Overboard: Swingers Second Chance Contemporary Romance Novel

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Overboard: Swingers Second Chance Contemporary Romance Novel Page 13

by Moore,Mia

  She stared at Glen. The lubrication had been HER idea and when the hell was this MC going to go away? There were hundreds of eyes staring at them.

  “Glen, just between us and the other hundred people here, did you have some help with the little blue pill? But looking at your wife, probably not!”

  There was a burst of applause and laughter. Oh God, don’t let me faint. This was worse than when she’d been a kid, standing in front of the class for the mandatory public -speaking assignment. And Glen! He was eating this up!

  “No blue pill. Honest.”

  “Attaboy Glen!” The MC turned and looked at the other two couples still standing. “Now we’ve got to have a winner here, although if I did it four times in a day, I’d count myself a winner. Who did it five times today? C’mon and be truthful.”

  Oh my God! The other two couples sat down. It was just her and Glen standing!

  The MC turned and took her hand and Glen’s hand in his and raised them in the air. “Let’s hear it for Abby and Glen. The two horniest kids here!”’

  There was a burst of applause and a few wolf whistles. Please Jesus, let the floor open up and swallow her whole. She wished she could be as cool as Glen was with this. His chest was puffed out like some stud bull or something!

  “Abby and Glen, since you like to spend so much time in bed, here’s a coupon for free massages. It should take care of any friction burns! And a We Vibe!” He waved a small box in the air and the crowd applauded again. What the hell, Nintendo makes vibrators?

  Glen took the coupon and Abby took the vibrator. At last, they were able to sit down amidst the laughter and cheering. Abby drained her drink in a few swallows. The burning liquor in her throat was cool compared to the temperature of her face and neck.

  “We hardly ever win anything. Look Abby, free massages. I’ve never had a massage.” Glen held the tickets up in wonder. “We beat all those other younger couples!”

  “Oh my God, Glen. That was embarrassing. People will think we’re sex fiends. I’m not going to leave my cabin again.” Abby signaled to the waiter for another drink.

  “You can’t do that, Abby. Then they’d KNOW you’re a sex fiend. C’mon. It was all in good fun, right? And we don’t know anyone here, so what?” Glen patted her knee under the table.

  She opened the box and held the U shaped vibrator, hot pink no less, between her fingers, looking at it. It was nothing like the one she’d purchased before. How the heck …

  Glen leaned close and whispered in her ear. “I got some ideas about that. It could be fun, especially after what we tried this afternoon.” He took it from her and tucked it into his shirt pocket.

  Her eyes flashed as she realized what he meant. Yeah, that could be fun. She squirmed on her seat. She’ll read the manual on that doo-hickey, for sure!


  The dinner had been scrumptious and they were still sitting in the dining room enjoying coffee and dessert when the red head, Sherri and Richard stopped at their table.

  “Congratulations! That was fun, wasn’t it?” Sherri placed her hand on Glen’s shoulder and leaned over the table. The low cut dress barely covered her nipples.

  A hand on Abby’s shoulder made her jump and turn to face Richard’s crotch.

  “We’ll see you guys in the playroom later, I hope.” Richard’s dark eyes roamed over Abby’s chest like she was naked…or at least that was what it felt like.

  When Glen spoke, she turned to face him. “Yeah, sure. We’ll probably find our way there. We’re going to take a stroll around the ship. Work off some of this dinner.”

  “Sounds great! We’ll look for you there.” Richard’s hand lingered on Abby’s shoulder for a moment before he and Sherri moved away, going towards the doorway, hand in hand.

  She looked over at Glen. “Holy cow, did you see how low cut that dress was? Don’t answer. Of course you did. What’s this playroom thing?” Abby finished the last of her coffee and set the cup down. Yeah, a walk around the ship sounded good.

  “It’s probably a bunch of pool tables and stuff. He gestured to a much older couple that joined Sherri and Richard and snorted. “Probably shuffleboard too. Or cards? Look, we don’t have to go if you don’t want to. I know you’re not crazy about pool, and to tell the truth, it kinda’ sounds boring.” Glen stood up and took her hand.

