Chasing Secrets

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Chasing Secrets Page 14

by Lynette Eason

  “Just a wee bit of a headache. Would you have something I could take for it?”

  “Of course.” She reached into the cabinet where she kept a bottle of ibuprofen and handed him two. He took them with a coffee chaser.

  “Did you sleep well?” she asked.

  “Oh, to be sure. The time difference might take its toll on me in a few hours and I’ll need a nap, but for now, I’m content.”

  She paused at the word. Content. Had she ever been truly content? Maybe in the last few years since she’d been with the agency. At least more so than she could ever remember. She’d found God in Greece at the bodyguard school and had discovered a new sense of peace and acceptance. Acceptance in the sense that she could use her past to help those in the present. She studied the man at her table. “I’m really your granddaughter, aren’t I?”

  He sipped his coffee, then set his mug down and looked her in the eyes. “You are.”

  The doorbell rang and she held up a finger. “Hold that thought.” She grabbed her gun from the counter and held it behind her back while she approached the door. She glanced out the window and saw a man standing on her porch with a clipboard. A large moving truck sat idling behind him.

  Haley opened the door cautiously, yet curious.

  “Hi, are you Haley Callaghan?”

  “I am.”

  “I have a delivery here for you.”

  Tension swept through her. She relaxed her grip on the weapon. “I didn’t order anything.”

  He consulted his clipboard. “Steven Rothwell did and said to deliver it to this address.”

  “Hold on one second.” She shut the door, flipped the safety back on, and pulled her cell phone from the back pocket of her jeans. And saw she had one text waiting. It had come in just a few minutes ago. She opened the app and read,


  Expect a delivery sometime this morning. Happy Birthday.

  Haley shook her head and opened the door to find the delivery man had opened the back of his truck. He and his helper were carrying a mattress. “Want to show us where to put this?”

  “Unbelievable,” she muttered, but gratitude filled her.

  Another truck pulled up. Lefty’s Glass Company was emblazoned in red across the side of the vehicle. A woman climbed out. She, too, carried a clipboard. “You Haley?”

  “Let me guess. Steven sent you.”

  She looked down, then back up. “Yep.”

  “Ma’am? This mattress isn’t getting any lighter.”

  “Right. This way.” She looked at the glass worker. “You too.”

  Haley led her workers past her grandfather, who stood in the doorway of the kitchen with an amused look on his wrinkled face. They followed her to her bedroom. Within twenty minutes, she had a bed complete with new mattress, sheets, comforter, and pillows. And new glass in her French door. The evidence techs had taken her old mattress and all the bedding for examination in preparation for a court date, should the perp be apprehended.

  The man who’d knocked on her door picked up a bag he’d carried into her room, but hadn’t opened. He handed it to her. “He said to give this to you too.”

  Haley opened it to find a giant bag of M&Ms. She grinned and opened the bag to share handfuls with the workers. “Thanks, you guys.”

  She saw them to the door, then ran back upstairs to take one more look, trying to convince herself of what had just happened. She stood in the doorway. Her bedroom looked good as new. And while the bedding was different from the ones that had bullets in it, it suited her taste and she loved it. Simple cream with a splash of blue. For some reason, she thought she might cry. She texted Steven.

  Thank you. It’s not my birthday. Why?

  You’re welcome. Just because.

  She drew in a deep breath and went back downstairs to find her grandfather still standing in the doorway. “That was thoughtful of the young man.”

  “It was. Very.” She studied him and ate another handful of the chocolate. “I don’t need another DNA test, do I?”

  He lifted a thin shoulder in a shrug. “It would be just for your peace of mind. I don’t need it. I paid to have it done and it came back a match off of Aileen’s hairbrush. I’d had all of her things sealed in airtight containers. The DNA on her brush was still usable.”

  Haley shifted, thinking and trying to come to grips with the whole situation. She followed him back to the kitchen table and slid into the chair opposite him. She pushed the bag of M&Ms toward him and he helped himself. “Tell me about the relatives I have who are still living,” she said.

