Expecting the Playboy's Baby

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Expecting the Playboy's Baby Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing


  Copyright© 2013 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-346-0

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  I want to say a big thank you to my readers. Your kind words and support means the world to me.


  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2013


  The night of the party

  Jennifer Dixon stood in the library staring at the array of books. The room was old-fashioned compared to the rest of the house. She’d seen all of the modern conveniences in place whereas this room was like stepping back in time. Running her fingers over the books she stared at each title, amazed by some of the first editions.

  Patrick Thompson was proving to be an enigma. He was a notorious playboy who slept with a different woman every night. At least the press liked to report he had a new woman every night. She’d never met him, and the only reason she was at his house was because her parents were looking to make a deal with his. His father had arranged for the party.

  She stared down at her long black evening gown wishing she hadn’t been forced to come. Linda, her best friend, had been unable to attend because of prior commitments. Jennifer wished she’d had another excuse rather than eating a tub of ice-cream. Most of the people glared down their noses at her. She might be part of their world because of her last name, but she felt as cut off from them as any other person.

  While everyone was mingling around the house, she’d wandered off trying to find some peace and quiet.

  “What are you doing in here?”

  Turning towards the voice, she stared at Patrick across the room. He’d closed the door to the library and stared at her. From that one look she felt arousal hit her hard and deep. She’d never heard of lust at first sight, but then Patrick was a hottie. “I’m sorry. I needed to get away,” she said.

  “You shouldn’t be wandering around other people’s property.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “What’s your name?” he asked.

  “Jennifer.” She kept her last name to herself. For some reason she didn’t want to tell him her last name.

  “Join me in a drink,” he said, handing her a glass filled with amber liquid. “The finest brandy money can buy.”

  She took the glass he offered and sipped. The brandy burnt her throat and made her eyes water. She was careful and held the tears back. The mascara she wore was not waterproof.

  “I know it’s strong stuff.”

  “Why are you hiding?” she asked. He didn’t mention her leaving. She couldn’t stop staring at him. He was more beautiful up close than on any of the glossy mags.

  “I’m tired of being flirted with. There was a time I’d have been flattered with the attention. Now, it’s just boring. The same old crap for the same old Patrick.” He filled her glass.

  Jennifer was shocked by his honesty. “I thought you liked the lime-light and didn’t care what people said.”

  “Babe, the lime-light is not the problem. The women are the problem. I mean, they want to talk about themselves or spend my money. I’m tired of being a neverending bank balance for them. I’m nothing but a cock and money for the women who want me. I guess I’m getting tired of the same old crap day after day,” he said.

  She stared at him, amazed. Patrick was not known for having much feeling. He partied all the time, and his reputation for being a playboy was one of the worst in their social circles. This was the first time she’d ever met him.

  “Take a walk with me,” he said. He offered her his arm, and she took it without question.

  “I have to say, Patrick, you’ve surprised me, and that doesn’t happen often.” The night’s breeze felt good against her warm body. The air in the house had been thick and cloying.

  “What’s surprised you?” he asked.

  “You appear to love the attention sent your way. I don’t see you having an issue with people knowing your business.” He stopped in front of a beautiful water feature. She admired the lighting and beauty of it.

  “You believe everything you read in the papers?”

  “Not all of it.”

  “Then don’t believe it all about me. A lot of the crap written is merely that, crap.”

  He moved her on. They passed couples on their way deeper into the garden.

  “I’ll keep it in mind. I won’t believe another word of it with regards to you being a playboy of the highest order.”

  Patrick laughed. “What do you think of the party?”

  “They’re not really my style,” she said.

  They stopped in a gazebo. She let go of his arm to look around at the rest of the garden. “Your place is beautiful.”

  “My father took over and decided to throw this blasted party. I hate having people around in my space. They always think it’s their property and they’re free to touch what they like,” he said.

  “You don’t like people touching your things?”

  “Do you? Especially people who claim to know you but then stab you in the back at the first opportunity.”

  “I’m sensing there is not a lot of love lost between you and everyone else.”

  He chuckled. “You’re correct.”

  “If you’re so bothered by people thinking they know you, why don’t you change their opinion of you?” she asked, intrigued by him. She’d thought he was just another playboy who spent his father’s money and slept with any girl who’d have him. Her thoughts of him were being dramatically changed.

  “Who would believe it? The playboy who turned good. There’s no gossip or money in a good guy. They want a juicy story to display on their newspapers. I’m tired of the crap.”

  He trapped her against the hard wood and his body. The sudden change in him startled her. “Aren’t you worried that I’ll try to seduce you?” he asked.

  She shook her head even as her insides melted at his closeness. He was wreaking havoc with her body.

  “I’m not seduceable.”

