadn’t asked him in for coffee or a drink. Would she take pity on him when she saw what a great job he’d done? Maybe a drink and then she’d ask him to stay for dinner?
Don’t push it Wolf. One step at a time. He paused and leaned on the handle of the shovel.
Wolf? That was stupid. He wasn’t a Wolf. He was Barry, a husband who’d fucked up and regretted it every minute for the last six months. And then to think she’d make dinner for him? No. She deserved better. He’d finish this job and ask her out for dinner. Someplace fancy and romantic.
Hell, he’d helped Glen put some romance back in his marriage and now it was time for him to walk the walk.
At the knock at the door, Claire rushed from the window where she’d been watching him shovel. The poor guy had really slowed down near the end. Maybe she’d ask him in fo
r a coffee or a beer.
She opened the door and his green eyes, along with his lips, smiled at her.
“All done! Claire, if you aren’t busy, would you like to go to dinner with me tonight? Get dolled up and go to someplace fancy, like Chez Francois.”
What! He’d never taken her to such a classy restaurant, even on their anniversary. Should she play coy? Pretend that she had other plans, maybe another man in her life? It WAS last minute after all.
“That would be nice. Sure. What time?”
“Seven? Or six? Whatever you’d like.”
Now his eyes were wide. Maybe he’d expected her to say no. Damn. She should have offered another time. Now, he probably thought she was anxious.
“How about seven thirty? I’ve got some things to do later today and that would be a better time.”
“Great! I’ll see you at seven thirty. Bye.”
She watched him walk down the driveway to his car. Seeing him and doing something as wholesome as skiing had been fun. She shut the door and peeked through the glass window, watching him pull away. When he was out of sight, she grabbed her car keys and made a mad dash to the Buick. There were a lot of shops to hit to find the right dress.
It was close to midnight when Barry drove Claire home from their dinner date. Dinner had turned into dancing, lots of wine and laughter. And Barry had been the perfect gentleman, curtailing his drinking for the drive home. There was no doubt about it; he could clean up really well. Even the jokes he had told were cute, not smutty or disrespectful.
It was Claire who had put away too many glasses of wine and hinted at more, with double entendres and flirting. She knew it and she didn’t care anymore. It was the first time in a long, long time that she’d danced and laughed so much.
“Would you like to come in for a nightcap? Tuck me into bed?” Her ruby red lips pulled back in a lascivious smile and her eyes, half closed and twinkling were sending the same message.