Kiss My Sass (Primrose, Minnesota Book 5)

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Kiss My Sass (Primrose, Minnesota Book 5) Page 12

by Mia Dymond

  He looked at his watch. “Six minutes, and fifty-four seconds.”

  Alex and Marnie each grabbed one of Dara’s hands and practically ran up the trail. Good thing it wasn’t far. And they got lucky. No line.

  Dara and Alex closed the door to their stalls while Marnie checked her appearance in the mirror. Most of her make-up was still intact. Her hair on the other hand …

  “Mmm mmm,” Alex came out and turned on the water. “The looks Ryker keeps giving you make me want a cigarette.”

  Dara giggled and joined them at the mirror. “You don’t smoke, Alex. Besides, Jackson looks at you the same way. “

  Marnie went into a stall. “And Mace looks at Dara that way too.”

  Dara sighed. “Isn’t it great?”

  The water turned off and Marnie heard the bathroom door open and then close.

  “Oh, good grief! It has not been seven minutes.”

  “Um, it’s not Ryker,” Dara squeaked.

  “Oh, sorry.” She flung open the stall door to apologize. “I …”

  She stopped, stunned to see the two goons who had kidnapped her holding guns to her friends’ heads.

  “Don’t scream or we will kill them.”

  Marnie bit her bottom lip and desperately tried to stay calm as she tried to formulate an escape. The men stood between her and the door so running was out of the question. Besides, she wouldn’t leave Dara and Alex. “You’ll kill us anyway.”

  “Over here.” He signaled for her to stand next to Alex. “Come with us and stay quiet, all of you. If not, we will kill your men first and make you watch them die.”

  Oh, God. She was stuck in a really bad nightmare. There had to be a way out of this somehow. She walked toward the door and opened it. As soon as they were all three forced out, Alex and Dara each grabbed one of her hands.

  “Go the other way.” Her captor pushed his gun into her back and forced her off the path and in the opposite direction of the table.

  “It’s been more than seven minutes,” Dara whispered in her ear.

  “Yes, but we’re going the wrong direction.”

  “Quiet!” The gun tapped her spine. “Now turn this way.”

  Marnie swallowed hard as they neared a long dock. Surely someone would see them before they reached the end of the line.

  “Something’s wrong.”

  Ryker stood from the table, knocking over his chair in the process. He issued the seven minute time limit as a guideline, not a direct order, but the time was long gone.

  And instinct told him there was definitely a problem.

  “Go get on the boat with the captain,” Jake told Bri. “And don’t move until I come for you.”

  Ryker watched in amazement as Bri actually followed orders.

  “Think we have company?” Mace reached behind his back and pulled his weapon from his waistband as if his question was almost a technicality.


  Jackson drew his gun. “Dawes?”

  “Hard to tell. I’m one hundred percent sure the yacht in the distance belongs to him. I just don’t know if he’s come ashore.”

  Jake shook his head. “I don’t think so. Unless there’s another way on and off the island?”

  “There’s several.” Ryker brandished his own piece and cocked the trigger. “As long as there’s room to anchor a boat, wading to shore is not a problem. The easiest way is to catch the ferry at the dock on the other side.”

  Jackson nodded. “Lead the way, Adams. We’ll follow you.”

  Ryker ran toward the wooden building that housed the bathrooms, opting to veer left, opposite the refreshment area, and toward the ferry dock. He motioned for Mace and Jackson to cover the back side and for Jake to follow him.

  With weapons trained on anything in front of them, he and Jake headed through a thick clump of coconut trees. Ryker pushed through the dense vegetation at full force with both hands, the muscles in his arms working overtime to bring him closer to the open beach. If one hair on her head was even slightly out of place, someone had hell to pay.

  He stopped abruptly when his target suddenly walked right past. Much to his surprise, Dawes had sent minions to do the dirty work. Minions he recognized without question.

  “Bourke.” His voice could’ve easily been taken for a growl. “Let her go.”

  The man swung to face him with Marnie positioned in front of him and his gun resting at her temple. “This time I’ll kill her.” He stepped closer, drunk with power.

  He moved his gaze onto Manning and the gun he had trained on Alex and Dara and then back at Bourke. “Don’t think so. She’s too important to Dawes.”

  In his peripheral vision, he saw Jake inch closer to Manning. Jake had a clear shot at Manning and it wouldn’t take much to bring him, but he wasn’t willing to take the chance on Bourke’s itchy trigger finger. Better to scare the hell out of him.

  “You realize my hesitation is really only for effect don’t you, Bourke? One clean shot right between the eyes and this discussion would be over.”

  Focused on the other man with his forehead in his crosshairs, Ryker saw beads of sweat dance on his skin. His confidence was all for show; he was nervous as a whore in church.