  “First, there’s Bridgett. She’s a widow and lives a very active life doing charity work. Niall, me brother, is a good bit younger than I. He was born when I was eighteen years old, so I guess that makes him a mere baby at seventy-two now. Unfortunately, he’s been very sick and I understand that he might be moved to hospice soon.”

  “What? Oh no! Don’t you need to be with him?”

  “I’m where I need to be and he knows it. So no worrying from you. Anyway, he married Darcy and they had two boys, Kane and Peter. They’re both pushing late forties and are also married. Kane and Janet have one son, Lachlan, who is married to Maeve. They don’t have any children. Peter and his wife also don’t have any children.”

  Haley blinked. “So they’re cousins of some sort.”

  “Indeed. Your father grew up knowing he would take over the business one day. He was excited about it, loved the thrill of it. When he was killed, I couldn’t function for a long time, as you might imagine. Niall came to the rescue.”

  “I’m so sorry,” she murmured.

  “Niall saved the company. And when I was ready to come back, he moved over and let me do so without a word. He retired a year ago when he started having some health problems and requested I make Lachlan CEO of Burke’s Shipping. He’s worked hard for the position and I didn’t argue. It was a good move.” He paused. “But now that I know you’re alive, I want you to take your rightful place in the company. Have your inheritance.”

  Haley caught her breath, her senses spinning. “What? No . . . I . . . I . . . no.”

  “But sure.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  He let out a low laugh. “Of course you can.”

  “I’m not interested in being a part of a company.”

  “I’m not saying you have to work there. I’m saying you will get half the profits.” A smile curved his lips and she had a brief glimpse of the handsome man he would have been in his younger years. “And it’s a very profitable business.”

  “I don’t want half the profits.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I’ve already changed the will.”

  She froze. “And who knows about this change in the will?”

  “My lawyer, of course, and myself.”

  “That’s it? You’re sure?”

  He scratched his chin. “Well, I believe so. I haven’t gone about discussing the matter. Why?”

  “Because if the last couple of days are any indication, it’s possible someone is very unhappy with your change.”


  Steven read the medical examiner’s report that had been emailed to both him and Quinn. He glanced at his partner, who was engrossed in whatever he was reading on his computer. “So the guy in the trunk isn’t in the system either.”


  “Okay, and no John Does at the hospital matching Carter James’s description.”


  “Maybe he’s in an out-of-town hospital.”

  Quinn grimaced. “Or a shallow grave no one’s discovered yet.” He shoved aside a stack of papers and reached for a pen. “I’ve got feelers out. Now what are we going to do about Richie? His lawyers are working to get him released as we speak.”

  Steven’s phone buzzed and he glanced at the message.


  Going to see Micah at the hospital around 12:00. Do you want to go?

  He did.

  Steven leaned for
ward. “What kind of illegal stuff is he involved in? Surely there’s something else we could nail him on.”

  “Drugs, guns, prostitution, you name it. The only problem is, he’s a little farther up the food chain than the ones we bust on a regular basis. I did a little more digging and I’ve got to give the man props for covering his tracks.”

  “And his minions are too intimidated—”

  Quinn snorted. “You mean terrified?”

  “Yeah, too terrified to talk to us.” Steven nodded. “All right. What about his finances?”

  “If I had a reason to check them, I’d get a warrant. But . . .”

  Steven rubbed his chin. “You know, Zeke said Richie wouldn’t hurt his mother because he wouldn’t mess up a source of income.”

  “What’d he mean by that?”

  He gestured to the computer. “The only source of money I can find for her is government assistance. But it’s a lot of assistance. Like thousands of dollars.”

  “She’s cheating the system and getting more than she should?”

  “Yes. Or the money is right, due to Micah’s health issues. But it’s enough that it would attract Richie’s attention.”

  “Or he’s her pimp.”

