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Controlled by His Voice Box Set (Erotic Romance)

Page 6

by Cross, Skylar

  "I'll take that one," I said.

  As he rang me up, I noticed little squirt tubes of Liquid Sky for 99 cents each.

  "I'll take these too," I said.

  Fifty dollars later and I was out on the street. I felt bad that I was planning to rob the guy that just helped me, but my mentor did say that the store would be reimbursed.

  On the way home I stopped at CVS and bought one of those disposable enemas.

  Once back in the safety of my apartment, I bolted the door, closed my blinds, and got naked. Shit, I really can't believe I'm doing this.

  I opened a new bottle of Pinot Grigio, put the DVD in, and pressed Play.

  There she was. Tamara Tolson, the Queen of Anal. I sipped some wine. She sat there talking to the camera surrounded by a group of porn stars who looked like they couldn't wait to get up each other's asses.

  She went through everything... going slow, cleaning yourself out, teasing, going slow, working your way up, going slow, different types of toys, dental dams (Yeah, right! Does anyone really use those? No way!), and going slow.

  Going slow seemed to be the main theme. Got it, Tamara.

  OK, Meghan, enough stalling. Turn off the DVD and get this show on the road!

  I rinsed out the enema bottle according to the DVD's instructions. Something about the saline solution causing diarrhea. Don't need any of that, thanks.

  I did the cleaning out deed and wondered how gay guys do this all the time. Or even anal girls.

  Then I got out the small butt plug and washed it off. I opened the bottle of Liquid Sky and got a good gob of it on my right hand.

  I went to my bed and got on my hands and knees. I rubbed the lube all around my asshole.

  Then I put my index finger in. I had to press hard, my backdoor hardly ever having been entered. I tried to get as much lube in there as I could.

  I reached behind me for the small butt plug and rubbed the lube all over it. I put it at the entrance to my ass and began pushing it in.

  Oh my God! How does anyone like this? That is the strangest sensation ever. By the time I was stretched wide enough for the small plug, I was in pain until plop! it fell in.

  "Fuck!" I said out loud, my butt in the air.

  I was almost ready to quit, to give up, to resign myself that I am cursed and must live my life without orgasms. Then, as my ass got used to the feeling it relaxed a bit. I even found myself breathing deeply and drifting away in my mind.

  Then I felt nerve pulses traveling between my ass and my pussy. I reached down and started playing with my lips, teasing them with my forefinger.

  As I did so, I felt the same orgasm build again. I almost hated to let it rise because I knew I wasn't going to have release. But I did it anyway, sending myself into utter delirium. Much to my surprise, everything seemed enhanced by having the butt plug in me.

  Over the next two days I repeated the procedure, eventually working my way up to getting the medium inside me. Yes, I was a little sore. But not as bad as I had expected. Tamara Tolson was right. Go slow.

  Eventually I got that medium-sized monster in me. The first time felt like a 18-wheeler was driving up my ass, but after putting it in and taking it out about ten times I got used to it.

  And kind of... liked it.

  But was I going to be able to relax enough to do it in the actual store?

  Chapter 4

  I was back in the adult store again. Different employee at the counter, a large girl with too much makeup.

  Good. I was wearing a brunette wig with straight shoulder-length hair, a black leather jacket, and a short skirt. Not my usual style. I also did my makeup differently, all pale with dark eyeliner and bright red lipstick. I was hoping the same guy wasn't working so he wouldn't recognize me. I was in luck.

  Fuck, it was more crowded today. Nine people. All guys. Shit.

  The butt plug section was nestled around the corner from the gay DVD section. I hung around there for a while, figuring out my next move. If anyone wondered why a girl was in the gay section, they certainly didn't ask. In fact, I had a feeling I could get naked and twirl around and nobody would say a word.

  The guy looking at magazines had a clear view of the butt plug section. I was going to have to be careful of him. There was a guy near the New Releases DVD's who was also not far away. Every guy in the damned place checked me out.