  “Time’s ticking,” he told Bourke. “I’m a patient man but you’re almost out of luck.”

  “I’ll make you a deal.” Bourke glanced at Manning and then back at him. “I keep her. You can have the other two.”

  He chuckled. Why was it that criminals always assumed they could bargain their way out of death?

  “No deal. Instead, I’ll let you live if you release all three of them.”

  As soon as the counteroffer left Bourke’s mouth, Mace and Jackson stepped from the trees behind, weapons aimed and ready to fire.

  Bourke didn’t budge.

  Ryker shrugged. “Or, we just take you out.”

  “We have a shootout to the death then.”

  “Don’t think that’s gonna happen.” Mace stepped forward with his gun in Manning’s back. “You have someone who belongs to me.” The other man, not quite as confident as his partner, immediately released Alex and Dara. Both women ran toward Jake.

  Jackson wrapped his arm around Bourke’s throat and squeezed. “Drop the weapon.”

  Gasping for air, Bourke released both the gun and Marnie.

  The exact minute she ran into his arms, Ryker nearly fell to his knees in relief. With her body shaking, she wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed him to the point he fought for air.

  Gently, he loosened her hold enough to breathe. “Are you hurt?”

  “No.” She took a deep breath and then released it, her breath hot as it penetrated the fabric of his shirt. “Give me your gun.”

  “You don’t have it in you, baby,” he told her as he rested his chin atop her head. “Besides, they’ll turn on Dawes.”

  As soon as the words left his mouth, he hesitated only a second before he shoved her to the ground on her back and then covered her with his body. The sand shook beneath them and he raised his head only to assure his teammates had followed suit.

  He squeezed closed his eyes and released a heavy breath. “Target expunged,” he said into the following silence.

  “Target? What target?” Marnie opened her eyes, her brow wrinkled in confusion.

  “The yacht belonged to Dawes. He won’t be a problem any longer.”

  “Not that I’m not relieved,” she said as he helped her from the sand. “But how did we get so lucky?”

  “See now, that’s a really good question.” He grinned. “I’ve always had luck on my side.”

  She narrowed her eyes, obviously not convinced by his explanation. “I have a feeling there’s a little more to the story.”

  “You’re pretty smart, Miss Carpenter.” He folded her back into his embrace, silently vowing to keep her there forever. “We’ll save the story for Career Day.”


  “You promised,” she reminded him as she led
him down the hallway and stopped just outside her classroom, “and I happen to know you’re a man of your word.”

  “I didn’t actually promise,” he grumbled. “You just didn’t snore.”

  “Your mistake. I told you I don’t.” She gave him her traditional told-ya-so smirk, twisted the doorknob, and then opened the door.

  He stood morbidly still while his heartbeat pounded like jungle drums. He’d engaged some pretty bad dudes in his time, but never had he entertained a classroom full of curious children. At least he knew how to deal with the enemy. How in the hell was he supposed to explain his occupation without giving them nightmares?

  “Class, this is Mr. Adams.” He shifted to one side. She wasn’t going to cut him a break and damn, her teacher voice made him hard. “He’s here to talk to you about his career as a recovery specialist.”

  Another wave of tension rolled over his shoulders at her introduction. He couldn’t remember ever being addressed as Mr. Adams. Still very much out of place, he stood stoic at the front of the classroom and waited for instruction.

  “Go ahead.” He caught the distinct glitter of amusement in the depths of her eyes as she sat in her chair and crossed her legs.

  He cleared his throat and took a shot in the dark. “Does anyone know what a recovery specialist is?”

  “Do you find stuff?”

  He glanced at the feminine picture of innocence in the front row. Out of the mouth of babes. His load began to lighten. Maybe he could pull this off.

  “Yes,” he answered with gathered confidence. “When people lose things, I find them. Or when people need help solving a crime, I help them.”

  “What kind of things do you find?”

  He looked at Marnie for assistance. She simply raised both eyebrows and nodded for him to continue.

  “Um, mostly people.”

  “You find people? How do you do that?”

  He had absolutely no idea how to get himself out of that one. He took a stab at redirection. “That’s only a small part of my job. I really spend more time helping solve crimes.

  “Like a detective?”

  He nodded. “Yes. In fact, the men on my team used to work for the police department.”

  “Do you have a gun?”

  “Yes, I carry a weapon.”

  “What about a badge?”

  “No, I don’t wear a badge.”

  “Then how can you catch criminals?”

  “Marnie.” He attempted to keep desperation from his voice. “A little help here.”

  The classroom burst into a fit of laughter and he frowned. “What’s so funny?”

  “You called her Marnie,” a blonde female in the front row told him.

  “Why is that funny?”

  “Uh, Ryker,” Marnie mumbled. “We had a discussion on respect last week.”

  He still stared, puzzled and completely oblivious.

