Lover's Betrayal: Misfits of the Lore Series

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Lover's Betrayal: Misfits of the Lore Series Page 8

by Hopkins, J. E.

  “Trust you, Corinne? I would be a fool. You’re loyal to Olivia and I can’t trust her -- so therefore I cannot trust you.”

  Corinne could see the flash of hurt in Olivia’s eyes. “I see that you haven’t changed. You’re still the same old arrogant ass you always were, but now you get to hide behind the self-righteous Council. You finally got what you wanted, didn’t you? I hope it was worth all that you lost.”

  Lucian could not hold back his fury. How dare she speak to him in such a manner when it was Olivia’s fault that they were in this mess? “You haven’t changed much either. Still hanging on Livy’s coattails rather than living your own life. How sad, after all these years. When you actually get a life, then you can lecture me about mine.”

  Corinne launched herself at Lucian but before she could hit him, she felt strong arms grab her waist. Her back was pressed against a hard, chiseled chest. Her anger was replaced by a pleasure she had not ever felt before. His intoxicating breath inflamed her skin as he beckoned her to be calm. She could smell his exotic scent that seeped through her skin. She could not help but relax in the arms of the exhilarating Lycae.

  Olivia needed to maintain order, otherwise she would not be able to reason with Lucian. “Lucian, Kaden will not run. He’s not guilty and has no reason to hide. I’m asking for only a few minutes.”

  “I can’t take the chance, Livy,” Lucian pleaded.

  “We could lock him downstairs,” Julian suggested. “There’s a room down there that is filled with silver and is under a spell that would prevent Kaden from fleeing. The only means of escape is reciting a specific chant, and only I have that information. You can trust the fact that I will not let him escape.”

  “That could work,” Lorenzo added. “Just to be safe, I could keep any eye on Julian to make sure he doesn’t give Kaden the magic words to get out.”

  Lucian did not like this idea, mainly because he did not like the idea of being alone with Olivia. “You’re still outnumbered if they ganged up on you.”

  “Are you doubting my abilities?” Lorenzo questioned with a hint of anger in his tone. He was a proud Lycae, and to question his capability to do his job, especially in front of others, was the ultimate insult. The last thing Lucian wanted was to offend his best friend. Lorenzo had saved Lucian from himself when he self-destructed after Olivia married Daughton. The pain of being separated from his mate overwhelmed him as he indulged in one dangerous vice after the other to escape his tormented soul.

  He was running out of reasons to avoid facing her alone. “Of course not. If anyone can handle them, it’s you, but I still don’t like the idea,” Lucian responded. As he looked at Olivia’s pleading eyes, he could not resist. “Despite my better judgment, I will agree to this, but I want to see this room first and make sure it’s secure. I also want to know the chant that would open the door.”

  “Thank you, Lucian.” Olivia’s violet eyes looked at Lucian with such an appreciation that he had to turn away from her; otherwise, he might grab her and reacquaint his aching body with hers, and let her quench the thirst that he had been unable to satisfy for all these years.

  Olivia could feel his desire for her, and her body heated in response. For the first time in years, she felt alive, and she wanted to feel the satisfaction that only her mate could provide. The look in Lucian’s eyes told her that he could smell her arousal. She should be embarrassed, but she could never hide her desire from the only man who could inflame this need in her. Besides, she could smell how much he wanted her and that excited her even more.

  Lucian closed his eyes as if trying to block out the emotions Olivia stirred. He urged Julian to direct him to the basement. The whole group began to walk downstairs as Julian led the way followed by Corinne, Lorenzo, Kaden, Olivia, and Lucian in the rear.

  As Corinne reached the bottom, she dropped her bag and bent over to pick it up. Her little skirt barely covered her hips, giving Lorenzo a lovely backside view. Corinne straightened and looked over her shoulder giving Lorenzo a mischievous grin. His golden eyes had darkened as he licked his lips. Kaden just laughed as he watched the scene unfold. He whispered to Corinne, teasing her, “You little slut.”