  “I thought about that, but there’s no record of her being arrested. She’s clean, although that could just mean she hasn’t been caught yet. A Google search brought up a funeral notice for her mother last year and no mention of a father.”

  Quinn lifted a brow. “So if he’s not her pimp, you think he’s taking her checks—or cards or whatever she gets?”

  “With Micah being sick, she’d get disability money direct deposited into an account. So, if he’s taking it, it wouldn’t surprise me. It’s several thousand a month. He’d consider it worth his while to take. Although the pimping wouldn’t surprise me either—and I’m not saying it’s not possible—but she couldn’t leave Micah alone all day or all night long. She can’t leave him at all, really.”

  “Unless Zeke is staying with him while she works the streets.”

  “Maybe, but I don’t think so. We sat outside her house all night and she never left it. Didn’t have any visitors either. I’m leaning toward the checks.”

  Quinn lifted a shoulder in a light shrug. “Guess we can ask her.”

  “Or Zeke.”

  “If Richie’s somehow set this all up, Belinda’s not going to say anything. Zeke, on the other hand, might.”

  “Or we just catch him. But in order to do that, we’d have to follow him, get him on camera either cashing a check she wrote to him or simply using her card at the ATM. Do we have the manpower?”

  “Never hurts to ask,” Steven murmured as he ran his fingers over the letters in his text back to Haley. “But proving he’s coercing her into giving him the money is another issue altogether.”

  “True.” Quinn slammed a hand against his desk and Steven jerked mid-answer. “What?”

  “Richie’s out.”


  “I told you they were working on it.” He sighed. “You let Haley know Richie’s back out and I’ll see if I can get someone on him as soon as he leaves the building.” Quinn picked up his phone and Steven heard him ask for Captain Thorne.

  Steven went back to his text to Haley.

  I’d love to come. Want me to pick you up? Also, Richie was just released after making bail.

  Haley paced the conference room floor behind her chair. Olivia stood at the head of the table while Katie and Maddy sat to her left. Charlie, Olivia’s brother and a contract employee of the agency, was working with Maddy’s current client. Lizzie, another contract employee, had eyes on one of Katie’s clients. And that’s the way it would remain for now.

  Two new faces took up the other two seats to Haley’s right. Christina Sherman and Laila Rabbinowitz. Haley had met them briefly before the meeting and had instantly liked them. Christina, tall, blonde, and magazine-model worthy, had dark eyes that didn’t miss anything. Laila, a more petite woman with her dark skin, chocolate brown eyes, and shy smile, packaged deadly skills and a razor-sharp mind.

  A small sense of relief flowed through her and she chastised herself for her worry. Olivia would never bring someone into the agency who wasn’t a good fit for them all.


  Haley jerked at the sound of her name. Olivia was looking at her. “What? Oh, sorry. I was thinking.”

  “You want to tell us what you need in regard to your grandfather and the Hampton family’s safety?”

  Haley let out a slow breath and gathered her thoughts. “Yes. As you know, several attempts have been made on my life in the last few days. I’m not sure who or why, but unfortunately, we have several options to speculate on. One, it could be that Richie Derrick, a violent man who I have made angry, could be seeking to hurt me out of spite. Or two, I have a rather interesting past that has just come to light. It could be that someone doesn’t want me to come back to life—so to speak. Someone who murdered most of my family when I was five years old.”

  Her friends reacted in unison. “What?” Katie asked.



  Haley held up a hand. “Hang on and let me explain.”

  They fell silent.

  “Who are you leaning toward as the guilty party?” Laila asked.

  Haley hesitated. “I hate to guess in case I’m wrong.”

  Katie reached out and grasped her hand.

  Haley squeezed her friend’s fingers. “Due to all of the craziness, I haven’t been able to really sit down with my grandfather to dig deeper. Maddy, could you cover him just in case? Right now, Quinn has friends watching him, but they have their regular shifts coming up and will need to leave soon.”

  “Of course.”

  Haley turned to the new women. “Laila, would you help cover Zeke, Micah, and Belinda at the hospital?”