  “Well we can wander through and say hi to people. See what it’s like.” She walked by his side through the dining room and then into the open air. God, what a night. It was gorgeous with the full moon reflected off the water, catching the sparkling crests of the waves. The air was warm and sultry against their faces.

  Hand in hand they walked the deck enjoying the evening. Up ahead, about twenty feet away, dance music throbbed.

  “We haven’t gone dancing in a long time. Would you like to stop in there for a few minutes?” Glen nodded his head to the area where the music was playing.

  “Still remember how?” Abby squeezed his hand.

  “Like riding a bicycle, baby.”

  They stepped inside. Lights flashed in time to the beat on a crowded dance floor. Abby bobbed and danced her way to a spot trailing Glen behind her. The song was a remix of one of the hits popular when she was a teenager. This was great!


  Wow! Abby was really getting into this! He pulled her to him and spun her around the way they’d once done. Sure, it was a younger crowd in the bar, but he and Abby could show them a thing or two about dancing.

  Over her shoulder he watched as a couple really started to get into the whole dirty dancing routine, rubbing suggestively against each other. Yeah, those two could give Patrick Swayze a run for his money. His eyes widened. The guy was lifting his wife’s top up and off, twirling it in his hand! And the wife was still dancing, actually strutting with her bare boobs (they were a nice set of knockers) sticking out.

  Geez, these nudists can’t get enough. They shed their clothes at the drop of a hat. Abby was about to turn to face the couple. He reached out and pulled her tight to his body dancing. What would she think if she saw that woman dancing topless?

  Holy God. Now another woman shed her top! Smaller boobs with perky nipples! Not bad. This time Abby did manage to turn away in a swirl. When she faced him again, she was grinning, eyes wide. Okay. She’s going with the flow, live and let live. Better keep my eyes on HER though or that could change.

  “Abby!” She had bent towards him, shimmying her boobs in the low cut dress. Part of her nipple was showing! He glanced to each side before he pulled her close. Had anyone seen? No. they were all focused on their own partner. Shit. Why was that disappointing?

  Abby pulled away once more. The nipple was still showing and this time her clinging dress was half way up her ass. You could see her butt cheeks. OH my God, was she even wearing panties? She was really getting into this! He watched as a woman dancing next to her gave her a friendly pat on the ass and then a thumbs up sign. And instead of Abby being affronted, she smiled back. This was hot and Private Pecker was stirring awake. Even though the song was still playing he took Abby’s hand and dragged her off the dance floor and out the door.

  “Glen!” Abby stood next to him at the railing, nipple and ass still exposed. “Why’d we leave? That was fun.”

  “Oh my God, Abby. Too much fun! Look what you’ve done to me.” He glanced in each direction and seeing they were alone, placed her hand on the crotch of his pants.

  Abby leaned into him, her hand stroking his hard shaft through the fabric of his pants. “Nice. And that was because of me or was it the topless women?”

  His arms went around her and he held her tight. “Maybe we should go back to the cabin?”

  “Or, maybe instead of dancing under the moonlight, we’ll find a nice spot and make love under the stars.” She waggled her eyebrows at him. “Whaddya’ say, sailor?”

  Chapter 28

  “Everything going okay, Peter?” Claire’s voice on the telephone sounded almost… cheerful?

nbsp; He hadn’t heard her sound so upbeat since she and Barry split. “Yeah. Everything’s great. Got lots of food and keeping the driveway cleared, shoveling and stuff.”

  There was NO WAY, he’d give any hint of what he had planned for that night. The last thing he needed was a surprise visit from Aunt Claire or even Uncle Barry.

  “Good. I promised your mother I’d check in on you. I figured everything was okay or you’d have called me.” There was a muffled sound and what sounded like her covering the mouth piece and laughing.

  “Aunt Claire? Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah. Sorry, I dropped something on the floor.” Again, it sounded like someone was in the background.

  Peter shook his head and rolled his eyes. Whatever. “Yeah, I’m looking forward to Mom and Dad getting back. I hope they’re having a good time.”

