Kiss My Sass (Primrose, Minnesota Book 5)

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Kiss My Sass (Primrose, Minnesota Book 5) Page 7

by Mia Dymond

  Still, it only took one time. “The gate has a sensor.”

  “Only if it’s opened, remember?” Bri smirked. “We’ll climb over.”

  Dara shook her head. “Too risky. I say we squeeze through the bars. There’s just enough space for each of our bodies.”

  Alex chuckled. “Research?”

  The other woman nodded.

  Suddenly, Marnie threw all good sense to the wind. “I’m in. I’m going stir crazy in this house.”

  “Okay, girls.” Alex stood from her lounger. “Ten minutes.”

  “Don’t you think we should wait until dark?”

  Her friend shook her head. “Absolutely not. This place is a fortress after dark. We have a much better chance now. Ten minutes. Grab your gear and we’ll blow this joint.”

  “I hope this works,” Marnie admitted, still haunted by Ryker’s promise, “because if we get caught, we may never see the light of day again.”


  Settled into his favorite recliner with his boots propped on the foot rest and crossed at the ankles, Ryker lifted his beer bottle and swallowed the contents while he halfway listened to the commercial that interrupted the ball game. Much to his satisfaction, the rest of the afternoon had been surprisingly quiet and the game, pretty damn good. Except, the goons interested in Marnie still nagged at him.

  It just didn’t make a whole lot of sense why she had become a target. She taught sixth grade math in Primrose, Minnesota – that shouldn’t make her a criminal magnet. And, since most criminal activity in St. Thomas was centered on drug-related issues he was one hundred percent sure she didn’t participate in that particular recreation. Kidnapping her for sex slavery was a possibility, but normally the authorities posted warnings of impending danger. She hadn’t visited the back alleys or traveled out-of-the-way streets either. The whole situation was just one big question mark and until Storm reported back, there wasn’t a whole lot to go on. Besides, she was untouchable in his compound.

  He lowered the foot rest and headed to the refrigerator for another beer, his progress stopped by sudden movement on one of the security monitors.

  Well, well, well.

  He propped himself against the counter and shook his head, not entirely sure he really saw what he thought. The woman was certainly resourceful.

  Not that he was surprised.

  He leaned closer to the screen as she bent over the rail, intrigued by the flash of bare, tanned skin that snuck from the bottom of her shorts, grabbed his attention, and held it tenfold. Skin that beckoned his touch, asking him to press his fingers into the tender flesh and squeeze.

  Never mind the other three escapees who waited at the bottom, waving arms and nodding their encouragement. This particular woman and her hint of nudity had his full concentration.

  He folded his arms across his chest and waited to see if she would actually follow through. Somehow he didn’t peg her as the type of woman who would scale a prickly vine just to prove a point.

  He watched, almost impressed as she lifted both legs over the railing and then backed down the thicket as if she’d done it a thousand times before. Once at the bottom, she hopped from the trellis, a movement that gave her breasts an eye-catching bounce. He ran a hand over his lips to keep from drooling like a rabid dog.

  Obviously, his analysis was way off base; Miss Carpenter was a beautiful rule-breaker. One with an extremely-inviting, perfectly rounded ass.

  He pried his eyes from the screen long enough to toss a glance back at his teammates, all of whom lazed around the television, oblivious to the action outside. Seconds ticked by as his brain processed the situation. Protocol insisted they gear up for a recovery – a smooth, easy snatch and grab. Yet, in this particular exercise, things had a really good chance of going wrong. Yeah, he’d put a kink her plan, but not before he gathered a little more Intel.

  He moved his eyes back to the monitor, which now showed all four women standing on solid ground. Marnie bent again, this time forward. Those damn breasts. An invisible string tied his cock to them; she bent, his cock swelled to extraordinary heights.

