Overboard: Swingers Second Chance Contemporary Romance Novel
Page 15
He walked down the stairs, gripping the handrail for dear life. The entrance way didn’t look too bad, a few beer bottles and glasses strewn on the floor. That’d be easy to clean up. At the last step his bare foot stepped on something squishy that oozed between his toes. Fuck! He took a deep breath of air, fighting the retch that was rising in his throat. Don’t look down.
Stepping only on the heel of the contaminated foot, he walked into the living room. There was a hole punched through the drywall about a foot wide. His hand went to his eyes recalling how it happened. Ron Thompson and his brother’d been in a contest to see who had the hardest head. He’d caught them banging the wall and made them stop. But when he left the room, they must have started up again. Idiots!
Of course the sofa cushions were scattered all over the floor and the TV set was still on. That was nothing. But that hole in the wall. How the hell was he going to fix that? Dad was going to kill him.
He walked to the kitchen and stopped at the kitchen sink. He turned the cold water on and let it run. The counter surrounding it was a mess of beer bottles, dirty glasses and pizza boxes. He reached for a clean glass from the cabinet but there weren’t any. Fuck. He grabbed a coffee mug.
Gulping cold water like a camel, he looked around the kitchen. Dirty dishes, empty potato chip bags, bowls and an empty milk carton filled the table. Well, at least there weren’t any holes head butted in the walls. He set the mug down, already feeling his brain suck up water like a sponge.
What about the rec-room? How bad would THAT be? Oh the hell with it. He’d deal with that after he’d had a shower and got whatever was sticking to his toes the hell off! He started toward the stairs again. He jumped, almost having a heart attack when the doorbell rang.
Oh God. Maybe it was Mom and Dad back early from the cruise. No, you idiot, they wouldn’t ring the bell. Who the hell could it be? He goose stepped into the living room and looked out the window.
Shit! It was Barry and Aunt Claire! The doorbell rang again. He peeked from behind the sheer curtain at the car that they’d left running, the exhaust smoke puffing plumes into the frosty air. His eye was caught by a movement in the bare branches of the maple tree on the front lawn.
Frig, there was a pale blue bra dangling from an icy branch. Oh my God. Above it was a matching pair of bikini panties. How the hell did they get up there? Whose were they? Well someone got laid last night and it sure wasn’t him.
Oh frig, don’t let them see it. Aunt Claire’s got eyes like a hawk. Please Jesus, just go away. He held his breath as he watched them turn to walk back to the car. What were they doing, just sitting in the car? The phone in the front hallway rang. The shrill sound ping ponged inside his head. Just go away. Leave a message.
He left the window and managed to climb the stairs, still keeping his toes aloft. When he went into the bathroom, he turned on the shower, lifted the toilet seat with his foot and wiggled his toes. There. It was gone. He flushed the toilet and shimmied out of his underwear.
Water splashed onto the floor where the curtain was ripped as he stood under the warm spray. Oh God, what a mess this had turned out to be. How was he going to fix the hole in the wall? Sure Dad left him some money, but no way did he have enough to hire someone. How do you hire someone anyway? And how bad was the rec-room going to be?
There was no two ways about it; his parents were going to kill him. He’d be lucky if he wasn’t grounded for the rest of the school year. Bullshit. The rest of his life.
If Dad didn’t kill him first.
Chapter 36
The bright colors and the colonial architecture drew Glen’s attention as they strolled down Bay Street in Nassau, Bahamas. It was the first excursion of the cruise and Abby wasn’t wasting any time to get her shopping fix. She and Sherri were browsing in and out of storefronts of pastel hued buildings along the street, or checking out merchandise set up on the sidewalk. The contrast between the American accents and the Bahamian lilt gave a charming backdrop as shoppers and merchants haggled.
The two women were getting on like long lost friends and they’ve only known each other for a day. Glen and Richard strolled behind, more interested in finding a restaurant than straw hats.
“How long have you and Sherri been doing this, the swinger thing?” Glen asked. Their ship was the only one that was docked at the cruise pier a few blocks away. He figured most if not all of the tourists out this early were from their cruise.
