Kiss My Sass (Primrose, Minnesota Book 5)

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Kiss My Sass (Primrose, Minnesota Book 5) Page 4

by Mia Dymond

  “Oh really?” She stopped walking and slid her fingers through his. “Like what?”

  “Well, I know that you’re very dedicated, both to your friends and your students.”

  She smiled, warmed by his compliment. Funny how she hadn’t realized how much his opinion mattered.

  “And,” he continued, “I know you’re stubborn and difficult.”

  “You’ve obviously confused me with one of your other women.”

  She could’ve sworn lightning bolts flashed in the depths of his eyes just before he pulled her against him. One quick, strong tug and her breasts pressed the surface of those defined, hard abdominal muscles.

  He reached between them and lifted her chin with one finger until their gazes met. “First of all, there are no other women. I’m a one-woman man.” Her bottom lip tingled as his finger caressed the surface. “Second, you are extremely difficult.”

  “I’m –”

  He pushed her lips together, preventing her argument. “We both know I’m right.”

  “This wasn’t supposed to be about me,” she grumbled when he released her lips.

  “Okay then, tell me what you know.”

  She reluctantly stepped away from his embrace in an attempt to give herself some space and gather her scattered thoughts.

  “You, too, are extremely dedicated. Maybe a little obsessed at times, but you always seem to excel at whatever it is you’re doing. You’re also a phenomenal leader.” She returned his earlier squeeze. “And, you’re very secretive.”

  “I have an arsenal of secrets.”

  “Yes, you do.”

  “Comes with the territory. I’m not always at liberty to expose the truth.”

  “Sworn to secrecy, huh?” She smirked. “Are you some sort of international agent?”

  “Not hardly.” He began walking again, his hold urging her to follow. “I’m a recovery specialist.”

  “That I know. It’s exactly what you recover, I don’t.”

  “Anything. Stolen items, information, people.”


  He nodded. “When I was enlisted, I was a tracker in my Ranger unit. Simply put, I tracked the bad guy and put him in his place. After I retired, I put my skills to use in the private sector. Sometimes I work for some high-powered individuals and it’s not pretty.”

  She paused to consider his confession. No wonder he obsessed. In his world, there wasn’t room for error. Suddenly she understood his demanding nature.

  “I forgot to mention that you’re also bossy and difficult.”

  A full smile covered his handsome face. “Necessary attributes when engaging the enemy.”

  “Are you insinuating I’m the enemy?”

  “No, Miss Carpenter. You’re the furthest thing from an enemy in my book.”


  He snickered under his breath as he dialed his phone, confident when the boss answered. “She’s here,”

  “With you?”

  “No, not yet. She’s on the island.” He wished he’d already grabbed her. Then he could take the money and buy himself a woman for a few days.

  “Get her tomorrow. I want to put this all behind us and move on.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll call you when it’s done.”

  He disconnected and tapped another set of numbers into his phone.

  “Manning,” the voice answered.

  “I need you for a job tomorrow. Easy snatch-and-grab.”

  “Good money?”

  “Boss always pays good.”

  “Then I’m your man.”

  “I’ll pick you up in the morning and give you details then.”

  He disconnected and slipped his phone into his pocket. This would be a cinch.


  Marnie released a bored sigh as she thumbed through yet another clothing rack at the latest boutique on the day’s shopping tour. Since most of the shops carried a lot of the same things, she had lost count of how many they had visited, but Bri, Dara, and Alex were on a mission. Informal beach wedding attire, they said, which appeared to be bathing suits and flowery sarongs. She giggled under her breath. Bri totally wasted her time – Jake couldn’t care less what she wore. In fact, naked would probably suit him just fine as long as she signed on the dotted line.

  “I’m thinking you have a naughty little secret.” Alex nudged her with a shoulder but never lifted her eyes from the rack.

  “I wish,” she mumbled.

  The other woman smirked and lifted a bright pink bikini. “Maybe this will help.”