  There was a pause before Claire answered. “Yeah, I can’t wait to hear all about their trip. Hope they have lots of pictures!” A giggle once more.

  Had she been drinking? “Yeah. There’re probably taking all kinds of pics and will have you over for a movie night of their trip.”

  He held the phone away from his ear, at the high pitched cackle. Yeah, she must be drunk. A little early to be hitting the sauce, Aunt Claire. When the laughter stopped he brought the phone to his ear again.

  “Look, I’ve got some studying to do. I’ve got an exam next week and I’m behind the eight ball. I’ll talk to you later. Thanks for calling, Aunt Claire.”

  He hung up the phone just as his cell phone vibrated in his pocket. He scooped it out and read.

  Hey Homey. I got the booze. U sure Rachel’s going to b there 2nite?

  Peter rolled his eyes before he answered. Frigging Eric. Such a spineless wimp. He hadn’t had the balls to ask Rachel himself, leaving it up to him to get her to the party. Well, not really a party, more like an orgy if things went as planned. Rachel was Lisa’s BFF and she helped him get Rachel to agree to come.

  Thank God James had his shit together. He’d be there with Jessica and he was on side with a group bang. If Eric couldn’t get with the program, then he could leave, just as long as he left the booze behind. Actually that was the only reason he’d asked him. Eric’s older brother always came through with the booze.

  Oh yeah. Tonight was going to be sweet. Lisa was hot--a cheerleader who’d been with every guy on the football team. Well, everyone but him. But that was going to change tonight. And maybe he’d do Rachel too?

  The other guys on the team bragged about doing threesomes. He’d never done that but he was shooting past that mark anyway. Group sex. Yes! And he had the condoms.

  Eewe. The condoms triggered a picture of his mother in his mind. Why’d she have to lecture him about that before she left?

  They weren’t stupid. They’d probably guessed that he’d be having a girl over while they were away.

  If they knew what he had planned, they’d have a coronary.

  Chapter 29

  When Claire hung up the phone from Peter, she ran to the bathroom, leaving Barry sitting on the sofa. What was up with that? Hope she’s not coming down with something.

  He looked around the living room at the furniture and photos they’d taken over the years. His gaze lingered on their wedding picture. How innocent and skinny they’d been back then. Now look at them, forty pounds heavier and a heap wiser. Life had been simple back then when they were just starting out. There was no way he’d ever have thought they’d have any problems, aside from stupid stuff, like squeezing the toothpaste from the middle or leaving the toilet seat up.

  His stomach fell as he re-lived the night he’d fucked up so badly. A stupid sales convention, too many drinks and falling into bed with that psycho-slut. The next morning he’d been shocked waking up next to her. Even on Claire’s bad days, waking up with bed-head and morning breath, she was a movie star compared to what he’d slept with that night.

  He’d regretted it as soon as he opened his eyes, hung to the gills, feeling physically and emotionally sick about it. Claire would never have known about the ONE time, he’d cheated on her if not for psycho-bitch. When he refused to see her again, she’d gotten pissed and called Claire. And that had been the beginning of the end of happily ever after.

  Even when they’d learned that they couldn’t have kids, they’d stuck together and made it through. Hell, Peter was the closest thing to a son either of them would ever have. Their own ‘real’ nieces and nephews lived halfway across the country. Maybe he should stop over and see Peter. If it was Glen in his shoes, he’d do the same thing. Maybe Claire would go with him.

  He looked up when Claire returned and flopped on the sofa next to him.

  “You okay? You’re not sick or anything, are you?” He looked into her red rimmed eyes. Had she been crying?

  “No. I’m fine. I almost wet myself though. Peter suggested that we get together for a movie night of pictures of their trip!” She started to giggle again.

  “Oh my God. If he only knew what kind of a cruise they’re on. They’re going to kill me y’know.” He chuckled and shook his head picturing the photos.

  “What do you think they’re doing? My bet is hiding out in their cabin.” Claire started to laugh once more.

  “I’m not taking that bet, ‘cause you’re probably right.” He pulled his lips tight and looked at her from under his eyebrows. “What do you suppose it’s like? A swinger’s cruise?”

