A Twist of Fate (The Twisted Trilogy)
Page 6
I stared at my reflection, feeling incredibly ashamed of my behaviour. Truth: Cameron wronged me. But what I did was cruel, and I should have never dragged Edwin into it. Edwin had probably only done it to spite Cameron, knowing he would get a rise out of him. Mission accomplished.
The worst of it was, I cared very much about Cameron, but I couldn’t stop worrying about Edwin either. I smeared away the fresh tears. Why did I care so damn much about Edwin?
I WALKED BACK OUT into the chaos. Cameron was waiting outside the door for me. "Can we talk?" he asked, and reached his hand out to me.
After all that had happened, I was surprised he’d still offer me his hand. I was finding it difficult to even look at him. I ignored his hand and shrugged a careless shoulder, acting the exact opposite of what I was truly feeling.
I headed away from the party room in silence. My hurt feelings clung to my chest walls and tears glistened in my somber eyes. Cameron followed behind me, with slumped shoulders. As we neared the front lobby, Cameron took my hand and dragged me to a free bench. He wouldn't let go of my hand, even as I struggled to pull it away from him.
"Please," he begged.
I was afraid if I opened my mouth again I would cry.
Cameron looked into my watery eyes, then collected my hand into both of his. When he looked up again, his forehead all wrinkled, my heart skipped against my ribs. "Should I be worried?"
"I didn't mean for that to happen," he insisted. "I don't even know the girl."
Yeah, I buy that. I rolled my tired eyes that now matched the colour of my dress. "You didn't seem to mind it."
He gently stroked my chin and turned my head to face him, his eyes determined, his gaze penetrating the ice wall I was trying to erect between us. "That's not true. She caught me off guard."
I rolled my eyes again. "I'm sure."
"But you. And Edwin." He dropped his hand, showing his frustration.
"Sure, I kissed him. I would've kissed any man with a pulse. It was mere coincidence that Edwin happened to be the one standing next to me."
Cameron swallowed, trying to keep his calm but failed at doing so. "You're sure of that? If you would've stopped kissing him when you realized who it was, I'd have an easier time believing you."
Ouch. That hurt. "Yeah, because trust is a real strong point in our relationship right now." I didn’t know what to believe.
Cameron shook his head. "What a disaster."
I let out harsh breath, in the same moment that Edwin walked up quietly behind us. "Honestly, Cameron? It really meant nothing to me,” I admitted, not knowing we had company. “Up until you kissed that girl, you were the only man in my eyes."
Cameron's gaze focused over my shoulder, his response hidden behind a mask of fury. Edwin had overheard my confession and I could see that he wasn't particularly pleased to have walked-in on it. He remained polite and composed, but I could see that disappointment had swallowed his hollow eyes. He turned to Cameron, without ever reaching my eyes.
"For what it's worth, I'm sorry. That was uncalled for." His apology was unexpected.
The fierceness in Cameron’s reaction didn’t even begin to describe the rage pouring from his eyes. Bad blood boiled between them and I knew if he said anything, it would result in a fist fight.
Edwin’s gaze quickly turned from apologetic to mischievous. "I can see that Cameron's dealing with it."
"Please, just give us our space," I begged. I would’ve done anything to keep the situation from escalating any further.
Edwin snared me with his gaze. "Guess there's no need for me to check up on you anymore." His eyes flashed to Cameron. "I'll stay out of your way." Edwin turned and walked away, his regret penetrating my heart.
Cameron and I were surrounded by joyful party goers and yet I was utterly depressed, my thoughts doing a loop de loop. Neither of us spoke, with me lost in my own head and Cameron doing his best to cool off. He was sitting so close, but he didn't touch me. He was only inches away and yet I couldn't console him. A tear tripped and fell out of the corner of my eye. Before it trickled past my cheek, Cameron scooped it up with his finger.
"You should save those for something more important," he said, his lips turning out a breath-taking smile just for me.
I managed to return the smile. "I don't know. I think this is pretty important."
He nodded in agreement. "An honest misunderstanding, right?"