  “Just tell me how to get there.”

  Haley really liked the soft-spoken, steely-eyed woman and looked forward to getting to know her better. “Thanks.”

  “And me?” Christina asked.

  Haley hesitated. “I need you to have my back.”

  “You’ve got it.”

  Haley turned back to Olivia. “I hope all of this goes away fast. I don’t like using almost the entire agency’s man . . . er . . . woman-power.”

  Olivia shook her head. “We’re here for you. I’ve got a few more people on the list to call if I need them to help cover our clientele. This is an unusual situation, but we’re a team and we’ll roll with it. Everyone just needs to be flexible.”

  Haley let out a slow breath. “All right. Thank you.”

  “So what’s next?”

  Haley looked at her phone and saw Steven’s response. “Christina, Laila, and I all head to the hospital.”

  Steven stood just inside the door to the hospital, where Haley said she’d meet him. He saw her emerge from the covered parking deck, flanked by two other women. She moved with an easy stride across the street, head held high, always watching, ever alert. She spotted him and lifted a hand in greeting. He returned the gesture and held the door for the three of them. “Thanks,” she said, then introduced him to the two new members of the Elite Guardians agency.

  “Nice to meet you.” He focused back on Haley. “Richie’s here.” Which had derailed his plan to ask Belinda about the checks and if Richie was cashing them—or forcing Belinda to do so and give him the money.

  Haley sighed. “Seriously? How?”

  “I got a text from the officer on the door. Officer Savakis tried to keep him out, but Belinda insisted on letting him in. Zeke started arguing with her and Richie shoved him out the door and told him to calm down. Zeke is sitting with Savakis now.”

  Haley’s eyes took on a fierce glow, but she simply drew in a deep breath. “All right then. Thanks for the heads-up. Laila is going to stay with Zeke. He’s her client for now.”

  “Good idea.”

  They walked to the eleva
tor. Once on Micah’s floor, Steven and the three women made their way down the hallway to the boy’s room. Steven spotted Savakis. Zeke sat in the chair usually reserved for the officer. The teen’s eyes were narrowed slits and his fists rested on his thighs. He looked up and spotted Haley and Steven. Steven thought he might have seen a flash of relief before it was covered with a hardness that Steven worried might become a permanent thing.

  “He’s in there?” Steven asked.

  Zeke gave a short nod.

  “Zeke, this is Laila,” Haley said. “She’s going to be hanging around you for a while.”


  “To make sure you don’t get killed in another drive-by.”

  “Oh.” Uncertainty flickered, but he didn’t protest.

  Haley stepped around him and knocked. Then pushed inside without waiting for an answer. Steven followed. Once inside the room, his eyes went first to Micah, who looked to be sleeping. Belinda sat on the chair next to him and held his hand. Richie stood with his back to the window, hands shoved in his pockets, mouth tight, eyes glaring.

  He wasn’t happy.

  Belinda’s gaze jumped to Haley’s and the woman walked over to wrap Haley in a hug. “I’m so glad you came.”

  “How is he?”

  “He needs a transplant and soon.”

  “Where is he on the list?”

  Belinda bit her lip. “Not high enough, I’m afraid,” she finally whispered.

  “What are you doing here?” Richie broke his silence.

  Haley glanced at him and Steven crossed his arms, keeping his hand close to his weapon.

  “Visiting a friend, Richie. What are you doing here? Couldn’t find anyone else to bully?”

  His nostrils flared and he took a step toward her. Haley didn’t flinch or look away. She simply raised a brow. Steven inched his hand a little closer to his gun.

  Then Haley narrowed her eyes. “Relax, Richie. I’m just here to check on Micah.”

  “He’s fine and we don’t need you checking on him. So why don’t you butt out and go find another charity case?”

  Belinda’s sharp indrawn breath drew Steven’s gaze to her. Anger darkened her features as she stared at her boyfriend. “Really? Charity case?”


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