“Probably about eight years or so. This is our third cruise. It’s a smaller ship than last year’s but still pretty good.” Richard smiled and glanced at him. “You sure you’re not swingers? We saw you at the railing last night. Maybe you’re getting into it?” Richard held up a hand, palm up. “And I promised Sherri I’d find out if Abby likes playing with girls. She’s getting a vibe from Abby that she’s a little shy.”
Glen had to concentrate on putting on foot in front of another. Playing with GIRLS? Hole-Lee SHIT! Private Pecker heard too. Keep cool, Glen. When Richard and Sherri invited them to join them on the excursion, not a single word about sex was made. But now… “You think she’s shy? You saw us at the railing last night, man.”
Richard laughed. “Yeah, I know. But you didn’t come down and join us, you know.” He shrugged. “No big deal anyway. After you two split, one of the staff members shooed us all back to the playroom. They really don’t care for orgies at the pool.”
“Oh. Wait a minute—this is a swinger’s cruise, but no public sex?”
“That’s right. It’s a policy on board—no public playing except in designated areas. Didn’t you read the information packet they sent when you booked?”
“Uhhh… no. We did this all at the last minute?”
Richard laughed. “You guys are sure adventurous, man. It took Sherri and I almost a year to work up the nerve to go on our first cruise, and we only did because our club was hosting it and we had a gang of friends we could go with, to get our feet wet.” He tapped Glen’s arm. “You guys came solo, right?”
Glen nodded.
Richard stopped and looked at Glen. “You said you were from Ohio, right?”
“Yeah. Black Rapids.”
“No shit! We live in Conway!” It was a town not even five miles away. He shook his head with a smile.
“Small world?” Glen was starting to feel uncomfortable.
“I guess. You guys have to get an online profile if you’re getting into the Lifestyle.”
“Uhhh,... I’m really not good with computers.” Understatement of the year! “And we’re not swingers.”
“When you first got on board, all the signs— ‘Welcome Lifestylers’, ‘Clothing Optional’… You really didn’t have a clue it was a swinger’s cruise?” Richard was smiling and shaking his head looking at him.
“Thought you guys were nudists.”
“Oh. Well that makes all the sense in the world. Yeah, nudists.” Richard ran his hand through his hair.
“I think they’re called ‘Naturalists’?” He took deep breath.. “Look, things between Abby and me… we hit a rough patch. My job was getting to me… and we… I mean our… I mean me…” He paused. “Our sex life had gone down the toilet, okay? And I thought a second honeymoon on a cruise ship would add a spark, you know?”
“A ‘spark’.”
“Tell me the truth. Did you guys really have sex seven times yesterday?” Richard crossed his arms. “No bull now, okay, Glen? Tell me the truth.”
“No, we didn’t.” He blew out a breath and looked up the street where Abby was buying some T-shirts or something, then looked back at Richard. “After we left the railing by the pool we went back to our room, and… well, it was eight.”
“Spark to your sex life?”
Glen nodded.
“A spark. You guys wanted to add a spark.”
Richard chuckled. “I think you found it.”
br /> “More like a flamethrower.”
“Yeah.” He patted Glen’s shoulder. “Yeah, pretty much. Let’s get a beer. I need a drink.”
“Sounds like a plan. I need one too.”
“If I got laid eight times in one day, I’d need oxygen, man. Let’s go.”
They walked up the street towards a sidewalk café. When they passed the girls, they pointed and told them where to meet. They grabbed a table and ordered a round.
“So, Glen… this means you’re not going to jump my wife, huh?”
Glen shook his head.
“No girl/girl play?”
“Nope. I don’t see that happening.” Private Pecker would pout to no end, but no way was he raising that with Abby. He was lucky she hadn’t castrated him! “You cool with that?”
“Cool? Sure! You guys are all right, man. There are lots of people we’re friends with in the Lifestyle we haven’t had sex with!” Richard shook his head. “But I gotta be honest with you, you’re story’s one for the books.”