  Marnie accepted the garment, sorely tempted to take the challenge as she realized the fabric would barely cover her body. Maybe she would buy a new bathing suit after all. She normally wasn’t one to attract attention but things had changed drastically over the last few months.

  Life as a sixth grade math teacher had become a little too disciplined, a little too boring, and well, a little too good. Not that she desired to cause an utter uproar or anything, she just wanted to be a tiny bit bad. And, as loudly as her brain argued, her body knew exactly who she wanted to be bad with.

  She handed the bathing suit back to Alex. “Hang on to this for me. I need some air.”

  Her friend gave her a grin as she accepted the hanger and then returned to shuffling clothing.

  Once outside in the embrace of the warm afternoon, Marnie braced herself back against the stone exterior of the building and returned her thoughts to her newly-discovered dirty little secret; Ryker Adams played her hormones like a well-tuned guitar.

  The mysterious gentle giant taunted her on a daily basis with his sculpted body and cocky, kick-ass attitude, only to aggravate her with his domineering demeanor. Torn between annoyance and stimulation, she willed her body to behave when he was near. While outwardly she challenged him, inside her body hummed and begged him to end the madness.

  She’d been severely independent from the day she was born, never allowing anyone or anything to sway her in her decision making. It wasn’t that she was unreasonable, she simply chose to do things how and when she wanted. Boyfriends came and went, some convinced they could tame her, others intimidated by her directness, and most unwilling to bend.

  Something told her Ryker would rise to the challenge.

  She allowed herself a silent, knowing grin and pushed off the wall, momentarily distracted by what sounded like the whirring of an engine. She glanced in the direction of the noise and caught sight of a sea plane drifting on the blue-green water just across the street. Two large cruise ships stood tall in the Charlotte Amalie port, their size making the plane seem ever so tiny as its propeller spun the wind in a circular motion. Then in an easy, fluid motion, the plane took a running start across the water and climbed higher and higher into the air. She squinted in the bright sunlight until the aircraft disappeared from view and then turned to re-enter the store.

  Still distracted by her thoughts, she didn’t even notice she wasn’t alone until she nearly collided with a young man blocking her path.

  “Excuse me,” she mumbled.

  “No problem, Miss. You need a taxi? I will take you where you want to go.”

  She shook her head in denial as she realized he was the same man she’d seen in the airport behind the vending cart, and at dinner. Except this time, she was somewhat bothered by his gigantic smile. Granted, people on the island were extremely friendly but his expression struck her as extremely overdone.

  “No, thank you. I have a ride.”

  He moved into her personal space, forcing her to step backwards toward the street. “No, no. You need a taxi. I will take you.”

  “No, really.”

  She glanced over her shoulder to assure she hadn’t entered the street. It was then she realized he pushed her toward an open car door. Two big, caramel-colored arms dragged her inside the vehicle.

  “Hey! What’s the deal? I told you I don’t need a taxi!”

  Big Arms chuckled while Smiley jumped into the driver’s seat and quickly
drove into traffic. “You don’t have a choice. Shut your trap.”

  She rolled her eyes, an action that always opened her mouth. “Obviously you’ve mistaken me for someone else. Stop and let me out.”

  He shook his head. “No mistake.”

  Marnie’s eyes widened, partly in horror and mostly in disbelief. Of course she’d be the one in a million people to be kidnapped on a Caribbean island.

  She made a quick grab for the door handle but her captor shackled her wrists with one hand. “You’re a feisty little thing. I may have some fun with you before I turn you over.”

  “Turn me over? To who?”

  He snickered while he secured both of her wrists with a zip tie. “Doesn’t matter. Shut up or I’ll gag you.”

  Marnie frowned at the restraints and attempted to formulate a plan. First, don’t make Big Arms angry. Next, figure out how to get away -- which wasn’t going to be easy since the car now zig-zagged though traffic at light speed. Obviously Smiley knew the streets very well.