  Sweat droplets moistened his hairline. Common sense dictated he head out the back door and meet her at the gate, yet he hesitated. Not much place for her to go and she wouldn’t get there in a hurry. Not with the gate locked, anyway. A grin split his lips as he settled back into his chair and glanced at his watch. He’d give her until the end of the game to attempt freedom and then he’d haul her back inside with her pretty little pouty lips spouting all sorts of threats she had no intention of carrying out. His cock jumped. Damn, her fiery attitude made him hot. He turned his attention back to the television, content the action outside would soon be brought to a standstill.

  It wasn’t until his cell phone rang from the depths of his pocket that he realized things had gone horribly wrong.


  Marnie stood outside the gate, her legs itchy from the vines on the trellis, amazed that they’d actually succeeded. The squeeze through the railing had been a little more difficult than Dara predicted, but still they managed to escape. There was just one detail they hadn’t discussed.

  “Who was in charge of transportation?”

  “We walk,” Alex said easily. “The bar isn’t far.”

  Marnie released a sigh of relief. At least her friends had taken the time to throw together a plan. She’d been so focused on the wrath of Ryker, she didn’t give much thought to what would happen after they found freedom. She tossed a glance over her shoulder at the house, still amazingly silent in the warm evening. So far, so good.

  “Get the lead out, Marnie,” Alex hissed, “or you’ll get us busted for sure.”

  She turned to see her friends already several feet in front of her and walked quickly toward them, wonderfully liberated to be outside the fortress.

  “Sorry,” she mumbled, “I’m just glad to be out.”

  Dara giggled. “We’re on the lam once again.”

  “Seems to be a habit we can’t kick.” Alex led the way up a small hill. “Oh well, you only live once.”

  If the threat of being discovered hadn’t loomed, Marnie would’ve stopped dead in her tracks. “I can’t believe you just said that.”

  Alex batted her lashes across her mischievous, green, Siamese-cat shaped eyes. “Jackson has taught me to be a little more adventurous.”

  “I’m sure.” Marnie followed behind her friends until finally they stood in front of a building she assumed to be their destination – the massive, brightly-painted statue of a rooster chained to the roof pretty much assured her she assumed correctly.

  “We’re definitely here.” She released a laugh, partly out of relief, but mostly in humor. Standing on two feet probably six feet above the building, the creature was certainly unique with its red body and blue, green, and orange feathers. One arm extended into the air to offer a bottle of beer to anyone who flew by.

  “Yes, we are,” Bri agreed as she stepped ahead and opened the door. “And the fun is just about to begin.”

  Tension drained from her shoulders as Marnie spotted an empty table in one corner and headed that direction as she analyzed her surroundings. Although dim, the interior was clean. The bartender stood behind a long counter and judging from the thickness, she assumed it to be made from oak. A jukebox in the corner of the room played music, a hard rock tune she didn’t expect. She was relieved to see that the clientele was sparse and better yet, Ryker wasn’t anywhere to be found. A little tiny niggle of fear caused her to move her gaze again around the interior, this time checking the corners for two more familiar faces. Thankfully, she didn’t see anyone remotely familiar.

  “I’ll go get us something to drink.” Bri started toward the bar. “You guys get the table.”

  Marnie sat down at the table with Bri, Alex and Dara, now slightly encouraged that they might actually pull this off. “We made it.”

  “Of course we did.” Alex grinned. “We’re getting pretty good at sneaking around.”

  Before Marnie could comment that their sneakiness had nothing on Ryker, Bri set four green contraptions on the table.

  “What are those?”

  “Mermaid’s Tails. The bartender said they’re his specialty.”

  “They’re awfully green.”

  “Know what else he told me?”

  “No telling.”

  “There’s a tattoo studio next door.”

  Silence enveloped the table while six feminine gazes zeroed in on her. Not one eyelash blinked.

  Marnie cleared her throat while her inner rebel gave a battle yell. “Really?”

  Finally, Alex cracked a grin. “Except, we’re under surveillance.”

  “Huh? By who?”

  “The bartender. He’s watched us since we came in.”

  “Fabulous,” Dara groaned. “We’re doomed.”

  She frowned and refused to admit defeat. Not after everything she’d done to get here. “Wait, he doesn’t even know us. You really think he ratted us out?”