“You’re telling me.” Glen hesitated for a second, “Can I ask you some questions about this swinging stuff though?”
“Sure, fire away.”
“I’m pretty green in this area, so I couldn’t say. I kind of get it; everybody seems to be having a good time but how’d—“
“You’re wondering how we became swingers, right? We seem like a normal couple.” Richard grinned at him when he nodded his head. “As normal as you and Abby and yet you’re on a swinger’s cruise.” He laughed. “We’d always had a great sex life and for us, this was just a natural extension of that. Actually it was Sherri who got the ball rolling. She’d read about a swinger’s club and we went to see what it was like.”
Glen was hanging onto every word, glancing repeatedly at Richard. Sherri’d started this? “And you got hooked and became swingers from that point.”
“Yes and no. If you mean soft swing, then yes. Full swap didn’t happen for about a year.”
“Alright, ya got me. What’s soft swing? Full swap, I think I can figure out, but you’re losing me.” Glen shook his head looking at Richard and shrugged his shoulders.
“It’s what you guys did at the rail last night. You saw everyone in the pool area having sex and you joined in having sex with your wife.” Richard’s eyes sparkled as he took a haul of his beer.
“Whaddaya mean? Abby and I aren’t swingers.” Sure, doing that in the open last night was out there for them, but it didn’t mean they were swingers, did it?
“Okay you’re not swingers. But what you did was soft swinging--fucking your wife in front of other people. Didn’t you find that hot?” Richard’s head tilted to the side watching him.
No, he wasn’t poking fun or teasing, he looked too serious for that.
“Well…yeah. Seeing all the naked people and dirty dancing in the bar got both of us hot.”
“But you stayed outside having sex instead of running to your cabin? That’s soft swinging buddy and it’s sexy. Watching your wife get off was hot for Sherri and I. You guys were watching at the pool, and knowing you were watching was a turn on for us too. A fun time had by all.” Richard finished his glass of beer and signaled for another one.
“You guys have sex with other people. Don’t you ever get jealous? I don’t think I could stand seeing Abby with another guy.” A picture of Richard fucking Abby flashed in his mind and sent his stomach through the chair bottom. No, that wasn’t going to happen. No way.
Richard laughed. “I think probably a third or more of the people who signed up for this cruise are like you two guys. They get turned on by the atmosphere… the ‘Live Sexy’ vibe, and just get it on with each other.” He held a hand up to Glen. “Hey man, no one says you have to have sex with anyone, okay? When Sherri and I did our first full swap experience, we were both ready for it. We’d talked, experimented just a little to see how the small steps felt. I watched her give a guy a hand job, then some head, then a blowjob. She watched me kiss and make out with a woman. The next time she saw me go down on a gal. We were fine with it so took it to the next level.”
A pretty barmaid brought fresh beers and set them on the table. Her strong dark arms crossed in front of her, standing next to them, hip thrust out. “Would you like to run a tab, gentlemen?”
Richard reached in his pocket and scooped out a twenty. “No. I’ll get this one. That way when our wives join us, they won’t know how many we’ve had.”
“Good thinking.” Glen smiled at the barmaid before she left.
To Richard, small steps were a blowjob and going down on someone? That’d be HUGE for him. “Wow. You guys are really open minded. I can never see Abby and I doing that.” This talk of sex and swinging was interesting, if not stimulating. He shifted in his chair. Private Pecker was enjoying this part of their conversation.
“Most people think of wild orgies when they think if swingers. It’s usually not like that.” He chuckled. “It’s an erotic atmosphere and plain fun. Sherri and I have sex with other people but only when we’re together. It would really hurt her, if she caught me having sex with someone without her. And why would I want to?”
Wow. This was a lot to take in. It was okay for him to fuck another woman as long as Sherri was there? This was a weird spin on adultery, for sure. He took a drink of beer, waiting for Richard to continue.