"I hope so."
He cupped his hands over mine and locked them down to his lap. "I have no idea who that girl is and I really don't care," Cam stated. His words sounded genuine and heartfelt.
If what he was saying was true, then that bitch had snagged my man and ruined my night. "I might have a few words for her."
Cameron chuckled at my ferocity and looked into my eyes, pleading for my forgiveness. "I never did get that New Year’s kiss from you," he hinted, leaning forward slowly.
It felt a bit awkward to me, having just tied tongues with someone else, but I was relieved that Cameron wasn't making the situation any more challenging by being difficult.
I pressed my mouth softly against his and kissed him with all my heart, losing myself in his warm, comforting arms. When we resurfaced from our life-altering peck, Cameron rummaged frantically inside his jacket and pulled out a black, velvet box. My heart throbbed in my throat and he monitored every twitch of my eyelashes.
"I can't stay mad,” he said. “Hell, I can't even stand not hearing your voice. I love you, Abby, and I'm just so damn scared that I've lost you already."
It was like he took a lighter to my heart, melting away the ice that had blocked him out only moments earlier. “I love you too.”
Cam smiled and glanced at the soft, velvet box, squeezed tight in his trembling hand. “I was hoping you would say that.” He dropped to one knee and glanced up at me. "I thought I knew exactly what to say and do, to make you say yes, but things don't always work out as planned."
I was unable to remove my wide eyes from his glimmering baby blues, as my hand covered my mouth.
"I love you, Abby. And I want to give you this as a token of my love, so you and everyone else knows how crazy I am about you." Suddenly Cam cracked open the box and presented me with the most beautiful ring.
"Don't say it," I sputtered, pushing the box away, before I could let the sparkling diamond tempt my heart more than it already had. It was everything I ever wanted, but I couldn’t let myself go through the motions just then.
Saddened and surprised, Cameron rose from his knee and reseated himself next to me. He hung his head low and squeezed his eyes shut. "You don't love me like that," he said, explaining it to himself.
"No, Cam. I do, but…"
"It's too soon. I knew it," he interrupted.
I rested my hand on his leg, to comfort him. I hated seeing him like that. I wanted to make him better. "That's not it either," I replied, squeezing his thigh.
He scrunched his brows together, confused. "Then why?" He snapped the box shut, his heart lain out on the table before me.
"Don’t you think this weekend has been a bit crazy? I mean, if you had asked me before we came on this trip, I’m sure it would have gone a little differently. But I don’t want to look back and remember this night as that night. Do you understand what I mean?"
He raised an arched brow with hope. "So, you're not saying no?"
"I'm just saying later."
He looked down at the little box in his hands and cracked it back open. "You didn't even see the ring," he said, holding the box up to me.
It broke my heart. "I'll see it when the time is right," I replied, gently closing it inside his hand.
"No, “ he commanded, as he cracked the box back open. “You'll see it now." The massive solitaire diamond sparkled in his eyes, as he plucked it from the box and held it between his finger and thumb.
"It's beautiful," I whispered, near tears.
He presented th
e ring to me again. "I love you, Abby. I bought this ring for you. And I'd like very much for you to have it now, as a symbol of our commitment to each other. Will you wear my ring?" He gazed at me, hesitant but hopeful.
My heart fluttered. "Oh, Cam. If it means that much to you.”
Happy to take any answer other than no, Cam covered my mouth with his. He pulled me onto his lap and his joy radiated through me like lightning strikes. I felt so secure in that moment, my arms clung tightly around his neck, as I kissed him again and again.
"Aren't you going to see if it fits?" he asked, examining me.
I chewed on my smiling bottom lip and reached out my right hand. He gazed into my eyes, kissed my knuckles, then lowered my right hand to my lap. He gently collected my left hand and slid the golden band onto my ring finger.
“Oh!” My hands trembled as I splayed my fingers out and displayed the sparkling beauty. Breathless, and unable to take my eyes from my new addition, I smiled, acknowledging all that it stood for.