  Shit, maybe I should have worn camouflage pants and a hoodie. But then how would I get the plug up my ass?

  I didn't think of that. Under my short skirt there were no panties. Couldn't allow them to get in the way.

  I could go home, change, and come back.

  No, that's no good. The girl behind the counter would recognize me and wonder why the fuck I changed my clothes.

  Unless I came back later after a shift change.

  No! I cleaned myself out, psyched myself up, and got 'in the zone.' No! I'm going to do this now.

  I moved around the gay DVDs to the other aisle. I watched the girl at the counter. She was reading something I couldn't see, her elbows on the counter. Good.

  Magazine guy seemed engrossed in something. Good.

  New Releases guy turned and walked to his left. Even better.

  This was my moment. All the other customers were more toward the front of the store and wouldn't be able to see me behind the curvature of the racks in front of the butt plug section.

  I walked over to it.

  There it was. The medium. Hello, new buddy. You're about to shed your plastic container and get very intimate with me.

  I reached out and touched it. I looked back. Nobody noticed me.

  I took it off the metal holder that held it in a hole in the plastic sheathing that covered it. Made too much noise. Shit, where's the music? Stores are supposed to have music, goddammit!

  I saw magazine guy turn and look at me. Shit, why did I wear the sexiest skirt I have?

  Hmm... I think I know the answer to that. Because I feel fucking sexy. And I don't want to make this too easy on myself. I could have worn a long raincoat too, but I didn't. If I'm going to do a dirty deed, then I'm going to go full-on dirty!

  At that moment, my iPhone rang. Fuck! I forgot to turn the volume down. I looked at the caller. It was my dad. Fuck, I have to answer this.

  "Hello," I said as softly as I could.

  "Punchy", said my dad. "Bad news. They're kicking me out."

  "You mean letting you out. You're not supposed to want to stay there, dad."

  "And I was just getting used to the food. So, can you come by tonight? If you're not busy, that is. So we can talk about what to do to get me home. They want me out tomorrow."

  "Don't blame them. Fine. I'll come by later. But I'm in the middle of... uh... class. I have to go."

  "Oh, okay. I'll see you tonight then?"

  "Yes, see you tonight."

  "Love ya, punchy."

  "Love you too, Dad."

  I hung up, hoping the entire store didn't hear my conversation. I took the butt plug and walked over to the dildo section. A guy and a girl had come in and were looking at the strap-on harnesses. I looked at the scrawny guy. Yeah, I can see it.

  I moved closer to the girl at the register behind a rack of DVDs. I was in the Compilation section. From this vantage point, the wall of dildos was behind me. The couple looking at the harnesses were behind a pillar covered in knick-knacks. All the other customers were in front of me.

  There was a security camera on the ceiling two aisles in front of me.

  But I had a plan for that.

  With my left hand, I picked up a compilation DVD like I was studying it, considering a purchase. Then with my right hand, I put the butt plug on the DVD rack near my right knee.

  I twisted the plastic packaging open without a sound, having practiced at home on the one I bought a few thousand times. I let the front part of the plastic hang open.

  I felt like I was rounding second heading for third.

  Now the tricky part. I had inserted en
ough lube inside me to grease a locomotive's engine but I needed to make sure I was extra slippery.

  Not only was my butt not terribly used to having anything inside of it, but I was tense so my ass would likely be tighter than usual.

  I had taped one of the small 99 cent tubes of Liquid Sky to the inside of my leather jacket and pinched it open. Devious and clever girl I am.

  Lube dripped down into my fingers. I reached for the top of the butt plug and massaged the gel all around it, my eyes still studying the carnal intertwinings of what looked like several people on a boat trip on the cover of the DVD.

  Rounding third.

  I lifted the butt plug out of the packaging and put it under my skirt. Oh, baby, almost there.

  I pushed it into my asshole. Shit, I was tense. I had practiced this several times at home with the medium butt plug I bought but here in the store I was way clenched up.