  He watched Claire’s hands cover her mouth as laughter once more erupted. After a few moments, she sat still, smiling. “I don’t know. YOU’RE the one who watches the porn movies. Don’t tell me you don’t have one of swingers, ‘cause I know you do.”

  He looked at her and smiled. She was teasing, not angry. “Well, what if I did have some swinger movies? Would that be bad?” He felt a twinge in his dick. Maybe, if he played his cards right…

  “Well no, not bad. I mean guys watch skin flicks because guys are visual. They like watching naked people having sex. For women, not so much. Now give me a sexy book and…” She snuggled closer sitting next to him.

  “Now wait a minute. Have you ever watched a porn movie? How do you know?” He ran his hand along her thigh, stopping well short of where he’d like to put it. Take it easy Barry. Slow and sure wins the race.

  “Well no, not for any length of time. Sometimes shit like that pops up on my computer when I’m doing a search but I just shut it down.”

  “Then you don’t really know how you’d react do you?” Could she see his crotch from the way she was sitting? He draped his arm over his groin.

  “No, I guess not. But I know from what other women say about them. Shallow and stupid is usually it.” Her hand slid to cover his on her leg.

  “So if other women jumped off a cliff, would you do it too? Or would you decide for yourself?” This was it. He held his breath.

  “No fair. You sound like my father. I suppose you just happen to have some swinger movies on you.” Her fingers stroked along his hand.

  Oh boy. Was he reading too much into this? Was she hinting she’d like to see some porn? He’d stopped himself from jumping her the night after their date at the schmancy restaurant and he’d been a gentleman the next day and even now. But, she was turning him on and he couldn’t take much more of this. Her perfume wafted into his nostrils and her hand on his was warm.

  “No, but if you’re not too chicken I can hook up your laptop to the TV. C’mon. It’ll be fun. We can see what Abby and Glen are going through.” He turned to look into her eyes.

  Yes, she was smiling, the little devil. She was probably as horny as he was.

  “Okay. You hook the laptop to the TV. I’m going to take a shower and slip into something more comfortable.” She leaned forward and kissed his lips, softly, lingering. When she broke their kiss and was getting to her feet, her hand slid across the bulge in his pants.

  He watched the round cheeks of her voluptuous ass in the tight jeans as she walked from the room. YES!
br />   Chapter 30

  Oh God. Hard again and after doing it five times that day! Abby exposing her nipple and ass was hot! Did she do it on purpose? That thought, along with the dancing that was practically foreplay in the bar… He was ready to go again. He turned his head in each direction. Was there a chaise lounge anywhere? Any kind of platform?

  He grabbed her hand, hurrying along the deck towards the front of the ship. Sure enough there was a set of lounge chairs and no one in sight. Abby scooted ahead of him, already hiking the tight dress up over her hips, adjusting the back of the chair so that it laid flat.

  His fingers were trembling as he loosened his belt and slid the fly of his pants down, watching her settle onto the chair and slip out of her panties.

  In a flash he was on her, directing his hard shaft into her slippery folds and beyond, burying himself to the hilt. She sighed and gripped his buttocks with her legs, pulling him deeper into her. He could feel her hand snake between them to touch her clit.

  This was wonderful, like the way it had been when they were teenagers, making love under the stars on a blanket. He was that guy once again, all hormones from the sexy sights in the bar, as he pumped into her, lost in lust.

  There were footsteps coming toward them. Oh my God, should they stop?

  “Look. It’s that couple who won the contest and they’re going at it again!” It was a woman’s voice.

  “Wow. That guy’s a bull.” A deeper voice, her husband?

  Glen froze, buried deep within Abby. But Abby wasn’t stopping. She was bucking under him like a bronco, her hand playing with her clit and from the sound of her moans she was close to coming.

  He pumped again into her. There was a couple watching him screw his wife, admiring him even. The thought of it pushed him over the top. He drove into her, hearing her moans and orgasm as he fell over the moon into bliss.

  God, that was good. His breath was ragged in Abby’s ear as he returned to earth. There were footsteps once again as the voyeur couple walked away.


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