  “Every woman can be seduced, Jennifer. You’ve just got to be willing to find out how.” He leaned down and brushed his lips across hers. The electricity from the smallest touch made her gasp. She pulled back to stare into his eyes. “You feel it, too,” he said. “I felt it the moment I saw you standing in my library. You’ve got a body to die for. Your ass is so tempting.” His hand moved down to cup her butt. She moaned when he let her go.

  “No, this is wrong. You’re drunk.”

  “Not that drunk. Even if I was, take advantage of me, Jennifer. I’ll make it worth your while.” He ran a thumb over her lips. “Let me show you how different I can be.”

  The way he stared at her and the words he spoke made her want to give in and give him everything he demanded. This was the first time anything like this had ever happened to her. She felt a yearning deep down inside. Jennifer wanted to be seduced by him.

  “I can see you’re fighting it, baby. Give in, and let yourself live a little.” His lips brushed against hers and travelled down to her throat.

  She glanced around the garden and saw it was virtually empty. There was no
one around to witness her seduction. Jennifer wrapped her hands around his neck and pressed her body against him. She might regret her decision in the morning, but for now, she wanted to submit to him. The power he held in the palm of his hand was intoxicating. She craved what only he could give her. For once she wanted to give in, and Patrick didn’t think she was fat. He appeared to love her curves.

  Pushing all of her doubts away Jennifer allowed herself to be taken.


  Her scent would stay with him forever. He smelt oranges and spices. Patrick knew the moment he’d seen her in the library she was different. There was nothing false about her. He knew nothing else about her apart from her name, but he wanted her. The shot of lust at the sight of her had startled him. Her body moulded to him as if she’d been born to be there.

  The curves of her breasts and the feel of her ass against his palm were almost too much to endure. Patrick wanted her naked and wet against the ground. He’d spotted her before she entered his library. Her brown wavy locks and the outline of her body in the gown she wore made his cock thicken. The sight of her alone was enough to make him desperate. Then she’d stared at him with her emotional brown eyes, and he was lost.

  He’d heard somewhere that the eyes were the looking glass into the soul. Staring into her beautiful eyes Patrick knew the words were true. He ran his thumb over the plump flesh, relishing the feel of her against his thumb.

  “You’re incredibly beautiful,” he said.

  The blush that stained her cheeks hypnotised him. He didn’t know women were still innocent enough to blush.

  “You’re only saying that to get into my pants.”

  “I’m saying it because I mean it.”

  Patrick cupped her face and tilted her up to look at him. Her skin was silky smooth to the touch. He caressed her face with the back of his fingers, loving the small touch.

  She let out a gasp, and he knew she was as taken with him as he was with her.

  Gazing down her body he saw her nipples were hard points pressed against the fabric of her gown. He followed a path with his hand and stroked the bud.

  She moaned. The sound was deep and throaty.

  He pulled the strap of her gown down enough to expose her naked breast. She wasn’t wearing a bra. The body of the dress had one built in. Patrick glanced at her full, ripe nipple. The tip was cherry red and tight with the chill of the air.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m going to take your nipple between my lips and suck it into my mouth.” He grazed the tip with his nail, watching her eyes dilate from the action. “Then I’m going to take you to the ground and fuck you until you’re screaming my name. I want to feel your pussy wrapped around my cock.”

  Her moans turned into desperate cries. Bending down he took her bud between his lips. At the same time as he sucked her nipple, he stroked her inner thigh. He kept moving his hand up her legs until he cupped her sex. She was dripping wet. Coating his finger with her cream, he pushed his finger inside her.

  He felt her fingers tighten in his hair. Closing his eyes, he nibbled and sucked at her nipple while he stroked her creamy slit. He pressed two fingers inside her channel. She pressed down on his digits taking more of him inside her.

  When he could no longer take the torment, he concentrated on her clit and bringing her to orgasm.

  Patrick felt her building release within seconds of his stroking her. Her breaths turned to pants, and her body shook with the need to come.

  He slammed his lips down on hers when her climax took over her whole body.

  For several seconds he kissed her lips and neck before easing away.

  “That was amazing,” she said.

  The wonder on her face made him chuckle. “You act like a man has never given you pleasure before.”

  She looked down his body. “None as good as that,” she said.

  Patrick brought her fingers to his lips and licked the cream off. He enjoyed the taste of her musky cunt and wanted more of her. Patrick knew in that instant he’d never grow tired of her. There was so much more to her, and he wished to be the man to find out everything about her.

  “You taste divine.” He took her hand and pressed her palm against his hard cock. “Feel what you do to me. I need to do more than suck your tit and taste your cunt. I need my cock inside you. Please say you want it as well.”

  Jennifer moaned in his arms. Her palm stroked him through the layers of clothing.