"Are you okay with this?" Cam asked, trying to read my teary eyes.
I let out a nervous laugh. "Absolutely. I love it and everything it represents."
He smiled, his confidence returning as fast as the glimmer in his eyes. My Cameron was back. "Now everyone will know that you're mine."
THE SUNLIGHT ATTACKED MY ring the next morning and woke me from my peaceful slumber. The diamond sparkled and glimmered unreservedly, making me smile as I held it out to examine it.
"Morning," Cameron said, as he rolled toward me.
"Good morning," I replied, unable to wipe the elated smile from my sleepy face.
He had caught me admiring the ring. "I take it you like it." With a scorching smile playing on his lips, he stretched out and then yawned loudly.
"It's stunning. I love it."
"Just like you. I knew it was the one the second I saw it."
I kissed him softly and he kissed me back, allowing his passion to expose his possessive nature. I looked into his gorgeous eyes and gently twirled his short, spiky hair around my fingers. "I'm lucky to have you," I whispered.
Before long, Cameron was loading our bags into his car, as the ladies loaded me into Maddie’s. Cameron came up to my window and I eased it down to give him a kiss. "You okay?"
"I'm good. I'll see you back at home," I said.
"Home. I like that." He kissed me again and then strolled back to his car with a smile on his face. That could be dangerous. Especially with Edwin in his back seat.
Jessica hopped into the front seat with Maddie and snapped on her seatbelt. "Let's hit the road."
Aliah adjusted the strap across her chest, pulled out her cell phone and scanned through the emails that she had ignored over the weekend. Maddie eased her car into drive and followed Cameron out of the icy parking lot.
I stared out my window at the dull, grey sky, noting the contours of the thick clouds in the distance, just waiting for the snow to drop again. The heat was cranked on high, but it felt like I was sitting in an ice cube. Aliah rubbed her hands together and glanced at me. She hadn't even acknowledged the massive rock on my finger and there was no way she had missed it.
"So, spill it!" Jessica broadcasted, from the front seat.
"What?" I asked, dramatically. "Oh, you mean this?" My smile beamed when I flipped my hand up to flash my diamond at her.
She grabbed onto my hand to gawk and appreciate the amazing quality of the sizeable stone. "I bet it cost a fortune." She clutched onto my hand, displaying her awe on her face.
Aliah glanced at it, trying to act casual. "Holy shitballs. That's huge!" She yanked my hand away from Jessica to take a closer look herself.
"What can I say? He loves me."
"I'd say," Maddie replied, as she tried to keep her eyes on the road.
"When are you getting hitched?" Aliah asked, suddenly interested.
I yanked my hand away from her. "We're not."
"What?" Jessica looked stunned. "A man doesn't just give you ring like that. It’s got to be in exchange for something."
Aliah nodded. "Hunter told me that Cam had planned to ask you to marry him at midnight. But it looked like Edwin put a kink in that plan."
"He tried to ask me when we were making up. I wouldn't let him. Not last night. Not like that."
"Like when then?" Aliah pried, dying to know.
I shrugged my shoulders. "I told him later."
"And he just up and gave you the ring anyway?" Jessica squealed.
"We’re treating it as a promise ring. He said it symbolizes our commitment to each other."
“Hah! He'd say anything to get that ring on your finger," Aliah stammered.
I scowled at Aliah, angered by her outburst. "What's your point?"
"You shouldn't have taken the ring. It's not fair to Cam," Aliah said.
Yeah, cuz she was such a model citizen. "What do you know?" Pissed, I stared out the window and gave Aliah the silent treatment.
"Cam's a great guy. He deserves more. Don't act like later you'll accept his proposal."
Unable to outright ignore her, I scowled at her again. "I will."
"Mmm hmm. I saw you with Eddie last night; and in the hot tub the night before. I don't doubt that you love Cam, but there's obviously something still there with Eddie. You need to figure that out first. Just face it: you had your chance at happiness with Cam and you blew it by kissing Edwin."