  “No, he doesn’t know us,” Alex admitted, “but I’m willing to bet he knows Ryker. And by now, super sleuth has put the word out on us.”

  “I think you should go, Marnie.” Bri obviously wasn’t worried about repercussions. “You’ve wanted one forever.”

  “You think I have time?”

  “Go, I’ll distract him.” Bri shrugged and batted her eyelashes. “I’ll tell him how much I like his Mermaid’s Tail.”

  Alex twisted her lips. “You should probably swallow it first.”

  Bri drowned the drink in three good gulps. “Good stuff.” She stood and tossed her red curls over her right shoulder. “I got this.”

  A feeling of naughty excitement tickled her stomach while Marnie watched Bri sway to the bar and hop up onto a stool at the far end near the door. She didn’t need Ryker’s permission to get a tattoo or to even be in a bar for that matter. And really, she didn’t hesitate because she feared him; it was because she didn’t.

  Alex nudged her shoulder as the bartender made a beeline right toward Bri. “Let’s go.”

  “What about the table?”

  Dara giggled and hiccupped. “I’ll hold it.”

  “Can we just walk in and get a tattoo?”

  “Probably.” Alex drained her glass.

  “Don’t you think we need an appointment?”

  “Not with your body.” Dara smirked. “He’ll probably pay you.”

  “What if I didn’t bring enough cash?”

  Alex smirked as she stood and then grabbed her elbow. “You’re procrastinating. Are you chicken?”

  “No.” She lifted her glass and swallowed the contents. “That is good.” She stood and gave the bar one last glance. Bri sat with her legs crossed, bent slightly at the waist to position another straw between her lips. The bartender leaned over the opposite side of the bar, his eyes trained on Bri’s distractions.

  Marnie giggled. “She’s incredibly talented.”

  “There’s probably some psycho-explanation behind her method.” Alex pushed her to the adjoining door and they entered smooth as butter on a stuck zipper.

  Marnie blinked in the bright light as she glanced around at the surrounding walls, impressed by the beautifully sketched art that adorned them. Bri wasn’t the only one with talent.


  Marnie turned her attention from the walls onto the man now standing in front of her and groaned. One pitfall of being just over five feet tall was that most of the human population towered her – and he was no exception.

  She leaned back her head and glanced up into his mysterious dark eyes. “You do nice work.”

  He nodded and the stud in his left ear sparkled. “You girls interested in a tat?”

  “Just her.” Alex nudged her forward. “Tell the man what you want.”

  “Do you have an opening in your schedule?”

  “For you?” His gaze fell to her chest and she fought the urge to roll her eyes. Another breast man. Go figure. “Do you know where you want it?”

  She cleared her throat and he raised his gaze. “Yes, and not there.”

  His expression fell into a distinct frown and for a minute she thought he might actually cry.

  “Left hip,” Alex said on a huff. “Can we get on with it? We’re kinda pressed for time.”

  He grinned, obviously comforted by the equally intimate location of the tattoo. “Go on back.” He gestured to a black curtain. “I’ll be right in.”

  “Thank you.” Alex answered while she all but pushed her through the opening in the curtain and onto a padded chair. “Geez Marnie, for someone who claims to be adventurous, you don’t appear to be all that sure of yourself.”

  “I just don’t want to get caught.”

  Alex raised an eyebrow. “That bartender had our number from the minute we walked in. We’re on an island, one on which Ryker Adams owns a multi-million dollar fortress. It’s only a matter of time before he barges in here all dark and grumpy and drags us out.” She shrugged. “Bri can buy us a little time but she’ll be soused before long. We will get caught so I suggest we get the show on the road.”

  “No need to be brutally honest, Alex,” she mumbled.

  “Just sayin’”. Her friend frowned. “You didn’t pick out a design.”

  “I already know what I want. It’ll only take him a minute to sketch it.”

  “Aren’t you going to undress?”


  “Well, how else is he going to ink it?”

  “I’ll just roll down the top of my shorts.”

  “You want it there?” Alex’s eyes widened. “When you mentioned your left hip, I assumed it was the back side.”