  She took a deep breath and attempted to remain calm while question marks assaulted her brain. Who were these men and why had they taken her? Ransom? The blood left her face as she quickly discounted that explanation and dread pounded her heart with several others. Slavery? Prostitution? Murder?

  She swallowed hard, shook her head free of the fearful thoughts, and attempted to reason with herself. The shopping plaza had been overly crowded – surely someone witnessed her abduction. And since St. Thomas was a relatively small place, Ryker most likely had contacts all over the island.

  A tiny slice of relief washed over her until she glanced out the window. Her heart sank as she took in the scenery. Boats, boats, and more boats. One long, wooden pier. No doubt, she was headed out to sea.

  Ryker widened his stance and balanced his pool cue between his legs as he checked his watch again. What was it with women and shopping? They’d been gone for hours and although he thoroughly enjoyed the peace and quiet, he couldn’t shake the uneasiness in the pit of his stomach. There were no major shopping malls on St. Thomas and other than a usually crowded open-air market, they didn’t have much choice of venue. It was true that locals operated on island time, a slower and easy pace, but those four women were not locals. Besides, Dara and Alex moved at lightning speed.

  He glanced at his teammates positioned around the pool table, studying the balls on the felt, obviously more concerned about the game than the time.

  “We’re out of beer.” He placed his cue in the holder and grabbed his truck keys from the nearby bar. “I’ll see if the girls are ready to call it a day.”

  Bent over the table with his cue poised to strike, Jackson paused and raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t you tell Marnie to call?”

  He nodded, careful not to over-react.

  “Did she?”

  “Did she what?”

  “Call you.”

  He frowned, determined not to offer an explanation. “No.”

  His friend grinned and turned his attention back to the game. “I could use a cold one.”

  Ryker turned and headed out of the house before anyone else decided to question him. Hell, he couldn’t blame them. He questioned his own sanity; he had been the one of his teammates to swear he’d never let a woman wrap him up and tie him down.

  Looked like that might’ve been an all-out lie.

  He released a hard breath as he climbed into his truck. As badly as he hated to admit it, Miss Carpenter was hell on his reserve; he just wouldn’t let her or anyone else know that.

  He drove quickly, maneuvering around the sharp curves toward the center of Charlotte Amalie, forced to ease up on the accelerator when his cell phone rang. He barely had time to connect the call when a female voice literally barked over the line.

  “Ryker, someone just grabbed Marnie and shoved her inside a taxi!”


  “Yes, Alex,” she snapped. “I’m following behind in another taxi. They’re still on Veteran’s Drive, heading the opposite direction from the house.”

  Panic bubbled his gut. Instinct had warned him of danger and it had been dead-on. He hated to be right about shit like this.

  “I’m headed that direction.”

  A slight pause prepared him for her next question. “You’re already driving?”

  “Yes. I know a short cut. Stay on the phone with me and give me details.”

  “Marnie went outside the store for a few minutes. When I went out to check on her, I saw a man stuff her into a taxi. I grabbed a cab to follow.”

  “Did you recognize the assailant?”

  “No, it all happened so fast.”

  “Describe the car she’s in.”

  “It’s a blue four-door sedan.” She read him the tag number.

  “Can you read the make or model?”

  “No, the lettering has been removed.”

  He took a quick left turn onto Veteran’s Drive and scanned the traffic. They wouldn’t get far along this congested route but if the driver was able to break free onto a side street, he’d be screwed. His eyes burnt from the force of his concentration. He shook dread from his mind as he continued to weave in out of traffic.

  And then Lady Luck gave him a full-on frontal French kiss when he caught sight of the vehicle, followed by another white car he assumed to be Alex’s taxi.

  “Are you in the white two-door?”


  “I see you both. Go back and get Bri and Dara. Go straight to the house and advise the others to stand by.”

  “I don’t think –”

  “Alex! DO. NOT. ARGUE. I will bring her back and the three of you had better be there.”

