by Moore,Mia
Abby slipped away, giving an exaggerated wiggle to her hips as she walked. She smiled when he gave a low wolf whistle.
At the top of the stairs, she turned and watched him talking on the phone. He was grinning ear to ear and he closed his fist, jabbing the air. She sat down on the top stair. Whatever it was, he looked happy.
He hung up the phone and once more air jabbed. “YES!”
“Glen? What’s up?”
“ME! That was the Sloan, the owner of my company. They fired The Weasel and gave me the job of Project Manager. They’re really behind the eight ball and they’re going to almost double my pay!” He took the stairs two at a time.
“This is fantastic! A second honeymoon and you get a promotion when we get back?” She jumped to her feet and threw her arms around his neck. “I love you! That cruise was the best thing for us and I’d like to go again…maybe even check out clubs.” She took his hand, pulling him to the bedroom and back to the moment at hand.
“The only thing now is Barry and Claire.”
“Oh God, you think they know what sort of cruise it was?”
“I know so. He did everything but outright ask me about the swingers there.” Glen turned and closed the bedroom door.
“I don’t think we have to say anything. It’s our private sex life after all. We’ll deal with it.” She lifted the shirt she was wearing over her head and threw it on the floor. “Now where were we?”
Chapter 47
“Whaddaya’ mean, let’s go to the gym first? This is our night to get together for a few beers. I’d like to hear about the trip, see some pics.” Barry held the phone to his ear and rolled his eyes.
“We can still have some beers, but later. Let’s play a game of squash and then come back here. I put on a couple of pounds and you could use some exercise you know.” Glen sounded determined.
If he was ever to get the dish on the trip, he’d have to play along. “Okay. I haven’t played squash in years but I know I can whup your ass. Meet you at the gym in half an hour.”
Barry hung up the phone and went down the hall to the bedroom. It probably wouldn’t hurt to get in better shape and now was as good a time as any. There was no way he was going to buy size forty pants but the thirty eights cut into his waist. He was beginning to feel like two linked sausages.
He grabbed a pair of shorts, T shirt and sneakers and got down on his knees to search in the back of the closet for the gym bag.
Claire sat across from Abby at their favorite ice cream shop. Her tummy hurt from the strenuous workout. The last time she’d exercised had been with Abby and that had been weeks ago, before the accident. She scooped some ice cream into her mouth and looked at her best friend.
Abby hadn’t said too much about the cruise. You’d think that she’d be anxious to tell her all the dirty details. There was no way she could outright ask without giving up the fact that she KNEW it’d been a swinger’s cruise. Abby’s silence on the subject could only mean one thing—she and Glen must be swingers now. Barry was right.
Oh God, this was awful. Would Abby and Glen try to recruit them? No way would she have any part of that.
“Claire…” Abby rested her spoon in the chocolate spumoni in front of her. She looked directly into Claire’s eyes. “I’d like to…’
Uh oh! Here it comes! She’s going to proposition me and Barry!
“I need to clear the air between us. We’ve always been honest with each other, sometimes painfully so.”
Claire gulped the ice cream down and let out a deep breath.
“We both know that Barry booked Glen and I on a Swinger’s cruise.” Abby’s face looked calm. She wasn’t pissed or anything. Yeah, they’d become swingers.
“So what happened? Did you stay in your cabin the whole cruise?” Please God, say yes.
“No. We learned a lot about swingers or as they call it, The Lifestyle.” Abby looked as calm as if she were telling her about a grocery special or a favorite recipe.
“Were there orgies and people fucking everywhere?” Oh God, a picture of Abby and Glen at a fuck-fest flashed in her mind. Please spare me details of you guys in an orgy! What the hell? I just asked for the details! Argh!
“Only in designated areas. That’s all I’m going to tell you. I’m not going into details. Glen and I are still the same kind of friends to you and Barry that we’ve always been. I won’t ask you about your sex life with Barry and you don’t ask about Glen and me, deal?” Abby extended her hand across the table.
Thank God! Claire grasped Abby’s hand and shook it.
Barry stood in the kitchen behind Glen who was reaching for a couple of beers from the refrigerator. There had been people around in the squash court area and he couldn’t ask there. But now, it was just the two of them.