  “I’m just a woman of my word. I told you what I would do in the presence of a sexy Lycae. I think it worked. He wants me.”

  “It definitely worked,” Kaden acknowledged. “The poor dog’s in heat.” Kaden looked back and frowned at the intensity with which Lucian was staring at Olivia. “He’s not the only one in heat,” he growled.

  They reached the bottom and Julian showed Lucian the room. It was secure and no doubt it would hold Kaden long enough for him to talk to Olivia.

  “Look, I’m a bit claustrophobic. I don’t want to spend too much time in this magical box. How about I promise not to escape? I swear on my father’s grave that I will not flee.”

  Olivia just rolled her eyes, but Lucian was not pleased with the reference to Daughton—the man he should have killed for stealing the family that should have been his. “You’re going in that room and if you try to escape, I assure you that you will join your father in that grave.”

  “Not if I kill you first,” Kaden threatened.

  “Don’t threaten me, Kaden. I’m the head of the Council and I could kill you with ease and no one would care. In fact, I would probably be given an award for getting rid of a murdering slime like you. Don’t test my patience. You don’t want to make me angry. You won’t like result.”

  “Will you turn green and attack me? Are you the Lou Ferrigno, Eric Bana, or Ed Norton kind of hulk when you’re angry? Because the last two were really not that scary.”

  Kaden was forced up against the wall. He felt his throat tighten as he gasped for air. He felt if he was glued to the wall, as he couldn’t move or free himself from the invisible bindings. All he could see was the intense midnight blue of Lucian’s eyes forcing the air from his lungs.

  “I’m all three, but stronger so you better fear me,” Lucian warned Kaden. “What I can do to you is worse by far, and I won’t hesitate to do it if you give me the slightest opening. Not even your mommy will be able to save you.”

  Olivia stepped in front of Lucian, breaking his concentration. Lucian released his telepathic grip on Kaden as he sagged against the wall, coughing.

  “Stop it, Lucian. Don’t hurt my son.”

  “Control your brat, or else I will.”

  “No one controls me, you pompous jackass,” Kaden groaned.

  Olivia could sense that Kaden was very close to unleashing his power. As strong as Kaden was, Lucian was older and stronger. A fight between them could be deadly.

  “Kaden, please. I need to talk to Lucian and I need you to stay in this room for a while. I know it’s not desirable, but please do this for me. Trust that I believe in you and would do anything to help you.”

  A frustrated Kaden reached for Olivia and spoke softly to her so that no one else could hear. “Who the hell is this guy and what does he mean to you? I can see how uncomfortable you are around him. Tell me what’s going on,” Kaden asked.

  “I can’t explain that to you now. It’s way too complicated. For now, just trust me to do everything possible to help you.”

  Kaden reluctantly conceded. “Fine. I’ll stay in the box for now, but you’d better get me out of here soon.”

  “I will. Try to be patient. I know that’s not your strength, but you can fake it for a little while, right?” Olivia winked, and Kaden could not resist his mother’s request. He walked into the room and Julian slammed the door shut behind him.

  “Don’t get too excited about this, Jules. It’s just temporary.”

  “Maybe, maybe not,” Julian smiled.


  As she watched Lucian staring pensively out the window, Olivia could not help but recall the reckless little boy she fell in love with so many years ago. The boy who broke all the rules and fell in love with his family’s slave. The boy who grew into this handsome stranger; her heart still becko
ned for his touch. She could still remember the warmth she felt as he held her. Nothing could hurt her as long as she was in his arms—at least until that dreaded night when she was ripped from his arms and condemned to a life of perpetual misery as the wife of Daughton Gaspard.

  She did not want to think of those horrid memories. For now, she only wanted to recall the years of love she shared with Lucian. The boy who freed her from her shyness and introduced her to the only happiness she had ever known.

  They grew up on the same estate although she slept in the tiny cottage she dubbed the servant’s pit while he slept in a room the size of her entire home. Despite their differing status, Lucian always tried to talk to her, but a bashful Olivia stayed away. Although tempted, her mother’s warning echoed in her ear that Lucian was off limits. He was too good for her, and she needed to know her place.