  With his vision colored red, Ryker disconnected and held his breath until he saw the white vehicle make a quick, illegal U-turn. He suddenly felt a little sorry for the taxi driver. With Alex on board, the poor guy had no choice. And no doubt, Alex would also give him a tongue lashing later, but that was the least of his worries. Marnie’s safety had to be priority number one.

  He cut his truck in line a few cars behind the blue beast and had no problem keeping up until the light turned red. Intent on running it, his progress was stopped when the car in front of him stopped. Sonuvabitch. He slammed both palms against the steering wheel while Marnie’s taxi continued several more feet before turning into the marina. Every muscle in his body tightened. If they loaded her on a boat he would lose them. Lose her.

  Not an option.

  His skin stung beneath the force of his heartbeat as he waited for opportunity. Seconds seemed like hours while he squeezed the steering wheel almost in two.

  “Come on,” he growled.

  When the light finally turned green, he gunned the engine and tore through the intersection, rubbing his chest as if he could massage away the pain. Once in the marina parking lot, he whipped into a parking space, jammed the truck into park, jumped from his vehicle, and sprinted down the dock, pulling his weapon as he ran.

  He passed several onlookers on his way to the pier, assured that one of them would call for help. Halfway down the wooden plank, the smaller of the two goons stopped and raised his fists. With his free hand and without an extra ounce of energy, Ryker took him out with a quick punch to the jaw and then buried his heavy combat boot into the soft puddle of his abdomen as he continued toward Marnie and the other captor.

  “He’s got a gun!” a voice yelled.

  Ryker glanced at the end of the deck and came to an abrupt stop, somewhat surprised at the action, or lack thereof. The guy obviously had no idea what he’d gotten himself into. Somehow, Marnie had managed to turn to face the man, her heel planted in the top of his foot and her knee bent, poised to inflict major pain.

  Ryker closed the distance between himself and the couple, aimed his weapon, and then stopped. “Looks like you’ve got a decision to make. My wrath or hers.”

  Then in an unanticipated turn of events, the goon shoved Marnie into the water.

  “Wrong decision.�

  Ryker released a muttered curse. He couldn’t keep the creep at gunpoint and jump in after Marnie. With no other choice, he tucked his weapon into his waistband, landed a left to the man’s gut and right to his chin, satisfied only when he lay prone on the wooden slats.

  He glanced into the water. Where was she? Although her hands were tied, she would still be able to surface … unless she hit her head. He quickly dove in and spotted her several yards away, her foot caught in a fishing line. Under the water, her skin had all the color of a corpse as she struggled. Now fueled by extreme rage, he swam to her, wrapped his hand around her arm, and then squeezed to stop her movement. Once their gazes met, he held up his index finger and then reached to untangle her foot. Within milliseconds, he launched them both to the surface. As soon as her head left the water, the coughing and gasping began.

  “Easy, Tiger. I’ve got you.” He looped an arm around her middle and pressed her back against him. “Let me do all the work. Slow your breathing.”

  Much to his surprise, she went limp in his arms, allowing him to get them quickly back to the dock. He hoisted her up onto the wooden surface and then pulled himself up, cursing under his breath when he realized they were the only two people left on the pier.

  He took only a second to regulate his own breathing before he lifted her into his arms and carried her back to the truck.


  Water droplets dotted his face as she shook her head.

  He grabbed a blanket from the cargo compartment, wrapped her up, and then tucked her into the passenger seat. Amazed that she still cooperated, he took advantage and grabbed his phone from the dashboard.

  “Stewart, we’re waiting for the law enforcement. You have company?”

  “Yes, they’re all three here.”

  He released a hard breath and ran a hand through his wet hair. “I’ll fill you in when we get there.” He disconnected the call and glanced her way.

  “Where are they?”

  Her voice was so soft that if he hadn’t seen her lips move, he would’ve sworn she hadn’t spoken. “Who?”

  “Those two jerks who grabbed me. You didn’t kill them and drown the bodies, did you?”


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