"I blew it?" I screeched. "Cam was the one making out with that blonde chick! Edwin just happened to be the one I took my frustrations out on."
"How convenient for you," Aliah said, rolling her eyes.
"Screw you! I love Cam and there's no question about that."
"You're right, there's not. But he’s not the only one.”
I stared out the window again, folded my arms across my chest and tucked my hands in, so I didn’t accidentally pummel my fists into Aliah’s face. My heart was racing wickedly. I was outwardly appalled that she would sink so low, though in my heart I knew that there was still something there with Edwin, whether I liked it or not.
I tried to explain it to myself, replaying those same words over and over again. "Eddie doesn't want kids now. He made that very clear. That means we are never going to work out. What more do you want from me?"
Aliah wasn’t having it. "Whatever."
Maddie stayed silent, until I urged her to give me her advice. "Sorry, Abby. But you're going to have to figure this one out on your own."
"What am I supposed to do? I love Cam, more than anything."
"Do you?" Aliah asked, pointedly.
I narrowed my eyes at her, until they were but irritated slits cut from my face. She was being so mean. "I love him a lot. He loves me. He makes me happy and his daughter’s a total sweetheart. He can give me the babies I've always wanted."
"You seem so sure," Aliah announced, knowing I wasn’t.
"Well, we haven't exactly talked about it yet," I admitted. "I was just hoping that he'd agree to what I wanted."
"Yeah, I see how that worked out for you last time." Aliah's words were as sharp as her wit and as harsh as the colourful streaks in her dark brown hair.
"Ugh! I can't take it anymore!" I hollered.
"Leave the poor girl alone," Maddie urged. "She's been through enough this weekend."
"She’s delusional," Aliah blurted.
I slammed my hand onto the seat beside me and leaned forward, until my face dipped into the front seat. "That's it! Stop the car."
"I promise I'll stop in one minute," Maddie swore. "But I don’t want to get stuck in a snow bank.”
Jessica looked up from her cell phone. “Edwin says Cam will stop at a place they saw up ahead. It’s less than a kilometre from here."
I bit my tongue, silently fuming to myself, planning my escape from the car the second it rolled to a stop. Ignoring the others, I watched as Maddie pulled the car into the parking lot, then I jumped the second she had her foot on the brake, dove
out my door and headed straight for the building.
Cam came running in after me, seeing that something was wrong. "Hey, what's up?" He looked so concerned.
I sighed and stared at the floor. I couldn't very well tell him what we were arguing about. It would crush him. "Aliah's being a total bitch. I can't stand her right now."
"I see," he said, with a smirk.
It was so heartfelt that I nearly burst into laughter.
"So, I've been thinking. I know maybe now's not the best time," he said, "but I've learned that waiting isn't necessarily the right way to go either."
"Spit it out, Cameron." I let a smile slip from my mouth, as I yanked on his jacket collar and pulled him closer to me.
"I know I only asked you to stay at my place for the holidays, but I have to admit that I was hoping you wouldn't want to leave."
My smile grew wider. "What are you saying?" I wanted to hear the words come from his lips and see the satisfaction when he heard my answer.
"Will you move in with me?"
I flung my arms over his shoulders, while a joyous smile erupted from my lips. "I’d love that."
Cam kissed me, exhilaration spilling from him as he lifted me into his arms. I was so happy to see his smile and feel his body pressed against mine.
Hunter approached us, having waited for us to finish. I could tell from the look on his face that he had overheard our conversation. "Do you mind if Aliah rides with us the rest of the way?" he asked Cam.
Cam gazed at me in question and I nodded. "Sure."
“Cool.” Hunter instantly turned away and disappeared out of the building.
I kissed Cam again and squeezed him a little closer. I was glad Hunter had asked, because I couldn’t stand another minute with Aliah. Cam smirked, reading my thoughts, then bound our hands together and led me outside into the blustery weather. When I walked toward the car, Cam didn’t want to let go. He extended his arm out, clutching onto my hand as long as possible until our fingers pulled apart.
I smiled back at him. “I’ll see you at home?”