  I pushed harder.

  I must have made a noise because the girl at the counter looked up at me.

  I smiled at her and put the DVD down. I picked up another one. The couple on the other side of the pillar talked about the mechanics of the harness.

  Then they started to move toward me. Shit. Shit shit shit.

  This only caused my ass to tighten up even more. Okay, Meghan, steady now.

  I put the DVD in my left hand down and turned to my right, toward the couple. They were coming this way. I turned completely around and looked at the wall of dildos, my hand still on the base of the plug halfway up my ass.

  Okay, Meghan. It's now or never. Remember his voice and your assignment.

  I took a deep breath and pushed very hard, focusing all efforts on relaxing as I felt myself widen. The couple with the harness moved directly in front of me. I just smiled at them and waited until they went past me before I stepped out behind them, arched my back a little, and rammed the butt plug all the way in.

  Home plate!

  I shook all over and must have made another sound because the couple both turned around to look at me.

  "Are you all right?" said the girl.

  "Yes," I said, catching my breath. "Yes, I'm fine."

  They both looked at me like I had two heads. I noticed the girl at the counter was giving me the same look. I just smiled and pretended to look at another DVD. The couple moved on.

  I left the plastic sheathing that once contained the butt plug on the low rack. Then I decided to move slowly toward the back of the store while the couple made their purchase. My plan was to loop back to the front area and then casually walk out the front door.

  The hard part was over. Or so I thought. While I had practiced getting the medium plug inside me several billion times at home, I neglected to practice walking around with it inside me.

  That proved to be an odd sensation, somewhat overpowering. With each step I took, I felt the plug move inside me. It felt like a bowling ball up there. Each step was a combination of discomfort, electrical charges, and happy tingles.

  I made it to the back of the store, doing my best not to make any noise while pretending to be interested in everything around me. I was sweating profusely by now.

  Finally I made it halfway around the loop. From where I stood at the end of the New Releases aisle, I could see cars going by on Boylston Street. Freedom.

  But there were two guys looking at DVDs between me and the door. Shit, what's wrong with both of you? Why are you here? Don't you know nowadays you just download porn?

  I moved down the aisle slowly, my heart beating ever faster as I tried to stay calm. But it was impossible. The sheer excitement of the fact that I was stealing a butt plug... and it was in my ass right now... and that I was doing it because I was instructed to do so... engorged my cunt, filling it with my body's own Liquid Sky.

  I made it past the first guy.

  Oh God! I felt the plug move inside me. I put a hand on the DVD rack closest to me. The sensation was overwhelming. It fed my wetness and sent shivers up and down my spine.

  I looked around. Nobody had noticed. Good. The couple were finishing their purchase. The cashier was putting the harness in a big purple plastic bag.

  I kept moving. Three more steps to the end of the aisle. Come on, Meghan, you can do it.

  One step. Then another. Then past the other guy, who smiled at me.

  Then past the desk and ahead of the couple who were just about to head toward the door. They fell in behind me.

  I pushed the door open and was out onto Boylston Street.

  Ha ha! Mission accomplished. Oh God so good. I'm walking down Boylston Street with a sex toy in my ass!

  I instinctively flattened out my skirt just in case. I felt like the whole world must be able to tell.

  But of course they couldn't. Only I knew. A thought that excited me incredibly. Add in the sensations I felt as I walked and I was in heaven.

  I took out the prepaid phone, selected my mentor's number and pressed Send.

  "Hello," said the voice I now know so well... the eyes of whom I will soon see.

  "It is done, mentor," I said.

  "The plug is in your ass right now?"

  "Yes, mentor."

  "How does it feel?"

  I wanted to shout Amazing! Incredible! but I went with...

  "It's all right."

  "Good. Now I want you to deliver it to me. Here is my address."

  He told me. Shit. That's in fucking Manchester-by-the-Sea. A 30-minute drive. Fuck me, how am I going to get there with this giant missile in my butt? I have to take the T to my apartment, get my car, and then drive to Manchester-by-the-Sea.