“Swinging isn’t for everyone. And although it’s called a Lifestyle, that’s a bit of a stretch. When we go home, we still have to work, pay bills and take out the garbage. Our closest friends have no idea that we like to swing. They’re part of our vanilla life and we love them. Our cruises and trips to clubs are something we do for us, as a couple.”
Glen raised his eyebrows and nodded. “That kind of makes sense.”
“Just giving you straight answers to straight questions, Glen.” He nodded over Glen’s shoulder. “Look they’re back! And they didn’t clean the stores out. Thank God, since we’re going to be the packhorses.” Sherri’s arm went around Richard’s shoulder and she kissed his cheek.
Glen rose to his feet to allow Abby to get by him and sit.
“That looks good, Order me a beer will you, hon?” Abby opened a bag and pulled out the straw hat and T shirts, she’d bought.
“White wine for me.” Sherri leaned over, her round breasts almost falling out of the halter top. Glen’s eyes lingered for a moment and then looked at Richard.
His lips were pulled back in a small smile returning his gaze. Richard had noticed him checking out Sherri’s boobs and he liked it? That would get him a punch in the mouth if he was back home.
Abby’s hand on his arm interrupted his thoughts. “Look. Do you think Peter will like this?” She held a T shirt against her chest which read ‘It’s better in the Bahamas’.
Chapter 37
“That’s odd. Peter’s car was in the driveway and he’s not home? He hasn’t even answered my text to him.” Claire rode beside Barry, driving back to their house. “I feel guilty. Abby asked me to check in on him and we have hardly gotten out of bed to do that.”
“He’s fine. He probably caught a ride to school with one of his buddies. Or maybe, he stayed overnight with one. You worry too much.” Barry shot a small smile at her.
“I worry too much! This from the guy who booked our best friends on a Swinger’s Cruise and promised to check in on their son? YOU should be worried Barry.” Her cell phone vibrated in her pocket. “Wait. That’s probably him.”
She scooped her phone out and looked at the display. “Yup. It’s a text from Peter.” She was silent for a moment before she turned to her husband. “Isn’t football over for the year?”
“Yeah, for months. Why?” He glanced at her and then back at the road.
“He says he’s at school, staying late for football practice. Why would they do that if it’s over?” Her eyebrows pulled together and she exhaled loudly. Something wasn’t right here. But at least he was alive and had answered her text even if it sounded fishy.
“Do you think we should go back to their house and check in? Abby gave me a key.” She turned and placed her mittened hand on his arm.
“You got a key? Glen never gave me a key.”
“Of course not. I’m the responsible one, remember? Maybe he thought you’d be throwing wild sex parties in his house if he gave you a key.” She grinned at him. “But we’d have to go home to get it. I left it on the shelf by the door.”
“Let’s not bother. Peter’s fine.” He turned to face her and wiggled his eyebrows up and down. “Speaking of wild sex parties…want to stop at a sex shop? Maybe pick up some kinky toys or a sexy negligee for you?”
“I don’t know…I’m kinda’ worried about Peter.” Something was up with that kid. She was his second mother after all and her maternal instinct was kicking in. Can you have a maternal instinct for your best friend’s kid?
“Look we both called in sick, so we should be in bed.” Barry coughed. “We could get you a naughty nurse outfit and you could look after me. That way, we wouldn’t be lying.”
Naughty nurse huh? She pictured herself in a short nurse’s costume looking after her horny man and felt a stir between her legs. Yeah, Barry was probably right. Peter’s okay and Barry’s idea sounded fun. The sex between them over the last few days had been AMAZING!
Chapter 38
Abby held her arm tight around Glen’s waist, his arm heavy on her shoulders walking up the gangway to the ship. My God, he was so big. It was a good thing she worked out and had strong legs. Thank God, she’d stopped drinking two hours ago.
“Show me the way to go home…” Glen’s voice rose in song. And now Richard, almost as drunk as Glen, joined in. “We’re tired and we want to go to bed.”
“Oh you’re going to bed alright, just as soon as I get you in the cabin.” It was Sherri’s voice walking behind, next to Richard.