  To avoid his presence and the temptation he brought, she would spend most of her time at the nearby beach where she spent her days building sand castles and collecting shells. She loved the ocean and the feel of the sand on her feet. The beach was her sanctuary. Here she could escape her slave bonds and be anything she wanted.

  There were no other children of her status to play with, so Olivia learned to accept being alone. Alone was where she could pretend to be something more and dream of the life she knew she could never have.

  Her parents were not thrilled about her solitary trips to the beach, but they begrudgingly agreed to allow her this one special place where she could play. At least there she could stay out of trouble and stay away from Lucian. Marco and Daniella Vestano sensed the connection between Lucian and their daughter. Although the children never spoke to each other, their eyes could not hide the bond between them. Marco and Daniella, fearing they would lose their jobs, forbade Olivia ever to go near Lucian. Allowing her to play away from the house, and especially Lucian, would keep them apart—at least that’s what they hoped, but stubborn Lucian had other ideas.

  After weeks of searching for her, Lucian wandered to the beach and found Olivia sitting in the sand building a castle. For the first time, Lucian spoke to her.

  “What are you doing out here by yourself?” Lucian asked.

  A startled Olivia looked up at the little boy whose intense eyes scared her. Although he was just six years old, he possessed those penetrating blue eyes that could melt a glacier. “What are you doing here? We’re not allowed to talk. Master Santoro would be very mad if he knew you were here.”

  Lucian was clearly not concerned about his father’s reaction. “My father’s not here and won’t look for me here, so don’t worry.”


  “Stop worrying about my dad. I want to know why you’re out here by yourself.”

  “I like the beach. There’s no one I can play with, so I play out here with the sand and the water.”

  “You could play with me.”

  “No, I cannot. It’s not allowed. I’ll be punished.”

  “No one will know. Anyway, you work for us like your mother and father, and so if I order you to be my friend, you have to be. You will get in trouble for disobeying me.”

  Olivia was frightened, but in her child’s mind his logic made sense. She also could not deny how much she wanted to play with Lucian. She was drawn to him. “Ok, if you’re making me play with you than I will, but we shouldn’t tell anyone.”

  Lucian agreed with that smile of victory she would see many times over the years. Considering Olivia’s concerns, they decided to play in a more private spot to avoid detection. There was a cave in the middle of the cliff by the beach. It was a difficult climb, but Lucian knew that it was the perfect place to hide. It was a steep climb that terrified Olivia, but Lucian had no fear. He relished the challenge.

  The climb was too much for Olivia, but Lucian was determined. “I’ll carry you up.”

  Although they were stronger than most human children, Olivia did not believe that Lucian was strong enough for this. “No way!” she argued. “You can’t carry me and climb. You’ll drop me and I’ll crack my head open and my brain will come out.”

  “I’ll put your brain back in your head,” Lucian assured Olivia.


  “Trust me, Livy,” Lucian pleaded with those mesmerizing eyes that Olivia could never resist. “I promise I’ll never let you fall.”

  Olivia could not deny him. Although her head was telling her not to do this, her heart could not help but trust Lucian. Somehow she knew he would never let her fall. She took a deep breath, grabbed his hand, and climbed up on his back. She said a silent prayer for both of them and she closed her eyes as Lucian climbed. Suddenly, she heard Lucian’s voice telling her to open her eyes. At that moment, she realized she was in the cave holding on to a sweaty Lucian, who had the most glorious triumphant smile on his face. “Welcome to our home, Livy.”

  As he released her, tears of joy slid down her face as she realized at that moment that Lucian was the other half of her soul. Even though they were just children and she was just the poor daughter of his servant, he would be her mate. She would be one of the fortunate who found their mate.

  Mates were rare among vampires, but more common for other immortals. Most vampires did not want a mate. Mating meant such a complete belonging to one another that a separation from their partner resulted in a lifetime of despair and loneliness, culminating in a slow and painful death.