“Glen, you haven’t said much about the cruise. Are you pissed that I booked you on a swinger’s cruise? I’m sorry Buddy. That must have been a shock for you and Abby.” That was the way, ease into it just like the top salesman he was trained to be. Yeah, he knew people.
“Well, it was a shock at first. We were both ready to kill you, by the way. But it was okay.” Glen handed a beer to Barry.
“OKAY? That’s all? C’mon Glen, this is Barry you’re talking to. What happened? Were people fucking all over the place? Did you get pics or did you stay in your cabin the whole time?” He took a long drink from the bottle, his eyes never leaving Glen’s face. What was he smiling about?
“Oh we got pics—scenery, the water. I’ll show them to you.”
“You know what I mean, Glen. Any good ones, of people?” Fuck, Glen could be exasperating at times.
“What happens on a swinger’s cruise, stays on a swingers cruise. Sorry, but that’s the way it is.”
Both men turned at the sound of the front door opening. Abby’s voice could be heard and then Claire’s response.
Oh no. He’d never get the dirt, now that the women were back from the gym. Just a few more beers, alone with Glen, he would have cracked him.
“Hey Abby, Claire. How was the workout? Glen and I worked out too.” He watched Abby’s surprised look and the kiss she planted on Glen’s cheek. Claire stepped close to him and rubbed his back, putting her head on his shoulder.
Had she got anything out of Abby?
“Claire and I talked about the cruise over ice cream. Did you talk to Barry?” Abby was smiling up at Glen, running her fingers along his chin.
What the hell did that mean? Were they going to ask Claire and him to have sex with them? Well, Abby was kind of hot but…well, the thought of a naked Glen? Not so much. What had Claire said? Was she up for this?
“We were just getting to it when you came in.” Glen kissed the tip of Abby’s nose.
God, they were being so lovey dovey. Had the cruise done THAT for them?
“Claire and Barry, we love you like a brother and sister. Yes, Barry, you were a drunken asshole booking us on that cruise. But it worked out fine for us.” Glen put his arm around Abby and drew her close.
“So what…you guys are swingers now? Is that what you’re saying?” Barry looked from Abby to Glen, the last people on earth he’d ever thought would be into this.
“Let’s just say we are open-minded. Our friendship will never change, we’re almost like family. Just don’t ask us about our sex life and we won’t ask about yours. How’s that?” From the look on Glen’s face, he meant business.
“Deal.” It was Claire who spoke up.
“Wait a minnut’. I just got one question and it’s not personal okay?” Barry watched Glen to see how he was taking this.
“Like you said, you’ve known us a long time, almost like we’re family. Would a cruise like that…a swinger’s cruise be something that maybe Claire and I would like? Or is it too out there for us?”
He could feel Claire’s eyes on his face; almost sense her open mouthed stare.
Abby laughed. “You are so asking the wrong perso
n that question, Barry!”
Claire punched him in the shoulder. Hard.
“Sorry! My bad! Forget I asked!” He held his hands up in surrender.
“And if you do, at least you’ll have an idea what you’re getting into, unlike us!” Abby was still giggling.
“And if you do, we don’t wanna know!” said Glen, smiling.
Barry looked at the floor for a second. Yeah, turning the tables, now it made sense. He looked up at Glen and Abby. “Let’s not talk about this anymore.” Everyone nodded.
“We’d better get going Barry, work tomorrow and all that.” Claire tugged at his waist, pulling him to the door.
“But if you DO book a cruise, pack light!”
Abby was on a roll now. Barry hurried putting his winter boots on. Claire was already in her coat.
“And bring plenty of sunscreen. There’s a lot of skin showing.” Glen finished with a chuckle.
“Okay. We got the point. See you guys later.” Barry gave a wave and followed Claire out the door.
“You deserved that Barry. I don’t think they’re mad. They were just giving you a hard time.” Claire looked at him before opening the car door.
“Did you get any details from Abby about the cruise? Glen was like a clam.” Barry got in the car and started it up.
“Nope. She said it was private.”
They drove in silence for a few moments.
“Do you think we should try it?” Claire asked.
His eyebrows knitted. “No. I don’t think it’s for us, honey.”