  “I want that to. I couldn’t deny you, Patrick.” Her head rested against his. “Fuck me,” she said.

  In his lifetime, many women had requested for him to fuck them. He’d hated being told what to do and when. Patrick liked being in charge. The words coming from Jennifer’s lips sounded more of a plea than a command. The flush on her face made her look so tempting and delicate.

  Brushing away all of his thoughts he took her hand, leading her around the back of the gazebo to relative privacy.

  He kissed her lips, wanting to feel and hear her whimpers once again. Her hands wrapped around his neck pressing against him. Patrick took her to the ground and worked his hand beneath her dress. He removed his jacket and placed it on the ground before putting her on top. The grass stains would be hard for her to explain.

  “I need you,” he said. The urgency he felt shocked him to the core. His hands shook as he unzipped his pants. He pulled his hard cock out and stroked his shaft.

  “Open your legs.”

  Jennifer opened her thighs for him. He stared down at her creamy slit. Her cum leaked out of her pussy.

  “Please, Patrick, I want you,” she said.

  He pushed the top of her dress down to expose her large breasts. They filled his palm perfectly. The beaded nipple called to him. What was it about this woman beneath him that made her different from every other woman he’d been with?

  Patrick grabbed his shaft and pressed the tip against her entrance. She was tight. He worked the tip of his cock inside and then grabbed her hips. Her hands grabbed his arms as he slowly eased inside her tight heat.

  He’d originally wanted to fuck her hard whereas now he wanted to take it slow and draw out every touch and emotion. For the first time in Patrick Thompson’s life, he wanted to make love to a woman. When she went home he wished for her to remember only his touch. Patrick craved her.

  Her tight channel squeezed him as he pushed deeper inside her. He grabbed her hips and thrust inside her until he was seated to the hilt in her body.

  She cried out, the sound muffled by her own hand. She’d covered her mouth as his hands were both on her.

  “You feel amazing,” he said.

  “You do, too.”

  He smiled. “I like that.”

  “Move, please. I need you to move.”

  She wriggled on his cock forcing him to take notice of her need. Patrick eased out of her before pushing his way back in. The moment he withdrew he wanted inside her again.

  He built a pace that prolonged their mutual pleasure. His cock throbbed in her tight cunt, but he kept thrusting inside her. She stretched to accommodate his width.

  “So tight and hot and beautiful,” he said. Leaning down, he kissed her lips and plunged his tongue into her mouth. She moaned, pressing her tongue against his. The desire flowed between them. He’d never felt so connected with another person in his whole life.

  He growled as his release stumbled upon him. Patrick held still as his cock jerked out his release. Jennifer rubbed her clit and brought herself to climax. He watched her eyes close as her cries filled his head. She looked open and free as she let go. He couldn’t tear his gaze away even if he wanted to.

  Collapsing on top of her, Patrick licked her nipple feeling the stirring begin in his groin.

  “You’re ready to go again?” she asked.

  “You’re one sexy woman, Jennifer. I’m ready to keep on going.”

  He pushed himself up and was shocked when Jennifer pulled away. She arranged her clothing into
place then brushed her lips across his.

  “If you remember my name in the morning, come and find me.”

  Those were her parting words. He stared after her, dumbfounded. No woman walked away from him. Patrick ran his hand over his face shocked by what had just happened. Staring down at his flaccid cock he finally remembered he hadn’t used protection. For the first time in his life, he’d been naked inside of a woman.

  Chapter One

  Jennifer Dixon couldn’t keep the nausea at bay for much longer. She’d been feeling sick for a couple of weeks now, and she didn’t know what had caused it. The scent of the coffee was making her want to run for the hills. Her friends continued to talk around her as if she wasn’t there. At that moment she didn’t mind. The thought of talking to anyone would send her over the edge. She was sweating, and her brow felt damp. The shirt she wore felt tight across her stomach and breasts. Her skin felt like it belonged to someone else.

  The waiter brought over the platter of seafood, and the look of the shrimp and lobster was all it took. The entire restaurant turned to witness her shame. She threw up over the expensive platter, in front of her friends and over the hot waiter who’d been checking out one of her friends.

  With the restaurant silent, her cheeks flaming, Jennifer did the only thing she could think of. She grabbed her purse and ran toward the bathroom. Rubbing a hand down her face, she stared at her reflection in the mirror. She looked fine, but her stomach didn’t feel fine.

  She moved to the toilet and continued to throw up.

  Jennifer curled in a ball wishing the ground would open up and swallow her. The last thing she needed was to make a fool of herself. Well, she’d done that, and the restaurant would kick her ass out of there.

  “Jennifer, are you okay?” The sound came from her closest friend Linda.

  “How would you feel if you vomited in one of the most sought after restaurant surrounded by a bunch of girls who treated you like a disease?” she asked.


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