  At least that’s what Olivia had been taught, and it was certainly how she felt. The years without Lucian were a permanent ache in heart that grew deeper with every passing year, leaving in its wake a suffocating emptiness—an emptiness that she could no longer fight. Now that he was standing there so close after all these years apart, he was a temptation she could barely resist. Her body was aching for him. Her heart was beckoning him to fill it once more, but her mind would not allow her to forget that too much had happened and too much time had passed. She might still yearn for him, but the look in his distant eyes confirmed that he would not forgive her. Any love he felt for her died along with the innocent girl she had once been before she married Daughton. He might desire her physically, which was natural for mates, but he would never want her emotionally. He would never allow himself to love the woman she had become.

  Olivia was so lost in her thoughts that she barely heard Lucian speak. “Olivia!” Lucian shouted.

  Olivia awoke from her memories, but she could not help but stare into those beautiful eyes that she dreamed about every night. Lucian was as ravishing as ever, with a power and strength that emanated from every ounce of his muscular body.

  “What did you want to discuss with me?” Lucian’s tone was forceful and demanding. He needed to get Olivia to focus on official business rather than the desire that was afflicting both of them. His body heated from the way those violet eyes watched him with such intensity. He wanted her. There was no denying the need and passion he felt. Olivia’s beauty called to him like a siren and his body could not help but respond.

  Olivia snapped out of her reverie. “How have you been, Lucian?”

  Lucian hated that false look of concern in her eyes. He wondered if she knew just how miserable he had been since she walked away. He could not hide the bitterness in his voice. “How do you think I’ve been, Olivia?”

  “You look like you have been doing well. You’re head of the Council now and I know how much you always wanted that. I’m surprised your father stepped down so soon, but I’m glad for you. I guess things are going well for you. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

  “Does it ease your conscience to think that?”

  “Nothing will ease that,” Olivia acknowledged. “I just wanted to know if you were happy, if you were well.”

  “Why do you care? Do me a favor and stop pretending to give a damn about my life when you were the one who tried to destroy it. If this is your feeble attempt to butter me up so that I will help your son, then let me tell you now not to waste your time. Nothing you say will change anything

  Olivia expected Lucian to be somewhat angry, but the hostility in his voice surprised her. Lucian had always been so calm and relaxed. He rarely showed temper, but it was obvious that her presence incensed him. “I know you’re upset with me. Please don’t doubt how much I care about you. I have always cared and I will until my last dying breath. I need to know that you’re ok. I need you to be ok. It means everything to me.”

  “Well, mate, I can’t oblige you. How do you expect me to feel about this? How would any man feel knowing his mate, his other half, his entire reason for being -- had bedded another and bore him sons? Seeing you again brings up all those painful memories that I have spent years trying to squash. Now I’m trapped here dealing with you and your precious son. The son you conceived with Daughton on our wedding night.”

  “It wasn’t like that,” Olivia whispered, trying to fend off the tears that were waiting to be unleashed. Lucian did not know the truth about why she married Daughton. She wanted so desperately to tell him, but Daughton and threatened her into silence for years. Now he was gone and maybe the truth could help her and Lucian find peace. “Please let me explain.”

  “I don’t want your explanations. Look, that’s all in the past and nothing will change it. Right now we need to talk about Kaden. That’s why we’re here, right?”

  Olivia could only nod her head. She could not face Lucian and see those eyes that used to look at her with the deepest affection now glare at her with such utter loathing. Her hands were starting to shake uncontrollably, a side effect of her secret medicine. Stress accelerated the impact of the drug and she feared the gnawing pain in her gut from his confrontation might kill her before she had a chance to save her son.

  She knew she needed to compose herself quickly and focus on Kaden. Revisiting her history with Lucian would only lead to arguments and tension. Olivia walked over to the small bar and poured herself a scotch. Alcohol did not affect vampires as strongly as humans, but enough would calm her jittery nerves. Olivia was no fan of alcohol, but she needed something to get her through this confrontation with Lucian.


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