“Glad to hear it, ditto for me, hon.” She placed her hand on his thigh. “Now take me home. Let’s take a shower.” She gave a squeeze. “Together.”
Abby chuckled, walking arm around Glen’s waist up the stairs to their bedroom.
“What are you laughing at?”
“Barry and Claire. The look on their faces. They probably think we’re sex fiends.” She looked up at Glen, smiling.
She jumped when his hand slid down and pinched the cheek of her ass. “We are. As for Claire and Barry, it doesn’t matter what they think. It’s what WE think that’s important.”
She breezed through the doorway, when he opened it for her. “Know what else?” His words behind her were a low sexy growl.
She spun around to face him, blue eyes dancing. “What?”
“Working out DOES make one horny.”
She started lifting her top. “I know.”
A note from the Author
Overboard was just downright fun to write! I hope you had as good a time reading this story as I did writing it. The laughter, wine, beer and pizzas eaten during the brainstorming of this book was up to this time, the most enjoyable project I’ve ever done. I think Glen’s a great guy, and I don’t know if it’s possible for writers to fall in love with their characters, but I have the world’s biggest girl crush on Abby!
Yes, it’s kind of weird for me too! LOL!
Thank you for reading this book. Hopefully, you enjoyed it. If you did, please leave a review on Amazon. Reviews help struggling authors get their books in front of more readers. If for any reason, this book missed the mark for you, please accept my apologies. Hundreds of hours went into its creation and all I can say is "I did my best." If you want to let me know where it fell short, there will be no bad feelings on my part, I promise. I will take your feedback to heart, and try to improve—if not on this one, then certainly on the next.
It would mean a lot to me, and even more to others who may be searching for a book as you had been!
I also need to thank those who made this book possible. Although my name is on the cover, it's a labor that had been touched by many hands, eyes, brains and hearts. As always, a big thank you goes out to my beta readers. Without your help, this would be a much lesser effort: Carly Sanders, Frances James and ‘Tinkerbelle’; thank you so much! If you would like to join them, just fire off an email to me and I’ll be in touch!
Naturally my biggest kisses and appreciation goes out to, as always, my husband Spike. From first beta read through formatting and cover design, I often feel he has as much to do with the creation of my work as I do. The moral and emotional support I receive from him is beyond words.
If this is your first time reading my work, please go to the next page where I have a special offer for you!
Mia’s Readers Club!
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A Birthday Itch
Jeff’s about to turn 30. His lovely wife Grace is at loose ends. What do you get for the guy who says he doesn’t want anything? He keeps silent on the matter until a trip to the dentist. The laughing gas acts like a truth serum, and Grace is appalled at what comes out of his mouth!
He wants a threesome with her and her best friend Lily!
What’s a woman to do?
Banging In The New Year- Swingers O Zone Bash!
Continues the story of Josh and Carrie of my Swingers Club series. New Year’s Eve is approaching, and together with friends go to Canada to celebrate at the O Zone couples club in Toronto! It’s a hot, funny tale based on an actual club!
Swingers One Night Stand!
He wants to jump start THEIR love life by jumping someone else?
When Bobby lost his job at the plant the intimacy of their marriage stopped cold. They hung tough for six months.
When things start looking up, he’s online checking out the Swinger websites again! This doesn’t go over too well with Cindy… can you blame her? He hasn’t so much as kissed her in months, and now he wants to get together with another couple? For a one night stand? He says he wants to kick start their love life. Cindy just wants to kick him!
But maybe he’s right…?
Melissa is a voluptuous, bawdy woman with a lusty appetite. Pleasures of the flesh are her specialty, and George is her soul mate in crime. Bobby had no idea when he wanted to kick start things the sort of kicks George and Melissa have in mind… for each of them!
So just click on this link: and I’ll get your eBooks right out to you!
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I would like to thank my husband Spike for his encouragement and the laughter we had in skylarking the idea for this book.
I would also like to thank the people who volunteered to BETA read the book to help improve it before it was published. Jorge, Valita, Sonya, Liz and Lynne – thanks! Finally to my girl Kimberley Mitchell; your encouragement and help are a blessing I’m always grateful for.
Table of Contents
About This Book
Copyright 2014, Mia Moore
ISBN: 9781927984239
Before We Begin…
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
bsp; Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47