  “No, front.”

  “I take it back. You are one brave chick, sister.”


  Ryker hung up the phone and released a hard sigh. Dammittohell. Although he wasn’t happy about the turn of events, he couldn’t help but be proud. Once again, she’d managed to slip past his hold. Females were a whole different species.

  He grinned at Jake. “Any idea where your lovely fiancé is?”

  The other man nodded. “Up on the deck in the sun. They all are.”

  “Guess again.”

  “Huh?” Mace sat forward. “I didn’t see them come down.”

  Ryker stood and grabbed two sets of keys from the nearby table. “They didn’t.”

  Jackson shook his head. “So where the hell are they?”

  “Up the hill. Red Rooster Bar. Well, Dara and Bri are there. Alex and Marnie are in the tattoo shop next door.”

  Jake smirked. “Bri’s not dancing, is she?”

  “Not yet. She’d had a couple of Mermaid’s Tails, though. It might not be long.”

  “Mermaid’s Tails?”

  “Cruzan Rum, a local favorite. Packs a wallop and if she’s turned her charms on Jack, he hasn’t had a chance in hell to stop her.”

  “Alex is in the tattoo shop?” Jackson raised an eyebrow. “Is she under the needle?”

  “Nope. Marnie is.”

  “Marnie?” All three of his teammates echoed in unison.

  He nodded.

  “Didn’t know she had it in her,” Jake mumbled.

  Mace shook his head. “I clearly didn’t see that coming. How long have they been there?”

  “About an hour.”

  “They’ve been gone for an hour and we didn’t know?”

  “I knew. I watched them wiggle down the trellis.”

  Mace stood and released a sigh. “Another bar, another recon.” He chuckled. “Your woman, your call.”

  “I’m going to chalk that comment up to your aggravation over your lack of control.” He tossed the second set of keys to Jake. “Stewart and I will pave the way. You and Turner prepare for fallout.”

  Ryker kept his gaze trained on the winding road up the hill even though he could probably drive it blindfolded. Better to let Stewart believe he was deeply focused.

  “I d
idn’t bring my weapon,” the other man said from beside him.

  “No need. This place is small and Jack has a respectable clientele.”

  “He’s never met our women,” Jackson mumbled.

  He moved his eyes from the scenery long enough to set the record straight. “Your women.”

  “How long are you gonna stick to that story?”

  “What story?”

  “The one with the line of bullshit about how Marnie’s not your woman.”

  “She’s no one’s woman.”

  “I said the same about Alex.”

  “That’s because Alex would kick your ass if you said differently.”

  “True, but I’m pretty sure Marnie could take you, Adams.”

  Although he refused to admit it to anyone other than himself, his friend spoke the absolute truth. Marnie could take him with one sexy bat of her long eyelashes – not due to skill, but because he wouldn’t resist.

  “Where do you suppose she put that tattoo?” Jackson taunted.

  “Don’t know, don’t care.”

  “Yes, you do.”

  Yes, he did. In fact, insane curiosity gnawed at his insides. Again, not public information.

  He gave his teammate a long, hard look. “Aren’t you even remotely concerned about Alex’s role in this mission?”

  “Not really. If she’s drinking, I’m getting lucky tonight.”

  He shook his head and snickered. “Doesn’t take much to distract you, does it?”

  “Nope, and I’m not ashamed.” His friend returned a deep chuckle. “Not one little bit.”

  Ryker drove to the front of the building and parked horizontally, directly under the humongous red rooster perched there, to allow for a quick extraction. He then pocketed his keys and gave the rearview mirror a quick glance to assure Jake had followed suit. Once the team had gathered at the front door, he drew in a deep breath and prepared for entry.

  Something close to fear climbed Ryker’s spine as he stopped short just inside the front door. The whole place had gone straight to crazy and he had a pretty good idea that there were four distinct causes. Although the crowd was sparse there was still a crowd and their women – his included, he silently admitted - attracted a whole helluva lot of attention. Cautiously, he sauntered the rest of the way inside and propped one hip against a wall.


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