  “Miss Carpenter told us that people are only addressed by their first names in a casual relationship or a personal relationship.” The little imp giggled. “I think you like Miss Carpenter.”

  Marnie’s cheeks reddened, as if she realized her plan had backfired. Suddenly all the tension drained from his body and a smirk split his lips. Served her right for putting him in front of the firing squad.

  He glanced back at the crowd of children, never more confident in his life. “As a matter of fact, I do. I like her a lot. And you wanna know a secret?”

  “Yes,” the class said in unison.

  “She likes me too.”

  Other books by Mia Dymond:

  Leather, Lace and Rock-Roll

  (SEALS, Inc., Book 1)

  Brains before Beauty, that’s Rachel Newberry’s motto, especially when her quiet, orderly life is interrupted by international rock star, Jaydon Hawke. And true to her word, brains take center stage when she discovers Hawke has a lot more on his mind than beautiful music. Targeted by a madman, Rachel puts her trust in Hawke, a move that may cost both their lives

  Outspoken Angel

  (SEALS, Inc., Book 2)

  Handbags, stilettos, and spa dates — not retired SEAL Max Sterling’s usual m.o. Until Cameron Tremaine. Duty bound, Max tolerates her sass and smart mouth until she pushes too far. Cameron doesn’t need a bald, bossy bodyguard, thank you very much. Especially one oh, so delectable as Max. Except, when someone decides to silence her for good, Cameron realizes bold and brassy go hand in hand.

  Freaky By Nature

  (SEALS, Inc., Book 3)

  Brett Steele, PI didn’t realize there was a politically correct term for stripping until he met Holly London. Initially drawn to her talent, he soon learns there is much more to the “sensual dance” instructor than he thought. Holly has a secret that may change her life forever. When the atmosphere warns her she is the target of a madman, she must expose the secret and trust Brett to stay alive.

  Tightly Wound

  (SEALS, Inc., Book 4)

  Claire Steele has dodged shadows her whole life and uses psychic talent to chase evil in the recesses of her mind. Lt. “Shadow” Windsor walks friendship’s fine line, patiently waiting for Claire to accept his love. Until sinister forces threaten her life. Caught between love and death, Claire and Shadow must combine both talent and skill to survive.

  Never Cry Uncle

  Often a dead-end job is so ... dead. When Allison and Lucy find out their boss pocketed bonus money, blackmail seems the perfect revenge. Until the plan backfires and they become prime suspects. Out of desperation, Allison hires Luke Owens, PI, who takes the case only to be distracted by her sass. In a zany twist of events, the couple must risk their hearts and lives to catch the real killer.

  Playing with Fire

  (Primrose, Minnesota, Book 1)

  Liberty doesn’t come cheap. In fact, she costs $200 an hour. Dr. Liberty Prescott is trained to heal. Problem is, she can’t heal herself. Fire Inspector Shane Hartwell fights demons in the dark. Desperate to end his torture, he seeks Liberty’s help. As attraction sparks between them, an arsonist burns out of control and evidence points straight to Liberty. Against his heart’s denial, Shane accuses her until new evidence emerges. Now with his heart in his hands, can he reclaim hers?

  Positively Criminal

  (Primrose, Minnesota, Book 2)

  Dr. Sabrina Miller is the queen of camouflage, and keeps her closely-guarded secrets locked deep in her heart. Detective Jake Rawlings knows he holds the golden key to unlock Sabrina’s secrets, even if she claims otherwise. Yet, when someone other than Jake discovers what she keeps hidden, he must trust his instincts to keep her alive.

  The Rogue Reviewer

  (Primrose, Minnesota, Book 3)

  Be careful what you wish for - that's what romance novelist Dara Hamilton reminds herself when she finds a corpse in her living room. Detective Mace Turner always gets his man, even if that man is a beautiful woman. Pummeled by erotic images planted in his mind by Dara's talent, Mace vows to find the person responsible for murder. Little does he know, that person may be right under his nose.

  Tri Me

  (Primrose, Minnesota, Book 4)

  What happens at Girls Night Out, stays at Girls Night Out-unless someone is murdered. Defense attorney Alex Jennings intends to follow the code until her life is threatened by an anonymous caller. Former Detective Jackson Stewart knows it is in his best interest not to interfere with Ladies Night, but when Alex seeks his help, he has no choice but to man-up and take one for the team.

  Tattoo My Heart

  (Heroes of Seaside Point, Book 1)

  It all began with a sixth shot of Tequila ... Independent, carefree Annessa Dupree doesn’t realize her talent for attracting trouble until she witnesses a wedding day murder and is forced to run home to hide. Sheriff Casey McIntyre has loved Annessa since the tender age of twelve, trouble and all. Hell-bent on mending past differences, he must save her life while he earns her trust.


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