  But I'll do it.

  "Yes, mentor," I said.

  "Excellent. You will see my face in a very short while now. You are a wonderful student. You are making an excellent submissive. You will soon learn pleasure like you have never imagined possible."

  He clicked off. I ducked into the subway and hopped on a Green Line trolley crowded with rush hour people on their way home. I looked around at the butts of the other girls around me. Some in tight jeans. Some in skirts. Some in dress pants. How many of these butts are in as much pleasure as mine right now? I wondered.

  All thoughts and fears of something being wrong with me were replaced by the extreme delight that I had a dirty secret nobody knew about. My classes, Jake, Dan, my Dad, all my worries just drifted away in a mist as I headed to meet my mentor.

  Chapter 5

  The house stood on an outcropping of rocks that jutted out into the Atlantic Ocean. A combination of old New England weathered shingles blended with sharp angles and modern straight lines. Lots of glass. A commanding view of the harbor and the ocean. Simply stunning.

  Looks like my mentor is filthy rich.

  If I weren't such a horndog, the house itself would make me wet. But I was way past wet as I pulled my 2005 Nissan Sentra up the private drive that led to the main entrance.

  I just sat there, feeling horny, sexy, scared, frustrated, and incredibly happy all at the same time.

  I heard a click as the Bluetooth earpiece came to life.

  "Come in," said my mentor. "Open the door."

  I took a deep breath and held it as I opened my car door. My butt had gotten used to its new invader friend but it flexed as I got out of the car.

  I walked toward the door. A sudden flash of fear hit me. This house obviously belongs to someone extremely wealthy, but I could still be walking into my own death. I heard the theme to Criminal Minds playing in the background of my head.

  No matter, I told myself. I am living. This is the choice of a real alive living girl who is excited and more alive than she ever felt. So be it.

  With purpose, my feet led me to the large oak door with carved squares in it. I squeezed the handle and it opened. I walked inside.

  I was in some sort of an entry parlor that led to a living area on the right. Everything was very manly, all muted colors with hints of gold. Not ostentatious, but obviously rich.

  Abstract art decora
ted the walls. To my left was another seating area that led to a huge kitchen. There was no sound.

  "Go straight ahead," he said through the earpiece.

  I did, passing through an odd open design with lots of angles and high ceilings. I reached a door.

  "Open it."

  This is it. Deep breath, Meghan.

  I turned the doorknob and opened the door.

  I was in an office with a huge desk. Behind the desk was floor-to-ceiling glass, looking out over the rocks down to the ocean. A lighthouse twinkled in the distance, reflecting the setting sun. The water was deep gray in the late afternoon reddish purple glow of the sky.

  Behind the desk in front of the window was a man. He faced away from me looking out. He wore grey dress pants and a dark blue striped shirt. He looked like he could be muscular underneath but definitely lean. He had a full head of brown hair, styled nicely. His arms were folded as he gazed out across the rocks.

  "Close the door," he said.

  His voice was even richer in person, a deep velvet tone that cut through the silence and made me want to obey.

  I shut the door.

  "Did you bring it?" he said.

  "Yes, mentor," I said.

  "Show me."

  "Show you, mentor?"

  "Yes, turn around, bend over, and spread your ass cheeks."

  An electric thrill danced around me.

  "Yes, mentor."

  I turned around facing the door and bent over.

  I heard him turn around but I couldn't see his face from between my legs. I could only see his polished shoes on the hardwood floor. They looked expensive.

  "Very nice," he said. "You've done well. You have earned your reward. You may now turn around and see my face."

  I started to shake. I turned around slowly. There I saw a face that any girl would recognize.

  "Oh my God!" I said as I put my hands up to my mouth. "You're--"

  "Quiet," he said. "It doesn't matter who I am. You are my student and I am your mentor. That is the only fact of relevance here, do you understand?"


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